Sample Current Events Report

Sample Current Events Report
Nelson, Laura. “Parents file suit against unnamed officer.” The Virginian-Example
August 28, 2011, p.1.
Article Summary:
In 2009, 17 year old Richard Petry was driving recklessly under the influence of
alcohol and marijuana. When police officers tried to get him to stop, he wouldn’t, but
aimed his car to drive at one of the officers. Then the officer shot into Richard’s
car six times and that killed him. On August 19, 2011, Richard’s parents filed a
lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the officer, saying that the shooting with deadly
force was not justified. Investigators say the officer was not wrong, and the police
department isn’t discussing the case right now.
Important Word:
imminent – about to occur, about to happen or threatening to happen
The court papers of the lawsuit said that the officer could not have believed that
deadly force was imminent. That’s important to why the parents sued since they
claimed that the officer had enough time to respond differently.
Civics Connection:
One of the purposes of government is to protect citizens and police officers are a
public service in local government to do this.
Even though the officer works for the government, he still has to follow the laws;
that’s rule of law.
U.S. District Court is the lowest level of federal courts (in the judicial branch).
This is a civil case since the parents are suing to get compensation for their loss.
So What:
This relates to all of us because we rely on the police for protection. It’s important
that the police are able to do their job, which they can’t do if people get away with
resisting arrest and, even worse, attacking them back with a car. On the other hand,
the police officer has to limit the use of force or citizens could be in danger from
the government. I don’t agree totally with the parents or the police, but this caught
my interest because I know I can react impatiently sometimes, and it seems like the
situation could have ended differently if both the teenager and the police officer
were more patient.