Sophomore II—Essay One

Sophomore II—Essay One—For this essay, you must have an outline, a rough draft,
and a final draft. In addition, you must have a works cited that includes the primary
source (the stories themselves) as well as three secondary sources (essays written
about the primary sources—you must use books from the library and Media
Resource page for sources!)
**Each body paragraph must have two quotes from the primary source. Each quote
must be discussed with two of your own sentences.
**You must use at least one quote from each of your three secondary sources
somewhere in the essay; each quote must be discussed with at least two of your own
*****The essay is due Tuesday, March 22nd at the end of class. I will take up your
rough draft on Monday, March 21st at the end of class and if you are not in class on
March 22nd, I will grade your rough draft as your final draft!!!
**Each body paragraph must have two short primary quotes!!! Each quote must be
discussed with two of your own sentences.
1. Are Federigo’s actions noble or misguided? Why? Come up with several reasons
to support your argument. Use quotes from the story as well as from secondary
sources to prove your points.
2. Does the story “Federigo’s Falcon” have a happy ending? Why or why not. Come
up with several reasons to support your argument. Use quotes from the story as
well as from secondary sources to prove your points.
Is Monna Giovanna a noble character? Why or why not? Come up with several
reasons to support your argument. Use quotes from the story as well as from
secondary sources to prove your points.
4. Discuss in detail three examples of Courtly love shown in the story.