Learning From the News – Banksy and Controversial Art KS3 Lesson plan – Banksy and Controversial Art: Art and Design Useful links and Teachers TV links p.01 p.02 Lesson Plan: Banksy and Controversial Art Lesson overview: Pupils will look at different art forms and discuss them Key Stage 3 Art and Design Unit 8A: Exploring viewpoints and developing ideas Objectives Outcomes Pupils will: Pupils should learn: analyse ideas, methods and approaches in to appreciate varied art forms others' work (Unit 8A) Resources Video lesson starter: http://www.teachers.tv/videos/banksy-and-controversial-art A whiteboard to show the video on Markers, coloured pencils, crayons, acrylic paint (as many art materials as you can) Starter Whole class activity: Write the word ‘graffiti’ on the board. Get the pupils to call out words associated with it and write them down. Talk about how some graffiti is seen as vandalism and some as art – it is all subjective. Show some of the pictures from the links on page 2 of this lesson plan. Which do they think are vandalism and which art? Explain that some graffiti is a form of street art and that Banksy – who many of the pupils may have heard of – started out this way Now show the video http://www.teachers.tv/videos/banksy-and-controversial-art While the pupils are watching, ask them to note down the key words that come up. Do they know their meanings? Were there any more key words? Before discussing the video, explain what the key words mean Main activity 1 Whole class activity: Display this picture on the board. First of all, discuss what the pupils think of it. Talk again about how art is subjective Written activity: Get the pupils to write down: What can be seen? What message does the artist want to convey? How effective is it? What is the impact on the viewer? Is this art work anarchic? Whole class activity: Discuss their answers. If there’s time, ask them to answer the same questions about the graffiti from the links on page 2 Main activity 2 Explain that now pupils are going to design a graffiti-style logo. Talk about symmetry and plagiarism and show them how to do bubble letters and stylised lettering Individual activity: Allow the pupils to design their logo (see the Olympic logo for ideas) Plenary Discuss what the pupils think of their tags and graffiti art Page 1 of 2 Graffiti links http://www.kaso.it/uploaded_images/graffiti_regenerative_kaso_senso_tdk723345.jpg http://staykreative.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Banksy_Maid.jpg http://artobserved.com/artimages/2008/10/banksy-one-nation-under-cctv5.jpg http://skirebel.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/professional-graffiti-artistes-decoratela-plagne-gondola.jpg http://blog.niceproduce.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/imgp1981.jpg http://www.ekosystem.org/0_Images/Streets/pau/Dran.jpg Useful links http://www.tes.co.uk/ResourceDetail.aspx?storyCode=6022612 http://kids.tate.org.uk/games/street-art/ http://www.banksy.co.uk/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11844880 Related Teachers TV Videos www.teachers.tv/subjects/secondary/art-design http://www.teachers.tv/videos/street-culture http://www.teachers.tv/videos/top-10-on-the-web-secondary-art Page 2 of 2