Scottish Association of Churchill Fellows MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on Saturday 16 April 2011 at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Present: Committee members: Catriona Prebble (Chairperson), Annabel Irvine (Social Convenor), George Weir, Matthew MacIver and Kitty Kilburn (Secretary). Fellows: Sue Agnew, Nick Aitken, Dr Stuart Aitken, Peter Campbell, Vanessa Halhead, Jill Matthews, Pete Moore, Stephanie Morrison, Fiona Newcombe, Dr Irene Paterson, James Robinson, Liz Stewart, , Ro Scott, Special guest: Anne Boyd, WCMT Council Member 1. Apologies: Lindsay Walker (Treasurer), Mike Beale, Ronald Black, Peter J Campbell, Maureen Campbell, Claire Chapman, Gwen Chessell, Reay Clarke, Ian Douglas, John Duff, Mary Duffy, Dr Ian Edwards, Ann Etherington, Bruce Fraser, Sheriff Margaret Gimblett, Sandy Glass, Neal Gwynne, Norman Haddow, Dr Elaine Haycock-Stuart, Dr Lesley Holdsworth, Joyce Kent, Dr Robert Lindsay, Ruth Lunan, Audrey MacDougall, Carolyn MacGillivray, Keith MacGillvray, Mark MacMillan, Lesley Manson, Andy McAlpine, Robert McCabe, Roddy McDonald, Julia Nelson, Dr Jennifer Nisbet, Robert Ockenden, Jennifer Olly, John Philips, Helen Runciman, Jack Sanderson, Duncan Scott, Jonny Shaw, David Smith, Father Jim Thomson, Jo Timmins, Martyn Tulloch, Les Ward, Kenneth Wardrop, Janet Watson, Lucy Williams, Barbara Williams, Fiona Wood, Vyv WoodGee. Welcome and Chairperson’s Report The Chairperson welcomed all Fellows and their guests to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. She also thanked those absent who were good enough to note their apologies including Sandy Glass who has organised a number of local events for Highland Fellows in the past and Lindsay Walker, Treasurer. She said that the Committee had been considering how best the Scottish Association can continue to move forward with such a wide geographic spread, bearing in mind the increasing cost of travel and asked Fellows to come forward with their own ideas on the sort of events that would attract them. Fellows were encouraged to contact the committee if they feel they can help in any way. 2. The Chairperson reported that George Weir, committee member, has set-up a web page for the Scottish Association ( which is linked to the main Trust’s website. She said that through use of the website the Association can provide information and news on upcoming events which will be posted on the site, as well as, for example, minutes of meetings and, possibly, Fellows’ presentations. It is hoped that the Association can reach out to non-attendees in this way. Additionally, the Chairperson noted that the site can provide blog space for new Fellows as they are travelling and that she has contacted them individually highlighting this opportunity. The Chairperson informed the group that the Trust is developing its own use of new media and is now on Twitter and Facebook. The Trust reports that it is already seeing benefits and the Chairperson indicated that the Committee would be exploring the potential for the Scottish Association to go down the same route. From Scotland, 13 applicants were successful in attaining a Fellowship for 2011 and the Chairperson extended congratulations on behalf of the Association. This represents 12.5% of total Fellowships awarded for the year; the Fellows are aged between 20 and 72 years. The Chairperson highlighted that one of the successful applicants is Lucy Williams, herself a Highland Fellow from Dornoch, who 1 will travel to India under her project of “the reintroduction of traditional skills to children and adults in the Highlands”. The Chairperson informed Fellows that Scotland has come second only to London for the past three years in the number of Fellowships awarded but that this year we were pipped to the post by the North West region to come third. She reminded Fellows of their legacy in promoting the Trust to friends and family and those they know. The Chairperson then reported that applications due to word of mouth were up from 45% to 55% thus stressing the important role each Fellow has to play in promoting the Trust. The new categories will be announced on 10 May 2011 and all Fellows will receive an email from Head Office with this information – again the Chairperson urged everyone to pass on this information to those in their sphere of influence. Every year the Trust holds a meeting in London for the representatives of each Regional Association which the Chairperson had recently attended. She said it was helpful to hear ideas from other associations and that it is not only the Scottish Association that struggles to bring people together for events due to Fellows’ busy lifestyles and travelling distances. The Trust Head Office is looking into the possibility of instigating thematic groups across the country as part of their strategic review. At present approximately 100 Fellowships are awarded annually but the aim of the Trust is to increase this figure to 150 by the anniversary of Churchill’s death in 2015. The Trust’s Newsletter is due out in the summer and, in addition, Head Office is planning to publish occasional e-bulletins. Finally, the Chairperson drew Fellows’ attention to the House of Commons Dinner, traditionally held in December, and reported that due to the extreme weather last winter, the event suffered from a number of cancellations. Therefore the date has been moved, and this year the dinner is to be held on 11 November 2011 with guest speaker Rory Stewart, Member of Parliament for Penrith. The Chairperson noted the help and support which the Head Office staff have given the Scottish Association committee. There was then the presentation of a gift to Annabel Irvine MBE, Social Convenor, who was standing down from the Committee, in recognition of over 18 years of tireless efforts in supporting the Association. The Chairperson thanked Annabel for her dedication, noting her work not only in disseminating information to all the Fellows but also in the organisation of a series of very successful events, which would not have taken place without her. The Chairperson also thanked both Annabel and her sister Moira for their hospitality hosting committee meetings at their home over many years. . Annabel Irvine said that she felt that her contribution had been only what was appropriate, having received a Fellowship and that she had been happy to do it. She remembered her Fellowship well and had taken a great many things from it. 3. Financial Report In the absence of the Treasurer (Lindsay Walker), the Secretary referred to the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010, which had been tabled. It was noted that, following the decision at last year’s AGM, the financial year has moved to the calendar year and that these accounts cover the period October 2009 to December 2010. She reported that a balance of £514.98 had been brought forward from the accounts ending 30 September 2009. Income received included £500 annual subsidy from Head Office, together with a £40 donation. Expenditure comprised £380 for the 2010 AGM at Culzean Castle, plus a £40 gratuity to the staff; committee travel expenses £31; postage, envelopes and Secretary’s expenses £35.55; retiral gift to the ex-Chairperson £27.97; and advance deposit for Eden Court £383.76. The balance at 31 December 2010 was £1,054.98. The accounts were approved (proposed: George Weir; seconded: Annabel Irvine). 2 4. Election of Office-bearers The Chairperson referred to the composition of the Scottish Association Committee listed on the agenda and explained that there were two vacancies on the Committee and invited nominations for new members. Vanessa Halhead noted her interest in supporting the committee. She advised she has time to help and would be happy to join the Committee. The proposal was approved (proposed: Peter Moore; seconded: Ro Scott). 5. Any Other Business The Chairperson drew attention to the good that local press coverage can do in publicising Fellowships, both at the time a Fellowship is awarded and on a Fellow’s return. She told the group that the Trust reported that press coverage has increased by one third and that it is regional level newspapers that have the greatest impact. Dr Stuart Aitken raised the issue of Press Releases; the Chairperson advised that the Association has plans to upload these to the website for all to view. They are currently issued to the Secretary on a Fellow’s return. Annabel Irvine confirmed that the main way people hear about the Trust is by word of mouth. She has previously contacted universities and a range of other organisations to advise them of the Fellowship categories once announced, however, despite the fact that this year it was decided not to target these organisations, there was little effect in the number of applicants from the Scottish region. Liz Stewart advised that she puts Fellowship information out to Moray Council. As she works in education she is able to direct any Trust publicity to people who will act on it and disseminate further. Stuart Aitken concurred saying that he too works in education and likewise advertises the Fellowships and incorporates articles on the intranet, giving a personal perspective. Liz Stewart said that she, Kitty Kilburn (and Tim Foxall) had held a stand at a teachers’ training day and that the personal views they could give made many more people take notice and give consideration to applying for a Fellowship. Anne Boyd agreed that when someone knows the person they are talking to has been awarded a Fellowship they are much more likely to think they themselves should try and have a go. Liz Stewart then spoke about how her pupils use Facebook and that she is currently trying to link a Facebook page in respect of her recent Fellowship, to the Trust pages. She said that ex-students have been interested and are following the updates. The Chairperson advised that the North East Association had held a very successful and well-attended gathering whereby they used Facebook to advertise the event. . On the issue of digital media, the Chairperson reminded the group that, thanks to Norman Scott, the Scottish Association had produced a promotional PowerPoint presentation that was available for all Fellows to use to promote the Fellowships, should they wish. The Trust Head Office is looking to update their own presentation also over the coming months. Ro Scott asked if Head Office have pop-up banners suitable for using at conferences. The Chairperson advised the Committee would look into this. Liz Stewart confirmed this would indeed be useful. Annabel Irvine put it to the group that the Association could consider manning a stall at open days. George Weir advised that one such opportunity could be a university departmental open day. Liz Stewart told the group that Moray has a careers festival which would also offer an ideal opportunity for promotion, especially for targeting people looking to take a gap year. George Weir suggesting compiling a list of recurrent events at which promotion could be targeted. Other suggested events included graduate fairs and the Scottish Learning Festival. Stuart Aitken asked when promotional leaflets are due out. The Chairperson advised that she understood from Head Office that this year only A5 posters and bookmarks will be available. The 3 later launch date for the new categories this year is due to the fact that 80% of all applications are still made in the final two weeks before the closing date. After lunch, guest speaker Anne Boyd, member of the Trust Council (and Chairperson of the Scottish Communities Foundation) spoke on the Strategic Review which the Trust undertook last year and the implications of this for the future direction and development of the Trust. This was followed by presentations by two Fellows: Liz Stewart (2009): Sue Agnew (2008): ‘The Luchenza Living and Learning Adventure’ ‘Retracing Uncle George's last expedition: Ama Dablam 1959’ Stephanie Morrison also gave a brief description of her recent Fellowship and the benefits it was already bringing. Matthew MacIver closed the meeting offering a vote of thanks to all the speakers, to Eden Court for their kind hospitality, to the committee for their involvement and to all the Fellows who had attended. 4