KEEP THIS PAGE IN YOUR BINDER ALL YEAR AS THE FIRST PAGE! CLASSROOM GUIDELINES: Español 3 Estudiantes, ¡BIENVENIDOS A ESPAÑOL 3! Me gusta mucho que quieran continuar el estudio de español. A mí me encanta enseñar el español y yo anticipo un año fabuloso con ustedes. Aquí hay unas reglas importantes que necesitan seguir. 1. BE COURTEOUS: Do not talk out of turn Do not talk to anyone around you while the teacher is talking Raise your hand to speak, especially when oral points are being taken Always listen actively Keep your remarks POSITIVE 2. BE PREPARED: Bring all of your materials to class every day MATERIALS: covered textbook, binder, workbook, PAPER, pen/pencil, tarea ficha, student handbook 3. NO CHEATING: A cover sheet will be used for ALL assessments, and all other materials will be stacked under your desk. Copying another student’s tarea is considered cheating! If a student is suspected of copying any section of Another student’s work, both students will not receive credit. No using any translation programs on the computer of any other device. You may only use these for translating words; NEVER sentences or essays. If suspected of doing so, you will be asked to do the assignment again, or receive a ZERO! 4. NO EATING OR DRINKING IN THE CLASSROOM! Only those food items shared by the ENTIRE class may be consumed in the classroom. Only clear water may be consumed in the classroom. Gum chewing is permitted; however, it should not be seen or heard. 5. NO SLEEPING IN MY CLASSROOM! If found sleeping, you will stand in the back of the room for the remainder of the class period AND you will serve a 7:00 am morning detention with me! If you are sleeping because you are ill, I will allow you to go see the nurse. **YOUR GRADE IN MY CLASS IS BASED ON YOUR PERFORMANCE IN THREE AREAS.** VALORACIONES: (50%) You will be tested approximately 5 times each unit as we will continue to use your Spanish II text. As you know the units are divided into 4 lecciones. For each lección there will be a quiz. You will keep record of your quiz and test scores and file ALL quizzes and tests in your binder. You have TWO DAYS from the day you return with an excused absence to make-up any quiz/test you miss, after that time; the quiz/test score becomes a permanent ZERO! Make-ups may be taken during a study hall, at lunch or after school. NO MAKE-UP WILL BE GIVEN DURING CLASS TIME!!! It is ultimately YOUR responsibility to remember to take a make-up test NOT MINE! In addition, you will have projects to complete and essays to write. They are another type of assessment and make up 50% of your grade. TAREA: (30%) Homework will be assigned 3 - 4 times a week. Work will be accepted ONLY ONE day after it is due for half credit, unless you were absent. In that case, check the TAREA board as you enter the room for missed assignments. Work NOT completed when homework is checked, will receive reduced credit! All homework papers will be filed in your notebooks to be used later as either scratch/scrap paper or a study guide for tests and quizzes. This year homework will be collected randomly and points can be earned for making corrections! PARTICIPACIÓN ORAL: (20%) This is the easiest percentage of your grade! All you have to do is raise your hand. Throughout the year I will take oral participation points for your speaking when called upon in class and other active participation. You will be given one point regardless of your answer's correctness. Again, it is up to you to raise your hand and participate. ASISTENCIA: In order to accomplish our goal we must progress at a rapid rate. Daily attendance is a must as new vocabulary and verbs are presented daily. In the case of an excused absence, please check the "TAREA" board immediately before class begins to find out what material you need to make-up. Also, if you are absent due to a school field trip/activity, I will give you the homework ahead of your absence and it is expected that you turn it in upon your return to class the next day. This is your own responsibility. In the case of an unexcused absence, you may not turn in make-up work for credit; however, if you do the work I will check it to make sure you're doing the work correctly. TARDANZAS: You must be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. If you are tardy 3 times, you will be assigned a detention. If tardiness becomes a major problem, parents will be called and more severe action will be taken. Arriving on time is a life skill and should not be taken lightly. . . . Remember, if this were your job you could be fired! CARPETAS: You must keep a SEPARATE 1½ - 2 inch binder with 5 dividers for this class. Binders will be NOT be checked unless you give me a good reason to do so!! Please keep your binder neat and organized in this order: pg.1 ~ CLASSROOM GUIDELINES divider 1 ~ APUNTES (grammar notes, overhead notes, notes from Sp. 1 & 2) divider 2 ~ VOCABULARIO (old & new lists and verb charts) divider 3 ~ TAREAS ESCRITAS (homework, class work, worksheets, stamp sheet) divider 4 ~ VALORACIONES (ALL projects, essays, quizzes, tests, & record sheet) divider 5 ~ REFLEXIONES (periodic reflections of content mastery) GRADING SCALE: 93 84 74 64 00 – 100 = A – 92 = B – 83 = C – 73 = D – 63 = F La determinación de su nota: 50% = VALORACIONES (assessments) 30% = TAREA 20% = PUNTOS ORALES If you have any questions or problems throughout the year, please come see me before school, during a study hall, at lunch or after school in Room 104. Also, you can send me an email at home: I am always happy to help NO student will be promoted to the next level of Spanish if their final grade is a D or F!! Everybody takes the final exam!