FINANCIAL FORECASTING Breakeven analysis and cash budgeting are both short-term planning tools. It is equally important that long-term planning be periodically reviewed to ensure that the short-term goals are consistent with the long-term objectives, as well as to provide advance notice of the needs of the corporation so that appropriate decisions can be made and actions taken. Suppose our Balance Sheet for the past year looked as follows: 2009 Balance Sheet: Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets 50,000 180,000 200,000 -----------430,000 Accounts Payable Bank Note Total Current Liabs. 100,000 90,000 -----------190,000 L-T Debt Gross Fixed Assets (Accum. Depr.) Net Fixed Assets 400,000 (130,000) -----------270,000 Common Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity Total Assets 700,000 220,000 10,000 280,000 -----------290,000 Total Liab. & Equity The assets should reflect the consequences of the past year’s activities (particularly the receivables and payables) as well as expectations of the coming year’s sales. The primary factor that influences our asset and financing requirements is the level of sales that is anticipated. We must, therefore, get a realistic estimate of what our sales will be in the coming years in order to determine the amount of assets that will be required in order to support the anticipated sales. Once we have an estimate of the amount of assets that will be required, we need to determine what financing will be necessary for the projected asset levels. Consider the income statement for 2009 as well as the projected income statement for 2010. The assumptions used to construct the projected income statement are listed next to each category: 700,000 Income Statements: Revenues Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Gen. & Adm. Expense Salaries Rent Repairs & Maintenance Travel Utilities Depreciation EBIT Interest Expense Taxable Income Taxes (35%) Net Income Less: Dividends Addition to Retained Earnings 2009 Actual ====== 1,000,000 500,000 -----------500,000 2010 Projected ========= 1,200,000 600,000 -----------600,000 220,000 60,000 14,000 23,000 12,000 40,000 -----------131,000 226,600 60,000 14,420 23,690 12,360 44,000 -----------218,930 30,000 -----------101,000 30,000 -----------188,930 35,350 -----------65,650 66,126 -----------122,805 25,000 -----------40,650 25,000 -----------97,805 20% increase 50% of Sales 3% inflation Contractual 3% inflation 3% inflation 3% inflation MACRS determined If we intend to be able to meet the growing demand, we need to be sure that we have the necessary assets on hand to support our projected level of sales, as well as the ability to finance these projected asset levels. The easiest means of projecting the balance sheet is to utilize the percent-of-sales method of projection. This technique takes each account on the balance sheet that varies with sales and expresses it as a percentage of sales. This percentage is then applied to the projected sales level to determine what levels can reasonably be expected for these accounts. If we assume that the balance sheet for 2009 above was about right for the level of sales of $1 million that we experienced in 2009, then we can project the balance sheet for 2010 given our projected sales of $1.2 million for the year: Cash = $50,000 = 5% * $1,200,000 = $60,000 $1,000,000 A/R = $180,000 = 18% * $1,200,000 = $216,000 $1,000,000 Inventory = $200,000 = 20% * $1,200,000 = $240,000 $1,000,000 Fixed Assets = A/P = $400,000 = 40% * $1,200,000 = $480,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 = 10% * $1,200,000 = $120,000 $1,000,000 Note that your bank doesn’t just automatically give you more money, nor are long-term bonds automatically issued. In fact, aside from accounts payable and other accruals (which are referred to as spontaneous sources of financing) which have a zero cost, how assets are financed is a decision variable (that we will look at in detail later). Thus, simply leave these accounts alone. The only other account that is a direct function of sales is the retained earnings account which is a function of both our profitability and dividend policy. Recall the relationship between successive retained earnings accounts: Beginning R/E + Net Income – Dividends = Ending Retained Earnings $280,000 + $122,805 - $25,000 = $377,805 We now can fill in our entire projected balance sheet for 2010. Since total assets must equal total liabilities and equity, we will used Additional Financing Required as a balancing figure. 2010 Balance Sheet: Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets 60,000 216,000 240,000 -----------516,000 Accounts Payable Bank Note Total Current Liabs. L-T Debt Gross Fixed Assets (Accum. Depr.) Net Fixed Assets 480,000 (174,000) -----------306,000 Common Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity Add’l Financing Req’d Total Assets 822,000 Total Liab. & Equity Ultimately, the Additional Financing Required figure must be reduced to zero. This is where decisions must be made. One source, for example may be that additional Fixed Assets are not require; i.e., there is sufficient unutilized capacity to accommodate the 20% increase in sales without any additions. This would reduce the asset requirements and, hence, the financial requirements of the firm. Another alternative might be to reduce the dividends being paid. Or additional bank loans may be taken out. In any event, we now know what our financing requirements are and we can begin looking for ways of covering our shortfall. The final step we should take is to construct the Statement of Cash Flows for 2010. It appears as follows: 2010 Statement of Cash Flows From Operations: Net Income Depreciation Operating Cash Flow Accounts Receivable Inventory Accounts Payable Working Capital Total From Operations 122,805 44,000 ----------166,805 ( 36,000) ( 40,000) 20,000 ----------( 56,000) 110,805 120,000 90,000 -----------210,000 220,000 10,000 377,805 -----------387,805 4,196 822,000 From Investment Activities: Fixed Assets Total From Investments (80,000) -----------(80,000) From Financing Activities: Add'l Fin. Required Dividends Total From Financing 4,196 (25,000) -----------(20,805) Total Cash Flow 10,000 Plus: Beginning Cash 50,000 Ending Cash 60,000 The figures were calculated as follows: Accounts Receivable = 180,000 – 216,000 = (36,000) Inventory = 200,000 – 240,000 = (40,000) Accounts Payable = 120,000 – 100,000 = 20,000 Fixed Assets = 400,000 – 480,000 = (80,000) Add’l Fin. Required = 4,196 – 0 = 4,196 Dividends = Beg. R/E + Net Income – End. R/E = 280,000 + 122,805 – 377,805 = (25,000) Speaking of the Fixed Assets, consider the following graph: Fixed Assets Percent-of-Sales Sales As may be observed, plant and equipment comes in “chunks” – you cannot build onefifth of a plant. Thus, sometimes the percent-of-sales approach is not the best one. As another example, consider inventories. Perhaps the best description of the relationship between inventories and sales is described by a linear (or simple) regression. Inventory (Sales) This illustrates some of the drawbacks to the percent-of-sales method. Inventory Percent-of-Sales Overestimate Linear Regression Underestimate Sales The percent-of-sales method forces the line through the origin. In the case of the inventory regression, this results in an under-estimate of the requirements at low levels of sales and an over-estimate at high levels. What would happen if we used a linear regression on Accounts Receivable?