Ld15 38 c English to Spanish Questions and Information for people

Ld15 38 c English to Spanish Questions and Information for people who call in Spanish or other
http://translate.google.com/ is a great translation program
another one is
In case you ever get a call or visit from someone who only speaks Spanish or another language.
This can be used to just help initially. Have the questions handy in case you need them.
English to Spanish Questions and Information for people who call in Spanish
Below is a link to a free online translation program. You can type a question or statement on
the right side text box, click on “from” and select English. Then click on “To” on the right side,
select the language needed, ex. Spanish, then click translate. Your text will be translated into
the foreign language. There are many languages from which you can choose. You can read the
text or let the visitor read the text. I am going to ask Kenneth to put the link to this free
translation website on the Kiosk so if someone comes in and they can’t speak English we can at
least communicate using this translation service.
English to Spanish questions and statements.
You can read the Spanish responses to a Spanish caller. The goal is to have them come to the
office so we can maybe assist or bring in a translator to assist them.
Hello. My name is ____________.
Hola. Mi nombre es __________________.
My Spanish is limited but I will try to assist.
Mi español es limitado pero intentaré asistir.
Mi español es limitado, pero voy a tratar de ayudarle.
What is your name?
¿Cuál es su nombre?
What is your phone number?
¿Cuál es su número de teléfono?
May I call you back at this number?
¿Puedo llamarle detrás en este número?
¿Puedo volver a llamar a este número?
Can you come to 209 N. 4th Street in Hugo? It is the Post office building in Hugo.
?Puede usted viene a 209 N. 4 to Calle en Hugo. Es el edificio de la oficina de correos en Hugo.
If the person says “Si”, that means yes.
Enter the front door of the post office, turn right into the door, ask for Clark.
Entre en la puerta delantera de la oficina de correos, dé vuelta a la derecha en la puerta, pida
Introduzca la puerta de la oficina de correos, a la derecha en la puerta, pedir Clark.
We will assist in interpretation when you arrive.
Asistiremos a interpretación cuando usted llega.
Vamos a ayudar en la interpretación de su llegada.
What is your phone number?
¿Cuál es su número de teléfono?
May I call you back at this number?
¿Puedo llamarle detrás en este número?