Created (2003) by Larry Maynard, Arapahoe Library District. Updated (2005) by Rose Nelson, Colorado State Library Spanish Language Resources for Librarians Search Engines Google: You can set both Interface Language and Search Language options by clicking on “Preferences” on right side of search box. The direct link to Google in Spanish is: Infocenter: Based out of Mexico City, this site offers simple and advanced search engines and links to local issues and government sites. Mexico Web: This site, also from Mexico, with a directory listing and links for New and Top 10 sites. TVazteca: Another Spanish language TV station. Popular culture themes and a simple search engine are also available. Univision: This Spanish language TV station provides a directory and popular culture links. Clicking the “Buscar” option allows the user to search the Univision website or Internet sites in Spanish or English language. Yahoo: Yahoo search engine offers direct links to sites in Latin America. Look for the heading Local Yahoo!s and Americas for the links at the bottom of the page. The direct link to yahoo in Spanish is: or for Mexico. Email in Spanish Hotmail: This well-known site provides 250 MB of storage. Go to: . In the upper right hand corner of the screen, click on the “hotmail” button. Latinmail: Provides 20 MB of free storage capacity, a little more than most other email sites. The Latinmail website is in the Spanish language. Colorado State Library Colorado Department of Education Yahoo Mail: Provides 1 GB of storage. Click on the “correo” or envelope icon to access email. Yellow Pages/Government Information First Gov: US government information in Spanish Totes itself as el directorio amarillo de Mexico, the yellow pages directory of Mexico. Marketing Resources Bradford Publishing: Spanish/English CO legal forms. Diversity Toolkit, from ACLIN –Bookmarks, signs and more, created from a multicultural perspective. The Learning Light –Spanish phrase lists and more for libraries SOL (Spanish in Our Libraries) –Not only signs, but press releases, Dewey in Spanish, and Survival Spanish. A wonderful resource that addresses just about every basic need a public library has when looking to serve Spanish language patrons. Spanish in Libraries: from a 1999 workshop on communicating with Spanish-language patrons. Medical Sites Denver Public Library: A portal of consumer health information links to basic health information to in-depth resources. Medline plus: An excellent health/medical database site in either language, but this version in Spanish is well translated. In the past, I have had difficulty finding medical sites that are well translated. A good link for Spanish speaking patrons! Spanish Internet Resources for Children and Teens BUENO Center for Multicultural Education: School of Education, University of Colorado at Boulder. Research, training, and service, links to other education and government agencies Colorado State Library Colorado Department of Education 2 Centro Barahona: This academic center at California State University San Marcos Informs decision-makers of the importance of literacy resources in Spanish for children. Enlaces en Espanol: San Antonio Community Portal: has links to helpful general resources, such as bibliographies, children's activities, Internet Hispanic Reading Room of the Library of Congress: English, Spanish and Portuguese versions. La Fuente de Juventud: A resource place for youth librarians serving Latino communities. Librarians' Favorite Sites for Spanish Language Resources: This resource developed by Front Range Community College includes information on books in Spanish, search engines, tools for learning the language, cuisine, health, and family. A Librarian's Guide to Latino Services: This resource from the University of Illinois has information on collection development, programs and activities and other topics for providing library services to Spanish speakers. Multi-Cultural Outreach Service: Resources from Boulder Public Library’s multi-cultural program. National PTA Recursos en español: Resources for parents in Spanish Reading Tips for Parents: Age-appropriate ideas and techniques on reading to children, setting an atmosphere, reading readiness activities for kids age birth to 6. Available in English and Spanish. Recursos Electronicos, Para los Ninos: Multnomah Public Library Research for Teens: CSU Libraries. English and Spanish on library research StoryPlace: La Biblioteca Digital: Online stories in Spanish and English for preschoolers through elementary Colorado State Library Colorado Department of Education 3 Other Resources Association of American Translators: Communication Styles Handout: Identifies differences in communication styles among ethnic groups. Explores a variety of communication styles from handshakes, to touching, to eye contact Enlaces en Espanol: San Antonio Community Portal has links to helpful general resources, such as bibliographies, children's activities, Internet Hispanic Reading Room of the Library of Congress: English, Spanish and Portuguese versions. Mousercise: A nice online mouse tutorial in English and Spanish that helps cover basic mouse use for computer and internet use. NABE: National Association for Bilingual Education - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): Wikipedia: An online encyclopedia to which anyone can add an entry Spanish Language Program Ideas Bilingual Book Club: Human Pursuits, with grant $ provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, has created a wonderful bilingual book club series. The grant and programs are easy to manage, provide you with all the books, handout materials and funds to pay for a group discussion leader. The program is promoted as bilingual. Contact Yvonne Ahumada at (801) 467-4220. Colorado State Library Colorado Department of Education 4