CHATSWORTH HIGH SHOOL 10027 LURLINE AVENUE ~ CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 FAX: (818) 709-6952 ~ PHONE: (818) 341-6211 SCHOOL YEAR: 2004-2005 CLASSROOM TEXTBOOK: REALIDADES 1 COURSE: SPANISH 1AB TEACHER: MRS. CRUZ SUMMARY OF COURSE OUTLINE This course stresses the New California Foreign Language Framework: A Standards-Based Instruction Approach: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in the Spanish Language. The activities are communicative in nature and are based on real life situations that are of interest in communicating in the Spanish Language. Through the use of the target language student develop an understanding of the basic Spanish Language and the culture being studied. OBJECTIVES The student will be able to: 1. Greet a known an unknown Spanish speaker, exchange names, ages, and origins, and say goodbye. 2. Discuss their classes, schedules, places, and favorite activities 3. Describe themselves, family members, friends, and favorite hobbies. 4. Discuss the weather and the hobbies they are able to do during different seasons. Moreover, the students will be able to talk about their family relationships. 5. Talk about their favorite types of foods, eating habits, order a meal, purchase food, and plan a party. 6. Discuss their past activities, daily routines, daily chores, and past events. COURSE CONTENT Names Alphabet Commands Numbers/Days/Months Ages Origins Greetings/Farewells Classroom Objects School Subjects Time Expressions Places Activities Adjectives/Colors Verbs Family Clothing Hobbies Body Parts Weather Food Table Settings Holidays Shopping Daily Routines Past Activities Chores CALIFORNIA FOREIGN LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS STANDARD 1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. STANDARD 2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. STANDARD 3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. STANDARD 4: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. STANDARD 5: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied. STANDARD 6: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. STANDARD 7: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its culture. STANDARD 8: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language and their own. STANDARD 9: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the culture studied and their own. STANDARD 10: Students use the language both within and beyond the school settings. STANDARD 11: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. STANDARD 12: Students engage in the activities which prepare them to use the target language to achieve career goals. CHATSWORTH HIGH SCHOOL EXPECTED SCHOOLWIDE LEARNING RESULTS The graduate will be: 1) Effective Communicators 2) Critical Thinkers 3) Quality Producers 4) Collaborative workers 5) Responsible, self-directed 6) Responsible Citizens individuals ACTFL NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING 1. Communication~ Communicate in languages other than English. 2. Cultures~ Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. 3. Connections~ Connect with other disciplines and acquire information. 4. Comparisons~ Develop insight into the nature of languages and culture. 5. Communities~ Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. ASSESSMENTS 1) quizzes 2) exams 3) oral presentations 4) dictations 5) essays 6) projects* 7) participation 8) note taking 9) group and paired skits 10) class evaluation 11) attendance 12) homework correction 13) interview with teacher 14) final exam 15) oral exam 16) foreign language lab * projects may include fashion magazine, fashion shows, autobiography, bookmarkers, family tree poster, family tree scrapbook, menu, model house, posters, collages, weather videos, commercial videos, radio tape recordings, cultural projects, newspaper, game boards, and internet research. **rubrics will be used to evaluate projects. SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS TO HELP THEIR CHILD TO LEARN SPANISH FASTER: 1. Read magazines and newspapers in Spanish. 15. Sing along with Spanish artists while listening to their CD’s 2. Listen to Spanish radio stations. 16. Visit: Olivera Street in Los Angeles and the Museum of Latin 3. Watch a Spanish newscast. Talk with announcer and take notes. American Art in Long Beach. 4. Surf the internet in Spanish. 17. Read aloud in Spanish 5. Make flashcards of the new Spanish vocabulary. 18. Practice reading Spanish poetry. 6. Buy and use an English/Spanish dictionary. 19. Volunteer your time to organizations that serve 7. Check out Spanish books from libraries. the Spanish speaking community. 8. Attend Hispanic cultural events. 20. Record yourself reading Spanish and listen to the playback. 9. Make friends with Spanish speaking students. 21. Use a Spanish software program for additional practice. 10. Eat at Latino restaurants and ask for the menu to share with the class. 22. Attend: your friend’s quinceañera, or a play at the Bilingual Foundation 11. Cook a meal using a Spanish cookbook in Spanish of Arts. 12. Learn to dance popular Spanish dances such as salsa, meringue, and cumbia. 13. Talk to yourself in Spanish when you are alone. 23. Learn to play Spanish songs on a musical instrument. 14. Try to think in Spanish. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the course outline for Spanish 1AB Date: / / 03 _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ Parent/Guardian Name (Please print ) Name of son/daughter (Please print) Period Parent’s Telephone Number (daytime) ______________________ (evening) ____________________________(cell)_____________________ Parent’s E-mail Address __________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature____________________________________