Leadership and Teambuilding SC510 Syllabus (3 hours) “You manage things, you lead people” Grace Murray Hopper “The number one reason leaders are so unsuccessful is their inability to lead themselves.”-Truett Cathy Department of Communication Southeast Missouri State University Karen Kight, Instructor Fall, 2005 MWF 2:30 Instructor Information: Office: PH 401; Office phone 986 7380: Mail Stop 2750: Office Hours: _________ E-mail: kkight@semo.edu No attachments please. Home phone (Vital calls only, please!) 243-8277 Course Description An introduction to the study and practice of leadership from a communication perspective. Particular focus on the relationship between communicating and leading. Examination of leadership concepts and theories in organizational, group, and public contexts. Students will analyze their personal leadership styles and develop leadership communication skills through team projects and classroom exercises. Learning Objectives: 1. An emphasis on active learning. We learn more when we participate in small group discussions, role-plays, case analysis and other activities. 2. Personal assessment and growth. I hope you become more effective leaders as a result of taking the class. We will periodically assess our leadership communication abilities and then practice new skills in class and elsewhere. 3. Respect for theory and research. Highly competent leaders understand what behaviors are most effective, why they work and when best to use them. This means that our development as leaders must be grounded in theory and research. 4. The use of stories. We are immersed in stories about leaders because leadership is such an integral part of the human experience. Expect to look at all kinds of leadership narratives-in case studies, books, films, and documentaries. 5. Dialogue between students and instructor. Nobody can know everything about a subject as broad as leadership. I’ve learned a lot my students in past classes. I expect this to be very true in this class. Many times I will be asking what you think and asking you to add to the information we will all learn and consider this semester. Remember, too, there is no one correct answer to some of the questions raised in class and in our readings. Text and other materials Hackman, M. Z., & Johnson, C.E. (2004). Leadership: A Communication Perspective (4th ed). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. Maxwell, John. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Thomas Nelsen Maxwell, John. The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, Thomas Nelson. Various Movies, articles and reference materials. Policies for the course: 1. All written assignments should be typed and reflect proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. I will expect your written assignments to show thought and revisions. I hope to see quality over quantity. Oral presentations for this 500 level communication class should show your best effort in preparation. You should speak with thought for being an audience-centered speaker. You should properly credit sources and find ways to organize and present in an interesting style both verbally and visually. The writing center can be of great help to you. 2. Late assignments will be lowered one grade level for each class period overdue. Please type all assignments and turn in the during our class hour. Remember the importance of backing up important work you have completed. 3. Participation will make up 7% of your grade. Please attend every class. 4. You will serve as the class leader for one class session during the semester. As leader for the day, you will open the class period with your choice of leadership quotation or reflection, a learning exercise, etc (15-20 minutes) 5. Please remember University policies that I am bound to uphold. Academic Dishonesty: Attendance: Incompletes: Withdrawal. Please refer to your Undergraduate Bulletin and the Fall 2005 schedule. Assignments, Exams and Total points Possible 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Case Study and Presentation Critical Essay/or Other (graduate) Leadership Book Analysis/review Movie Group Symposium Research Team Take Take Take Final Home Quiz 1 Home Quiz 2 Home Quiz 3 Exam Leader of the Day Participation 90 80 70 60 % % % % 207-230 184-206 161-183 138-160 A B C D 30 30 30 30 30 pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. 10 10 10 25 pts. pts. pts. pts. 10 pts. 15 pts. 230 pts (200 pts undergraduate) Undergraduate 90% 80% 70% 60% 180-200 160-179 140-159 120-139 A B C D Daily Schedule for the Course Week 1 August 22-26 You Should: Read Chpt 1 Leadership at the Cores of Human Experience, Defining Leadership Create your Movie Group (beginning Friday Of 4th week) presentations: 3-4 per group Sign up for leader of the Day Participate in Discussion Friday Activity Week 2 August 29-Sept 2 Read Chpt 2 Leadership Communication Styles Take Home Quiz 1 (Chpts 1-4) Choose your Case Study Subject: Assignment sheet given For CS (Due at Final Exam) Wed/Friday Leader of the Day (2) Participate in discussion Friday Activity Week 3 Sept 7-9 No Class Monday Read Chpts 3 and 4 Theoretical approaches to Leadership Friday Leader of the Day (1) Participate in discussion Book Review Assignment Given Complete Quiz 1 for collection Monday Week 4 Sept 12-16 Collect Quiz 1 Transformational leadership Wed/Friday Leader of the Day (2) John Maxwell’s Video (21 Irrefutable Laws of Leaders) Participate in discussion Friday Activity (Movie Group 1 Presentation) Erin Brockovick, or Remember the Titans Week 5 Read Chpts 5, 6 Leadership and Power Leadership and Influence (By now you should have visited at least once with your case study subject) Sept 19-23 Research Group Formation/Assignment Participate in discussion Friday Activity Leader of the Day (1) Week 6 Sept 26 -30 Read Chpt 7 Leadership in Groups Take Home Quiz 2 (Chpt 5-8) Due Oct 10 Wed/Friday Leader of the Day (2) Research groups choose Subject. Friday Activity: Movie Group 2 Lord of the Ring: Fellowship of the Ring, or 12 Angry Men or Thirteen Days Week 7 Oct 3-7 Read Chpt 8 Leadership in Organizations Other contacts with Case Study Subject. John Maxwell’s 17 Indisputable Laws of Teams Research Groups Meet Participate in Discussion Friday Activity: Leader of the Day (1) Week 8 Oct 10-12 Collect Quiz 2 Read Chpt 9 Public Leadership Wed/Leader of the Day (1) Fall Break Thursday/Friday Week 9 Oct 17-21 Research Groups Presentations Scheduled Case Study Presentations Scheduled Read Chpt 10 Leadership and Diversity Participate in Discussion Research Groups meet Friday Activity, Leaders of the Day (1) Movie Group 3 The GodFather or The Insider Week 10 Week 11 Oct 24-28 Oct 31-Nov 4 Take Home Quiz 3 (chpt 9-11) Due Nov 2 Read Chpt 11 Ethical Leadership and Followership Wed/ Leader of the Day (1)( Movie Group 4, Saving Private Ryan) Friday Activity Guests Panelists Monday Leader of Day (1) Book Reviews 3 Wed- Team 1 Research PresentationCollect Quiz 3 Friday Activity Team 2 Research Presentation Week 12 Nov-7-11 Monday Leader/ Day (1) Book Reviews 3 Wed- Team 3 Research Presentation Friday Activity: Team 4 Research Presentation Week 13 Nov 14-18 Monday Leader/ Day (1) Book Reviews 3 Wed-Team 5 Research Presentation Friday Activity: Book Reviews (3) Week 14 Nov 21 Speaker Week 15 Nov 28-Dec 2 Monday Leader of Day (1) Book Reviews 3 Read Chpt 12 Class Movie Review, Big Kahauna Final Exam over Chpt 12 Friday Activity: Book Reviews Completed Week 16 Dec 5-Dec 9 Monday Leader of the Day Finishing Touches Final Exam: Case Study Presentations and Exam over chpt 12 Order of Major Assignments: Movie Groups Research Group Presentation Book Reviews Case Study Presentations Final Exam Graduate Students: Critical Essay/ or other Due Oct 19th