St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Joseph & Annunciation Cluster Parishes We are All One Family at the Table of Our Lord Penance – before weekend Masses & First Friday Rev. Andrew Hoffmann (CR) Rectory Phone & fax: 999-2823 (CR) Parish Center phone: 999-2472 (D) Church phone: 683-5744 (G) Church phone: 659-3051 E-mail: Deacon Louis Meiners Phone: 683-5795(H) 712-254-0085 (cell) E-mail: Deacon Gary Schon Phone: 659-2243 E-mail July 26th 2015 – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time COMBINED PARISH NEWS: Fiscal Year: 01 July 2014 – 30 June 2015 St. Joseph: LITURGY SCHEDULE THIS WEEK IN FOCUS: “There is a boy Mon here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” We do not know the boy’s name or why he had five loaves and two fish, nor do we know how he ended up in the crowd following Jesus. He is one of those scriptural enigmas-a fleeting reference with a blank face and no opportunity to speak. Nor is it clear whether he offered his meager meal to the disciples or whether they observed him trying to eat it. We might wonder: “How old was this boy? How big were the loaves and the fish?” There are no details to satisfy our curiosity. All we know for sure is that in Jesus’ presence, an unnamed child saves the day when his humble meal becomes a banquet for the multitude. From this event, we also learn that in Jesus’ company, our own poverty can be transformed into abundance and that the crumbs of our lives can be food for the world. Use our gifts, O Lord, that your work may be accomplished. 8:00AM (D) Sprig Sporrer, William Bohling Tues 8:00AM (G) L&D of Lewis Rich Fam. Wed NO MASS Thurs 10:00AM (TRH) Rita Flynn, Lawrence & Helen Heithoff Fri 8:00AM (CR) L&D of Sabrina & Leonard Sporrer Fam., Diane Duncun Sat 5:30PM (G) L&D of Ron & Judy Meyer Fam. , Parishioners Sun 8:00AM (D) Marcella Grossman, John & Leona Seidl, Parishioners 10:00AM(CR) Dorothy Campney, Fr. Thomas Geelan, Parishioners ST. JOSEPH PARISHIONERS: MidYear Contribution Statements are in the back of church. We would appreciate it if you would please pick yours up to avoid the cost of mailing them. BAPTISMAL ANNOUNCEMENT: For week of 7/19/15 Adults $1,276.00; Loose $116.35; Youth $24.00 Madden Emmett Mertes was Baptized on July 18th at St. Joseph Church in Dedham. Madden is the son of Jackie and Mike. Annunciation: NEEDED AT SES: 5th grade CCD teacher For week of 7/19/15 Adults $715.00; Loose $36.00; Youth $13.00 for SES for this coming year. Class time is 6:00-7:00. Please contact Lori Danner, Sheri Schon or Denise Best if interested. We will get materials to you so you can prepare this summer. St. Elizabeth Seton: For week of 7/18/15 Adult $138.00; Loose $53.50; Youth $5.00; PLEASE PRAY: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Claudia B. Knueven, who passed away on Tuesday, July 21st. ST. ANTHONY HOSPITAL AUXILIARY POP-UP BOUTIQUE: Wed, Aug 5, 9-5 and Thurs. Aug 6, 8-3 Jewelry, scarves, readers, sunglasses & more. All items $6. ST. LAWRENCE GARAGE SALE FOR OUR SISTER PARISH IN HAITI: Friday, July 31, 12 noon-6 pm & Saturday, August 1, 9-11 am at school gym, North West and 15th Streets. Also baked goods and fresh garden produce for the sale. SPECIAL: Saturday 10-11 am only…Fill your own bag for $1.00 REGISTRATION FOR 2015 -2016 SCHOOL YEAR – KUEMPER CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM: Registration for Optional Kindergarten - 12th grade will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 4th & 5th from 4:007:00pm in the High School cafeteria. Families will be mailed a registration packet prior to the registration dates with forms to be filled out. Parents should bring these forms to either one of the dates listed above. The Voluntary Free Four Year Old Preschool students have already registered. Home visits will be made prior to the start of the school year. Questions can be directed to 712-792-3313, the Central Office, from 8:00am-4:00pm, Monday – Friday. CONFIRMATION 2016: Confirmation for Annunciation, SES and St. Joseph students that do not attend Kuemper will be Sunday, March 6th at 1:00 at St. Joseph’s in Dedham for all three parishes. Confirmation for Kuemper students is Sunday, April 10th at 12:30 at Holy Spirit. 10 DAYS IN THE HOLY LAND: Come spend 10 days in the Holy Land with Father Kevin Richter from All Saints Parish. Walk where Jesus walked .,,,Cruised the Sea of Galilee…Visit Nazareth….Climb the Mt. of Olives and view the Old City of Jerusalem…Walk the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre….Pray in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity. For a detailed brochure contact Carol Garvin at 712-546-5223 or ANNUNCIATION FINANCE COUNCIL will meet Tuesday, August 4th at 7:00 p.m. COON RAPIDS, DEDHAM AND ST. ELIZABETH SETON STUDENTS: ANNUNCIATION NEWS: Prayer Chain: St. Elizabeth Seton Youth Tour to Eastern Iowa for Jr High & High School Students is scheduled for Saturday, September 26, 2015. PLEASE REGISTER ON OR BEFORE JULY 31! We will begin our trip by visiting the Field of Dreams Movie Site and Basilica of St. Francis Xavier in Dyersville. Our journey will then take us to New Melleray Abbey (Trappist Monks/Caskets) in Peosta, and then on to Bloomsbury Farm in Atkins (corn mazes, pedal cart racing, gigantic jumping pillow, pumpkin launcher, paint ball target shooting, zipline and more!). Cost is $20 per student, which includes motorcoach travel, meals, snacks, admissions, and surprises along the way! This tour made possible by the generosity and giving spirit of parish members and friends who raised funds by working admission gates at the Farm Progress Show. Contact Gail Daniel 712-8300139 or Kathy Sporrer 712-210-2756 to register. Seating is limited. Please call Carlene Dorpinghaus 9995353 BUSING FOR CARROLL COMMUNITY SCHOOLS: Parents are asked to make sure their student in preschool – 12th grade are registered to ride a bus to and from school for the 2015-2016 school year. If you haven’t already done so, please register online for bus service of the Carroll Community School. Go to the Kuemper website, and you can click on the link to register K-12 students. There is a separate link for preschool and optional kindergarten, the half day programs. Parents who have students ride the northern and western routes of Kuemper buses, will register during the regular school registration days of August 4th and 5th. Sun. Aug 2nd /10am $:Denise Koester, Rhonda Reis R- Carlene Dorpinghaus S-Breeley Clayburg, Jade Hays L- Jim Mohr EM- Mark Kennedy, Joan Irlmeier, Arlene Wanninger G- Keith Dorpinghaus U-Chris Mohr, Kip Hays ST. JOSEPH NEWS: Prayer Chain: Please call Kate Miller 683-5707 Sun Aug 2/8 am/Adult Choir: $Counters- John & Nadine Hoffman, Jeanne Danner S- Cade Behrens, Nathan Heinrichs L- Jeanne Danner EM- Donna Ankenbauer, Nadine Hoffman, Kathy Klocke G- Bob Danner family U- Ryan Schultes, Jordan Schultes ST. ELIZABETH SETON NEWS: Prayer Chain: Please call Mary Schelle 659-3416 Sat. Aug. 1st /5:30pm Servers - Haley Onken & Caden Wenck Greeters - Jerry & Jean Ball Lector - Lynn Stork EM - Judy Mayer & Joleen Stork Usher - Lyle Stork