Annotations Library Page 1 of 15 Directions: Annotation titles are indexed by general topics followed by subtopics. This comprehensive list includes comments related to formatting all types of documents taught in Lessons 1-120 of Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing. Comments related to annotations not directly related to a specific type of document are shown with titles in all caps. Annotations in blue were actually used in Arlene Zimmerly’s Keyboarding Online course and may not apply to your course. Specific references to lesson numbers and Reference Manual pages have been included to encourage students to use their textbooks and GDP as learning tools to find their own answers. To build your library, open Instructor Management in GDP. Select the desired class, show the list of students, select any student, open the Student Portfolio, select any lesson, and view the detailed report. Click Annotate Exercise, Annotations Library, New Annotation, and copy and paste the desired annotation title and text from this library into GDP. Edit as desired. This library will be available for all students in that class. Annotation Title (24 characters max Annotation Text (500 characters maximum; no more on LAN; 20 characters max on IMWS) than 2 consecutive hard returns) ANNOTATIONS READY I have annotated your work at the Student Web Site. Go to the Student Web Site at and log on. Click the Student Portfolio tab and click View Portfolio. Look carefully under the Date column for the letter “A” which stands for “Annotation” next to any new work you sent in your last upload. Open those exercises, read any comments in the General Comments box, and look for any annotation symbols in the lines you typed. Rest your mouse over these symbols to read any annotations. Be sure to scroll down the page in case any are hidden. Agenda Review R-11A in the Reference Manual, Meeting Agenda in the electronic Reference Manual; and Lesson 67 in the textbook and Word manual. Attachment Type the attachment notation directly below the reference initials. B KEY LESSON 7 Did you remember to type the “b” with the “f” finger? The “b” is one of the most troublesome keys in the technique check coming up after Lesson 10. C KEY LESSON 3 Did you remember to type the “c” with the “d” finger? The “c” is one of the most troublesome keys in the technique check coming up after Lesson 10. CONGRATULATIONS ON TIME Excellent job!! Congratulations for being right on schedule. DASH Type a dash by typing the first word followed directly by two hyphens without any spaces before or after followed directly by the second word and one space. If you have done this and GDP still scores an error, ignore it. Annotations Library DOCUMENTS EXTRA DOCUMENTS REPEAT DRILLS ACCURACY DRILLS EDITING DRILLS SPEED DRILLS WRONG LINES E-mail Envelope ENTER KEY ENTER TWICE ERROR MARKING Page 2 of 15 Please do NOT do any unassigned documents yet! Instead, spend your time correcting all errors on the required documents and doing your best to proofread them with zero errors on the first scored attempt to build proofreading skill. You may repeat any job one time to raise your grade, so don’t be discouraged by any low grades. Edit the job if it’s a regular job or recreate it if it’s a proofreading check. If you edit, use the Proofreading Viewer to correct all typos. If you had formatting errors, check the Reference Manual, text, and any annotations below for formatting tips. Scroll to the very bottom of the detailed report text to see all annotations. After you edit, upload again. Type each drill line in a group once and then repeat by typing each drill line once again. For example: jamb lamb limb limp lump bump pump jump pals pale sale same sane vane cane cape From the menu, click Options, Settings, to open the Settings dialog box Under Full Editing, uncheck in Drills. Type each drill line in a group twice before continuing to the next line. For example: jamb lamb limb limp lump bump pump jump jamb lamb limb limp lump bump pump jump pals pale sale same sane vane cane cape pals pale sale same sane vane cane cape You're typing the wrong line. Look at the directions on the screen at the bottom of the screen and it will always tell you what page and line to be on. Whenever you get this many errors, you can be sure that something is wrong. Try again. Review R-5C-D in the Reference Manual; E-mail Message in the electronic Reference Manual; and Lesson 25 in the textbook and Word manual. Review R-6A in the Reference Manual and Lesson 33 in the textbook and Word manual. Press Enter at the end of a paragraph only, not at the end of a line within a paragraph. Lines will automatically wrap around as you type and reach the right margin. Forcing lines to break anywhere else causes scoring errors. Press Enter 2 times between paragraphs. Click the Help button in GDP and look up “scored text” in the index. Red indicates an incorrect word or spacing error after that word. Green indicates a word or hard return to be inserted. Blue indicates a word or Annotations Library ERROR SPACING ERROR DOCUMENTS ERROR SPELLING EXTRA DOCUMENTS EXPORT IMPORT ITALICIZE Itinerary Label LANGUAGE ARTS LINE SPACING, DOUBLE Letter Block Style Letter Body Letter Complimentary Close Page 3 of 15 hard return to be deleted. The added space at the end of the line is causing a scoring error. Just type the last printing keystroke at the end of the line and nothing else. This type of scoring error does not affect the printed document in any way. Always correct all document typos. Click GDP’s Help button; look up “scored text” in index. Red indicates an incorrect word or spacing error after that word; green, a word/hard return to be inserted; blue, a word/ hard return to be deleted. Proofread your document carefully. Review Lesson 24 in the Word manual to examine Word’s spelling and grammar tool. Do NOT do any documents not specifically assigned on the assignment sheet. You should always complete assigned documents and skillbuilding successfully first before ever attempting any unassigned work. In GDP click the Help button, Index tab, and type “export” in the keyword box. Read all steps carefully for using Export to transfer your work from one computer to another. In GDP click the Help button, Index tab, and type “import” in the keyword box. Read all steps carefully for using Import to transfer your work from one computer to another. Italicize titles of major works like books. Review R-11C in the Reference Manual; Itinerary in the electronic Reference Manual; and Lesson 66 in the textbook. Review Lesson 33 in the textbook and Word manual and R-6A in the Reference Manual. Repeat the Language Arts tutorial in GDP for this lesson and try the Language Arts exercise again. Change your linespacing throughout the entire document to double. Press Ctrl-A to select the entire document then Ctrl-2 to change to double spacing. Adjust any extra blank lines or add blank lines as needed. Review R-3A in the Reference Manual, Business Letter in Block Style in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 31 in the textbook. All lines are typed at the left margin. Review R-3A in the Reference Manual. Press Enter 2 times above and below each paragraph in the body of a letter. Do not indent paragraphs. Press Enter 2 times after typing the last paragraph in Annotations Library Letter Date Letter Enclosure Notation Letter Inside Address Letter Modified-Block Letter Multipage Letter Personal-Business Letter Salutation Letter Writer’s ID Line Breaks Lists Examples Lists Formatting Page 4 of 15 the body, type the complimentary closing, then press Enter 4 times just before typing the writer’s identification. Review R-3A in the Reference Manual. Type the date 2 inches from the top of the page by pressing Enter 5 times in Word 2007 or 6 times in Word 2003. Do not use the Center Page command. Review R-3B, R-3C and R-5B in the Reference Manual and Lesson 32 in the textbook. Type the enclosure notation directly below the reference initials by pressing Enter 1 time after typing the reference initials. Review R-3A in the Reference Manual. Type the date, then press Enter 4 times and type the inside address. Press Enter 2 times after the inside address then type the salutation. Review R-3B and R-3D in the Reference Manual; Business Letter in Modified-Block Style in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 50 in the textbook and Word manual. Use standard letter format except type the date and closing 3 inches in from the left margin. Review R-5A-B in the Reference Manual, Multipage Business Letter in the electronic Reference Manual; Lesson 71 in the textbook, and Lesson 27 in the Word manual. Review R-3D in the Reference Manual; PersonalBusiness Letter in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 47 in the textbook. No reference initials are used. Review R-3A in the Reference Manual. Type the inside address, press Enter 2 times, and type the salutation. Press Enter 2 times after the salutation to begin the body. Review R-3A in the Reference Manual. Type the complimentary closing, press Enter 4 times, type the writer’s identification, press Enter 2 times, and then type the reference initials. Press Enter only at the end of paragraphs. Lines will automatically wrap around as you type and reach the right margin. Forcing lines to break anywhere else causes scoring errors. In GDP click the Help button, Index tab, and type “lists” in the keyword box, press Enter, and display “Examples of Different Types of Lists.” Study the examples carefully. In GDP click the Help button, Index tab, and type Annotations Library MAP Memo Memo Body Memo Headings Minutes PARAGRAPH INDENT Practice Test Letter/Env Page 5 of 15 “lists” in the keyword box, press Enter, and display “Formatting Lists.” Study the steps to use Word to format lists. Click the Map button in GDP, and click the View MAP Slide Show button to review how to use MAP correctly. Review R-4D in the Reference Manual, Memo in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 34 in the textbook. Begin the memo 2 inches from the top of the page by pressing Enter 5 times in Word 2007 or 6 times in Word 2003. Type the last memo heading, press Enter 2 times, and type the first paragraph of the body. Press Enter 2 times between paragraphs and just before the reference initials. Do not indent paragraphs. Type the memo headings including the colons in allcaps and bold 2 inches from the top of the page by pressing Enter 5 times in Word 2007 or 6 times in Word 2003. Press Tab 1 time after typing the colon to begin the heading entry. Press Enter 2 times after each heading entry. Review R-11B in the Reference Manual, Minutes of a Meeting in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 67 in the textbook and Word manual. Don’t indent paragraphs in a block-style letter or a memo or any single-spaced document. Review R-14C in the Reference Manual and open your text to p. 69 and look at the proofreaders’ mark for a new paragraph and the draft and final copy examples. Also read the callout note in the left panel shaded in tan with the exclamation icon and you’ll see a detailed explanation. Review R-3A in the Reference Manual, Business Letter in Block Style in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 31 in the textbook for all formatting steps and for illustrations. Compare your letter to the examples. Fix anything that doesn’t match. The goal on any practice test is to have zero scoring errors and zero formatting errors on the first created, scored attempt within the time limit just as you will be required to do when you come on campus for your actual test. If you edit the document instead of recreating it, I will not even look at that attempt, so don’t waste your valuable time editing. In other words, YOU MAY NOT EDIT A PRACTICE TEST! If you exit and find you had any errors, click Create . . . (not Edit . . .) and try it again. You may try to Annotations Library Practice Test Report Practice Test Table PRINT LAYOUT VIEW PROOFREADING CHECK FORMAT PROOFREADERS’ MARKS Page 6 of 15 recreate a practice test as many times as you want to and you should. This is how you prepare yourself for a test in which you get one attempt only. Review R-8C-D and R-9D in the Reference Manual, Academic Report in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 29 in the textbook for all formatting steps and for illustrations. Compare your academic report to the examples. Fix anything that doesn’t match. The goal on any practice test is to have zero scoring errors and zero formatting errors on the first created, scored attempt within the time limit just as you will be required to do when you come on campus for your actual test. If you edit the document instead of recreating it, I will not even look at that attempt, so don’t waste your valuable time editing. In other words, YOU MAY NOT EDIT A PRACTICE TEST! If you exit and find you had any errors, click Create . . . (not Edit . . .) and try it again. You may try to recreate a practice test as many times as you want to and you should. This is how you prepare yourself for a test in which you get one attempt only. Review R-13 in the Reference Manual, boxed, open, and ruled tables, and Lessons 36-39 in the textbook for all formatting steps and for illustrations. Compare your table to the examples. Fix anything that doesn’t match. The goal on any practice test is to have zero scoring errors and zero formatting errors on the first created, scored attempt within the time limit just as you will be required to do when you come on campus for your actual test. If you edit the document instead of recreating it, I will not even look at that attempt, so don’t waste your valuable time editing. In other words, YOU MAY NOT EDIT A PRACTICE TEST! If you exit and find you had any errors, click Create . . . (not Edit . . .) and try it again. You may try to recreate a practice test as many times as you want to and you should. This is how you prepare yourself for a test in which you get one attempt only. Use Print Layout view for all your documents. Check Lesson 27 in the Word Manual for the steps. This document is a proofreading check and you have successfully proofread with zero errors. Therefore, you do not need to retype the document to improve your formatting grade. Just edit the document and correct formatting errors and you're done. Review R-14C in the Reference Manual, Proofreaders’ Marks in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 27 and 29 in the textbook. Annotations Library PROOFREADING TIPS PROOFREADING CHECK Reference Initials REFERENCE INITIALS GDP REFERENCE INITIALS urs REFERENCE MANUAL ELECTRONIC REPEAT DOCUMENT Report Academic Page 7 of 15 Take extra care when proofreading items like names, titles, dates, and amounts. Review Lesson 45D for proofreading tips. Documents designated as Proofreading Checks serve as a check of your proofreading skill. Your goal is to have zero typographical errors when GDP first scores your document. If you have typographical errors when your document is first scored, you might want to recreate the document and try again for zero scoring errors. Clicking the Create button allows you to begin again with a blank document. Review R-3A and R-5B in the Reference Manual. Press Enter 2 times after the previous typed line, and type your reference initials in lowercase, no spaces, no periods, and no parenthesis. These reference initials must match the reference initials typed in Personal Information. In GDP, go to Options, Personal Information, and click in the “Your initials” box. Type your initials correctly (lowercase, no spaces, no periods, and no parenthesis); click OK. Edit the document and change your initials to match those in Personal Information. Open, close, and rescore your document. When you see “urs” in the textbook, type your own initials, lowercase without spaces, in place of “urs.” These initials must be an exact match to what you typed in Options, Personal Information, Your initials, or you will have a scoring error. Remember to use the electronic reference manual in GDP. Access it by clicking the Reference Manual button and by clicking GDP, Reference Manual, from the Word menu when you are inside of Word. You can also find it in the introductory pages of your textbook and Word manual. You may resubmit this document one time to raise your grade. Edit this document using the Proofreading Viewer. Correct all typos and check the Reference Manual and the annotations below for formatting tips. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the detailed report text to see all annotations. After you edit, upload again and I will replace the lower grade with the new and improved grade. Review R-8C-D and R-9D in the Reference Manual, Academic Report in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 29 in the textbook. In Word 2007, press Enter 5 times to type the title 2 inches from the top of then change to double spacing to type the title. In Annotations Library Report Academic Body Report Academic Byline Report Academic Date Report Academic IndntPar Report Academic LineSpac Report Academic List Report Academic PageNumb Report Academic Par Head Report Academic SideHead Report Academic Subtitle Report Academic Title Page 8 of 15 Word 2003, change to double spacing, then press Enter 3 times to type the title. Press Enter 1 time above and below all paragraphs in the body. Press Enter only at the end of a paragraph. Press Tab 1 time to indent paragraphs. Review R-8C in the Reference Manual. Type the byline centered in bold. Press Enter 1 time before and after typing the byline. Review R-8C in the Reference Manual. Type the date centered in bold. Press Enter 1 time before and after typing the byline. Indent all paragraphs in an academic report. Set double spacing for the entire academic report. If you have mixed single and double spacing inside the report, press Ctrl-A to select the entire document and then Ctrl-2 to set double spacing. Review R-8C, R-9A, R-12C, and 4-12D in the Reference Manual and Lesson 30 in the textbook. Type the list unformatted, select the items in the list, and apply the number or bullet feature. Use the Increase Indent button in Word to position the list at the same point as paragraph indents. Press Enter 1 time before and after the list. Double-space the entire list. Review R-8C-D in the Reference Manual, Business Report in the electronic Reference Manual, Lesson 27 and 29 in the textbook, and Lesson 27 in the Word manual. Do not number the first page of a report. Insert a page number in the top right corner of the second and subsequent report pages. Review R-8C in the Reference Manual. Press Tab 1 time to indent all paragraph headings. Type paragraph headings in upper- and lowercase letters in bold followed by a bolded period. Press Enter 1 time above and below paragraph headings. Review R-8C in the Reference Manual. Type all side headings at the left margin in all-caps and bold. Press Enter 1 time above and below side headings. Review R-8C in the Reference Manual. After typing the title of an academic report, press Enter 1 times and type the subtitle in bold, with upper- and lowercase letters with a 12-point font size. Press Enter 1 time after typing the subtitle to begin the body. Review R-8C in the Reference Manual. Type the title of an academic report 2 inches from the top of the page by first setting double spacing and then pressing Enter 3 times. Type the title in bold and all caps with a Annotations Library Report Academic TitleBlk Report APA Report APA Header Report APA Headings Report APA Line Spacing Report APA Margins Report APA ReferenceList Report APA Title Report Bibliography Page 9 of 15 14-point font size. Do not change to 14-point font until after you press Enter 3 times to begin the report. Press Enter 1 time after typing the title. Press Enter 1 time between each line of a 2-line title. Review R-8C and R-8D in the Reference Manual. Change to double spacing (CTRL+2), press Enter 3 times in double spacing, type the title in 14-pt. bold, press Enter 1 time and type the subtitle (or date) in bold, with upper- and lowercase letters with a 12-point font size. Press Enter 1 time after typing the subtitle (or date) to begin the body. Review R-10A-B in the Reference Manual; Report in APA Style in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 43 in the textbook. Review Lesson 43 in the textbook and Lesson 42 in the Word manual. Insert a right-aligned header for all pages with a shortened title and automatic page number. Review R-10A in the Reference Manual. Type main headings centered in upper- and lowercase letters. Press Enter 1 time before and after the main heading. Review R-10A in the Reference Manual. Set double spacing for the entire business report. If you have mixed single and double spacing inside the report, press Ctrl-A to select the entire document and then Ctrl-2 to set double spacing. Review R-10A in the Reference Manual. Review Lesson 42 in the textbook and Word manual. Use default 1-inch top and bottom margins and change the left and right margins to 1 inch. Review R-10B in the Reference Manual, Lesson 44 in the textbook, and Lesson 42 and 44 in the Word manual. Use the same margins, spacing, and header as other APA pages. Type References centered and press Enter 1 time. Set a hanging indent and type the first line. Press Enter 1 time between each entry. Italicize publication titles. Review R-10A in the Reference Manual. Center and type the title and byline in upper- and lowercase. Review R-9B in the Reference Manual, and Lesson 44 in the textbook and Word manual. Press Enter 5 times in Word 2007 or 6 times in Word 2003 to begin. Type BIBILIOGRAPHY centered in all caps, 14-point font, and bold and press Enter 2 times. Set a hanging indent and type the first line. Single-space each entry and press Enter 2 times between each entry. Italicize publication titles. Annotations Library Report Business Report Business Body Report BusinessBylineDate Report Business Line Spacing Report Business List Report Business Page Number Report Business Par Head Report Business Side Head Report Business Subtitle Report Business Title Page 10 of 15 Review R-8A-B, R-9A, and R-9D in the Reference Manual; Business Report in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 26 in the textbook. Type the title 2 inches from the top of the page by pressing Enter 5 times in Word 2007 or 6 times in Word 2003. Type the body 1 blank line below the previous line, single-spaced positioned at the left margin—do not indent paragraphs. Press Enter 2 times between paragraphs. Press Enter only at the end of a paragraph. Review R-8A in the Reference Manual. Type the byline centered in bold. Press Enter 2 times before and after typing the byline and/or date. Set single spacing for the entire business report. If you have mixed single and double spacing inside the report, press Ctrl-A to select the entire document and then Ctrl-1 to set single spacing. Click GDP's Help button, Index tab, type “lists” in keyword box, press Enter, and read “Examples of Different Types of Lists.” Review R-8A, R-8C, R12C-D in Ref Manual, L28 in text, & study example(s) on weekly Assignment Sheet. Type list unformatted, select list items, & apply number or bullet feature. Use Word's Decrease Indent button to position list at left margin. Press Enter 2 times before and after list. Single-space 1-line lists. For a multiline list, press Enter 2 times between each item. Review R-8A and R-8B in the Reference Manual, Business Report in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 27 in the textbook and Word manual. Do not number the first page of a report. Review R-8A in the Reference Manual. Type all paragraph headings at the left margin in upper- and lowercase letters in bold followed by a bolded period. Press Enter 2 times above and below paragraph headings. Review R-8A in the Reference Manual. Type all side headings at the left margin in all-caps and bold. Press Enter 2 times above and below side headings. Review R-8A in the Reference Manual. After typing the title of a business report, press Enter 2 times and type the subtitle in bold, with upper- and lowercase letters with a 12-point font size. Press Enter 2 times after typing the subtitle to begin the body. Review R-8A in the Reference Manual. Type the title of a business report 2 inches from the top of the page by pressing Enter 5 times in Word 2007 or 6 times in Word 2003 in single spacing. Type the title in bold Annotations Library Report BusinessTitleBlock Report Display Report Footnotes Report MLA Report MLA Body Report MLA Header Report MLA Heading Report MLA Line Spacing Report MLA Margins Report MLA Title Report MLA Works-Cited Page 11 of 15 and all caps with a 14-point font size. Do not change to 14-point font until after you press Enter 5 or 6 times to begin the report. Press Enter 2 times after typing the title. Type 2-line titles single spaced. Set single spacing for the entire business report. If you have mixed single and double spacing inside the report, press Ctrl-A to select the entire document and then Ctrl-1 to set single spacing. Review R-8B and R-8D in the Reference Manual, Academic Report in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 30 in the textbook and Word manual for double indent. Type a displayed paragraph singlespaced and indented 0.5 inch from both the left and the right margins. Review R-8A-B, Business Report in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 41 in the textbook and Word manual. Review R-10C-D in the Reference Manual; Report in MLA Style in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 42 in the textbook and Word manual. Indent all paragraphs 0.5 inch. Press Enter 1 time between paragraphs. Press Enter only at the end of a paragraph. Review R-10C in the Reference Manual and Lesson 42 in the textbook and Word manual. Insert a rightaligned header for all pages with the author’s last name and an automatic page number. Review R-10C in the Reference Manual. Type each element of the heading (your name, your instructor’s name, class name, and date) on a separate line at the left margin. Type the date day-month-year style. Set double spacing for the entire business report. If you have mixed single and double spacing inside the report, press Ctrl-A to select the entire document and then Ctrl-2 to set double spacing. Review R-10C in the Reference Manual and lesson 42 in the Word manual. Use default 1-inch top and bottom margins and change the left and right margins to 1 inch. Review R-10C in the Reference Manual. Center and type the title in upper- and lowercase letters. Review R-10D in the Reference Manual, Lesson 44 in the textbook, and Lesson 42 and 44 in the Word manual. Use the same margins, spacing, and header as other MLA pages. Type Works Cited centered, and press Enter 1 time. Set a hanging indent and type the first line. Press Enter 2 times between each entry. Annotations Library Report Page Number Report Table of Cont Report Title Page Resume Tradition Resume Electronic RIGHT SHIFT KEY L4 LEFT SHIFT KEY L6 SPACING SINGLE SYMBOL END LINE SYMBOL PARAGRAPH Page 12 of 15 Italicize publication titles. Review R-8C-D in the Reference Manual, Business Report in the electronic Reference Manual, Lesson 27 and 29 in the textbook, and Lesson 27 in the Word manual. Insert a page number in the top right corner of the second and subsequent report pages only. Do not number the first page of a report. Review R-7D in the Reference Manual, Table of Contents in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 45 in the textbook and Word manual. Press Enter 5 times in Word 2007 or 6 times in Word 2003, and type the title centered in all caps and bold with a 14-point font. Press Enter 2 times after the title. Set a left tab at 0.5 inch and a right tab at 6 inches with dot leaders. Type the main headings in all caps with 1 blank line above and below them. Press Tab 1 time to indent subheadings and single-space subheadings. Press Tab again to insert dot leaders and type the page number. Review R-7B in the Reference Manual and Title Page in the electronic Reference Manual. Review Lesson 45 in the textbook and Lesson 38 in the Word manual. Center the page vertically. Center the title in all caps and bold with a 14-point font. Press Enter 2 times after the title. Center the subtitle in upper- and lowercase and bold in a 12-point font. Press Enter 12 times after the subtitle. Press Enter 12 times above “Prepared by.” Review R-12A in the Reference Manual, Resume in the electronic Reference Manual, and Lesson 51 in the textbook and Word manual. Review Lesson 52 in the textbook and Word manual. Did you remember to use the RIGHT shift key to capitalize letters typed with the opposite LEFT hand? It is very awkward to type and shift with the same hands, but I see students do it frequently. Did you remember to use the LEFT shift key to capitalize letters typed with the opposite RIGHT hand? It is very awkward to type and shift with the same hands, but I see students do it frequently. Change your linespacing to single. Press Ctrl-A to select the entire document then Ctrl-1 to change to single spacing. The red | symbol indicates the end of a line. Press Enter to start a new line when you see it. The ¶ symbol indicates the start of a new paragraph. In a single-spaced document, paragraphs are blocked (not indented). In a double-spaced document, paragraphs Annotations Library TAB Table $ Table Table AutoFit Table Borders Table Boxed Table Center Table Column Headings Table Heading Block Table Number Columns Page 13 of 15 are indented (not blocked). Press the Tab key at the start of paragraphs to indent them. When you see the green "T" in scored copy, it means you need to insert a Tab at that point. Review R-13A-D in the Reference Manual, Lesson 39 in the Word manual, and p. 113, 39H, step 4, for an explanation of spacing with column entries that include a $ (dollar sign) and spaces. If the column entry includes a dollar sign, add space(s) after the dollar sign to align the dollar sign just to the left of the widest column entry below it. Add 2 spaces for each number and 1 space for each comma. Review R-13ABCD in the Reference Manual; Boxed Table, Open Table, and Ruled Table in the electronic Reference Manual; and Lesson 36-39 in the textbook and Word manual. Review Lesson 36 in the textbook and Word manual. Cell widths should be adjusted automatically to fit the contents of the. Review Lesson 36 in the textbook and Word manual. Boxed tables have borders and open tables do not. Ruled tables have a mix of the two. Review R-13A in the Reference Manual, and Lesson 36 in the textbook and Word manual. Boxed tables have borders. Review Lesson 38 in the textbook and Word manual. Tables alone on a page are centered both horizontally and vertically. Review -13A-D in the Reference Manual, and Lesson 36 in the textbook and Word manual. Type column headings in bold upper- and lowercase letters. If all columns in the table consist of text (words, phone numbers, or years), center all column headings and left-align all column entries. In all other situations, left-align all text column headings and text column entries and right-align all quantity column headings and quantity column entries. Regardless of the type of column, center braced headings. Review R-13D in the Reference Manual and Lesson 37 in the textbook and Word manual. Merge cells in Row 1 to hold the heading block. Type the title centered in all-caps and bold, with a 14-point font in row 1. Press Enter 1 time after typing the title. If the table has a subtitle, press Enter 1 time to the subtitle. Type the subtitle centered in bold, with a 12-point font. Press Enter 1 time after typing the subtitle. Review R-13A-D in the Reference Manual and Lesson Annotations Library Table Open Table Ruled Table Title/Subtitle Table Within Document TESTS TIMINGS 3' TIMINGS REPEATING TRAILING SPACES UNDERSCORE Page 14 of 15 39 in the textbook and Word manual. If the column entry includes a dollar sign, add spaces after the dollar sign to align the dollar sign just to the left of the widest column entry below it. Add 2 spaces for each number and 1 space for each comma. Review R-13B in the Reference Manual and Lesson 36 in the textbook and Word manual. Remove borders in an open table. Ruled tables have all borders removed first. Then a top and bottom border are applied to the row with the column heading. Then a bottom border is applied to the last row of the table. Press Enter 2 times below a title or subtitle in a table. Type the title in 14 pt. bold and the subtitle in 12 pt. bold. Review R-4D and R-5A in the Reference Manual, and Lesson 73 in the textbook. Never take a test on campus until you have successfully completed the practice test even if it means taking the test late and getting a 10% penalty. You have a much better chance of passing the campus test when you have passed the practice test. Beginning with Lesson 52, you have a choice to select either a 5-minute or 3-minute timed writing length. Select the 3-minute timing in 52-D and for all timings thereafter. Skill is built by practicing lesson exercises with attention focused on the goal of each drill. Taking a timed writing repeatedly is like a runner taking his pulse repeatedly to improve his speed and endurance. The timings are a measure of your progress, but you make progress by repeating the drills, not the timings. If you've tried a timing 3 or 4 times and you don't meet BOTH the speed AND accuracy goal on timings, move on and repeat skillbuilding for that lesson or use the Skillbuilding link. After you repeat the lesson once, take timings again focusing on meeting the accuracy goal doing the best you can to meet speed goal; then move on to the next lesson. If your schedule allows, repeat the lesson as many times as it take to meet both the speed and accuracy goal. Don't add trailing spaces at the end of a line. Type the last character and stop or press Enter to begin the next line. I don't count off for this type of error, but you should get in the habit of pressing Enter at the end of the last character in a paragraph or sentence. Do not underscore the ending punctuation in an Annotations Library UPLOAD AGAIN WORD, SHOW/HIDE WORD PROCESSING ORIENT X KEY LESSON 7 YEAR YELLOW HIGHLIGHT Page 15 of 15 underscored sentence. In GDP click the Help button, Index tab, and type “upload” in the keyword box. Read all steps carefully. If your work is not uploading correctly, be sure to select “Upload all work” in the Upload dialog box. On Word’s Standard toolbar, click the Show/Hide button—it’s the one that looks like the paragraph symbol. This feature allows you to show formatting symbols like spaces, tabs, and paragraph symbols representing hard returns so that you can check your document in detail for typos and formatting errors. Review Lesson 24 in the Word manual. Always edit a document processing job until you have zero errors. Go to Week 7 and watch the Word Processing Orientation presentation for details. You may repeat any job one time to improve your grade, so don't be discouraged by any low grades. Just repeat the job by editing it if it's a regular job or recreating it if it's a proofreading check. Did you remember to type the “x” with the “s” finger? The “x” is one of the most troublesome keys in the technique check coming up after Lesson 10. Type the current year when you see 20--. Highlighted words are spelling words from the language arts activities. Do not highlight these words in yellow when you type a document.