TREATMENT OF CONFIDENTIAL DATA. ROUNDING DIFFERENCES OF CENSUS RESULTS. DEFINITIONS TREATMENT OF CONFIDENTIAL DATA The Census results will be published pursuant to the conditions of the Government of the Republic Regulation No 41 § 3 (1) of 29 January 2001 (hereinafter: the regulation). Confidential data have been covered according to the methodology of Eurostat taking into consideration the conditions of the regulation. In order to prevent computation of confidential data cells, some non-confidential cells have also been covered. The number of operating holdings of legal persons is quite small, for this reason data protection does not allow publishing their data by administrative units. Neither does data protection allow to publish in detail the data reflecting agricultural products which are grown in a few holdings. Rules of confidentiality have not been implemented in the case of public sector and with respect to indicators which are available to the public from state registers. The same applies to the data the magnitude of which is less than half of the unit employed (zero) and the total of the corresponding row or column is half of the unit as the value of the data cannot be determined precisely. ROUNDING DIFFERENCES OF CENSUS RESULTS Each number, incl. in the cell “total” has been rounded separately in output tables. In that case the published value of each cell does not differ from the real value not more than by a half of the unit, but the sum of cells may differ from the value of the “total” cell. The absolute value of the difference is dependent on how many sub-divisions there are in the “total” cell. DEFINITIONS Agricultural holding (holding) — a production unit which has a single management, both technically and economically, the main activity of which is agriculture and where 1) there is at least one hectare of agricultural or forest land or at least 0.3 hectare of fish ponds or 2) there is less than one hectare of agricultural or forest land or less than 0.3 hectare of fish ponds or there is no agricultural or forest land or fish ponds and where agricultural products are produced mainly (more than one-half) for sale. Holdings are divided into operating and non-operating holdings: operating holding — holding where agricultural products are produced non-operating holding — holding where agricultural products are not produced. Agricultural land is unutilised and there are no farm animals. Agricultural household plot (household) — an economic unit where there is less than one hectare of agricultural or forest land or there is no agricultural or forest land and where agricultural products are produced mainly (more than one-half) for own consumption and where there are at least 1) 50 square metres of kitchen garden or three fruit trees or six berry bushes or 2) 10 rabbits, 10 domestic fowls or other farm animals or 3) three beehives. 1 Agricultural land — agricultural land utilised in the reference year, i.e. land under crops which are grown and harvested (field crops, greenhouse crops, fruit trees and berries, nurseries, permanent grassland, kitchen gardens and fallow). The agricultural land unutilised in the reference year is excluded. unutilised agricultural land — land which is temporarily no longer farmed, for economic, social or other reasons; arable land is uncultivated (not being cultivated for years). The permanent grassland is not mowed and pastured. In case of need this land can be utilised with the usual methods used in holdings. Agricultural products — cereals, legumes, potatoes, fodder roots, linseed, flax fibre, plants used for seasoning and herbs, vegetables, vegetable plants, flowers, ornamental plants, fruits, berries, young plants of trees and bushes, (excl. young plants of forest trees grown on wooded land), livestock and poultry, meat, milk, eggs, wool, hide, honey and wax. Agricultural training of the manager of the holding practical experience — the manager of the holding does not have agricultural education but only experience in working in agricultural holding basic agricultural training — the manager of the holding has agricultural vocational education full agricultural training — the manager of the holding has agricultural secondary professional education (technical school, college), vocational higher and/or higher education. Arable land — sown area of cereals and legumes, potatoes, fodder roots, industrial crops, open-field vegetables, open-field flowers and ornamental plants, forage crops and greenhouse crops, growing area of hay and fodder root seeds and fallow land. Forest berries — bilberries, cranberries, cowberries, blackberries grown in swamps, marshes and on other non-agricultural land. Fruit and berry plantation — area, where fruits and berries are grown. Greenhouse crops — crops which for the whole of the period of growth or for the predominant part of it are covered by greenhouses or fixed or mobile high cover (glass or rigid or flexible plastic). Holder of the holding — the person on whose account and in whose name the holding is operated and who is legally and economically responsible for the holding legal person — public or private economic unit; general partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company, commercial association, non-profit organisations natural person, sole holder — the holder of holding which is not legal person and not linked to any holdings of other holders natural persons, partners — two or more natural persons owning, renting or managing together their individual holdings as if they were one holding Holdings with bookkeeping — systematic and regular recording of all current income and expenditure which serves as a basis for administration of the holding, drawing up a balance sheet and a profit and loss account. Holdings with organic farming — holdings with ecolabel authorisation issued by the organic agriculture committee. Kitchen garden — land separated off from the rest of the holding, devoted to the cultivation of products which are mainly for consumption by persons living on the holding and not for sale. Land tenure — the land in the possession of holding or household plot, i.e. the land in ownership (except the land leased out), leased or other land tenure. Land under inland waters — land under ponds, lakes and other bodies of water. Leased land — land leased from other owners (holders) of land according to the agreement or lease contract. 2 Manager of the holding — the person who is responsible for economic operation of holding and management of production routine. Manager of the holding as sole holder (natural person) is either the sole holder himself/herself, the spouse (partner in consensual union) or other family member (relatives in the ascending or descending line) of the sole holder or other person than a family member. Nursery — area of young ligneous (woody) plants, fruit trees, berry bushes or ornamental young plants grown in the open air for subsequent transplantation. Open-field crops — crops grown in open field, incl. under sheets of plastic laid flat on the ground, also in land under cloches or tunnels not accessible to man or movable glass-covered frames. Permanent grassland — land other than rough grazing, not included in the crop rotation system, used for the permanent production (five years or longer) of green forage crops, whether sown or selfseeded and whether used for grazing or for harvesting as hay or silage. Type of owner — in the case of legal persons, it is determined on the basis of equity, in the case of natural persons — on the basis of ownership of assets. state — the equity of the Republic of Estonia in a company is 50% or more local government — the equity of the local government in a company is 50% or more Estonian legal or natural person in private law — the equity of Estonian legal or natural persons in private law in a company is 50% or more, or 50% or more of assets belong to natural persons foreign legal or natural persons in private law — the equity of foreign legal or natural persons in private law in a company is 50% or more, or 50% or more of assets belong to natural persons. Unit of agricultural land — holding’s agricultural land which is entirely surrounded by the land, road, forest, etc. not belonging to the holding. Wooded area — area covered with trees or forest shrubs, including poplar plantations inside or outside woods and forest-tree nurseries grown in woodland for the holding’s own requirements, as well as forest facilities (forest roads, storage depots for timber, etc.). 3