Pitt County Schools 40605C Honors Sociology Instructional Guide Time Frame: First Six Weeks Generalizations: Social disciplines are based on social and historical phenomena. Individuals and society are shaped by culture. Language plays a role in culture. Socialization plays a role in human development. Cultural norms influence perceptions of deviance. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, SCOS GOALS AND BENCHMARKS, AND OBJECTIVES SKILLS GOAL 1: The learner will develop Who are the “fathers” of a sociological point of view. European sociology and what 1.01 Discuss the origins of were their contributions? sociology. Who are the “fathers” of 1.02 Describe similarities and American sociology and what differences between sociology and were their contributions? the other social sciences. What are the theoretical 1.03 Identify the relationship perspectives? between the study of sociology, How do sociologists get their society, and culture. information? 1.04 Define and apply key What are the similarities and concepts used in sociology to differences between the social understand human society and sciences? interaction. How is sociology related to 1.05 Differentiate among the society and culture? various sociological perspectives or theories on social life and formulate a personal perspective. 1.06 Differentiate among the various sociological research methods. 2008 Honors Sociology Instructional Guides ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Students enrolled in Honors Sociology should be prepared to conduct additional independent research projects that require critical thinking and extensive reading and writing Chart for 3 theoretical perspectives to be completed throughout the course Conduct a Research Study activity (page 65) Quantitative Research activity p. 65. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT Holt-Sociology: The Study of Human Relationships Chapter 1 Honors level assessment should include free-response writing on most tests. KWL chart and rubric for social sciences Rubric for chart on theoretical perspectives Rubric for research activities. 1 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL 2: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of culture and the role it plays for the individual and for society. 2.01 Identify and apply the elements of culture. 2.02 Compare and contrast various cultures of the world. 2.03 Explain how the elements of culture form a whole culture. 2.04 Explore the relationship between language and the transmission of culture. 2.05 Analyze the role that culture plays in determining personality. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS What are the elements of culture? How does culture develop and change? Compare/contrast cultures from around the world How is social interaction affected by class, race, and gender? How does each theoretical perspective approach social interaction? What are the agents of socialization? How do we become socialized? Explain how socialization is a life-long process. GOAL 3: The learner will develop an understanding of social interaction and social structure. 3.01 Define and evaluate the theoretical perspectives of social interaction. 3.02 Explain the types of social interaction. 3.03 Distinguish status from role and pose solutions to role conflicts. 3.04 Discuss how the social structure of a culture affects social interaction. GOAL 5: The learner will analyze the process of socialization. 2008 Honors Sociology Instructional Guides ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Venn diagram for world cultures Theoretical perspective chart from Goal 1 Roles Chart Students will list the roles they have now and explain how they learned each role. Students will list the roles they will fill in the future and how they expect to learn each role. Cultural Norms activity page 105. Students will create a timeline including the role they expect to fulfill in their lifetime. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT Chapters 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Research in National Geographic Honors level assessment should include free-response writing on most tests. Rubric for Venn diagram. Rubric for roles chart. Rubric for timeline. Rubric for chart on theoretical perspectives. Chapter 4 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 5.01 Define socialization. 5.02 List the agents of socialization. 5.03 Describe how the process of socialization is culturally determined. 5.04 Explain the various theoretical perspectives on socialization. 5.05 Trace how socialization is a life long process. 5.06 Evaluate the functions and roles of socializing agents. GOAL 4: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of groups and organizations in society. 4.01 Distinguish between social groups and formal organizations. 4.02 Classify types of social groups that exist in society. 4.03 Analyze group dynamics and assess its effects on group behavior. 4.04 Evaluate the nature of bureaucracies. GOAL 6: The learner will discuss deviance as a social construct relative to time, place, and social circumstances. 6.01 Distinguish between conformity with and deviation from cultural norms. 6.02 Differentiate between various ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS How do groups enforce conformity? Why are bureaucracies necessary? When is behavior deviant or abnormal? When is deviant or abnormal behavior a crime? How are crimes and other abnormal behaviors discouraged? How does each theoretical perspective explain the role of groups, bureaucracies, and other social control techniques? What are the different types of crime? What are the similarities and differences between the various theories for deviant behavior? 2008 Honors Sociology Instructional Guides ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Student Journal with daily entries including how behavior was influenced by a group Venn diagram with deviant, abnormal and criminal behavior Formal and Informal Groups activity page 198. Venn diagram with schools and the justice system discouraging crimes and abnormal behavior. Theoretical perspectives chart from Goal 1. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT Chapter 4, 8 Video – “The Breakfast Club” Honors level assessment should include free-response writing on most tests. Rubric for Venn diagrams Rubric for chart on theoretical perspectives. 3 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS RECOMMENDED RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Student Journal with daily entries including how behavior was influenced by a group Venn diagram with deviant, abnormal and criminal behavior Choose one of the Sociology Projects on page 235 to explore. Ethnic and Racial Heritage activity page 305 RECOMMENDED RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT Chapters 4, 8 explanations or theories for deviant behavior. 6.03 Analyze various social control techniques. 6.04 Classify types of crime. 6.05 Evaluate the American criminal justice system's response to deviant behavior. Time Frame: Second Six Weeks Generalizations: Societies manage and deal with social problems. Social institutions exhibit certain functions and structures. SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS How do groups enforce conformity? Why are bureaucracies necessary? When is behavior deviant or abnormal? When is deviant or abnormal behavior a crime? How are crimes and other abnormal behaviors discouraged? GOAL 8: The learner will examine How has population growth and major social problems. urbanization affected social 8.01 Describe major social change? Continued from 1st marking Period – Goals 4 & 6 - Social Structure, Society, and Social Control 4.05 Analyze group behavior in relation to ethnic and racial heritage and assess the impact of such heritage on individuals. 2008 Honors Sociology Instructional Guides Write a research paper on one of the following topics: o A social problem from the Video – “The Breakfast Club” Chapters 9, 10, 11 Honors level assessment should include free-response writing on 4 problems and social issues. 8.02 Analyze causes and effects of social problems and issues. 8.03 Construct possible solutions to given social problems. GOAL 7: The learner will analyze the functions and social structure of social institutions. 7.01 Determine how social institutions evolve. 7.02 Identify and evaluate the functions of social institutions. 7.03 Evaluate the role and effectiveness of social institutions. 7.04 Assess the social integration of social institutions. 7.05 Analyze the impact of social ideals on social institutions. What are the major social problems throughout history? How are they explained by each theoretical perspective? How does socialization promote inequality? What are possible solutions for given social problems? What are the social institutions? How do they develop and control behavior? How does each theoretical perspective approach social institutions? How do social institutions integrate? What are the past and present functions of social institutions? past of present. o A foreseeable social problem. o A theoretical perspective approach to a social problem o Chart on theoretical perspectives from Goal 1. Advertising and the Image of Women activity page 340 Chart of 6 Social Institutions o List norms, values, folkways, mores, and laws that are taught by each social institution o How do the institutions reinforce and contradict each other? o Continue chart on theoretical perspectives most tests Rubric for research paper. Rubric for chart on theoretical perspectives. Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15 Honors level assessment should include free-response writing on most tests Rubric for chart on theoretical perspectives from Goal 1. The Ideal School of the Future activity page 418 Time Frame: Third Six Weeks Generalizations: Societies change over time. Groups within societies both resist and accommodate to change. SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS Continued from 2nd Marking Period – Goal 7 - Social Institutions What are the social institutions? How do social institutions develop and control behavior? How does each theoretical 2008 Honors Sociology Instructional Guides ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Chart of 6 Social Institutions o List norms, values, folkways, mores, and laws that are taught by each social RECOMMENDED RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15 5 perspective approach social institutions? How do social institutions integrate? GOAL 9: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of how society changes. 9.01 Discuss the theoretical approaches used to study social change. 9.02 Evaluate the causes and effects of social change. 9.03 Describe ways groups resist and accommodate change. How do social movements start? What makes them effective? What makes them fail? What are the effects of social change? How is social change viewed by each of the 3 theoretical perspectives? How are pre-industrial, industrial, and post-industrial societies alike and different? 2008 Honors Sociology Instructional Guides institution o How do the institutions reinforce and contradict each other? Minorities in Coaching and Management activity page 522 Chart the History of Social with focus on successes and failures of each Continue chart on theoretical perspectives Urban Planning activity page 563 Continue chart on theoretical perspectives. Chapters 16, 17, 18 Honors level assessment should include free-response writing on most tests Rubric for chart on theoretical perspectives from Goal 1. 6