year 1 and 2 music cycle b autumn term

About this unit:
In this unit the children will learn a variety of simple action songs about
the body. They will also be introduced to the concept of using body
percussion as music.
Body percussion
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Dem bones
Bag and body part names
Core Tasks:
1) To learn simple action songs related to their topic
2) To use body percussion and their voice creatively
When carrying out the type of activities and tasks in this unit:
Most children will be able to:
Learn and perform simple action songs related to their topic. To use parts
of their body to create sounds.
Less able children will be able to:
Start to learn and perform simple action songs with support. To begin to
use parts of their body appropriately to create sounds.
More able children will be able to:
Learn and perform confidently simple action songs. To identify parts of
their body to make sounds and vocals.
Year 1 and 2 Music Cycle B Autumn Term
Learning Objectives
Learn simple action
songs about the body
To introduce the
concept of using body
percussion as music.
To use body
percussion to
compose a piece of
music to perform.
Possible Teaching Activities
 Learn ‘Heads, Shoulders,
Knees and Toes’ with actions.
Repeat just performing the
 Perform where the boys sing
the song and the girls do the
actions and swap over. One
version, which is using a
steady beat and then again
where the children speed up
throughout the song.
 Learn ‘Dem Bones’ song with
the actions.
 In pairs, children to decide on
how to perform the song to
the rest of the class using
key words as stimulus (slow
down, speed up, silence,
actions, whisper, shout etc.)
 Discuss and explore different
ways of making sounds using
the body. Record using a large
picture of a body and
 Play a game of ‘Follow my
Leader’ using vocal/body
 Play pass the bag round the
ring with parts of the body.
Children to pick out a part of
the body and then make the
appropriate sound.
 In groups children to choose
a variety of parts of the body
and order them in order to
create a composition just
using body percussion. The
children should practise and
Learning Outcomes
Learnt and performed
a simple action song
and used dynamics to
alter their
Creating and altering a
simple action song for
performance using
different dynamics.
To understand the
concept of body
percussion and be
creative in using parts
of the body and voice
to make different
To learn how to make a
variety of sounds using
the body as percussion
in order to create a
short composition.
perform to the rest of the
Record the compositions and
play back to the class.
Children then identify each
sound as they hear it.
About this unit:
In this unit children will experiment with different ways of creating
sounds using materials. They will use music and movement to perform a
medieval dance.
Building materials
‘The wise man built his house upon
the rocks’
Extracts of medieval music
Video of medieval dance
Core tasks:
1) Experimenting with building materials to create sounds and create
a class composition.
2) To combine music and movement in a medieval performance.
When carrying out the type of activities and tasks in this unit:
Most children will be able to:
Follow an order of sounds to create a class composition. To learn medieval
movement to fit to music and accompany with percussion instruments.
Less able children will be able to:
Experiment with building materials to make sounds. To begin to show an
awareness f the relationship between music and movement.
More able children will be able to:
Confidently follow an order of sounds to create a class composition. To
understand the relationship between music and movement and offer
Year 1 and 2 Music Cycle B Spring Term
Learning Objectives
Learn and sing a song
about building and
add movement.
Compose a piece of
music using building
materials to create
sounds using dynamics
To identify the
features of medieval
music and relate this
to movement.
Possible Teaching Activities
Learn ‘The Wise Man Built his house
upon the Rock’ and fit in
actions/movement and perform.
 Look at materials and discuss
and experiment ways of
making sounds.
 In pairs children to create
their individual sound to fit
into the composition.
 Collect sounds and put each
sound on a brick in notation
form. Discuss dynamics of the
piece with the children.
 Experiment with the order of
the bricks and practise
putting the sounds together.
When a brick is taken away,
the children should stop
playing that particular sound.
 Record composition and play
back to children and identify
what material has made each
 Listen to extracts of
medieval music and discuss its
features. Compare it to
modern day music, how does it
 Watch a video of medieval
court dancing and pick out
moves to copy. Fit this
movement to a piece of
medieval music.
Learning Outcomes
To learn and make
up actions ready for
Using materials to
make sounds and
creating a
composition using
these materials.
Using notation to
know when to start
and stop playing
their sound.
To identify the
feature of medieval
music and perform
About this unit:
In this unit the children will use their feelings to create sounds about the
sea. They will design and make their own instruments to represent the
sound of the sea.
Describing words
Sea music
Range of materials to make
Core Tasks:
1) Listen to a variety of pieces of music of the sea and use personal
feelings to describe and create sounds about the sea.
2) To design and make their own instrument to represent sounds of
the sea. To use instruments in a group composition.
When carrying out the type of activities and tasks in this unit:
Most children will be able to:
Feedback their feelings after listening to sea music and make their own
musical instrument to represent the sounds of the sea.
Less able children will be able to:
Listen to and discuss with prompting sea music. To make a musical
instrument with support to represent the sounds of the sea.
More able children will be able to:
Discuss confidently the feelings a range of music about the sea evokes.
To select from a range of materials to make a musical instrument
representing the sounds of the sea. To use this in a group composition and
Year 1 and 2 Cycle B Summer Term
Learning Objectives
Listen to pieces of
music, which depict
sounds of the sea.
Discuss feelings they
To design and make
their own instrument
that could be used to
represent the sound
of the sea.
Possible Teaching Activities
 Listen to a variety of pieces
of music and discuss how they
make them feel. Ask the
children whether they think
that the sea sounds calm or
stormy and why?
 Identify instruments to
represent sounds of the sea.
 Show children the range of
materials they could use to
make their instrument.
 Children to design their own
instrument showing an
awareness of the materials
 Children make their
instrument and experiment
with its sound. In groups
children to put together their
sounds to create a
 Perform and record to
Learning Outcomes
To relate music to
personal feelings.
Know which
instruments make
certain sounds.
To design and make
their own instrument
showing awareness of
the sound that it
would make.
To use their own
instrument in a group
to compose a piece
representing the sea.