Revised 4/16/2020
TSW distinguish between cultural, folkways, and mores
(DOK 2).
o SOC 2: Examine the nature of culture and analyze conformity with and deviance from cultural mores.
Skills: Reading comprehension, critical thinking, group work
Anticipatory Set:
DO NOW: Complete the following: o The pen is mightier than _______ o Better safe than ______ o It’s always darkest before _______ o Don’t bite the hand that _______ o No news is _______ o If you lie down with dogs, you’ll ______ o A penny saved is a ______ o None are so blind as _____ o Children should be seen and not ______ o Better late than _____
SET: Discuss Do Now. TTW explain that these are traditional
Anglo-American proverbs (brief sayings that express common ideas/beliefs). These are examples of proverbs that are culturally relative vs. other universal proverbs such as biblical proverbs. TTW explain that like culturally relative proverbs there are also culturally relative practices that can be defined as norms, folkways, mores, taboos, and laws.
Do Now. (5 min)
Set. (10 min)
TSW examine the chart on cultural etiquette on page 82 of text. TSW explain how these cultural practices differ from
American practices. (10 min)
TSW independently read “Folkways, Mores, and Laws” on page 83 of text and complete graphic organizer
Instructional Methods
Case studies
X Cooperative learning/small
X Discussion/Discussion Boards
Discovery Learning
X Graphic Organizers
Learning Centers
X Role-play
Literature circle
Other (list):
Materials Used
Curriculum document
Pacing guide
Textbook pp. 81-91
X Whiteboard/SMART Board
X Overhead/transparency
Learning centers
Other (list): _______________
Teacher-made test (attach)
X Observation
Rubric (attach)
X Performance task(s)
Written assignment
Revised 4/16/2020 differentiating between folkways, mores, and laws. (15 min)
TSW will break up into groups and provide examples of
American folkways, mores, and laws. The groups will then be given a scenario to act out. The class must vote on which type of norm is being violated. Discuss. (30 min)
TSW examine chart on page 86 of text about Silly Laws still on the books. Discuss. TTW ask if any of the students know any additional silly laws that still exist. (7 min)
Discussion about sanctions and vales. TSW read pages 87-89.
Sanctions are used to force conformity to norms and values are what norms are based on. TSW identify the sanctions and values that are related to the list of folkways, mores, and laws that they created in groups. (12 min)
Closure. (5 min)
If extra time: TSW discuss list of American values on page 90 of text. TSW debate if these are correct or not, leading to a discussion on cultural diversity.
Input/Modeling :
TTW clarify important points in “Folkways, Mores, and
Laws” reading.
Guided Practice:
TSW examine the chart on cultural etiquette on page 82 of text.
TSW explain how these cultural practices differ from American practices.
TSW will break up into groups and provide examples of
American folkways, mores, and laws. The groups will then be given a scenario to act out. The class must vote on which type of norm is being violated. Discuss.
TSW examine chart on page 86 of text about Silly Laws still on the books. Discuss. TTW ask if any of the students know any additional silly laws that still exist.
Discussion about sanctions and vales.
TSW read pages 87-89.
Sanctions are used to force conformity to norms and values are what norms are based on. TSW identify the sanctions and values that are related to the list of folkways, mores, and laws that they created in groups.
If extra time: TSW discuss list of American values on page 90 of text.
TSW debate if these are correct or not, leading to a discussion on cultural diversity.
Independent Practice/Affiliation:
TSW independently read “Folkways, Mores, and Laws” on page
83 of text and complete graphic organizer differentiating between folkways, mores, and laws.
Revised 4/16/2020
Closure (5 min):
TTW restate objectives.
TTW review material.
TTW state that next class we will be discussing cultural diversity and taking the Chapter 3 quiz.
Checking for Understanding (throughout the lesson):
TSW listen to class discussions.
TSW question students about norms in order to ensure retention of material.
Overhead projector
Study Guide
TTW reteach material if necessary.