chesham high school lesson plan - Moodle

Teacher: SBy/NDm
& History Mentors
For groups of 30= 3 History
Mentors and a teacher
For groups of 60=6 History
Mentors and teacher
Date: Week 4th July
Subject: English
Civil War: Cavaliers
& Parliamentarians
Class: Year 5s
Period: 2pm to 3pm
SEN: ?
MAT: ?
Lesson context:
Reading Museum History Boxes H48 (;H48/A;H197;H9/A
Task Sheet for Task 1
Information sheet on 2 objects for Task 1
Question Sheet for Task 2
Information Sheet for Task 2
Mind Map sheet for note taking on Task 3
Evaluation Sheets
Preparation for Civil War Re-enactment on 15th July
Lesson objectives: what the students will
Intended learning outcomes: How will the students know
know, understand, be able to do by the end of the
they are successful? ‘What I’m looking for is…’ (WILF):
Know about some different objects of the time and what they were used
Know about the Verney family of Buckinghamshire and the impact of the
Civil War on them.
Know who the Parliamentarians were, what they dressed like and what
they stood for.
Know what the Cavaliers were, what they dressed like and what they
stood for.
Understand why the Civil War happened.
Understand who the “Cavaliers” were and their cause.
Understand who the Parliamentarians were and their cause
Understand the nature of the warfare & weapons
Understand the human cost
Homework/Further Classwork: Either/Or
Write a letter to your mother/father in the Cavaliers Army although you are a Parliamentarian
Write a letter to your son/daughter in the Parliamentarian Army although you are a Cavalier
Share object knowledge with rest of class as per drawings and notes taken and information sheets distributed.
LESSON STRUCTURE: make sure students are doing more than the teacher where possible
2 to 2.10
2.10- 2.15
2.15 -2.35
2.55 -3pm
Different learning activities:
Introductions& Power point display with date of Civil War and example of Oliver Cromwell and
King Charles, elicit any prior knowledge at end.
Divide into 10 groups of six and distribute around Hall with a cloth in the middle of each group.
Distribute 3 objects to each group and sheets for Task 1 to all.
Task 1: 3 objects will be distributed to each group of 6 pupils, draw, discuss and decide what you
know/would like to know about the objects as per sheet. Using the pre-prepared information
sheets make notes about the object checking what you thought and what you now know
Task 2: Presentation on Civil War through Verney family of Buckinghamshire: History Mentors tell
story briefly & power point pictures & examples of letters.
Plenary session on what you would want to write to a family member in the opposing group. Elicit
feelings. Pupils to make notes on pre-prepared mind map sheet. To be written up in class later as
an extension activity.
What have you learned today?
Thank you and goodbye. See you on 15th July
Provision for MAT and/or SEN:
??? Input from Junior Schools here
Suggest: art as a channel for letter writing/what I learnt from today
Mind map sheets can also be extended as a follow up activity with pictures drawn in to illustrate
Strategy for assessment of learning outcomes, including in-class assessment:
Letter writing, sharing object knowledge with others
Evaluation Sheet to be filled in later in class