Passing a law in Government

Passing a law in Government
Grade 4
2 Class Periods
 Students will learn about the three branches of government
 Students will learn how the three branches are connected
 Students will act as the three branches of government and try to pass a law
- VI. 3.1: Compose brief statements expressing a decision on an issue in the school
or local community.
- III.4.1: Distinguish among making, enforcing, and interpreting laws
Materials List:
 3 Branches of government chart
1. Ask the students if they remember what the three branches of government are
a. Have studied this already
b. Legislative, executive, and judicial
2. Review the three branches
a. Legislative: Congress: House of Representatives, Senate
i. Legislative branch makes the laws
b. Executive: President, Vice President
i. Makes sure the laws of the united states are obeyed
c. Judicial: Supreme Court
i. Interprets the laws
3. Break the students up into three groups, one representing each of the following
a. 1 president
b. 14 or so in the house of representatives
c. 8 or so in the senate
d. Teacher will be the supreme court
4. Give the students 20-30 minutes to research what each person does when passing
a law
5. Have the students act out a law they want to pass
a. Example: Longer recess, No homework... something that affects them as a
1. Make sure it is done right
2. They should have figured the process out during their research
a. Law first goes to the house and they vote, needs a majority to win
b. Then to the senate to vote on
c. Then the bill goes to the president where he can pass or veto it
i. If the president veto’s the bill it goes back to congress
ii. If the congress and the house both pass the bill with 2/3rd majority
it becomes a law without the president’s signature
d. You as the supreme court says the bill is unconstitutional and it’s done
Review what just happened
Talk about the process and make sure they have all the steps correct
Free Write: Have each student take 10 minutes to write out the process they just
acted out. They need to say what was trying to be passed and why or why it
didn’t pass
G/T and Disabled:
Gifted and Talented: Have the gifted and talented students represent the Supreme Court.
Tell them that they need to rule a law unconstitutional and research what would
be done next.
Disabled: Make sure the disabled students are working with a group that is willing to
help them out and that they are comfortable asking questions in.