Study Guide

Name _______________________
Block _____ Date ____________
Rome Study
Test: Friday, January 31, 2014
How did government & religion adapt & change
as Rome expanded & became more diverse?
What do you need to be able to do?
 explain the bolded terms, people, and places in your own words
 use the bolded words to do the things listed below
How did the ways leaders gained, maintained, and lost
legitimacy change as Rome grew?
Describe the Roman republic
Identify the role of the consul, Senate, tribune, legions, and 12 Tables
Explain the importance of civic virtue
Provide examples of the problems caused by the Punic Wars
Describe the roles of social groups: plebeians, patricians, women, slaves
Explain the roles of Julius Caesar and Augustus in creating the Roman Empire
Explain the importance of Pax Romana
Explain how Augustus (and later emperors) used Bread & Circus to maintain
Explain why Diocletian divided the empire and why Constantine moved the
Explain the reasons the Western Roman Empire collapsed
Compare the problems of the Republic and the Empire
Describe the location and importance of the city of Constantinople
Describe the importance of the Justinian Code
Evaluate whether the Byzantine Empire was part of the Roman Empire or an
entirely new empire
How did the Romans change religions within the empire?
Describe the ways the Roman religion changed as the empire expanded
Briefly describe how covenant and Torah are related to Judaism
Define monotheism, polytheism, and pagan
Explain why the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the cause of the Jewish
diaspora and the ways they affected Judaism
Explain the role of Jesus, Paul, Constantine and the Edict of Milan in
Explain how Romans viewed Christians and why Christianity spread
Place major events from Roman history on a time line
Open Response Questions
You need to be prepared to answer all the questions below. On the test you will be asked
to answer one question.
For the open response question, you need a thesis statement that addresses the critic
(although…), states your central idea, and identifies your controlling idea (because…).
You also need to present and analyze two pieces of evidence to support your point of
view and provide a concluding sentence.
Did the Roman Empire change the Roman religion in a mostly positive or mostly
negative way?
Did the Roman Empire affect Judaism in a mostly positive or mostly negative
Which was more important to the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire:
political factors or social conditions?
How to Study
Step 1. Get Organized!
Organize the handouts you received
Review your notes and the Questions of the Day
Step 2: Make flash cards, a two-column list, or a Quizlet
Write the bolded terms on one side and your own explanation on the other
Your own explanations are more helpful than dictionary definitions.
You will not be asked for definitions. You will be asked to use the terms.
Step 3: Make more flash cards, another two-column list, or add to Quizlet
Re-state the bullets above on one side and write your answer on the other
You can cut and paste the bullets into your own document. This study guide is posted on the class
Step 4: Use your flash cards, list, or Quizlet to quiz yourself
If these steps don’t work for you, try this:
Re-read the hand-outs and the textbook pages listed below
After you read each one, write a paragraph summarizing what you read
Need More Help?
Check back to the following pages in the textbook
p. 141-145 Romans Create a Republic
p. 146-152 Roman Empire Brings Changes
p. 153-157 Rise of Christianity
p. 158-163 Decline of Roman Empire
p. 164-167 Roots of Western Civilization
p. 72-77
Origins of Judaism
p. 269-271 Byzantium Becomes New Rome
Come to a review session in Room 228:
X block, Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Z block (2:30-3:00) Thursday, January 30, 2014