Moon Apogee and Perigee LabName ____________ Determining the Moon’s Orbit from its apparent size Background information: As the moon orbits, we see different amounts of the day (lit) side of the moon. We call these changing faces of the moon ‘phases’. A full cycle of phases takes 27.33 days, or slightly less than one month (moonth). These phases include: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent and new moons. The age of a moon phases is equal to the amount of days past the most recent new moon. For example, a 3 day moon is the thin, crescent shaped phase that is visible 3 days after a new moon. As the moon orbits around the Earth, we see it in a slightly different position each day. The moon’s position is measured, in degrees, along the ecliptic- so it is called “ecliptic longitude”. In addition to the changing phases, the moon changes in other, less noticeable ways. As the moon orbits around the Earth in a slightly elliptical orbit, there are times when it will be closest to the Earth (called Perigee) and times when it will be furthest from Earth (called Apogee). As the moon gets closer to the Earth, it will appear slightly larger and as it moves further away, it will appear slightly smaller. Obviously, the moon is not getting larger and smaller; it is just appearing larger and smaller because it is closer and further from us. This is called the moons apparent diameter. In this lab, you will measure the apparent diameter of the moon throughout one month in order to determine the date of apogee and perigee. Perigee Apogee To complicate matters a little more, the moon doesn’t orbit along the same apparent path as the sun. Its orbit is tipped about 5 degrees from the ecliptic (recall that the ecliptic is the apparent path of the sun in our sky). This means that, in one month, there will be times when the moon appears below the ecliptic (below the sun’s path) and there will be times when the moon appears above the ecliptic. The moon’s position is measured, in degrees, above and below the ecliptic- so it is called “ecliptic latitude”. When the moon crosses the ecliptic (the ecliptic latitude is = 0), lunar and solar eclipses can occur. These positions are known as nodes. Lab procedures: 1. Measure each moon image for a full month of phases. (Tip: Measure from the top to the bottom of each image NOT right to left. You may have to estimate for the first day. Try doing the other dates first.) Table 1 (Copy the same data into Table 2) Date Age of Ecliptic Ecliptic Moon (past Longitude Latitude new) (degrees) (degrees) 2/18/1999 3 days 358.06 -3.21 2/20/1999 5 days 26.5 -4.64 2/22/1999 7 days 54.81 -5.1 2/24/1999 9 days 82.78 -4.48 2/26/1999 11 days 110.33 -2.93 2/28/1999 13 days 137.34 -0.77 3/2/1999 15 days 163.58 +1.56 3/4/1999 17 days 188.8 +3.56 3/6/1999 19 days 212.98 +4.81 3/8/1999 21 days 236.49 +5.06 3/10/1999 23 days 260.06 +4.25 3/12/1999 25 days 284.56 +2.54 * 1999 was NOT a leap year Measured Apparent Diameter (in centimeters) 2. Draw 2 graphs (or plot them in Excel) a) Date vs Measured Apparent Diameter b) Date vs Ecliptic Latitude 3. Describe what is happening to the moons’ apparent diameter over the course of a month. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe what is happening to the moons’ ecliptic latitude over the course of a month. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Based on the measured diameters, which date do you think the moon is closest to the earth (perigee) ? _______________________ Which date do you think is apogee? ___________ 6. Based on your second graph, on what date does the moon appear to cross the ecliptic? _________________ 7. If lunar eclipses can only occur during full moons, could a lunar eclipse have occurred during this month? _____________________ When? _____________________ 8. If lunar eclipses can only occur during full moons when the lunar latitude is = 0, could a lunar eclipse have occurred during this month? __________________ When ?________ 9. Using the formula: dD = constant (where d represents the apparent diameter, and D represents the distance to the moon) d D Determine the constant value on the date of Perigee. On this date, ___________ the moon is at perigee and is at a distance of 368,653 km from Earth. constant = dD = (measured diameter on ______) x (368,653 km) = Determine the constant value on Apogee. On this date, _________ the moon is at apogee and is at a distance of 404,751 km from Earth. constant = dD = (measured diameter on _______ ) x (404,751 km) = Average these two values together to get the constant. Use this number in formula below constant = Use this value in the formula below to determine the actual distance to the moon on all other dates. Enter your results into Table 2. D= constant / d Table 2 Write your CONSTANT here => _____________ Date Ecliptic Longitude (degrees) 2/18/1999 2/20/1999 2/22/1999 2/24/1999 2/26/1999 2/28/1999 3/2/1999 3/4/1999 3/6/1999 3/8/1999 3/10/1999 3/12/1999 358.06 26.5 54.81 82.78 110.33 137.34 163.58 188.8 212.98 236.49 260.06 284.56 Measured Apparent Diameter (in centimeters) Distance to Moon (in kilometers) Average Distance 10. How does your calculated average distance to the moon compare to the accepted average distance value of 384,400 km? __________________________ Percentage error = ( Difference in value / Accepted Value ) x 100 11. Using the circular graph paper provided, you can now plot the position of the moon throughout the month. Start by drawing a line from the center to the right of the circle. This will represent 0 degrees. The circle is divided into 15 degree ‘pie’ pieces. You may need to use a compass! Plot the position of the moon on the circular graph paper. This graph will represent the elliptical orbit of the moon. Make each bold circular grid line equal to 50,000 km and make each minor grid line equal to 25,000 km. (Your outer grid line should be 450,000). 12. Describe the appearance of the moon’s elliptical orbit. Does it have a large or small eccentricity? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Want more math? Try this Math Extension! Calculate the eccentricity of the moon’s ellipse. Procedure: Mark the dates of Apogee and Perigee on your graph paper. Determine the average circle size in the circular graph you created. Cut out a circular piece of paper with the diameter of the average circle size. Place this circle over the graph paper and adjust it so that it fits the data points as best as possible. Mark the center of this paper circle on the circular graph paper. This dot represents one foci of the moons orbit. Measure the distance from the center of the circular graph paper to the dot representing the center of the paper circle. Measure the distance ( c ) between these two dots. Determine the length of the semi major axis ( a ) by measuring the distance from apogee to the foci dot you just drew. Use the formula e = c / a to determine the eccentricity of the moons orbit. How does your value for e compare with the accepted value of 0.055? ___________