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Subject: Advance Computer
Quiz #2
Roll No: _____________
Total Time: 30 Mins
Q. Write T for True and F for False Statements.
1. To “Identify the problem” is the first step in problem solving
2. The human right brain views time chronologically
3. Role playing is one of the techniques for problem recognition
4. For problem Identification ask “Who, What, Why, When, How” questions[ T ]
5. Problem statement is the first step of problem identification
6. Visualization and Mind Mapping are techniques for solution generation
7. The human left brain holds long term memory
8. Collective judgment is usually better than that of an individual
9. Groups generally make better decisions than knowledgeable experts
10. Proactive means to determine the right things to accomplish.
11. Put First things First means to priorities your goals.
12. Think Win Win means to seeks benefits for ones own self all the time
13. Seek First to be Understood then to Understand
14. Synergize means to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts
15. The human left brain seeks details
16. Right brain sees things as true or false, black or white
17. Left brain thinks critically
18. Right brain thinks positively
19. The fish-bone diagram resembles a fish
20. The Why Why diagram asks questions to identify the cause of problem
The End
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