Vision Statement on the Global Chemical Industry

5 September 1995
The chemical industry seeks to continue as a leading global industry, managing its
resources to innovate new products, to consistently improve its financial performance,
and to contribute through its wealth creation to a vital global economy, while advancing
the environmental and social goals of the societies within which we operate.
Strategic Goals
The chemical industry will continue efforts to excel in its fundamental role as an industry
creating wealth through value-added manufacturing. In addition, the chemical industry
has important roles to perform in improving its health, safety and environmental
performance and to do so the industry will continue to develop and implement its
pioneering Responsible Care initiative worldwide. Thus, the industry will lead by
example to higher standards of economic and environmental performance, and thereby
contribute to the advance of sustainable development. The industry will also strive to see
sound science, risk analysis, and economic analysis used to achieve effective public
policy on issues important to the industry at the local, national and international level.
By its actions, in partnership with others, and through its advocacy of sound public
policy, the chemical industry seeks to achieve the following goals.
Our Industry
The global chemical industry seeks to be an industry that:
is built upon and continually strengthened by free, fair and open market
competition, driven by continuous improvement in its operations and in the value
and utility of its products;
competes in a global marketplace in which both trade and capital flow freely,
unencumbered by tariff barriers or non-tariff measures, and in which intellectual
property is respected;
values the contributions of its employees and benefits from their commitment and
their partnership in achieving success; and,
provides the means to enhance the welfare and standard of living of peoples
around the globe by its products and operations.
Our Products
The global chemical industry seeks through its research and development and product
stewardship efforts to make products that:
are increasing in utility and value for people around the globe, through innovation
stemming from increasing investment in research and product development.
are reducing risks to both human health and the environment, through more
complete understanding of their fate and the effects associated with their
manufacture, use and disposal, the more systematic attention to emerging
scientific questions and evidence, and the application of the principles of risk
assessment and cost-benefit analysis; and
are enabling customers to improve their environmental performance, and/or
increase their efficiency of energy or natural resource consumption, and/or
improve the environmental performance of the products they make.
Our Operations
The global chemical industry seeks to manage its operations and facilities so that they:
are understood and welcomed by countries and communities in every part of the
world as safe and valuable assets contributing to their economic growth and social
work with their host countries and communities to understand, anticipate and
systematically reduce the risk of emergency situations.
are designed to reduce risks to health and the environment from emissions to the
environment and waste; and,
increase the efficiency with which our industry consumes energy and natural
resources in the process of chemical manufacturing.
Our Relations with Others
The global chemical industry seeks to have constructive relations with employees,
customers, governments, the public, and other interested parties so that the industry is:
consistently involved through outreach and dialogue with governments and
interested parties at local, national and international levels, and respected by
participants throughout these arenas.
regularly sought by governments and interested parties at all levels for counsel
and technical resources whenever they consider policy issues or problems of
mutual interest.
cooperating with governments and interested parties to efficiently develop and
share non-proprietary technical and scientific information to solve common
problems and to contribute to education and development.
working with governments and interested parties to develop and implement
science and risk-based public policy that is practicable, flexible and competitively
neutral as the framework for response to public concerns about health, safety and
the environment.
keeping alert to developments in the frontiers of science, particularly as they
relate to chemicals, recognizing the interest of both industry and society to reduce
risk where critical and balanced assessment of scientific evidence indicates
unacceptable damage or harm; and,
coordinating internationally to ensure that advocacy of its common interests is
conducted as efficiently and effectively as possible, leading to constructive
relations with interested parties and to environmental goals and objectives
increasingly harmonized across nations.