Final Exam Review Sheet

Final Exam Review Sheet for General Biology (BIO 10)
Wednesday December 17, 2014 8:00 – 11:00 am
Please bring 2 scantrons if possible!!
Exam Format:
100 (2 pts each) multiple choice questions + 20 extra credit (1 pt each) multiple choice questions.
Study Hints:
Read through each chapter carefully.
Review your notes and fill out any parts that you missed.
Make sure to get a copy of someone’s notes for any days you missed.
Study vocabulary so that you can recognize words used in context.
Make sure that you understand the concepts that we discussed.
Chapter 28
Central vs peripheral nervous system
Motor vs sensory neurons
Sympathetic vs parasympathetic
Neuron structure
Schwann cells
Simplest animals with a nervous system?
Major parts of the brain & function
Action Potential – resting membrane potential, all-or-nothing
Chapter 29
Major sensory organs and what types of stimuli they pick up including echolocation
Generally how they work – what are hair cells?
Parts of the eye, ear
Chapter 30
What is a hormone?
How does it send a signal? (electric = nervous system & chemical = hormones)
Where are they produced?
Why don’t all cells respond to hormones traveling in the blood
Insulin & glucagon
Growth hormone
Chapter 31
Sexual vs asexual reproduction
Internal vs external fertilization
Oviparous, Ovoviviparous, Viviparous
Production of gametes (eggs/sperm)
Haploid vs diploid
Fertilization process
Cleavage, Morula, blastula (blastocyst), gastrula
Ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm
Chapter 32
Major events in plant evolution
Alternation of generations
Vascular system
Water conservation
Stomata; Vascular system
Major groups of plants and their main characteristics
Chapter 33
Primary vs. secondary growth
Vascular cambium
Xylem & phloem
Bark vs. wood – at what layer do they separate?
Different cell types in plants
Monocots vs dicots
Chapter 34
Male & female reproductive structures in flowers
Purpose of flowers
Purpose of fruits
Methods of pollination & fertilization
Whorls of flowers
Plant hormones
Phototropism, Gravitropism, thigmotropism
Double fertilization
Chapter 35
Population, Community, Ecosystem, biome
Trophic levels
Energy flows through the system, while nurients cycle within the system
Water cycle – evaporation, transpiration
Major characteristics of each major ecosystem covered
Eutrophic & oligotrophic
Chapter 36
Major characteristics of r- and K-selected species
Carrying capacity
Population growth – what affects growth rate
Exponential vs logistic growth
Type I, II, III survivorship curves - know examples given.
Niche, fundamental vs realized
Competition & different types covered
Symbiosis (different types: commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism)
Batesian vs Müllerian mimicry
Succession – primary and secondary
Chapter 37
Proximate vs ultimate causes
Learning – nonassociative vs associative
Fixed action pattern & sign stimulus
Optimal foraging theory
Altruism / kin selection
Chapter 38
Greenhouse effect & Climate change
Acid rain
Causes of extinction
Importance of biodiversity
How can environmental problems be solved?