- WW Norton & Company

How Do We Learn?
Video Clip
Title: Habituation of a Rat’s Startle Response
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfu0FAAu-10
Time: 1 minute
How Do We Learn?
Video Clip
Title: How Dopamine Acts in the Brain
Description: Understanding how dopamine acts in the brain is critical for students’
understanding of this section. This short video clip describes the importance of
dopamine’s role in pleasure as a prime factor in addiction.
Link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x94no1_drug-addiction-reward-pathwaychain_fun
Time: 2 minutes
How Do We Learn Predictive Associations?
Classical Conditioning at BGSU: Video Clip
Title: Classical Conditioning at BGSU
Synopsis: A college student demonstrates classical conditioning by shooting his
roommate with an aerosoft gun. Crude, but it does the trick.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo7jcI8fAuI
Time: 1:39
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Thorndike-Puzzle Box: Video Clip
Title: Thorndike-Puzzle Box
Synopsis: This clip is a simulation of Thorndike's work with cats and puzzle boxes. It
portrays the birth of operant conditioning.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDujDOLre8&feature=bf_next&list=PLE06469C7D324A744
Time: 2:22
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Positive Reinforcement: Video Clip
Title: Positive Reinforcement: The Big Bang Theory
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA96Fba-WHk
Synopsis: Entertaining segment showing the power of positive reinforcement from an
episode of The Big Bang Theory.
Time: 4:53
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Grocery Store: Video Clip
Title: Grocery Store
Synopsis: This brief clip of a man and child in a European grocery store can launch a
discussion about the types of reinforcement versus punishment.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCHDGxlEFS0
Time: 0:46
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Pepper Dances to Achy Breaky Heart: Video Clip
Title: Pepper Dances to Achy Breaky Heart
Synopsis: Pepper, the dog, is trained to "dance" country-western style. Good example of
animal training and shaping.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e01RFf9Tr5w
Time: 2:32
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
The Amazing Skidboot: Video Clip
Title: The Amazing Skidboot
Synopsis: Very touching story about a Texas man and his trained dog. Shows animal
intelligence and the power of positive thinking.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2BfzUIBy9A
Time: 8:37
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Video Clip
Title: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
Description: A short video segment introducing the basic concepts behind and application of
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for children with autism spectrum and severe learning
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyCx-OLzgJw
Time: 4 minutes
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Video Clip
Title: Nathan during an ABA [Applied Behavior Analysis] Session.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y00PndZKrqU
Time: 10 minutes
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Operant Conditioning: Video Clip
Title: Operant Conditioning
Synopsis: Original film of pigeons in the laboratory. Skinner is interviewed about
schedules of reinforcement.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ctJqjlrHA
Time: 3:58
How Does Operant Conditioning Change Behavior?
Video Clip
Title: Joshua Klein on the Intelligence of Crows
Description: “Hacker and writer Joshua Klein is fascinated by crows. (Notice the gleam of
intelligence in their little black eyes?) After a long amateur study of corvid behavior, he’s
come up with an elegant machine that may form a new bond between animal and human.”
In short, he created a vending machine for crows.
Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_klein_on_the_intelligence_of_crows.html
Time: 10 minutes
How Does Watching Others Affect Learning?
Video Clip
Title: Bobo Doll Experiment: A Study of Aggression
Description: Albert Bandura introduces and discusses the Bobo doll research. Video from
one of the original experiments is included.
Link: http://youtu.be/eqNaLerMNOE
Time: 5 minutes
How Does Watching Others Affect Learning?
Snowball Rocks the World Science Festival: Video Clip
Title: Snowball Rocks the World Science Festival
Synopsis: Snowball is a trained dancing Cockatoo who dances to the beat of any music.
Ask students what is happening, here. Modeling? Shaping?
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9qM3a5P-w4&feature=fvst
Time: 3:02
How Does Watching Others Affect Learning?
Video Clip
Title: Mirror Neurons
Description: From Nova Science Now: “A recently discovered system in the brain may
help explain why we humans can get so worked up watching other people.”
Link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/mirror-neurons.html
Time: 14 minutes