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Grade 9
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons.
Objective: To identify chemical reactions of alkanes, alkenes
and alkynes.
Worksheet (5.5)
Methane, butane and Ethene are common hydrocarbons.
Methane is the main constituent of natural gas. It combines with Chlorine Cl2, in the presence of light.
Butane gas is a good fuel for a portable burner. Butane reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon
dioxide and water vapor.
Ethene is a plant hormone and the most important raw material. It reacts with Chlorine Cl2 in the presence
of light.
Classify the given reactions as substitution, addition, or combustion reaction.
Write down the equations for the reactions taking place (using condensed structural formulas)
Give the name of each of the products of the reactions.
Consider the following hydrocarbon: Ethene
Give its molecular and structural formulas.
Indicate its functional group and the class of compounds ethene belongs.
Ethene is used to prepare chlorethane.
Write the equation of the corresponding reaction.
Indicate the catalyst used and give the name of the reaction.
Ethene is also used to prepare ethanol by the addition of water to ethene.
Write the equation of the reaction using condensed structural formulas.
Indicate the catalyst used in the reaction.
Consider the chemical products represented by their formulas in the following table:
Product No 1
Write the equation of the reaction that takes place:
Between compound (4) and compound (5).
Between 1 molecule of compound ( 1) and compound (5)
Between compound (3) and compound (6).
Give the nature (type) and the name of each of the above reactions
Write the equation of the reaction that allows obtaining compound (8) from compound (5).
Consider the following reactions: (A), (B) & (C) which are represented by the following three equations
(I), (II) & (III).
Reaction (A) : CH4 + 2Cl2
CH2Cl2 + 2HCl
Equation (I)
Reaction (B) : CH2 = CH2 + H2
CH3 — CH3
Equation (II)
Reaction (C) : CH 2 = CH2 + H2O
Equation (III)
Give the IUPAC name of the organic product obtained in each of the reactions (A) &(C).
Identify which of the reactions (A) or (C) is an addition reaction and which reaction is not an addition
Indicate the catalyst and give the name of the reactions (A), (B) & (C).
Worksheet in Chemistry / Prepared by: T. Wissam Abdallah
One molecule of ethene undergoes hydrogenation reaction to produce a compound (A) according to
the following equation:
CH2=CH2 + H2
→ (A)
Give the molecular and structural formulas of compound (A).
Indicate the catalyst used.
Butane C4H10 is one of gaseous fraction of petroleum which is widely used as a source of energy
according to the following reaction.
C4H10 +
O2(excess) →
…………. + …………. + heat
Write the balanced equation of the reaction.
Indicate the type of this reaction.
Methylene chloride ( dichloromethane) is the active substance in paint remover. It is prepared by the
reaction of methane with two molecules of chlorine.
Classify this reaction as combustion, substitution or addition reaction.
Indicate the catalyst used.
Write the equation of the reaction taking place.
The reaction of compound (A) with chlorine gas, under suitable conditions, produces
dichloromethane and hydrogen chloride (HCl) according to the equation :
(A) + Cl2  CH2Cl2 + HCl
Classify this reaction as substitution or addition.
Determine the molecular formula of compound (A).
A molecule of hydrocarbon (A) adds a molecule of hydrogen chloride (HCl) to produce a molecule of
compound (B) of formula C2H5Cl .
Show that the molecular formula of (A) is C2 H4.
Write the structural formula of (B) and give its IUPAC name.
Write, using condensed structural formulas, the equation of the reaction that allows to obtain hydrocarbon
(C) of formula C2H6 from hydrocarbon (A).
Chloromethane is derived from the reaction of methane with chlorine.
Identify whether this reaction is an addition reaction or substitution reaction.
Write the equation of the reaction that takes place.
Indicate the catalyst used.
Ethanol, industrially, is obtained by adding water to an alkene (A).
Determine the molecular formula of alkene (A).
Write the condensed structural formula and name the functional group of (A).
Write the equation of the reaction and indicate the catalyst used.
Ethene undergoes addition reaction with chlorine gas to give a compound (A).
Write, using condensed structural formulas, the equation of the reaction.
Give the name of compound (A).
Indicate the catalyst used.
One molecule of bromine (Br2) is added to one molecule of hydrocarbon (A) to produce one molecule
of the compound 1,2-dibromoethane(B).
Write the condensed structural formula of compound (B).
Determine the molecular formula of hydrocarbon (A) and give its IUPAC name.
Worksheet in Chemistry / Prepared by: T. Wissam Abdallah
The molecular formula of hydrocarbon (A) is C3Hy.
Find y, if this hydrocarbon is an alkene.
Deduce its molecular formula and give its IUPAC name.
Write the balanced equation for the complete combustion of C3Hy .
The molecular formula of hydrocarbon (A) is C3Hy.
Find y, if this hydrocarbon is an alkyne.
Deduce its molecular formula and give its IUPAC name.
Write the balanced equation for the complete combustion of C3Hy.
Propene is used in industry to produce 2-propanol which is used as solvent. 2-propanol is prepared by
the hydration of propene in the presence of a catalyst.
Indicate the functional group and the family to which propene belongs.
Classify the above reaction as substitution or addition. Justify.
Write, using condensed structural formulas, the equation of the reaction that allows producing 2-propanol.
Indicate the catalyst used.
Propane which is used as fuel in many camp stoves can be prepared by the addition of substance X to
Identify substance X.
Write the equation of the reaction taking place.
Indicate the catalyst used and give the name of the reaction.
Chloroform ( trichloromethane) is a good solvent and used as antiseptic reagent. It is prepared by the
reaction of methane with three molecules of chlorine.
Classify this reaction as combustion, substitution or addition reaction.
Indicate the catalyst used.
Write the equation of the reaction taking place.
Halomethanes are compounds used as refrigerants, solvents, anesthetics... They are obtained from the
reaction of methane with halogens according to the equation:
CH3-H + X2
+ HX
Where X2 is the formula of a halogen molecule such as Cl2 or Br2 .
Justify whether the reaction represented by the above given equation is an addition or a substitution
The compound C2H4Cl2 has 2 isomers (I) & (II). The structural formula of isomer (I) is given.
H – C - C - Cl
H Cl
Structural formula
of isomer (I)
Write the structural formula of isomer (II) and give its systematic name.
Identify which of the two isomers (I) or (II) can be obtained by the reaction of one molecule of ethene
with one molecule of chlorine.
Worksheet in Chemistry / Prepared by: T. Wissam Abdallah
Consider the following chemical reactions:
C3H8 + O2(excess) 
C3H6 + O2(excess) 
C3H4 + O2(excess) 
CH2=CH2 + Cl2 sunlight
Ni / heat
CH2=CH2 + H2  
CH2=CH2 + HBr 
id / heat
CH2=CH2 + H2O sulfuricac
Complete and balance each of the above chemical reactions.
Give the name of the products of each of these reactions.
Indicate the type and the name of each reaction.
Worksheet in Chemistry / Prepared by: T. Wissam Abdallah