PART I: THE TIMELINE ENTRY Introduction: Using each student will contribute one event to a class timeline that encompasses all of the major events tracing America’s path to becoming one of the world’s predominant imperial powers. Assignment: Each student will be assigned one event covered within Chapter 18 of our text. For their event, students must: 1. Type a 3 to 5 sentence summary of the event under the description (use your text and the internet if necessary for additional info) 2. Create a multiple choice question that tests students’ understanding of the event (place below the summary in the description box *no answer key required) 3. Upload/Embed one visual (still image/video) related to the event Adding your Event to the Class Timeline: 1. Go to and click the Create tab located at the top of the page 2. Type in the following email ( and password (student) 3. Click on Per. 4, Per. 6, or Per.7 Timeline on the right side of the page to access your class’s timeline 4. Click Add Event on the left side of the page Schedule: Wednesday, March 20th …………… Introduce the activity and begin research on event Thursday, March 21st ……………Complete x-timeline event entry by the end of class Grade: Use of in-class time Proper event description MC question based on the summary Relevance of Visual _________ / 20 points 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 PART II: THE INTERACTIVE TIMELINE Introduction: Using each student will review each of the events on our completed class timeline and answer one multiple choice corresponding to each timeline event. Assignment: Each student will view each event on the class timeline and answer the accompanying multiple choice question. 1. On a sheet of notebook paper number 1-27 (Periods 4, 6 & 8) 2. Write the LETTER of the answer that best completes each multiple choice question 3. Submit your completed timeline review activity by the end of the class period Viewing Events on the Class Timeline: 1. Go to and click the Create tab located at the top of the page 2. Type in the following email ( and password (student) 3. Click on Per. 7 or Per. 8 Timeline on the right side of the page to access your class’s timeline 4. Click View Timeline to navigate through your class’s timeline Schedule: Friday, March 22nd ……………Complete x-timeline event review by the end of class Grade: 30 points: ________ correct / 30 events Timeline Events: 1. U.S. Imperialism 2. U.S. Nationalism 3. Alfred T. Mahan’s Book 4. Seward’s Icebox 5. U.S. Takeover of Hawaii 6. Sanford Dole becomes President of Hawaii 7. General Veleriano Weyler in Cuba 8. Yellow Journalism 9. De Lome Letter 10. U.S.S. Maine Explodes 11. Commodore George Dewey in the Philippines 12. Rough Riders and Battle of San Juan Hill 13. Treaty of Paris (1898) 14. Foraker Act 15. Teller Amendment 16. Platt Amendment 17. Emilio Aguinaldo 18. Open Door Policy 19. Boxer Rebellion 20. Panama Canal 21. Teddy Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Diplomacy 22. Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine 23. Dollar Diplomacy 24. Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy 25. Pancho Villa 26. Emiliano Zapata 27. General John J. Pershing