NAME________________________ LOGIC TEST II 1. The (A * E * I * O) proposition is the contradictory opposite of the (A * E * I * O) proposition. 2. The (A * E * I * O) proposition is both (universal * particular) and (affirmative * negative). 3. The (A * E * I * O) proposition is neither (universal * particular) nor (affirmative * negative). 4. The proposition (“Some compact disc is a study guide” * “No compact disc is a study guide”) is an (A * I) proposition that is (true * false). 5. For Aristotle, contrary propositions may both be (true * false) but cannot both be (true * false). 6. For Aristotle, the (I * O) proposition (is implied by * implies) the (A * E) proposition. 7. For Boole, the (I * O) proposition (is implied by * implies) the (A * E) proposition. 8. The (modern * traditional) standpoint considers the universal propositions as (implying the existence of the subject * not implying the existence of the subject). 9. For both Boole and Aristotle, “Some bird is a mammal” implies (“Some mammal is a bird” * “It is not the case that no bird is a mammal” * “Some non-mammal is a non-bird”). 10. Every standard categorical syllogism always has (two * three * six) different terms, each of which occur exactly (once * twice * three times). NAME________________________ LOGIC TEST II 11. No standard categorical syllogism has (three propositions * a middle term which occurs in the conclusion * four or more different terms). 12. The form of a standard categorical syllogism is its (form * mood * figure) plus its (figure * form * middle term). 13. Every standard categorical syllogism in the form AEI-3 has (a subject and a predicate term in its conclusion * a middle term in the second position of the minor premise * a predicate term in the first premise). 14. A syllogism in the form IAI-3 is (valid * invalid * true * false). 15. No syllogism in the form IAI-3 is (valid * invalid). 16. A Venn diagram is (a method for determining validity or invalidity * an arrangement of overlapping circles in which each circle represents the class denoted by a term in a categorical proposition). 17. From the traditional standpoint, the Venn diagram for the (E * O) proposition contains an ‘X’ somewhere in the overlapping circles. 18. (“Every computer is an IBM compatible computer” * “No computer is an IBM compatible computer”) is logically equivalent to (“Every IBM compatible computer is a computer” * “No IBM compatible computer is a computer”). 19. (“Every person who prays is a Satanist” * “Some person who prays is a Satanist”) is logically equivalent to (“No person who prays is a non-Satanist” * “Some person who prays is not a non-Satanist”). 20. “No person who prays is a non-Satanist” (implies * does not imply) “Some person who prays is a Satanist”. NAME________________________ LOGIC TEST II 21. Consider the following: No Republicans are Democrats, so no Republicans are big spenders, since all big spenders are Democrats. The argument expressed by this text is (valid * invalid). 22. Consider the following: Some African nations are not countries deserving military aid, because some African nations are not upholders of human rights, and all countries of military aid are upholders of human rights. The argument expressed by this text is (valid * invalid). 23. The middle term of the argument expressed in question (21 * 22) is (“Republicans” * “upholders of human rights”). 24. The argument expressed in question (21 * 22) is the (first * second * third * fourth) figure. 25. The mood of the form EIO-2 is (EIO-2 * 2 * EIO * O). 26. The P term of any argument in the form of AAA-3 may be found in the (premise set * conclusion). 27. The S term of any argument in the form of EEE-1 may be found in the (conclusion * first position in the major premise * first position in the minor premise). 28. The M term of any argument in the form III-4 may be found in the (conclusion * first position in the major premise * first position in the minor premise). 29. Use the traditional square of opposition. Given that “Some S is not P” is true, “Some S is P” is (false * true * undetermined). NAME________________________ LOGIC TEST II 30. Use the traditional square of opposition. Given that “No S is P” is false, “Some S is P” is (false * true * undetermined). 31. Use the traditional square of opposition. Given that “Some S is not P” is true, “Some S is P” is (false * true * undetermined). 32. Use the modern square of opposition. Given that “Some S is not P” is false, “Some S is P” is (false * true * undetermined). 33. Using the (traditional * modern) square of opposition “Every S is P” implies (“It is false that no S is P” * “Some S is P” * “It is false that Some S is not P”).