An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson- 1996

An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson- 1996
What ideas/ ideals/ concepts/ issues are expressed in the text?
 Unity- a history ‘for us all’.
 National identity-> who we are
 History- the importance of taking an intellectual approach to colonial history- revisionist- rejecting the popular/ mainstream understanding which
have led to misconceptions about indigenous past
 Language- power of language to shift perspective
 Nationhood- building a sense of unity and ‘opening up our hearts a little bit.’
 Cultural identity- analysing why we have ‘moral and political turbulence’ and moving towards understanding and acknowledgment to progress
 Guilt and responsibility- complex issue- guilt explored in relation to ‘black armband view of history’ as espoused by Blainey/ Howard.
 Revision of Australian colonial past-> indigenous narrative- The Great Silence
What was the agenda or motivation or purpose behind the construction and delivery of this speech?
 To establish the central link between Australians’ popular understanding of its colonial past and the moral and political turbulence in Australia
 An honest, intellectual assessment of the facts of Australia’s historical treatment of its indigenous people.
 To discuss how Australian society should respond to its past; to promote an open and harmonious vision of reconciliation.
 To overcome the inequities of the past and to build a better future based on the foundations of justice and equality without assigning guilt.
Who was the original audience for the speech?
 Gathering of academia at Western Sydney University- intellectuals who Pearson hopes to influence/ persuade to reframe Australian history
 Former teacher
 Overhearing audience- media, politicians
An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson- 1996
How are these ideas/ ideals/ concepts/ issues expressed?
 Structure-> Opening phase-> understated beginning (acknowledgement of learned audience), builds platform- standard view of Australian history;
the immoral basis of the Great Australian Silence; new narrative, endorsed by High Court- Mabo-, work on cultural interface, current issue- black
armband view of history- defines it- intelligently, addresses notion of guilt, evidence from experience-emotion, Mabo-> future progressive/
 Academic credibility established/ inclusive language/ series of points-> foundation
 Rhetorical questions provide frame-> allow focus/ highlight on Pearson’s key concerns
 Shift in tone allows voice to move from formal academic, objective to more emotive and personal
 Language- variation in tone, formal register then more informal register- personal
 Division- you/ me -> to our, us, we
 Appropriates Howard’s words/ pun on Keating
How does considering the speech in different contexts enhance your understanding of the speech?
 From current context can identify values and ideas important to Australians in 1996 and evaluate their current relevance or change
 Our post ‘Sorry’ speech provides new context from which to assess the impact of this speech-> its purpose met as new awareness of Australian
indigenous history felt
 Historical distance from the speech allows a degree of objectivity-> can detach from the politics of the day to appreciate the measured, considered
and intellectual nature of Pearson’s rhetoric.
What events or attitudes need to be considered in order to understand this speech?
An understanding of how Australian history has been represented in the past and the implications of this; Mabo, Native Title and the indigenous
experience. Media portrayals of events; political motivations. Knowledge of history and significant political/ cultural figures.
What value or meaning did the speech have in its original context?
Added significant and valid perspective to the debate about Australian history and need to form new, informed understanding. Significant because
audience was the shapers of next generation’s thinking- academics, teachers, people of influence and predominantly Caucasian.
An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson- 1996
What events or changes in attitude have taken place since this speech was first delivered?
Sorry speech. Some revision of Australian history at school- focus on indigenous experience- mandatory in curriculum. Still vast social/ cultural
problems for indigenous Australians- deaths in custody, alcohol problem, literacy issues.
What value or meaning does the speech have in our contemporary context?
o An important reference point for Australians in indigenous affairs.
o Impassioned speaker/ activist Pearson- profile/ status.
o Model of forceful, impassioned rhetoric that speaks of justice, reconciliation and importance of commemoration.
o Through reference to other important speeches- shows how speeches are an important tool to shift mindset and grapple with pertinent
What different interpretations of the speech could be made?
A political speech
An alternative view of and challenge to Australian ‘mainstream’ history
What makes a speech endure? Does this speech have any or some of those resonant qualities?
Does the speech have textual integrity?
An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson- 1996
An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson-University of Western Sydney- 1996
Primary context: Chancellor’s Club Dinner, University of Western Sydney, November, 1996.
Broader social/ cultural/ political context: 1990s contentious time in Australian society- 1992- Mabo then 1993- Native Title allowed
indigenous people to present claim to traditional lands. Media generated hysteria and PM Howard’s statement- Australian public
should not have to accept this ‘black armband’ view of Australian past; they should not feel guilty for others’ actions. Led to further
tension- Pearson wants to address this ‘moral and political turbulence’.
To persuade his immediate audience and the broader Australian public of the need to revise our response to the past, and promote
an open and harmonious vision of reconciliation.
A clear condemnation of Howard’s view of Australian history.
Academics and the national and international overhearing audience.
Argument/ Thesis
We must review our popular understanding of the colonial past because it is central to the moral and political turbulence
happening within Australia. Calls for revision of History.
Ideas/ Ideals/ Values
National identity, reconciliation, history, justice,
Opening phase:
Positions himself amongst academic audience and assumes a humble, self-effacing stance- establishes formal register- appropriate
for context. Introduces thesis- challenge the popular understanding of Australian history- though this is cleverly/ moderately
introduced- not charged with high emotion- measured tone.
Middle phase:
Builds his case- legalese; references to other historical events/ speeches-> builds evidence and credibility
Final/ closing phase:
Explicitly delineated- ‘In conclusion…’- reinforcing the formal/ case building nature of his speech
Rhetorical strategies
and language
Opening phase:
Use of first, second and third person references reflects the divisive nature of the issue
High modalityFormal/ academic register
Sarcastic tone
Metaphor= the spectre of guilt
Cohesive markers/ ties- stylistic feature to form a clear case-> no room for confusion-> determined to illuminate audience through
Long complex sentences- lexical density- reflects context/ issue
An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson- 1996
Quotations/ references
Verb choice- reflects clear purpose-> to expose assumptions about/ behind attitudes- ‘embedded into popular belief’
Imagery- variety- ‘legal invisibility’ of aboriginal people
Summarises argument- clarifies to maintain conviction of case he is presenting
Variety of sentence types- short sentences to increase clarity- make point.
Rhetorical questions guides focus of middle phase of speech- ‘But has the so-called black armband view of history been about
apportioning guilt?’
LogicTextual integrity- The
unity of a text; its
coherent use of form and
language to produce an
integrated whole in
terms of meaning and
value. (p 143)
In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
 demonstrate an informed understanding of the ideas expressed in the text
 evaluate the text’s language, content and construction
 organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
Textual Integrity:
‘Module B deals with questions of textual integrity, significance and value. It is important to note that students do need to engage with the prescribed novel, film, drama or
nonfiction text in its entirety to develop a deep understanding and personal view of the text and to develop their understanding of questions of textual integrity.
Similarly, the study of poems or speeches in Module B requires the study of all of the prescribed poems and prescribed speeches.
The syllabus defines textual integrity as:
The unity of a text; its coherent use of form and language to produce an integrated whole in terms of meaning and value. (p 143)
Evaluating a text in terms of its textual integrity requires the students to consider the features and elements of a text and the extent to which it may possess an overall
unity, integrated structure and unifying concept. Students’ close analysis helps them to evaluate how these features and elements function in different ways, leading to
An Australian History for Us All- Noel Pearson- 1996
the consideration of the text’s overall coherence and complexity. In this way, they arrive at a sense of the text’s distinctiveness and enduring, or potentially enduring,