COURSE SYLLABUS A. Protocol 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. LINEAR ELECTRONICS I EET 210 4 EET 160 Fall 2001 Objectives of the Course 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. C. Course Name: Course Number: Credits: Prerequisite: Date of Revision: To provide the student with an understanding of semiconductor theory, electron current, hole current and recombination. To understand the concept of doping and the fabrication of a pn junction. To differentiate between a unipolar and a bipolar semiconductor and its relationship to temperature. To understand the operation of a semiconductor diode and different methods of mathematically modeling the diode. To introduce the different types of diodes such as the LED, photodiodes, varactors, schottky and zener diodes. To analyze the performance of a diode in an electric circuit. To construct and analyze the parameters of a power supply. To be able to understand the terminology in diode and power supply manuals. To understand the theory and a mathematical model of the junction transistor. To be able to bias a small signal transistor amplifier. To introduce the feedback concept by application to bipolar transistors. To be able to model a transistor amplifier circuit for ac operation. To be able to design a transistor amplifier for specified upper and lower cutoff frequencies. To be able to calculate the voltage gain of a transistor amplifier. To be able to design a small signal transistor amplifier. To be able to calculate the input impedance of a transistor amplifier. To understand the concepts of direct, RC and transformer coupling of transistor amplifiers. To understand and use various transistor configurations such as common emitter, common collector and common base circuits. Catalog Description A study of solid state diodes and transistors. Methods of biasing, temperature stabilization, determining voltage gain and input resistance for small signal amplifiers. D. Descriptive Overview of Course 1. Outline of Course Content a. Lecture Outline (1) Semiconductor Theory (a) Atomic structure (b) Orbital radius (c) Energy levels and bands (d) Conduction in crystals (e) Hole current (f) Doping (2) PN junctions (a) The unbiased diode (b) The energy hill (c) Forward bias (d) Reverse bias (e) Bipolar and unipolar devices (3) Diodes (a) The rectifier diode (b) The diode curve (c) The ideal diode (d) Mathematical models of the diode (e) Diode capacitance (f) Other types of diodes (4) Diode circuits (a) The half-wave rectifier (b) The full-wave rectifier (c) RC and RL filters (d) Voltage multipliers (e) Voltage regulation (f) The zener regulator (g) The clipper and clamper circuits (h) The peak to peak detector (5) Bipolar transistors (a) The three doped regions (b) The unbiased transistor (c) Forward and reverse bias (d) The common emitter connection (e) Transistor curves (6) Transistor biasing circuits (a) Voltage divider bias (b) Collector feedback bias (c) Emitter and base bias (d) Biasing PNP and NPN transistors (7) (8) 2. (e) Collector cutoff and saturation current AC equivalent circuits (a) Coupling and bypass capacitors (b) The superposition theorem for ac-dc circuits (c) Transistor equivalent circuits (d) The ideal transistor approximation (e) Emitter-diode ac resistance (f) AC beta Small signal amplifiers (a) Base drive and emitter drive (b) The common emitter amplifier (c) Swamping the emitter diode (d) Input impedance (e) The emitter follower and the darlington pair (f) Types of coupling (g) The common base amplifier Teaching Methodology Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory. All experiments will include a laboratory report and at least two of the reports will be of a formal structure. 3. Text Malvino, Albert P. Electronic Principles, McGraw- Hill. 4. Method of Evaluation Classroom: 3-4 exams @ 100 pts each 2 - 5 computer projects @ 10 pts each 5 - 15 quizzes @ 10 pts each Laboratory: 8 – 12 laboratories @ 10 pts each Final grade is based upon 75% of the classroom percentage and 25% of the laboratory percentage. Grade A: 90% - 100% Grade B: 80% - 89.9% Grade C: 70% - 79.9% Grade D: 60% - 69.9% Grade F: 0% - 59.9% E. Reference Materials 621.3815B433e Bell, David. Electronic Devices and Circuits, Reston, 1986. 621.3815B79e4 Boylestad, R. and L. Nashelsley. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Prentice-Hall 1987. 621.38153B849f Brichant, F. Force-Commutated Investers - Design and Industrial Applications, McMillan, 1984. 621.38152C989s Cutler, Phillip. Solid-State Device Theory with Illustrative Problems, McGraw-Hill, 1972. 621.38103G446e Gibilisco, Stan. Encyclopedia of Electronics, TAB, 1985. 621.3815J78p2 Jones, M. H. A Practical Introduction to Electronic Circuits, Cambridge University Press, 1985. 621.381M68i Mitchell, F. H., Jr. and F. H. Mitchell, Sr. Introduction to Electronic Design, Prentice-Hall, 1988. 621.3815P63f Pike, A. L. Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits, Prentice-Hall, 1971. 621.38153P95e Price, Walter. Electronic Circuit Packaging, Merrill, 1967. 621.381R593d Rips, E. M. Discrete and Integrated Electronics, Prentice-Hall, 1988. 621.381R815m Rosenstein, M. and Paul Morris. Modern Electronic Devices: Circuit Design and Applications, Reston, 1985. 621.381S216e Sanderson, M. Electronic Devices - A Top-Down Systems Approach, PrenticeHall, 1988. 621.38153S264e Savant-Roden-Carpenter. Electronic Circuit Design - An Engineering Approach, Benjamin/Cummings, 1987. 621.38153S422h Scoler, G. J. Handbook of Electronic Circuits, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1975. 621.38153S456p Seguier, Guy. Power Electronics Converters - AC/DC Conversion, McGrawHill, 1986. 621.38153T35c Texas Instruments Staff. Circuit Design for Audio, AM/FM, and TV, McGrawHill, 1967. 621.38151S51p Texas Instruments Staff. Field Effect Transistors, McGraw-Hill, 1965. 621.38153V39p Veatch, Henry C. Pulse and Switching Circuit Action, McGraw-Hill, 1971. 621.38153W339s Watson, J. Semiconductor Circuit Design, Adam Hilger Ltd., 1970. 621.38153Y95d Yunik, Maurice. Design of Modern Transistor Circuits, Prentice-Hall, 1973.