Week 1 - btrhistory

Conflict and Identity Detailed Curriculum Map (with HW, lesson plans, and plenty of
other stuff)
Middle East Unit- HHC 05-06
Essential Questions: ............................................................................................................ 2
MEETING COURSE SKILLS OBJECTIVES ................................................................... 3
Some Resources .................................................................................................................. 4
Week 1- Sept 8-9 ................................................................................................................ 5
Class 1 ............................................................................................................................. 5
Class 2 ............................................................................................................................. 6
Week 2- Sept 12-16 ............................................................................................................ 8
Class 1 ............................................................................................................................. 8
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................... 10
Class X-......................................................................................................................... 12
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................... 13
Week 3- Sept 19-23 .......................................................................................................... 15
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................... 15
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................... 17
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................... 19
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................... 20
Week 4- Sept 26-30 .......................................................................................................... 21
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................... 21
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................... 22
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................... 24
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................... 25
Week 5- Oct 3-7 ................................................................................................................ 27
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................... 27
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................... 28
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................... 29
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................... 30
Week 6- Oct 11-14 ............................................................................................................ 31
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................... 31
Class Y .......................................................................................................................... 32
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................... 33
Week 7- Oct 17-21 ............................................................................................................ 34
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................... 34
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................... 35
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................... 36
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................... 37
Week 8- Oct 25-28 ............................................................................................................ 38
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................... 38
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................... 39
Class Y .......................................................................................................................... 39
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................... 40
Essential Questions:
1) How does individual identity shape the boundaries of state conflict?
2) Why did the small tribe of Hebrews have such a significant world impact?
3) What accounts for the 1000 year dominance in the Islamic world, and how has the
Islamic world adapted to changes in world power?
4) How do the faiths of Judiasm and Islam shape identity in the Middle East
5) Why has the Arab-Israeli conflict proven so unsolvable and what are the prospects
for peace in the Middle East?
ParagraphMain idea,
Topic sentence
Conclusion or transition
Supporting assertions with
Major element of this
section- All writing
assignments focus on
crafting tightly woven
Incorporating quotations
Incorporating primary
This is a rich area for
primary sources, both
ancient scriptural and
recent political. And I
think we can
FINAL- multiple paragraph
The final assignment will
be another long assembly
dialogue type task, great
for focusing on
Right now, I have almost
completely focused on
writing paragraphs, and I
am wondering if I should
have at least one 1-1.5
page assignment in there
so that students have
some better context for
writing paragraphs.
Using the
Reference Section
With the library
closed, I haven’t
figured out what
exactly would be
useful in there.
computer as
I have some
Creating citations new ideas
for better
Citing in-text
My sense is that for
I will only be
able to provide
time to introduce notetaking
these two topics, Etc.
and they will
need to be
reinforced again.
Taking notes on
secondary sources
There are a couple of
tools that I’ll suggest
for this- but very
short summary
outlines and timelines.
For this material,
timelines are
absolutely essential.
Evaluating primary
I’m going to suggest
the short summary
outlines, but Doug’s
method may be good
as well.
Introduction to visual
One sets of slides for
Studying for quizs/tests
I have some great
material from Snyder
that I can share.
Class discussion and
debate skills
The simulation I think
will be useful and
really fun.
Some Resources
Here are a few basic readings from the web to get our team some basic background.
MidEast Web for Coexistence. http://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm
Also check out this current issues summary: www.mideastweb.org/nutshell.htm
Guardian’s brief Flash history: http://www.guardian.co.uk/flash/0,5860,720353,00.html
Washington post’s brief Flash history (with excellent maps, pay close attention to the
key) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/flash/world/israel/IsraelHistory.htm
If you really want to rock out, you should read Ian Bickerton and Carla Klausner’s A
Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
Week 1- Sept 8-9
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: XXX
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
Key Terms:
Timeline Events:
Reading Notes:
Study Questions:
Special Instructions:
Background Information:
Attached Readings:
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
Expected Length:
Formatting Requirements:
Source Material:
Other relevant due dates:
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
20 min Introductions (HHC Interview.doc)
15 min Course Overview (HHC0506 Intro.ppt and .doc)
5 min- Homework assignment: Identity Research Proposal
10 min Introduction to NoblesNet
Creating Portfolios
Creating Homework Folders
Creating Online Notebook
Class 2
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW01
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
You have become a wildly famous and important person, and
historians have decided to study your childhood in order to better
understand you, your values, and your motivations.
Imagine that you are that historian (who is studying the famous
version of you). Submit a research plan for the kinds of research that
would need to be done in order to understand the roots of the famous
person you have become. For instance if you are a religious person, what
would a historian need to study in order to understand that aspect of your
identity? If you identify strongly with an ethnic group, what would a
historian need to study in order to understand that aspect of your identity?
What books would a historian need to read, what movies would they need
to watch, what albums would they need to listen to in order to understand
your identity?
- Write in formal academic English. No slang, contractions, or use of
the first person (I think, I feel, I believe, etc.).
- Write in several paragraphs; do not have a single huge one.
- Early in the piece, introduce your main ideas, if possible in a single
thesis statement.
Expected Length: 1-1.5 pages
Formatting Requirements: Typed, 12 point Times font, 1.5 spaced.
Source Material: Your own life and experience. This essay should not
require source material.
Grade Value: None. Just to get to know each other.
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
In Class:
Objectives- Students should get a sense of how the individual identities of people shapes
the boundaries of conflict, even in places like the Oasis for Peace where the intention is
to minimize conflict
Conflict and Identity
30 Min: Film Oasis of Peace (A film about a school in Israel that brings schools groups
of Israelis and Palestinians together)
10 Min: Discussion- Sources of conflict? Important elements of identity?
10 Min: Homework- Key Terms, Vocabulary and Timeline Events
Week 2- Sept 12-16
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW02
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
1) Sontag, Deborah. “Palestinian Forces Exchange Gunfire with Israeli Troop.”
New York Times. May 17, 2000. nytimes.com.
3) Barghuti, Marwan. “The Israelis Must Leave the Territories.” The Israel-Arab
Reader. Walter Laquer and Barry Rubin, eds. New York: Penguin, 2001.
Timeline Events:
September 28, 2000. Sharon’s Visit to the Temple Mount
Reading Notes:
For each article write a 1-2 sentence summary of the main point of the article
and make a few (2-5) bulletpoints notes about the most important facts and
In Class:
1) Students should be able to see the importance of questions in academic inquiry
2) Students should become curious about the nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict
3) Students should be introduced to the complexity of the AI conflict
20 Min: Questions and condiments
1) The exercise is to ask as many questions as possible about a condiment bottle
(soy sauce, ketchup, salsa, etc.)
2) Consider categories to help stimulate thought- (social, culinary, agricultural,
biological, economic, etc.)
3) Have everyone sign on to NNET and create chat groups of 3-4. Each group
then has 10 minutes to create 40 questions (or 50 for groups of 4). The activity
will be graded for 5 points.
4) When finished, have students email their chats to turninreich.
20 Min: Questions and the Intifada
1) Have the same chat groups do the same exercise with the three article
2) Put questions on the board, answer some of the easy ones (names, terms, etc)
and then highlight the most important ones.
10 Min: Wrap Up
1) Assign Homework
2) Class Summary- 3-5 Sentences summarizing class. Self-comprehension rating
Class 2
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW03
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Wednesday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
1) ONLINE Guardian Special Report. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Brief
History. http://www.guardian.co.uk/flash/0,5860,720353,00.html
Click on the NEXT> button to advance the history…
2) READER- 8-9
McMahon, Sir Henry. “The McMahon letter (October 24, 1915). The
Israel-Arab Reader. Walter Laquer and Barry Rubin, eds. New York:
Penguin, 2001. 11-12
Balfour, Arthur. “The Balfour Declaration (November 2, 1917). The IsraelArab Reader. Walter Laquer and Barry Rubin, eds. New York: Penguin,
2001. 16
Timeline Events:
1918 British Mandate
May 15, 1948
June 5, 1967
October 6, 1973
May 2000
Feb 2001
Reading Notes:
For each of the two primary documents, summarize the main points in 1-2
sentences. Make bullet point notes on some of the most important details.
Special Instructions: Note- The two primary source documents assigned
herein are referenced to (though not named) in the Flash presentation in
the 1914-1918 page.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
In Class:
1) Students should understand the history of the British occupation of Palestine and their
contradictory promises to Arabs and Jews.
2) Students should learn the definition of a primary source
35 Min: Review history using One land, Two Peoples and the Guardian Report, include
close reading and discussion of the primary source documents
15 Min: Assign HW, catch up on any Nnet folks may have missed, review timelines and
check portfolios.
15 Min: Paragraph Writing. Ask Students what makes a good paragraph. Use Doug’s
handout, and cover mini-thesis, quotations and evidence, logic, and concluding or
transition sentences. Assign the homework due for class #4
Class XThe extra period for the sections that met twice during the first week.
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW0X
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
1) Emir Feisal and Chaim Weizmann: Agreement (January 3, 1919) The
Israel-Arab Reader. Walter Laquer and Barry Rubin, eds. New York:
Penguin, 2001. 17-18
2) Emir Feisal and Felix Frankfurter: Correspondance (March 3-5, 1919)
The Israel-Arab Reader. Walter Laquer and Barry Rubin, eds. New
York: Penguin, 2001. 19-20
3) British Government: The White Paper (May 17,1939) The Israel-Arab
Reader. Walter Laquer and Barry Rubin, eds. New York: Penguin,
2001. 44-47
TEACHING NOTE- These are fascinating but unnecessary (though if you
want to stick it to the British, this is a great day); this would also be a
good class to look at some current event sorts of things in the context
of what has already been learned.
Reading Notes:
For each primary source, write a 2-3 sentence summary of the document
and then include a bullet point list of details to support those main points.
Special Instructions:
You should find the Feisal letters very surprising. If they don’t surprise you,
read more closely.
In Class
1) Paragraph Writing
2) Practice reading documents- though mostly these docs explain the troubles of
British occupation and the possibility of Jewish/Arab partnership
30 Min: Primary Source review. Break the class into three groups to discuss one of the
three documents, have them make a presentation using a few questions such as: Who is
the author, what is their bias, what is the main point, how is this useful to historians?
20 Min: Paragraph Writing. Ask Students what makes a good paragraph. Use Doug’s
handout, and cover mini-thesis, evidence, logic, sandwiching quotations and concluding
or transition sentences. Assign the homework due for class #4
Class 3
Homework Title: MidEast HW04
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
SPECIAL NOTE- We’ll be making some maps in class tomorrow. Please
bring in colored pencils if you have them.
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
For this exercise you will write two paragraphs:
1) Imagine that you are a Jew living in Israel. How does the conflict around
you and the history of that conflict shape and define your identity?
2) Imagine that you are a Muslim Arab living in Gaza. How does the conflict
around you and the history of that conflict shape and define your identity?
1) Write in formal academic English. No slang, no contractions, no
unnecessary first-person. (Wrong- I think the conflict has made me better
understand myself. Better- The conflict has made me better understand
2) Start each paragraph with a forceful mini-thesis.
3) Defend each mini-thesis with specific evidence. In this exercise, I would
like you to use at least one quotation (I will almost never tell you how
many quotations you need)
4) Be sure that your evidence supports your mini-theis
5) Finish your paragraph with a forceful final statement, but do not be
Expected Length: These paragraphs should be between 1/2- 3/4 of a page.
Formatting Requirements: 12 point, Times font, 1.5 spacing.
Source Material: You should only use class materials for this exercise. Do not
consult any additional sources from the internet.
Grade Value: 30 points
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
In Class
1) Consider the importance of personal identity in the conflict
2) Learn about the geography of the region and the interests of some of the other
countries (I can probably make you all a cheat sheet)
15 Min: Review last night’s HW about identity
15 Min: Map Exercise- have students create maps of Middle East using the handout
(HHC MidEast Map.doc)
15 Min: Discuss some of the other countries around Palestine, ask students what they
know about them- perhaps give some brief background on Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq,
Jordan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
Week 3- Sept 19-23
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW05
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
Reader 18-33 (Pages 34-36 also include a brief summary of Abraham’s life
Meredith, Susan. Usborne Guide to World Religions, 18-21.
Van Biema, David. "Abraham." Time. September 22, 20002.
Timeline Events:
Birth of Abraham
David’s kingdom
First Temple Destroyed
Second Temple Destroyed and Exile
Reading Notes: For this reading come up with 6 discussion questions about
this article. A discussion question is not one that should have a simple,
factual answer. Instead, a discussion question is an open ended question
with multiple answers that should spark, you guessed it, discussion.
1) To learn about Nnet chat exercises
2) To learn the basic similarities (first monotheist) and differences (esp. Isaac vs Ishamel)
15 minutes- Nnet Chat- Abraham as Jew, Christian, Muslim (GRADED, 10 points)
20 minutes- Discussion of similarity and differences between views of Abraham.
10 min- Basic advantages, problems of monotheism, basics of Judaism- covenant
5 min- wrap-up, next days homework
Class 2
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW06
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Armstrong 7-17
Key Terms:
Yahweh (or YHWH)
Reading Notes: no outline notes, instead, respond BRIEFLY to these
Study Questions:
Prepare some bulletpoint notes on the following questions:
1) What ideas did Abraham, Jacob and the patriarchs keep from the
old polytheisms, and what ideas are new?
2) What are the differences in the Hebrew and Babylonian accounts of
3) What are the relationships between Abraham, Moses, and Jacob
and their respective God(s)?
Special Instructions: Historians read texts for different reasons. This provides
us some background on the polytheistic world in which Abraham and the
Hebrews made their remarkable religious innovations. When reading for
background, the specific details are often not as important as the larger
themes. In this case the big question is the study question- What ideas did
Abraham, Jacob and the patriarchs keep from the old polytheisms, and
what ideas are new?
Background Information:
Objectives- To celebrate kids wrestling with a difficult reading
- to recognize that the patriarchs borrowed ideas from the old faith even as they charted a
profoundly new direction in religion
10 min- Watch Babylon origin myth from Bigmyth.com.
10 min- Read the first two accounts of creation in Genesis
25 min- Discussion- comparisons of polytheism and monotheism
Especially consider the problem of Evil in monotheisms. Also perhaps wrestle
with the problem of fundamentalism in monotheism
5 min- wrap up, assign tommorrow’s work
Short discussion about Creation vs evolution.. Kansas
Class 3
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW07
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
Smith 178-187. Genesis Chs 17 and 22
Key Terms:
Other (as used by Smith)
Vocabulary: prosaic (not a term, but look this word up)
Reading Notes:
For Smith: Outline-style notes
For each subsection, write a 1-2 sentence summary of the argument of the
section and take a few bullet point style notes to support your assertion.
For Genesis: summarize the basic events of each chapter. Keep it SHORT.
- To understand the convenant
- To understand the problems of monotheism presented by Isaac’s sacrifice
- To understand Smith’s argument about the Hebrew’s desire to create meaning
The Smith reading is only 5 pages of text.
One possibility is to assign only one of the genesis readings and start class with the other
10 min- In-class writing on Abraham, probably on the Sacrifice of Isaac
25 min- Discussion of covenant, terms of covenant, and relationship between Abraham
and God (laughter), discussion of sacrifice of Issac, relationship of both to God
15 min- Discussion about Smith’s survey of meanings.
Class 4
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW08
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Smith 188-195, Exodus 3, 19, 20 (excerpts?)
Key Terms:
Rabbinic Law
Ten Commandments
Israel and Judah
Reading Notes:
For Smith: Outline-style notes
For each subsection, write a 1-2 sentence summary of the argument of the
section and take a few bullet point style notes to support your assertion.
For Exodus: summarize the basic events of each chapter. Keep it SHORT.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
- To understand the importance of ceremony and community in surviving suffering
(for Jews)
- To understand the connections between the covenant, the promised land and lawall vital elements of the Jewish faith.
20 min- Passover ceremony (excerpts)
Grape Juice is good for wine, so is matzah if you can find it. I use a section from
the Haggadah that focuses on the escape from Egypt and the misery of the plagues. . (One
could also show some clips from Disney’s Prince of Egypt, but Elsa gives it a thumbs
10- Discussion of Exodus 19 and 20, of the giving of law after the escape from bondage.
20 min- Discussion of Smith’s text and.
Week 4- Sept 26-30
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW09
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Smith 198-203, Excerpts from the PBS Heritage Website
Key Terms:
Reading Notes:
For Smith: Outline-style notes
For each subsection, write a 1-2 sentence summary of the argument of the
section and take a few bullet point style notes to support your assertion.
For PBS:
For each subsection, write a 1-2 sentence summary of the argument of the
section and take a few bullet point style notes to support your assertion.
- To understand the diaspora, and Jewish life outside of Israel
10 min- primary Source reading and writing about the return of the Jews to Jerusalem in
the 7th Century and the creation of the Dome of the Rock
25 min- Scavenger Hunt in Beyond the Pale, an online exhibit about the Jewish Diaspora
Discussion about life in the diaspora- connects to the holocaust
15 Min- Preparation for tommorrow’s In-Class Writing
- Introductions
- Thesis Statements
- Preparing outlines
- Conclusions (probably not full paragraphs just concluding sentences)
Class 2
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW10
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
What tools does the Jewish faith provide for enduring times of hardship
and suffering (such as the Diaspora or the Holocaust)?
You will have 25 minutes in class to write on this topic.
You may bring in a one page outline with a thesis, notes, and SHORT
quotations. The notes should not be full sentences.. this is an outline, not a
pre-written essay.
A good essay will include:
An introduction that introduces the topic and main ideas of the essay
A strong thesis statement
Paragraphs that begin with mini-theses
Paragraphs supported by specific evidence, including primary and
secondary sources
Expected Length: I suspect most folks will be able to write around 3-4
Source Material:
The only materials you should use for this essay should come from in-class
Citation will be unnecessary, as this is an in-class exercise, and I know
where your quotations are from.
Grade Value: 30 points
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
To have students write a page length essay
To teach students about studying
The plan becomes a little complicated if you have students who require extra time. If you
don’t have any, do this:
30 min- essay writing
20 min- Sarah Snyder’s .ppt on studying for a quiz
If you have only 1-2 students who have some time in the day after class, you might stick
with this schedule. If you don’t, you’ll have to be flexible… perhaps letting the extra time
kids work elsewhere while you cover the testing material.
Class 3
Homework Due:
Homework Title: Study for Judaism Festival of Learning
The Festival Of Learning will take 30 minutes and include several parts:
Passage Identification
Short Answer
Grade Value: 40 points
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Plan: Give the students about 30 minutes to take the quiz… then let them go.
There is another piece of scripture that I’d love to cover in order to cover Jewish
violence. Numbers 31:1-18 has a pretty gruesome account of civilian murder.
Class 4
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW11
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Usborne 38-43
Key Terms:
Islam (definition)
Five Pillars
Timeline Events:
570 AD
622 AD
632 AD
Reading Notes:
The large numbers of terms and dates should give you sufficient notes
1) To understand the basic elements of Islam
2) To see the underlying similarities between Islam and Judaism
5min- Play the opening surah of the Koran (I’ll find an audio link)
Discuss its meaning and the relationship between words and Islam
10 min- Frontline viewing and discussion (see below)
10 min- read the excerpts from the Koran (in the reader) about “God” and answer a study
question, maybe- What reasons does the Koran give for being grateful for Allah?
20 min- Break up into small groups and create a chart listing similarities and differences
between Judaism and Islam. Discuss the these differences as a whole class.
5 min- End by discussing stereotypes about Islam and Muslims
For each day we study Islam, we will start by viewing a short online video clip from the
PBS Frontline website above. They personalize the experience of Muslims in different
parts of the world.
I’ll probably view them in the following order:
America #1
Malayias #2 (if time)
Week 5- Oct 3-7
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW12
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Smith 144-155, Excerpts from the Koran
Key Terms:
Reading Notes:
For Smith: Outline-style notes
For each subsection, write a 1-2 sentence summary of the argument of the
section and take a few bullet point style notes to support your assertion.
For Koran Excerpts:
Summarize in a few bullet-points the most important religious tenets that
can be inferred from these sections.
Grade Value: n/a
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
1) Review the early history of Islam
2) Examine the extraordinary life of Muhammed and his role as role model
3) Using the Koran, examine some of the basic principles of the faith
10 min- Response question based on the Koran readings.
10 min- Frontline viewing and discussion
20 min- Lecture on the history of Islam, I have some maps and .ppts slides
10 min- Discussion of Muhammed as Role Model
Class 2
Homework Due: No Homework, Jewish New Year
1) review important ideas and principles from Judaism and Islam using visual evidence
5 minutes- Intro to visual evidence
20 min- Jewish Visual Evidence
20 min- Islam Visual Evidence (I’ll put together a slide show)
5 min- assign tommorrow’s HW
Class 3
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW13
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Smith 157-169, 177
Key Terms:
the straight path
Reading Notes:
For Smith: Outline-style notes
For each subsection, write a 1-2 sentence summary of the argument of the
section and take a few bullet point style notes to support your assertion.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
1) To understand the basic teachings of Islam
2) To understand the significance of the Night Journey
5-10min- Wrap up any visual evidence we didn’t finish
10 min- Frontline viewing and discussion
15 min- Review of the basic teachings of Islam
10 min- Reading- on Muhammed’s Night Journey, discussion of the role of this journey
in the importance of Jerusalem
Class 4
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW14
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Excerpts from the Koran and the Hadith
Study Questions:
Using these verses, write a paragraph explaining the proper role of
warfare and violence in Islam. Defend your assertions with specific
evidence from the Koran and the Hadith.
Background Information:
Remember that the Qu’ran (Koran) are words that the angel Gabriel spoke
using Muhammed as a mouthpeice. The Hadith are words that
Muhammed spoke with his own voice. The Hadith are words containing
great wisdom, but they are not revelations directly from God.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
1) To Discuss the meaning of Jihad, and its various interpretations
If we can find an outside speaker to discuss the meaning of Jihad, this would be a good
class to cancel in order to make room for it.
If we find we need to teach the class ourselves, we could find a number of short reading
assignments about Jihad from different authors, ranging from Osama bin Laden to Daniel
Pipes and discuss the various interpretations of a tricky word.
This would be another place to cover Numbers 31:1-18
Week 6- Oct 11-14
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW15
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: NYT, “How Islam Won, and Lost, the Lead in Science”
(and possibly add the introduction to Islam and Knowledge in the second
website below)
Study Questions:
Write a paragraph arguing for why many in America are so ignorant as to
the incredible contributions of Islamic scientists to the medieval world.
1) Using Islamic science to explain the incredible contributions of Islamic culture
while also considering the “psychological” problems of being part of an empire
past its prime
10 min: Frontline viewing and discussion
10 min: If you do not have the extra class, you’ll need to prep kids for the quest (class 2)
20 min: http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/innoalgebra.html,
using the Empire of Faith and Islam and Learning websites, break into groups to read and
report about different innovation in technology
10 min: Discussion- What would it be like to live in the greatest empire of all time, after
the peak of that empire’s eminence and achievement.
Class Y
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW0Y
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Interview with Bernard Lewis titled, “What Went Wrong?”
Study Questions:
In a paragraph, answer Lewis’ question, “What went wrong?”
1) To consider the thorny question of how an empire could fall from such a height
10 min: Read “Present Shadows, past glory.” Respond to thought question
25 min: Discuss Lewis’s and Robsinson’s articles. Some important questions include,
What went wrong? Are these article biased? Is the position that Islam’s glory is “past”
inherently prejudiced?
15 min- prep kids for the upcoming quest
Class 2
Homework Due:
Study for quest
Topics include:
Visual evidence
Passage interpretation
Short answer
Grade Value: 75
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
We will have to look at our numbers of 150% time kids to determine whether our quests
should be 35 or 50 minutes…
Week 7- Oct 17-21
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW16
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
First, read the assignment for the upcoming Peace Conference
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in a Nutshell
Timeline Events::
Reading Notes:
Summarize each subsection with a sentence or two
Understanding these issues will be vital in the upcoming peace
1) Explain the peace conference
2) Review the basics of the conflict
3) Explain the major wars in the IA conflict
4) Begin to explore the major issues
10 min- Review the plan for the simulation, have students email their requests for who
they would like to represent
20 min- Alternate lecture with reading UNGAR 194 and UNSCR242. Review the major
conflicts of the era, probably 1948, 1967, 1973 and maybe, if you are feeling crazy, 1982.
20 min- Start moving through the nutshell issues and answering questions that kids have
From here on out, class should be progressing with the clear goal of better understanding
these issues so that they can effectively argue about them.
Class 2
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW17
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: The Oslo Agreement, The Quartet Road Map, a few maps
Reading Notes:
Summarize in a few bulletpoints the main tenets of each agreement. Make
a few notes about how they are different.
Special Instructions:
Reading treaties is really hard, but obviously extremely important as well.
Be patient with yourself, but if a section seems much too hard, make a
note of it and move on.
1) To understand the Oslo agreement, the basis of the peace process
2) To understand the Road Map Bush established in the wake of the second intifada
3) To study the current maps of the MiddleEast and make some sense how
intermingled the West Bank really is
20 min- Discussion, the Oslo agreement. Probably divide the agreement up into sections
and have small groups wrestle with it before reporting back to the whole class
10 min- Discussion, the Bush Road Map
10 min- review the map of current day West Bank and try to emphasize how confusing
this place is
10 min- Answer questions, HW for tommorrow
Class 3
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW18
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: “God’s City” in US News and World Report
No specific notes or terms, but you should get started preparing your
opening statements, and this will obviously help you with the section on
1) Consider the problems of the sovereignty of Jerusalem
2) Review correct ways of creating citations
20 min- Discussion- God’s City article. What are some of the complications surrounding
the sovereignty of Jerusalem
20 min- Creating citations. Using Hacker’s guide to correctly generate a works cited list
for the Opening Statements and Final Dialogues.
10 min- Q&A about project
Class 4
Homework Due:
Homework Title: MidEast HW19
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
See the handout on the Dedham Conference
At least two of your opening statement paragraphs should be drafted up,
and ideally 3-4.
Please use Times 12 point font with 1.5 spacing.
Expected Length: I expect most paragraphs to be about 1/2 page
Other relevant due dates:
The Final Opening statements for representatives are due the first class
next week.
1) Review in-text citation
2) Give students time to work
20 min- In text citation exercise to learn how to cite in text
30 min- Research/Writing time
Week 8- Oct 25-28
Class 1
Homework Due:
Homework Title: Opening Statements
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
See Handout on Dedham Conference
All opening statements from representatives are due. (Chief Negotiators
will have until next class)
Grade Value: 50 points
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
1) Begin the discussions
50 min- Students will spend this class working in their separate groups, Israel and
Palestine. Each representative will have a chance to read their opening statements, and
then each group will begin discussing their ideas. By the end of the period, Chief
Negotiators should have a strong sense of what they hope to present in the next class.
This corresponds to Phase I of the negotiations.
Class 2
Homework Due:
For Chief Negotiators, your opening statements are due.
For everyone else, start working on your final dialogue. You should be
aiming to produce at least 1-1.5 pages a night.
25 min- Phase II- First round trilateral talks
25 min- Phase III- Second round internal negotiations
These are detailed in the MidEast Simulation.doc
Class Y
Homework Due:
Keep working on Long Assembly Dialogue
One of your sections will probably have an extra class this week. Use this time to do
some peer editing, and perhaps to get some extra negotiating time in
Class 4
Homework Due:
Homework Title: Dialogue Draft
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: XXX
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt: see handout
At least 3 pages of rough draft is due today. You will be graded not on the
quality of your work, but on your ability to meet this deadline.
Grade Value:10 points for draft, 100 points for final
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
25 min- Phase IV- Final Trilateral negotiations. Give students a strict time limit of 1/2
hour to see if they can hammer out the final details of an agreement. Then firmly cut
them off
25 min- Simulation debrief- give kids a chance to talk about what they learned, what they
enjoyed, and what surprised the,
HHC – Class IV – 2005 / 2006 Academic Year –
Unit Title =
Christianity / Hinduism & The Civil Rights Movement
Approximate Dates:
Mon. Oct. 31st – Monday Dec. 12th
Skill Goals:
Writing –
 Document analysis – major focus will be on readings from
the Bhagavadgita and the New Testament. We will also
examine the written work of MLK and Ghandi at length.
Analytical skills will also be developed through work
with Visual Evidence from Hinduism, Christianity and
the Civil Rights Movement
 Page Writing – Heavy focus on thesis statements,
paragraph editing, transition sentences – culminating
in 4 / 1 page essays that will act as the final
assessment for this unit
Research –
 Web Skills / Evaluating Web Sites – This will be
accomplished with the help of Tom Daccord. We will
focus on advanced searches on topics such as
Monotheism / Polytheism / MLK / Ghandi – etc. This
will done in and out of the classroom.
 The final assessment will also ask them to use their web
skills to obtain the necessary research needed to
answer their questions.
Tech –
 Using Inspiration – During week one and two of this unit
we (faculty) will use Inspiration as a teaching /
brainstorming tool. We will get students to mind map a
little bit on topics such as – The role of
spirituality in American life – the inherent
differences between Monotheism and Polytheism – the
gods of Hinduism – etc.
 During Week three and four we will introduce Inspiration
as a tool to represent knowledge gained (I will
explain this) and an outlining tool. Ultimately
students will have to turn in an Inspiration outline /
map for each of their 1 page essays to be done during
the final assessment.
History –
 Connecting Details – Students will be forced to connect
details when they struggle with the following
questions throughout the unit –
o Why is spirituality used so prominently in
political movements?
o What is it about Polytheism that makes Hinduism
“feel” different?
o Where did Ghandi have conflicts with the core
principles of Hinduism?
o As you study the New Testament what do you see as
the pros and the cons of Christian Monotheism vs.
Hinduism’s Polytheism?
o How did MLK’s faith influence his attack on
racism? How did Ghandi influence his approach?
o Etc.
Essential Questions:
1. What does it mean to be Spiritual? What role does
Spirituality play in your life? In a nation that
separates church and state how have our leaders walked
the fine line between religious activism and
2. What are the differences between the core principles
of Monotheism and Polytheism?
3. What are the core principles – and basic fundamentals
– of Hinduism? Is it a major world religion?
4. How did Ghandi’s devout following of Hinduism shape
his leadership style? What struggles did Ghandi have
with his faith? What is this man’s legacy?
5. Scholars argue that no faith has done more good, and
more harm, throughout History than Christianity. What
are the strengths and weaknesses of this faith? If
Christianity as gone awry at times is it the fault of
the faith or those following the faith?
6. How did MLK’s religious education, and strong faith,
shape his leadership style? How did Ghandi influence
this great American leader? What is his legacy?
7. Was the Civil Rights movement more of a spiritual
movement or a political movement?
Unit Syllabus – Week #1 –
Class #1 – ME Conflict final project is due in class
In Class:
30 mins. – Discussion of Spirituality / Faith / Hope –
using Inspiration
15 mins. – Journal Writing – How spirtual is their family /
their group of friends / the Nobles community? What forms
their opinion on each?
5 mins. Handout and give some background on Assignment #1
Assignment #1:
Newsweek Piece on Spritiuality http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9024914/site/newsweek/
Class #2 –
In Class:
15 mins. – Journaling – essential questions from assignment
30 mins. – Newsweek Piece on Spritiuality Assignment #2:
Restoring Hope – Cornel West – Discussions with Reverend
James Forbes and Reverend James Washington – Excerpts
Class #3 –
In Class:
10 mins. – Journaling – essential questions from assignment
30 mins. – Discussion of essential questions
10 mins. – Introduce Thesis Statements and assignment (use
Professor Rael)
Assignment #3:
Using the reading from Restoring Hope choose 5 paragraphs
from Reverend Forbes and 5 paragraphs from Reverend
Washington and state what the thesis is of that paragraph.
After you state the thesis of each paragraph state whether
or not you feel the respective Reverend proves his thesis
statement in the paragraph. If yes – how? If no, why not?
Week #2 – Regular 4 Day Week –
Class #4 –
In Class:
15 mins. – Review of assignment #3 using Inspiration – did they feel the
speakers proved their thesis statements – if yes – how? Discussion of
constructing a strong thesis statement
5 mins. – Mind Mapping – Their knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement
30 mins. – Viewing of 1st half – “This Far by Faith” – students taking notes –
inform them of assignment #5 so they know what to be looking for
Assignment #4:
The Role of Religion in the Civil Rights Movement – Lecture by Dr. Bernard
LaFayette, Jr. Director of the Center for Non-Violence and Peace Studies –
University of Rhode Island – active reading
Class #5 –
In Class:
20 mins. – Quiz on assignment #4 – possibly allow use of the reading –
focus questions on the thesis statements of varied sections throughout the
30 mins. – Finish watching film – students taking notes
Assignment #5:
1. Craft 5 thesis statements based on topics touched on in the film –
don’t worry about proving the thesis at this point – focus on crafting
a gripping and analytical statement – bring 2 copies to class
2. 1 Paragraph – what did the film teach you about the
civil rights movement that you did not know before
viewing the film
Class #6 –
In Class:
20 mins. – On Writing, Stephen King – Discussion of peer
15 mins. – Peer editing of Thesis Statements from
assignment #5
5 mins. – Turn in one copy for homework grade / turn in
edited copy for peer editing grade
10 mins. – Go back to mind map of Civil Rights movement –
make additions
Assignment #6:
1 page response paper to the following question –
Did God create man or did Man create God?
Class #7 –
In Class:
10 mins. – Peer Editing
20 mins. – Discussion of Response Papers – Introduce Mono
vs. Poly and connect to Response Paper question
20 mins. – Inspiration Mind Map of Hinduism – Hinduism
Intro / Gandhi Intro / Ahimsa discussion
Assignment #7 –
Smith – pg. 17 – 25 / piece on Ahimsa & Gandhi
Hinduism Ids for entire chapter–
Brahmin Caste
Hindu Duty
Jnana yoga
Karma yoga
Raja yoga
Path of Renunciation in Hinduism
Hindu view of Worldly Success
Vaishya caste
Class #8 –
In Class:
10 mins. –
15 mins. –
25 mins. –
The Beyond
Homework Quiz
Gandhi & Ahimsa
What people Want vs. What People Really Want +
Assignment #8:
Smith – pg. 26 - 39 – active reading – Excerpts from Bhagavadgita – 1
paragraph of analysis per document
Week #3 – 3 Day week with Veteran’s Day
Class #9 –
In Class:
10 mins. – Back to the Mind Map
20 mins. – Four Paths / Knowledge / Love / Work /
20 mins. – Document analysis – Introduce Prof. Rael’s model
– Summary vs. Analysis
Assignment #9:
Smith – pg. 40 – 47 + Laws of Manu handout – 1 page response paper – what are your
initial feelings about the Caste system given what you knew going into the reading about
Class #10 –
In Class:
10 mins. – Peer Editing
15 mins. – Caste system basics – what are the classes? what
is the goal?
25 mins. – On-line activity – “Experiencing India’s Caste
System” http://teachers.eusd.k12.ca.us/mguerena/castewebquest/index
Assignment #10:
Smith – pg. 48 – 57 – Visual Evidence analysis – 1 paragraph of
analysis per image – Thesis statement for each paragraph
Class #11 –
In Class:
15 mins. – Finish the Mind Map – Turn it into Outline form
for Study Sheet
15 mins. – Wrap Up Smith
20 mins. – In Class Visual Evidence exercise – homework and
new images
Assignment #11:
Prep for Hinduism assessment – Identifications – Excerpt analysis – Visual Evidence
http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/ANCINDIA/GITA.HTM - site for
Bhagavadgita Excerpts
Week #4 –
Class #12 –
In Class:
50 mins. – Hinduism Assessment
Assignment #12:
Hinduism Today – How Men & Women Committed to Gandhian
Tactics Changed Our World For The Better
Class #13 –
In Class:
20 mins. – Gandhi Bio / Gandhi’s words
10 mins. – What was his influence on others?
20 mins. – Film Clips
Assignment #13 –
Reading on the Salt March – 1 pg. Response paper – where would you imagine Gandhi’s opnions coming into conflict with his faith?
Class #14 –
In Class:
15 mins. – View the Salt March Clip
25 mins. – Discuss the Hindu Influence on his work and the
inner conflicts he must have faced
10 mins. – Watch the conclusion of the film
Assignment #14:
Christianity – Smith – pg. 205 – 213 – New Testament analysis
Christianity Ids for entire chapter –
The Apostles Creed
The Christian Church as a Sacramental Agent
The Christian Church as a Teaching Authority
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Christian Ethics
Justification by Faith
Holy Spirit
The Historical Jesus
Christian Love
Martin Luther
Eastern Orthodox Mysticism
Saint Paul
Protestant Principle
Christ’s Resurrection
Christian Sacraments
Christian Theology
Christian Trinity
Class #15 –
In Class:
20 mins. – Film Clip from “The Boycott” – Discussion of
role of Christianity in CRM
10 mins. – Initial Mind Map
20 mins. – Images of Christ – Visual Evidence Analysis http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/
Assignment #15:
Smith – pg. 214 – 221 – 1 page response paper – what is
your image of Jesus and what shapes that image?
Class #16:
10 mins. – Peer Editing
10 mins. – Student Images of Christ
10 mins. – Update Mind Map
20 mins. – The impact of Jesus’ resurrection – The Good
News – What is Theology?
Assignment #16:
Smith – pg. 222 – 229 – New Testament analysis – 1
paragraph per reading – 1 thesis statement per paragraph
Class #17 –
In Class:
5 mins. – Update Mind Map
20 mins. – The impact of Christianity on Rome – Vis.
Evidence Lecture with Leona
15 mins. – Eastern Orthodoxy & Protestantism – 101
10 mins. – How do these branches of Christianity impact
Christianity? Does it splinter the faith or strengthen it?
http://www.wsu.edu/%7Edee/CHRIST/CHRIST.HTM - Site for new
testament reading and visual evidence
Assignment #17:
My Soul is Rested - Civil Rights Chronology & Prelude –
active reading
Class #18 –
In Class:
20 mins. – “Eyes on the Prize Clip”
20 mins. – CRM and Christianity Lecture
10 mins. – MLK Bio
Assignment #18 –
MLK’s letter from a Birmingham Jail – Bullet point list of
10 – 15 areas of the text where you see a Christian
Class #19 –
In Class:
15 mins. – MLK video Clip from “Eyes on the Prize”
25 mins. – Analysis of reading from assignment #17 with
Inspiration brainstorming based on Bullet point lists
10 mins. – Where do we feel the Gandhian influence? Do you
see differences in their styles resulting from Hinduism vs.
Assignment #19:
Read MLK’s – “I Have A Dream Speech” – 1 pg. Response paper
– Can you distinguish what parts of the speech are inspired
by his experience as a Black man vs. his experience as a
Christian? If yes – where? If no – why not?
Class #20:
In Class:
10 mins. – Peer Editing
20 mins. – Discuss Response Papers
20 mins. – Prep for Christianity / MLK Assessment
Assignment #20:
Prep for Christianity / MLK Assessment – IDs / Visual
Evidence Analysis / MLK Speech Analysis – Use Mind Map &
Outline as study sheet
Class #21 –
In Class:
50 mins. – Christianity Assessment
Assignment #21:
Portfolio Corrections – Final folder due in class the following day
Class #22 –
In Class:
45 mins. – Web Skills Exercise with Daccord – Where do the
methods of Gandhi & MLK intersect – searches will look for
commonality in their writings / rhetoric and actions
Assignment #22 –
Web Skills Follow Up Assignment – Advanced search in which
students find three excerpts from speeches or writings of
both Gandhi & MLK that show the similarity of their styles.
6 total sources must be brought to class the following day.
Class #23 –
In Class:
35 mins. – Use Inspiration to create a comparative chart
depicting the sources you found and the intersections you
have discovered. Use the notes option to list the analysis
of each comparative document.
15 mins. – Peer Editing – present your findings to you peer
editing partner
Assignment #23 –
Prep for final assessment
Class #24 –
In Class:
Final Assessment –
1. Create 2 Thesis statements defining your feelings on
the impact that the life and actions of Gandhi had on
MLK as the leader of the Civil Rights Movement using
the following questions as a guide
2. Use 2 examples of their speeches or writings (found
during your web search) to support you statements.
3. Write 2 separate – 1 page essays – based on each
thesis statement
4. The assessment will be completed during our allotted
assessment period.
5. You may bring your Inspiration map and outline into
the assessment – it can include your thesis statements
and notes on the sources you found during the web
6. You may use documents used throughout the unit, but
there must be at least one source in each essay from
your web search.
Homework Title: CRM HW01
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Wednesday (8-HHC Tuesday)
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Handout:
Adler, Jerry. "In Search of the Spiritual." Newsweek. 29 Aug. - 5 Sep. 2005:
Note: All of the special sections are optional except the charts. Read the
Second Note- The charts came out crummy from the copier- try to read
them on line (at least read the first 10 or so stats, you can skim afterwards):
Study Questions: Write a few sentences of response to each of these
questions and send to your portfolio.
What are the social conditions that are leading to a
resurgence for Spirituality?
Do you think this is a healthy direction for the country to
be heading in? What are the potential positives /
Grade Value: n/a
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM HW02
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Thurdsay (Wed. 8-HHC)
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy
Research Assignment
Each of you will be assigned in pairs or groups of three to study some
element of the civil rights movement:
1) Civil Rights Activism before 1955 (Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters)
2) The Student Sit-Ins
3) The Freedom Rides
4) The Birmingham Campaign
5) The 1963 March on Washington
Group 1
Liz- Brian- Corey
Group 2
Rob - Meghan
Group 3
Richie- Lauren- Melissa
Group 4
Kevin- Sarah - Maddie
Group 5
Tucker - Juliana
Use websites or articles from the Powersearch databases. Your final
product will be a set of outline notes on the topic and a list bibliography of
the best sources you used. (A few sources is fine.)
Your outline of notes should answer the following questionsWhat was it?
When was it?
Who ran it?
How did it compare it to the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
What was the role of the Christian Church or Christian leaders in these
Prepare to explain your topic in class. The outline notes will be emailed to your
Expected Length: 1/2-1 page of notes + bibliography
Formatting Requirements: just make it simple and legible.
Source Material: Anything properly cited is fair game
Other relevant due dates: You'll be able to combine your work with your
partner's in the next class.
Grade Value: 15 pts. (Same grade each person)
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM HW03
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Friday (Thursday 8-hhc)
Submission Requirements:
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
Imagine that I have just assigned a paper to you where the question is
"Explain the significance of the CRM event you researched to the CRM as
a whole."
Your assignment is to propose three possible responses to this assignment.
Using the research from you and your partner(s), craft three thesis
statements and three brief outlines (a few main points, a few key pieces of
evidence) that could respond to the writing prompt.
Your goal in crafting these theses should be to explain somethingas
precisely as possible. What specifically does your topic teach us about
Civil Rights Activism as a whole?
Submit your thesis statements and outlines to your portfolio.
Expected Length: In outline form, maybe 1/2 page each.
Formatting Requirements: TNR, 12 point, 1.5 space
Source Material: Your research material. DO NOT go online looking for
papers or essays that might directly answer these questions. Come up with
your thesis statements on your own
Other relevant due dates: n/a
Grade Value: 10 points (maybe, not sure if I'll be able to grade it)
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM HW04
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Monday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
Reader 137-148
Bernard LaFayette The Role of religion in the Civil Rights Movements.
Study Questions:
Write a cohesive paragraph that answers the following questions.
What is the thesis of this article?
Is the thesis well-crafted? Why or why not?
How effectively does the author defend this thesis? Defend your assertion
with specific evidence.
Grade Value: n/a
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM HW05
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Wednesday (HHC-8 Tuesday)
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy (x3- bring three paper copies)
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
Did God create man, or did man create God?
Some questions are so universal, that we should be able to look anywhere
into history and find their answers. As the Greek philosopher and
mathematician Pythagoras wrote: "If we look deeply enough into
anything, we can learn a little bit about everything."
With this as our guide, I would like you to answer the above question by
using evidence from the history of the Civil Rights Movement. Your
research plus the notes from your classmates will be helpful.
To do well:
Craft a thesis statement that explains your answers. "X created Y because
of these specific things" "These specific aspects of these particular events
demonstrate that X created Y"
Start pghs with strong mini-theses that connect back to the central
Use a wide variety of evidence.
Practice economical writing- a page is a short, short essay. Omit needless
Organize your essay around an introduction, body and conclusion- even
if you don't have full paragraphs for each of these parts.
Expected Length: 1 page. No more than 1.5 pages.
Formatting Requirements: Times New Roman font, 1.5 space, 12 point font
Source Material: You should not need to do any extra research from what
you have already.
Other relevant due dates: Do a good job with this, but you'll have a
chance to revise it again for tommorrow.
Grade Value: 15 points (plus 15 points for the revisions tomorrow)
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM HW06
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Thursday (HHC-8 Wednesday)
Submission Requirements:
Paper Copy- 4 papers:
1) Clean copy first draft
2) First draft with partner's edits
3) First draft with writer's edits
4) Clean copy, final draft
Portfolio- send one email with the first draft and final draft
Turninreich-JR - send one email with the first draft and final draft
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt:
Same essay, did God create man or did man create God?
Using your ideas and your partner's ideas, revise your essay. Some things
you shouls be working on are:
1) Revise your thesis statement. Make it more precise. Be sure that it
exactly presents the argument of your paper.
2) Revise your mini-theses; be sure that each presents theargument of
your paragraph.
3) Revise your evidence- be sure that you introduce, integrate and
analyze each quotation or other piece of data
4) Revise your logic- make sure that each sentence fits within the
5) Revise your language- practice good word economy. Write only with
essential words. Correct mistakes in spelling, syntax and grammar.
Expected Length:It should be about a page, 1.5 page MAX. It CANNOT be
Formatting Requirements: same
Source Material:same
Other relevant due dates: n/a
Grade Value: 30 points total (15 for original, 15 for revision)
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM HW07
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Friday (HHC-8 Thursday)
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
First- read the study question so you know why you are doing the reading:
Read 2 of MLK's speeches or letters at the following site:
Click in "Teaching King"
Click on King's Speeches
If you have read and studied the I Have a Dream speech before; expand
your horizons and pick something else.
Study Questions:
Answer the following question in a pgh:
How does King employ the power of Spirituality to motivate his following?
Use excerpts from both speeches to defend your argument.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM HW08
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: None
Submission Requirements: None
Review for the assessment in the following ways:
Question 1) The exact essay question will be some version of this essential
question: How did faith and spirituality motivate the leaders and followers
of the civil rights movements?
You will be given several primary source documents, and you will
be given 10 minutes to read those documents and prepare an outline and
then 30 minutes to write a short essay answering the questions, using both
the primary source documents and your outside knowledge to support
your assertions.
Question 2) When we return from break, we need to study Christianity in
greater depth- to better understand its influence on the Movement. As we
prepare to set out on this task- what do we need to know about this faith?
Consider our studies of Judaism and Islam? What kinds of things did
we study in examining these faiths? What similar aspects will we need to
Consider our studies of the Civil Rights Movement? What parts of the
Christian faith do civil rights leaders/members use to keep themselves
dedicated and motivated?
You will write a short (20 minutes) research plan suggesting a strategy for
learning about the Christian faith. You will need to present topics we need
to study and questions that we need to answer, and then justify the
importance/significance of those topics with specific evidence and
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Christianity HW01
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Thursday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Cox, Harvey. "Christianity" Our Religions, Ed. Arvind
Sharma. San Francisco: HarperSanFran, 1993. 359-371
John the Baptist
Kingdom of God
Reading Notes: During the the spring semester, I will rarely ask you to take
specific types of notes.
Over the next two months you'll be asked to apply your studies about
Christianity and Hinduism to our study of the CRM. You would be unwise to
go without taking notes.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Christianity HW02
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Friday (Mon. HHC-8)
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Smith- 205-213; Matthew Chapter 5 (Which is the first part
of the Sermon on the Mount)
Historical Jesus
Reading Notes:
Again, I would encourage you to take notes on your own. Here's a clueSmith breaks this part up into two chapters, each with 3 sections marked
by a, b and c. Make sure that you understand, and jot down some idas
about, each little section.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Christianity HW03
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Tuesday (Monday HHC-4)
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Smith 214-221
Holy Spirit
Body of Christ
Doctrine of incranation
Apostle's Creed
Atonement (you'll probably need to look up rapproachment)
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt: Based on what you have studied abobut Christ
thus far: why did participants in the CRM feel such a strong bond with
Jesus Christ? Your response should have a strong thesis statement.
Expectations: Write an outline for a 2 page paper answering this question.
Include your thesis and mini-theses.
Expected Length: 3/4-1 page
Formatting Requirements: TNR, 12, 1.5
Source Material:
Other relevant due dates: You may be asked to write this paper at later
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Christianity HW04
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Wednesday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Handout, Harvey Cox 374-380.
Bible- Acts Chapter 16, Paul and Silas
Conversion of Constantine
Council of Nicea
Reading Notes: On your own
Study Questions:
Respond one of the two following prompts in a well crafted paragraph:
1) Explain the irony of the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Emperor
2) Do you think that Jesus intended to start a new religion?
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Christianity HW05
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Thursday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Smith 222-226; Online Handout- Martin Luther and Ulrich
Both are from Richard Hooker's, World Civilizations website.
Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox
Teaching Agent
Sacramental Agent
Martin Luther
Ulrich Zwigli
Literalism (the belief in a literal reading of the Bible)
Reading Notes: Take them
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Christianity HW06
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Friday (Monday HHC-8)
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Handout on Revelation, Revelation 8 and 9, Matthew 10,
and Colossians 3
Study Questions:
jot some quick notes on the following questions. BE BRIEF. Use extra time to
get to work on your sermon.
How should we interpret the conflict-driven imagery of Matthew 10?
How would slave-owners interpret Colossians 3?
How does John's stark vision of the end of the world shape Christian
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
----- Original Message ----Wednesday, January 18, 2006 12:48:39 PM
Justin Reich-fac
Hinduism HW01
Homework Title: Hindusim HW01
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Friday (hhc-8, Monday)
Submission Requirements:
Like the Christianity assignments. All of these can be kept in your CRM
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Handout: Meredith, Susan. "Hinduism." The Usborne Book
of World Religions. London: Usborne 1995.
Terms: There are lots of these, as we need to learn a whole new language
to study Hinduism.
stages of life
yoga (don't define all four- what does the word mean as a whole)
Bhagavad Gita
Homework Title: Hinduism HW02
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Monday
Submission Requirements
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: In the reader, the section on "Cracking White City" by
James Farmer, 214-218
Study Questions:
Farmer asserts that his sit-in tactics followed Gandhian principles.
What are the four parts of a non-violent protest in Gandhi's model?
Provide examples of all four parts from the White City protest.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Hinduism HW03
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Wednesday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Reader 192-197, which is "To Fight in a Righteous War" a
section from the Bahagavad Gita.
Bhagavad Gita
Study Questions:
At the end of the selection there are several study questions. Answer 1, 2,
3, and 4 in a few sentences each.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Hinduism HW04
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Thursday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: In Three Parts
PART 1) The Purusha Sitka- a story of the creation of the world:
You'll need to know a few words for this:
Rajanya- ruler caste
Vaishya- merchant caste
Shudra- laborer caste
Indra, Agni, and Vayu are all gods.
PART 2) Smith, "The Stations of Life" 43-46
PART 3) "The Laws of Manu" READER 187-191
Study Questions:
Take brief notes on the following questions:
1) What kinds of stuff is made from Purusha?
2) Smith argues that the caste system works well for everyone- what is his
3) Underline 3 laws that seem crucial for understanding the lives and
duties of priests, and 3 laws that seem crucial for understanding the lives
and dharma of servants and outcastes.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Hinduism HW05
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Friday (Monday HHC-8)
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Reader 199-205; 208-210 (Note- you don;t have to
read206-207); Excerpt from Gandhi's "All Religions are True" and an
explanation of Gandhi's Salt March.
Study Questions:
Answer one of the following two questions in a well-crafted pgh.
Why, according to Gandhi, are all religions true?
What is Ahmisa? Where does Gandhi find support for it in Hinduism? Where
does Gandhi find support for it in the Gita (the Bhagavad-Gita)
Special Instructions:
Background Information:
Attached Readings:
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Hinduism HW06
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Monday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned: Read the Reader 159-168, "Champions of Non-violence."
Skim through the Gandhi quotes on pages 169-180. Underline three that
you like.
Study Questions:
Attack, defend or modify this statement in a well crafted paragraph.
While non-violent campaigns had some success in the middle of the
twentieth century, the tactics of non-violent protest are not effective or
appropriate in the 21st century.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: Hinduism HW07
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Wednesday
Submission Requirements:
Reading Assignment
Pages Assigned:
Part 1) "Ahmisa" Reader 181-186
Part 2) "Person of the Century Runner-Up: Mohandas Gandhi"
No specific writing assignment, I'd reccomend that you spend some time
preparing for the Hinduism FOL which will be on Thursday and include:
Visual Evidence
Passage Interpretation
Maybe something else... short answerish..
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
I've conceptually put together the HHC test for Thursday, and I want to give you a
little more background on the kinds of questions I plan to ask on Thursday.
It will have two parts:
1) Terms and Visual Evidence (15 minutes)
These will all be dealing with pairs- maybe two terms, maybe two images,
maybe a term and an image. Wacky!
2) Passage Interpretation/Essay (25 min)
I'm going to give you a quotation, and ask you to write an essay that helps
explain/interpret that quotation. You will not have seen the quotation before.
The goal of the essay will be to have you draw connections between the
Civil Rights Movement, the Indian Independence movement, Christianity and
Hinduism. Be prepared to discuss how these different pieces fit together.
This in-class writing will help you think about issues that you'll be dealing with in
a longer final written assignment.
Good work stretching your brains today. I'm looking forward to reading your
Attached is your final paper assignment for our unit on the Civil Rights
At the heart of the question is an exploration of how and why non-violent tactics
For tomorrow, read the assignment and get started brainstorming, reading,
writing and thinking.
The assignment will be quite manageable if you make steady progress every
night. If you try to save things until the last minute, you'll find the project quite
Homework Title: CRM Final paper HW01
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Monday (5-HHC Tuesday)
Submission Requirements:
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt: See your handout
Expectations: Write out 1 or 2 thesis statements and start brainstorming
some evidence to support them.
Send these statements and note to your portfolio.
Other relevant due dates:
By Wednesday you'll need to have written a Inspiration mind-map or
By Thursday you'll need to have a rough draft and bibliography
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
----- Original Message ----Monday, February 06, 2006 11:56:42 AM
Justin Reich-fac
CRM Final HW02
Homework Title: CRM Final HW02
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Wednesday
Submission Requirements:
Portfolio (if possible)
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt: See Handout
Expectations: For Wednesday- You'll need to have a mind map (paper or
Inspiration) or an outline for your paper. I'd also encourage you to get an
introduction or a body paragraph or two down too. The more you get
done early, the easier things will be.
Expected Length: Perhaps a page or so of outline; and it would be good to
get 1-2 pghs of draft written.
Formatting Requirements: Times New Roman, 12point font, 1.5 spaced
Other relevant due dates:
Wednesday you will half of a rough draft due.
Thursday you will have a whole rough draft plus works cited due.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Homework Title: CRM Final Paper HW03
Note: Use exact title in subject heading if emailed
Date Due: Thursday
Submission Requirements:
Writing Assignment
Question or Writing Prompt: See assignment handout
Expectations: Get a good start on your rough draft; try to get two pages
Expected Length: 2 pages
Create your works cited as you are going along!
If you save all of your citation and bibliography work to the end you'll get
Formatting Requirements: TNR, 12 point font, 1.5 space
Source Material:
Other relevant due dates: Friday your final draft with citations and works
cited will be due.
Grade Value:
Note: All homework factors into preparation/participation grade. One
random assignment from the portfolio will be graded bi-weekly.
Your final rough draft and works cited is due tomorrow.
Please email to your portfolio and bring a PAPER COPY.
See you in class.
The Bosnian Conflict: Origins, History, War
Ms. Lampadarios
Day One: 02/13 ALL
In Class: Introduction to the Conflict/film
A) Put Key Terms on the Board (5 min)
1) Yugoslavia
2) Bosnia
3) Serb, Croat, Muslim--B) Watch “We Are All Neighbors”- (30 min) –cut out parts in the middlemake sure get to the end “8 weeks later”
C) Discussion Questions: Why do you think relations deteriorated between
Catholics and Muslims and violence eventually broke out in the village?
What would it be like if all the ethnic groups at Nobles started hating each
other and then started to kill each other? (5 min)
D) Make up a list of questions about Bosnia (similar to the ME activity) in
small groups (10 min)
HW: Cothran, Helen, War-Torn Bosnia, pp. 11-20
Key Terms
Balkan peoples and peninsula
Bosnian Muslim
Austrian-Hungarian Empire
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes,
Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Josiph Broz, Marshall Tito
Revolving Presidency
Slobodan Milosevic
Franjo Tudjman
Alija Izetbegovic
Yugoslav National Army (JNA)
Ratko Mladic
Radovan Karadzic
Arms embargo
June 25, 1991
Day Two: 2/14 HHC2 + HHC3, 2/15 HHC6
How would you describe the progression of ethnic relations in Bosnia from
the beginning of the first united state of Yugoslavs (South Slavs)?
In Class: Overview of the History of Yugoslavia and Bosnia, maps, languages
A) discuss nationalism (15 min)
1) small groups- try to define the terms nation + ethnicity- list own
ethnicity + nation
2) Red Sox Nation to explain how a nation works versus an ethnic group
This site has some definitions of nationalism given by historians. I will
probably pick a couple of historians and excerpts from their definitions to
discuss with the students. I’ll pick Benedict Anderson, Richard Handler
(especially his discussion of ‘nation’ and ‘state’) and Ernest Gellner
-show chart on Slavic languages (5 min)
B) go through history of Yugoslavia from 1900-2003- 20 minutes
(2nd timeline probably use more as a resource for us)
C) journal using question above (10 min)
HW: BBC Time-line on Event in Bosnia; Hedges, Chris. “Bosnia Journal: Ethnic
Diversity Distorts History, Art, Language”; Levinsohn, Florence. “The War
According to Serbs”, Cothran pp. 20-25
Key Terms
Ethnic cleansing
Bosnian Serb Army, BSA
Ottoman Empire
Dayton Accords
Day Three: 2/15 HHC2 + HHC3, 2/16 HHC6 (except I’m going to show them
Milosevic and then start the tape on the war in Bosnia since I’m won’t be here)
How did the Serbian reporter describe the Catholic Croats and the
Bosnian Muslims and their roles in the war?
In Class: The Serbian viewpoint of the conflict
A)map of Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia (10 min)
1) print out map and give it to students to color in- I’ll give you all
a copy
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
Drina River
Banja Luka
B) identify and discuss S. Milosevic (20 min)
1) background article on Milosevic
(read in class only through Greater Serbia)
-read about the rise of S.M. on the website above (Intro through Dayton
3) come back together and discuss “Who is Slobodan Milosevic and what
was his role in the downfall of Yugoslavia and the war in Bosnia?”
4) film clip on Milosevic + rebellion in Kosovo 20 min
** the rest will probably go on the next day but I’ll leave it here for now
C) To be a Serb means: to speak Serbian, be Serbian Orthodox (Eastern
Orthodox), history that includes a Medieval Serbian Kingdom, a defeat by the
Ottomans at Kosovo Pole (Blackbird Field in 1389), rule under the Ottoman
1) show map of Serbian Orthodox Churches and Monasteries in Kosovo
Why is Kosovo important to our discussion of Bosnia?
It’s where the Serbs were defeated in a major battle, but not yet
conquered, by the Ottoman Turks on June 28, 1389. This event was used
by Serbian nationalists, throughout various points in history and in the
period leading up to and during the Bosnian war, to rally their cause and
incite hatred/resentment against the Muslims in the Balkans. Other
important events, such as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by a
Bosnian Serb in 1914 (often considered the reason for the start of WWI)
also occurred on this day.
HW: Zimmermann, Waren. “The War According to Croats”
Day Four: 2/17- ALL
What was the attitude of the president of Croatia, Franjo Tudjman,
towards the Muslims and Bosnia as a whole? What does this tell us about his role in
the conflict?
In Class: The Serbian viewpoint
A) 10 minutes- map exercise
B) finish up timeline- 5 min
C) discuss of Nation, Ethnicity, Citizenship- send them e-mail- of definitions of
nationalism; Red Sox Nation –15 min, do language differencesD) read article on Milosevic- 15 minutes- discuss the War According to the Serbs
) background article on Milosevic
(read in class only through Greater Serbia)
-read about the rise of S.M. on the website above (Intro through Dayton
* what was the perspective of the Serbs to the war?
** after film clip3) come back together and discuss “Who is Slobodan
Milosevic and what was his role in the downfall of Yugoslavia and the war in
A) read article on Tudjman (5 min)
B) Discuss: Who was Franjo Tudjman? How did he view the conflict in Bosnia?
(15 min)
C) Film clip on Tudjman and Croatian nationalism ( 15 min)
D) Journaling (10 min)
What do you think was Tudjman’s role in the conflict? Were he and the Croats
who followed simply innocent victims against Serb aggression or did they have a
larger role in the outbreak and progression of the conflict?
E) (5 min )To be a Croat is to : speak Croatian, be Catholic, have ties to Western
and Central Europe especially since Croatia proper was under the Austrian
(Catholic) Empire for a few centuries, and feel that through various points of
history the Serbs have tried to dominate Yugoslav affairs.
HW: 1) Maas, Peter. “ The War According to Muslims”
2) Article on background of Izetbegovic, the President of Bosnia during the war,
Day Five: How do we define an ethnic group? What terms have we seen the Croats,
Serbs, and Bosnian Muslims describe each other?
In Class: The Muslim Viewpoint
A)(15 min) Who is Izetbegovic?
B) 10 min read article on
“SPLIT IDENTITIES, SHATTERED LIVES” – I’ll print it out or forward it to
the students, its one of the articles Tom forwarded us on Friday
C) Journaling and Discussion on Identity in Bosnia- (20 min)
What ways have we seen the people in Bosnia identifying themselves
through history? How has this identity changed from the late 1980s to the
early 1990s, especially during the Bosnian war?
HW: Rogel, Carole. “ The War in Bosnia-Hercegovina” pp. 29-42
Day Six: What were the immediate steps that led up to the outbreak of war in
Bosnia? What were the main features of this war?
In Class: The War in Bosnia-Hercegovina
03/03-03/09 Newspaper project
03/10-03-26 Spring Break
Post Break Day One 03/27 ALL:
In Class: Review Bosnian Conflict
1) 5 Minutes- Handout on Writing tips Round Two
( I just want to spend some time going over little things that I see in their
writing such as setting quotes apart, citing issues again, etc...
2) 10 Minutes- Review Bosnian Conflict- 5 minutes individually make
a list of Who, What, When, Why? -- then come back and share
3) 20 Discussion of Milosevic’s death and funeral
Questions to ask: What were the reactions around the world and in
Serbia to the death of Milosevic? Why do you think the Serbs reacted
the way they did? What was the burial of Milosevic like?
Here are a few articles and radio clips you may like to use.
International Herald Tribune- “For Serbs Milosevic’s death removes
a stain”
CBC- “Heart Attack Killed Milosevic UN Says”
CNN- “Tribunal: Milosevic Not Poisened”
NYT- “Questions Remain After Autopsy of Milosevic”- has a multimedia component that includes some commentary and
CNN_ “Mladic Takeover Now less likely”- this site has a great
slideshow on the funeral of Milosevic under “Related”
CNN- “Some reactions to Milosevic’s death”
NPR Broadcast on Milosevic’s funderal
I will try to get some more articles/maybe even video clips of the
4) 10 minutes- each group share favorite article and political cartoon
from newspaper project
Segway into the Medieval period; need to understand how these identities (S,
C, Bos M) developed- originally come from same family but through the
development of and changes in language, religion, history these groups
eventually became distinct and separate from each other
HW: Rice, Tamara. “Constantinople: Jewel of Byzantium” pp. 13-25, Reader pp.
Key terms
Constantine the Great
Role of the Byzantine emperor –secular + religious
Constantinople as the New Rome
395 CE
476 CE
Pope Gregory the Great
Day Two HHC2 +3 3/28, HHC6 3/29
EQ: In What ways did Constantine’s decision to move the capital of the
Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium (renamed Constantinople) create
divisions between the Western and Eastern halves of the Roman Empire?
In Class: The Founding of and Life in Constantinople
1) 10 min Journal on Question above
2) 15 minutes-Read “Constantine Founds Constantinople” in reader
pp. 38-39
Discuss: In what ways was Constantinople meant to be different from
Rome? How is this account similar to the conversion of Constantine?
What is the overall tone of the document? (both documents were
written by Sozomen and my students read the conversion of
Constantine during the CR unit)
Why do you think Constantine decided to move the capitol of the
Empire to the East?
3) 15 minutes- discuss the journal question
4) 10 minutes-read encyclopedia article on the migration of the Slavs
to the Balkans (I’ll photocopy this next Monday)
HW: Rice, pp. 29-35, Reader pp. 48-51
Key terms
Coronation rituals by 457 (role of the Patriarch)
Patriarch of Constantinople
Hagia Sophia
Double-headed eagle
Basileus Romaion
Day Three HHC2 + 3 3/29, HHC6 3/30
EQ: What was the relationship between the Church and state in the Byzantine
Empire? How does this development mark a new era for the Christian Church?
In Class: Organization and Workings of the Byzantine Empire
15 minutes: reenactment of the coronation of Byzantine Emperors (I’ll make up a
sheet on this)
5 minutes: What is the significance of the coronation service in regards to the
relationship between church and state?
10 minutes: The Status of the Emperor in the Byzantine Empire- use visual
evidence to demonstrate the symbols and significance of the emperor as
“God’s representative on earth”
10 minutes: journal on EQ- discuss
HW: Rice, pp. 61-63; Ware, Kallistos, “Eastern Christendom” pp. 151-154
Reader pp. 53-57
Key terms/dates
anathema (define)
Fourth Crusade 1204
‘filioque clause’
papal claims
conciliar (define)
Five Patriarchs
Charlemagne, “Emperor of the West”
Day Four HHC2 3/30, HHC3 +6 3/31
EQ: What were the factors that led to the division of the Christian Church
into East and West? Do you think this division was more theologically or
politically based?
In Class: Division of the Christian Church
1) 20 minutes: Discuss the early structure of the Christian Church/hierarchy
a) List Five Patriarchs: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria,
Jerusalem, Antioch
b) Read in reader pp. 58-59 (till II. Balsamon’s Opinions)- this will be
difficult for them but the point is that Constantinople was to be
second to Rome as religious authority (this doesn’t mean Rome could
make decisions unilaterally- important theological decisions needed to
have been done through the Ecumenical Councils) however
Constantinople was also called New Rome and equal to Rome thus
this can be seen as a factor leading to tensions between East
(Constantinople) and West (Rome) One could argue that both Rome
and Constantinople saw itself as superior to the other Patriarchstoday in the Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of Constantinople is
called “First Among Equals” showing he’s a little above the other
Patriarchs—if this is unclear, I can try to explain it better
I’ll make an inspiration chart showing the hierarchy between the
RCC + the EO
Roman Catholic Church
Hierarchy- detailed version
2) 15 minutes- Filioque Clause
a) 5 minutes: Read the Nicean Creed and the Filioque clause article
Nicean-Constantinoplitan Creed
Filioque Clause
b) Why the big deal?- the Filioque clause fundamentally changes the
concept of the Holy Trinity that the Ecumenical Councils said could
no longer be modified- also remember that all theological decisions
needed to have been made through the Ecumenical Councils whereas
the Filioque Clause was adopted in the Western Church without the
agreement of the Eastern hierarchy
I usually make a diagram discussing what the relationship among the
members of the Trinity is now in the W and the E and shows how this
mirrors the hierarchical structure of the RCC and the EO
Pope (ultimate authority)
G-HS (conciliarism)
3) 15 minutes- discuss the EQ- be sure to mention 1054, 1204, papal
claims, and what was not mentioned in the readings and may seem
obvious but I think is worth mentioning is that the Roman Empire
was divided into different governing districts by Dicocletian I think
but I’ll double check and with Rome being sacked by the Visigoths in
the 5th century, there was political and of course geographic factors
that weakened the unity of the Christian Church and then when
Western rulers like Charlemagne wanted to reassert control over the
Christian Church and reclaim the heir to the Roman Empire tensions
between the East and West grew even more
HW: Ware, pp. 159-160 (Slavic Missions), Donia, Robert and John Fine,
“Religious Toleration and Distinctiveness of Medieval Bosnia” pp. 13-23, 25-26
Reader pp. 62, 65-70
Key terms
Saints Cyril and Methodius
Vernacular (define)
867-874 Serbian conversion
St. Sava
Serbian Patriarchate
Jurisdictional authority
Bosnian Church
Stjepan Kotromanic, 1347
1459-King Stefan Tomas
Medieval Bosnian identity
Day Five: What was the religious composition of Bosnia in the Middle Ages and how
did this shape the identity of Bosnians during this time?
In Class: Religious Composition and Identity in Medieval Bosnia
1) 5 minutes Go over any key terms that were difficult for the students from HW
2)10 minutes: Where is the Christian world by 1054?- Chart
West under Roman Pope
Bosnia (Mixed)- Answer the first part of the EQ- show on map which
denominations were dominant in the different regions in Bosnia; How do you
explain this diversity in Bosnia?
East under Constantinople and other Patriarchs
3) 10 minutes: The Bosnian Church
-Compare and contrast the composition and status of the Bosnian Church
and the Byzantine Church (Constantinople)- How did the relationship
between the state and Church differ in each area? How do you account for
these differences?
How do you think the relationship between the Bosnian church and the state
shaped the faith and identity of the Bosnians? Why would this identity be
different from Western and Eastern Christians?
4) 5 minutes- Was there a unified Bosnian identity in the Middle Ages?
Why/Why not? Did religion play a role in this identity?
5) 15 minutes- Visual Evidence- Catholic, Orthodox, and maybe Medieval
Bosnian images
6) 5 minutes- preview tonight’s homework- the Ottomans
By the late Middle Ages, the Byzantine Empire was weakening and losing
territory bit by bit especially by Turkish conquerors from the East (first the
Seljuks and then and more importantly the Ottomans. The capitol of the
Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, fell in 1453 thus marking the end of the
Byzantines and the start of the Ottoman Empire.
HW: Hooker, Richard. “The Ottomans”, Reader pp. 81-88
Ottoman Turks
Mehmed the Conquerer
Autocracy (define)
Suleiman the Magnificent
Day Six:
In Class: Conquest of Constantinople, Organization of the Ottoman Empire
EQ: How can it be argued that May 29, 1453 was the most significant event in the
history of Medieval Bosnia?
A) 25 minutes: Fall of Constantinople
Read the two secondary sources of the “Liberation of Constantinople” and
the “Fall of Constantinople” in the Reader pp. 71-80 ( for the second source
I’m not going to have them read the first page at all)
And answer the following questions in small groups
1) “The Liberation of Constantinople”
a) Who is the author of the document? What religion do you
think he is?
b) What bias might such an author bring to an event like the
conquest of Constantinople? Why?
c) What is the overall tone of the document?
d) What words does the author use to describe the fall of
Constantinople and the Byzantines?
e) Thinking back to our study of Islam, how did the Quran
view the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims?
Do you think that this document accurately reflects this
attitude? Why/why not?
2) “The Fall of Constantinople”
a) answer the first two questions as the first source.
b) At this point in history, we have a divided Christian Church.
What sort of relationship is revealed between the Eastern and
Western halves of Christendom in the document? Is there
tension? Are the churches reconciling?
c) How does this author view the conquest of Constantinople?
d) How are the conquered and the conquerors portrayed in
this document?
*** Why do we have two varying accounts of this event? Also, answer
the EQ.
2) 20-25 minutes, The Ottomans
Possibly, discuss last night’s reading through maps and visual evidence (I
will put this together tonight if it looks like there are enough resources)
Especially focus discussion on autocracy.
Discussion questions:
1) What was the role of the Sultan in the Ottoman Empire? Compare
and contrast this role with that of the emperor in the Byzantine
2) Why would the Sultan take such an interest in the local affairs of
his empire?
3) Why are succession policies so important when dealing with an
***It was noted in the reading that there was some controversy about some
parts of Ottoman history. This is important because Bosnian history is also
very controversial. It might helpful to explore why there is such controversy.
HW: Donia pp. 32-44- Conquest of Bosnia by Ottomans, Reader pp. 89-96
Key terms
The kadi
Day Seven: How did the Islamic conquest of Bosnia change its religious make-up
(think about conversions and migrations)?
How strong were Serb, Croat, Muslim identities at this point in Bosnia?
How would you support your argument from the reading?
In Class: Conversions to Islam of the Slavs
A) 10 minute discussion-Look at map of Bosnia- try to map out how the Ottoman
Invasion of the Balkans changed Bosnia in terms of migrations of Slavs (especially
B) 20 minutes- Imagine you are living in Bosnia on the eve of the Ottoman
conquest. You have heard stories about the Ottoman Muslims and what
happened to the lands they have conquered around Bosnia from others who
have migrated to Bosnia as a result of the conquests. Write at least two
journal entries from either the viewpoint of a Catholic, an Orthodox, or a
member of the Bosnian Church in which 1) you describe your feelings and
thoughts about the imminent invasion and 2) you discuss who your life is
beginning to change as a result of the Ottoman conquest.
C) 15 minutes- come back and discuss journals as well as EQ#2; What
religious tensions existed in Bosnia on the eve of the Ottoman conquest?
HW: Donia pp. 63-74, Reader pp. 96-100
Key terms
Serf (define)
People of the Book
Day Eight: If the account of the treatment of Ottoman Christians in the reader is
correct, then why do you think animosities develop between the Bosnian
Christians and the Muslims? Why do Bosnian Christians point to the
Ottoman period as a period of oppression and darkness?
In Class: Status of Bosnian Muslims and Christians in the Ottoman Empire
A) 15 minutes--Read a primary source on the janissary corps (the taking of Christian
boys to serve in the Ottoman military)- I’ll photocopy this for you tomorrow.
-What is the viewpoint of the text? Do you think that this was a
practice that the Christians would have viewed negatively or
positively? Why
B) 15 minutes-Chart the treatment of Christians and Muslims in the
Ottoman Empire—discuss reasons for various conversions in this discussion
C) 15 minutes- brainstorm essential questions in small groups and discuss
HW: Study for Test on Byzantine and Ottoman Empires
Day Nine:
In Class: Test on Byzantine and Ottoman Empires
HW: Donia pp. 75-85
HHC 2+ 3 will get to Islamicization of Bosnia by test-, HHC6 won’t?
HHC2 on Thursday- different ethnic identities, HHC3 Friday
HHC6- Thursday- Islamizciation of Bosnia, same place as HHC3 on Friday
Day Ten:
In Class: Rise of Ethno-Religious Identity in Bosnia
HW: “Nationalism in Hungary, 1848-1867”
Read only selection on Croatia?- not long, would need to give the
students some terms
Or just read most of “Lecture 13: Serbian nationalism from the
"Nacertanije" to the Yugoslav Kingdom”
Or “Lecture 5: The Serbian Revolution and the Serbian State”
Day Eleven: right way to be a country is to have state organized around a nation;
on-line activity? Readings on Croatian nationalism + Serbian nationalism
In Class: Nationalism in the 19th century, Serbian Revolt against the Ottomans
HW: Rogel, pp. 17-27
Rough Draft—due Friday!
Day Twelve:
In Class: Bosnian video * either 4 or 5 of “Yugoslavia: Death of A Nation”- its
now in the library. I’ll try to get it out and put it in rm 112
HW: Siege of Sarajevo, excerpts from Zlata’s diary?, NYT story on Serbs leaving
Sarajevo, http://www.nytimes.com/specials/bosnia/context/0301yugo-bosnia.html
Day Thirteen:
In Class: Sarajevo
“The Cellist of Sarajevo”
“Bosnian War History”
Map of Sarajevo + Suburbs ( part of Dayton Accord map?)
HW: Reader pp. 113-123, Western Response to War in Yugoslavia
Day Fourteen
In Class: Western Response to Yugoslavia**
HW: Srebrenica,
In Class: Srebrenica
HW: Dayton Accords, Read essay directions
Day Sixteen:
In Class: End of the War
“The Balkans: Ten Years After the Dayton Accord”
In Class Essay on the 24th!
“Yugoslavia: Death of A Nation”
3:56-4:10 (Milosevic- myth born) (you will not be beaten) power of the media,
don’t need rebuke I think
Serbian Nationalism
Death of Tito-“Brotherhood and Unity”
Kosovo- April 20, 1987
(meeting the nationalists)
(discussion of 1389)
“ethnically pure”- M said that’s what Albanians wanted
4:16 –4:19Segment 2: Stambolic- M know wanted to unite Serbs everywhere, Bones of
King Lazar – trying to get votes from republic? Necessary
use Slovene issue from tape one to demonstrate manipulation by the media towards the
end of the unit
4:24-4:28 – demonstrations in Belgrade in support of Serbia taking over Kosovo
Tape 2
15 min? -Beginning (discuss Croatian nationalism) to rebellion in Krajina
?- not needed Start with soldiers marching- choosing independence- summit to carve up
Tape 3
8:12 (15 minutes into the film)- Serbian nationalists provoking a conflict between Croats
and Serbs in the Krajina- war starting in Croatia (?)- Croatian nationalists launched
rockets on Vukovar – those Serbs looked to Belgrade for help
Tape 4 – maybe watch all of it?
get a map on the terrain of Bosnia to show the mountains
HHC Final Project, April 2006
Introduction- Conflict and Identity
This year we have tried to better understand three modern
conflicts by looking at the historical identity of the
people involved. The thesis of this class is that events
from the ancient and medieval world have profoundly shaped
present day conflicts. Having studied three of these
conflicts, we now invite you in small groups to explore a
Each group will study a research a modern day conflict and
try to understand the historical identity of the people
involved. The final products of this will be a 25-30 minute
group presentation on the topic and a plan for a Unit on
your topic made from individual contributions.
Project Purpose:
The HHC project is designed for several purposes:
To provide students with a culminating opportunity to
guide themselves through foreign historical terrain.
To reinforce skills of information literacy and public
To provide a group learning experience that asks
students to collaborate on research projects and be
responsible for each other's work.
To begin to investigate the art of teaching and
curricula planning.
Project Description:
Each HHC section will be divided into four groups of three
or four students. Each group will be assigned to one of the
following subject areas:
(1) Ireland and England
(2) India and Pakistan
(3) China and Tibet
(4) Arab government and African rebels in Darfur
The instructor will provide each group a cluster of linked
questions. Each group member will be responsible for
researching one of these questions and teaching the group
about their results. The group will then be responsible for
making a 20-25 minute presentation, with homework
assignment, interactive activities and visual
accompaniment, to the entire class. The final exam will
include basic questions about these student-presentations.
The final assessment of the project will be a Unit Plan
that would allow the HHC team to begin planning for
teaching your unit next year.
Project Phases:
Phase 1- Investigate a research question
- Culmination: Annotated Bibliography and Research Group
Results Meeting
Phase 2- Prepare individual parts of the group
- Culmination: Individual presentation outline and Research
Group Presentation Planning Meeting
Phase 3- Prepare the coordinated group presentation
- Culmination: In-class group presentation
Phase 4- Write the Unit Plan
- Culmination: A Unit Plan for a 6 or 8 week unit, with each
student contributing two weeks worth of homework assignments, lesson plans,
visual evidence, and assessments.
Phase 1- Investigate a Research Question
Each student needs to find the following sources.
Sources from class may not be used.
Minimum Source Requirements:
1 on-line encyclopedia article
1 print encyclopedia article from a specialized
4 additional secondary sources related to your specific
- at least 1 from an online database
- at least 1 from a print book in the library
- at least 1 from a website
4 written primary sources related to your specific question
6 pieces of visual evidence
These requirements may be exceeded. If you specifically
seek permission, one or two requirements may be waived or
modified, but you must seek permission in advance.
Each individual within the group must find his or her own
sources to submit. The group is encouraged to work together
to have everyone find good sources. Remember- a significant
percentage of your final grade will be for the whole group,
so work together to help every project excel!
Phase 1 Culmination- Annotated Bibliography and
Research Group Results Meeting
The assessment for Phase 1 will be an annotated
bibliography of your sources. The sources must be:
1) In alphabetical order
2) In proper MLA format
3) You must have 1-2 sentences for each source that
identifies the importance of the source to your research.
An example of an annotated bibliography will be provided.
Using these annotated bibliographies, as a group you will
have a full period to teach each other about the results of
your research. By the end of this meeting, your group
should have a good sense of four things:
1) The identity of the first party to the conflict
2) The identity of the second party to the conflict
3) The history of the most important divisive moments of
the conflict
4) The current state of the conflict
Phase 1 Due DatesFriday, April 28- Annotated Bibliography for
1 on-line encyclopedia
1 print encyclopedia
4 secondary sources related to the main topic
Monday, May 1- Final Annotated Bibliography
4 primary sources
6 pieces visual evidence
Phase 2- Prepare individual parts of the group presentation
Each student will prepare a two-page outline answering
their assigned question. The outline should provide enough
material for the writer to teach for about 5 minutes.
This outline should present and defend a thesis that
answers your research question, and it should draw
connections to the work of others in your group. You
should, as a team, begin this process with a plan for
weaving these 3 or 4 pieces together into a single coherent
The outline should be cited with in-text citation like
an essay. In looking at your outline, I should be able to
tell which sources you used in each section.
Phase 2 CulminationTwo page draft outline, rubric to be provided.
With these outlines, your group will have a series of
presentation planning meetings where you will decide on an
order of speakers, design a homework assignment, prepare
visual accompaniment and prepare an interactive exercise
for class.
Phase 2 Due DatesFriday, May 5. Presentation Outline Rough Draft Due.
Phase 3- Prepare the group presentation
With these outlines, your group will have a series of
presentation planning meetings where you will decide on an
order of speakers, design a homework assignment, prepare
visual accompaniment and prepare an interactive exercise
for class.
Part 1- Deciding on an order of speakers
Who will make an introduction that presents the
thesis of the presentation? In what order will you present?
Where will you fit in an interactive exercise? Who will
present a conclusion?
Part 2- Design a homework assignment
You should have 3-5 pages of reading for a
homework assignment that students will do the night before
you present. Should you give them a secondary source
providing background information? A primary source to try
to engage them with the people of the material? Should you
write your own summary so that they are prepared for the
presentation? Do you want them to do any writing or
thinking before class?
Part 3- Preparing visuals
The group as a whole will need to use Powerpoint
to assemble the desired images. You will want to find
images that accompany and augment your individual
presentations without being distracting.
Part 4- Design an interactive exercise
Each presentation should have at least one brief
interactive exercise. Examples might include: asking people
to list stereotypes about a group, handing out a quick
true/false quiz about the topic, having people discuss a
topic in pairs and then getting a few people to report
back. Time is very tight in this 25-30 minute presentation,
and you have a lot to teach and lecture about, but you will
want to work in at least one intentional period of class
Phase 3 AssessmentsThe assessments for Phase 3 will be:
1) Two page final presentation outline
2) Individual grade for presentation
3) Group grade for presentation
A rubric will be provided.
Phase 3 Due DatesWednesday, May 10: Homework assignments (to be given) due
Thursday, May 11: All presentation outlines due. Presentations begin.
Phase 4- Write the Unit Plan
After these presentations, each student will individually write a two week miniunit (eight classes) that will be fit together to create a final group Unit Plan
Each Mini-Unit will need to contain several pieces:
Introduction and Essential Questions for your mini-unit
8 Homework Assignments
8 General Lesson Outlines
1 Detailed Lesson Plan
1 Visual Evidence Presentation
1 Assessment- test, in-class writing, etc.
1) Intro and EQ- Your mini-unit should begin with a short introduction to your topic,
to the thesis of your unit, and to the Essential Questions that your class with
2) Homework- You will need to provide homework assignments for the entire week.
The average homework assignment includes 7-10 pages of reading, 5-10 terms or
timeline events, and a study question. You can vary this standard (maybe one
night all they do is a long writing assignment) but your workload should be
demanding without being overwhelming. For reading assignments, you’ll need to
turn in a copy of the readings.
3) Lesson Outlines- For each of the eight days, you need to have a general plan for
the day including an outline of the activities you will do and topic to be covered.
This can include lecture, discussion, in-class journaling, NobleNet chats, research,
presentation, simulations, etc. Be creative. A sample will be provided.
4) Lesson Plan- For one day, you need to create a detailed minute by minute lesson
plan of your class explaining what you are doing, when, and why. A sample will
be provided.
5) Visual Evidence- Create a visual evidence powerpoint with at least six slides of
images. Each image should be annotated so that we know what you plan to say
about it.
6) Assessment- A test? A paper? A presentation? Something else? If you plan on
giving a quiz or test, you’ll need to create a study guide for students and a copy of
the test. If you plan on doing a paper or presentation, you’ll need to create the
guidelines for the presentation and a rubric for grading.
Your Unit Plan will also receive a grade as a group. Is the order of lessons considered? Is
there a diversity of assignments, activities and assessment? How well does everything fit?
Phase 4 Assessments: See above
Phase 4 Due DatesFriday, May 19: Final Unit Rough Draft Due
Monday, May 22: Unit Plan Due
Project Calendar:
April 24 Introduce Project
April 25-6
Library Instruction
April 28 Annotated Bibliography Part #1
May 1
Final Annotated Bibliography
Research Group Results Meeting
May 5
Presentation Outline Draft
Begin Presentation Planning
May 11-12 Presentations Begin
Presentation Outlines Due
May 15
Presentations End
May 18-19 Individual Meetings about Final
May 19
May 22
Final Unit Plan Rough Draft Due
Final Unit Plan Due
The last week of school will be spent in preparation
for the final exam.
Total Project Assessment:
Annotated Bibliography Part #1 (5 points-individual)
Final Annotated Bibliography (15 points- individual)
Presentation outline draft (15 points- individual)
Final Presentation outline (15 Points- individual)
Individual Presentation grade (20 points- individual)
Group Presentation grade (40 points- group)
Final Unit Plan Rough Draft (10 points- individual)
Final Unit Plan (60 points- individual)
Final Unit Plan Group Grade (20 points- group)
140 Individual points PLUS 60 group points EQUALS 200 total