Student/Teacher Agreement I, (name) __________________________, am contracting with the instructor and myself this semester, to make successful behavior changes and to work toward improving my fitness level and knowledge of lifetime fitness. I understand this to be an educational aerobics class. This means that not only will I be participating in a group fitness activity, there will also be information given on a weekly basis. I AGREE THAT MY OBLIGATIONS ARE TO: Arrive to class on time and participate for a minimum of 30 minutes of class or it will be considered an absence. Understand the attendance policy and be aware that an absence can only be excused if it is related to a school activity or a doctors requirement of non-participation and I must bring supporting documentation. Complete the required paper work for withdrawal if I choose to discontinue attending this class. Inform instructor if there are extenuating circumstances which keep me from participating fully or attending class. Be considerate of others and not talk during activities. Ask questions when I am unsure of any topic discussed in class. Signed ______________________________ Date ___________ My goal for this semester is to: I want to………. 1. 2. I will reach my goal by: How will you measure if you reached your goal? PERSONAL MEDICAL HISTORY Strictly Confidential Name ______________________________________ Date _____________________ Sex (M/F) ____ Age _____ Local Phone # ____________ Emerg. Phone # __________ Who would you like to call in case of emergency? (Name) _______________________ IF YOU ANSWER YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, YOU ARE ADVISED TO ASK YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICIAN WHETHER IT IS SAFE FOR YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY EXERCISE PROGRAM. 1. Do you have a history of any of the following conditions? Heart problem ____ Yes ____ No High blood pressure ____ Yes ____ No High cholesterol ____ Yes ____ No Respiratory problems ____ Yes ____ No Diabetes ____ Yes ____ No Surgery within the last 3 months ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No 3. Are you significantly overweight? ____ Yes ____ No 4. Are you pregnant? ____ Yes ____ No Major illness or hospitalization Within the last 3 months Major muscle, joint or back Disorder Any other physical problem Needing special attention 2. Are you over 40 years of age (men) or 50 years of age (women) Are you taking any medications that will affect your participation in a physical activity? If yes, what is the name of the medication and what is it for? ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ KARVONEN FORMULA FOR DETERMINING TARGET HEART RATE The Karvonen formula was developed to help an individual measure their heart rate during exercise. It is important to do this so that you get the maximum benefits from participation. The components of the formula are described below. Through research they found that the maximum number of times an infant’s heart could beat without failing was 220 beats per minute (BPM). Our APPROXIMATE MAXIMAL HEART RATE decreases one beat for every year we age. (220 - AGE = PREDICTED MAXIMUM HEART RATE (the highest BPM without the heart failing). To calculate your TARGET HEART RATE RANGE for exercising in this class you will need: 1. Your AGE 2. Your RESTING HEART RATE (RHR) – this is best determined before getting out of bed. The pulse should be taken for a full minute, preferably 2 to 3 times, to get an accurate average RHR. The RHR is a good indicator of fitness level. The lower the RHR the better cardiovascular fitness a person is in (Marathon runners may have a RHR of 45-50 BPM). Your HEART RATE RESERVE identifies the number of BPM which are not used for basic vital functions (your RHR), but are available for energy expenditure. Cardiovascular exercise is generally performed at 65% to 85% of a persons PREDICTED MAXIMUM HEART RATE, to gain the desired benefits from an activity. To determine your personal TARGET HEART RATE RANGE, follow the formula below. TARGET HEART RATE RANGE Example 65% APPROXIMATE MAXIMAL HEART RATE 220 Subtract your age - 40 PREDICTED MAXIMUM HEART RATE(total/=) 180 Subtract your RESTING HEART RATE - 63 HEART RATE RESERVE(total/=) 117 Multiply intensity level (Don’t forget the decimal point!) X .65 HEART RATE BPM AT INTENSITY(total/=) 76.05 ADD BACK IN YOUR RESTING HEART RATE + 63.00 TARGET HEART RATE RANGE(total/=) 139.05 65% 85% 220 220 X .65 X .85 This is the number of beats you would count in one minute. Since we will be taking a 10 second count, you must divide each total by 6. Do this in the space provided below. Example: 139.05 6 = 23.17 BPM (65%) Determine Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level Cardio means heart and respiratory means breathing, so you are determining how well your lungs and heart can deliver oxygen to your working muscles. If you are more fit, it takes less effort for your heart to move the oxygen to where it is needed and your heart rate will be lower. Good Cardiorespiratory Fitness is an indicator of a strong, healthy, efficient heart. How to perform the test: Step up and down on a bench of height 12" (4 risers and a platform), for three minutes. At the end of three minutes sit down on the bench and don't talk. Beginning within 5 seconds after sitting down, take your pulse for a full minute. Compare your one minute heart rate with the following chart. Find your age in the top row and follow down the column to locate your one minute heart rate. Fitness Category Excellent Good Above Average Average Below Average Poor Very Poor NORMS FOR 3 MINUTE STEP TEST – WOMEN Age in Years 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 <85 <88 <90 <94 85-98 88-99 90-102 94-104 99-108 100-111 103-110 105-115 109-117 112-119 111-118 116-120 118-126 120-126 119-128 121-126 127-140 127-138 129-140 127-135 >140 >138 >140 >135 56-65 <95 95-104 105-112 113-118 119-128 129-139 >139 65+ <90 90-102 103-115 116-122 123-128 129-134 >134 SOURCE: Adapted from Golding, et. al. (1986). The Y’s way to physical fitness (3 rd ed.), p. 613. Reprinted with permission of the YMCA of the USA, 101 N. Wacker Drive. Chicago, IL 60606. NORMS FOR 3 MINUTE STEP TEST – MEN Age in Years Fitness Category Excellent Good Above Average Average Below Average Poor Very Poor 18-25 <79 79-89 90-99 100-105 106-116 117-128 >128 26-35 <81 81-89 90-99 100-107 108-117 118-128 >128 36-45 <83 83-96 97-103 104-112 113-119 120-130 >130 46-55 <87 87-97 98-105 106-116 117-122 123-132 >132 56-65 <86 86-97 98-103 104-112 113-120 121-129 >129 65+ <88 88-96 97-103 104-113 114-120 121-130 >130 SOURCE: Adapted from Golding, et. al. (1986). The Y’s way to physical fitness (3 rd ed.), p. 613. Reprinted with permission of the YMCA of the USA, 101 N. Wacker Drive. Chicago, IL 60606. FLEXIBILITY TEST QUADRICEPS Lying on your stomach with knees together, gently pull heel toward buttocks. Heels should comfortably touch buttocks. Do both Right and Left legs. Results of the Sit and Reach Test for women and men Category Results Excellent 7 inches or more past the toes Very Good 4 to 7 inches past the toes Good 1 to 4 inches past the toes 2 inches from the front of the toes to 1 Fair inches past the toes Poor More than 2 inches in front of the toes BODY MASS INDEX For years, researchers have been using the Body Mass Index (BMI) to predict, among other things, how likely a person is to develop certain diseases. Although the chart doesn’t take into account some crucial factors such as age, percent body fat, percent of muscle or overall build, it shows that acceptable weights fall within a range. How to use the chart: 1. Locate your height in the left column. 2. Follow the row across until you find the weight closest to your weight. 3. The number at the top of that column is your BMI What your BMI Means: 20-25 You’re doing something right. People in this group live the longest 26-30 You may be overweight and have an increased risk of developing some diseases Above 30 You are at a much greater risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer – if your BMI relates to being ‘over-fat’ Below 20 If you’re in good physical condition your are fine. If you have trouble maintaining your weight visit with your Dr. PHYE 119 PRE-POST TESTING Beginning of Semester NAME: *The purpose of this fitness test is to measure various fitness components at the beginning of the semester to get a base line fitness level. It is presumed that at the end of the semester’s participation, your fitness level should be improved. Resting Heart Rate (# of beats/min. when at rest) After being at complete rest for at least 1 hour, find pulse and count # of beats for one minute. Step Test (Rate heart beats after stepping up on a bench for 3 minutes non-stop) After stepping on a 12 in bench for 3 minutes, sit down and count the # of times your heart beats for I minute. (See chart for measurement) 1 Mile Walk/Jog Twelve laps around the indoor walking track (14 laps in the SRC) and record time. Push Ups Position yourself on your hands and knees with knees slightly back from under your hips. Keeping your body straight, lower body to within 4 inches of the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat this movement for 1 minute, counting each pushup. Curl Ups Lay on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands on your thighs. Raising your head and shoulders, slide your hands up your thighs until they touch the top of your knees. Return to start position. Repeat this movement for 1 minute, counting each time you touch your knees. Wall Sits Leaning against wall, get into a sitting position with thighs parallel to the floor, ankles under knees, and cross your arms. Count length of time able to stay in this position. Body Mass Index (BMI) Using chart on wall, calculate your BMI. Flexibility (Follow directions on handout) Record P for pass or F for fail for each right and left leg. Record CATEGORY AND inches past toes for sit and reach test. End of Semester Date: Date: BPM: BPM: Heart Rate BPM: Heart Rate BPM: Time: Time: #: #: #: #: Time: Time: Quadriceps R _____ L _____ Quadriceps R _____ L _____ Sit & Reach ______________ Sit & Reach ______________ ***ALL pre-tests must be completed by the end of the third week of class. Post testing will be done the week before finals. Questions???? --- Ask!!!! Confused???? --- Ask!!!! I AM HERE FOR YOUR LEARNING EXPERIENCE.