Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Construction
CNST 403 - Construction Planning and Scheduling
Fall Term 2005
4:00 p.m. - 5:50 p.m., Tuesday & Thursday
Dr. Dong-Eun, Lee
Office: 3053
Telephone: (618) 650-2755
Lecture Classroom:
Lab Classroom:
EB 2026
EB 2026
Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. -12:00 a.m., Wednesday (Please make an appointment to
schedule available time.)
General Course Description:
This course is designed to provide CNST students with the fundamental principles of
planning and scheduling construction projects. Students are presented with the necessary
information to understand the planning and scheduling methods such as (1) bar (Gantt)
charts, (2) Critical Path Method (CPM) along with Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM)
and Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM), (3) Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT), (4) Linear Scheduling Method (LSM), and (5) Simulation based
scheduling. Other related topics such as developing Baseline schedule, Resource
allocation and leveling. Time-cost trade-off analysis, Updating Schedule, Monitoring and
controlling, and generating progress reports are also covered by using computer
applications in the course.
Course Objective
After completing the course, students must:
Have the knowledge of the construction planning and scheduling methods
including bar charts, CPM, PERT, LSM, and Simulation.
Be able to use CPM method for developing baseline schedule of construction
Master basic CPM-related techniques such as resource allocation and leveling,
cost analysis, time-cost trade-off analysis, updating schedule, and schedule
Be proficient in using the Primavera Project Planner (P3) computer system for
construction planning and scheduling.
Computer Usage:
Students use Primavera Project Planner (P3), MS Word, MS Excel, and Microsoft Access
for preparing their assignments, term projects, and exams.
Mark Distribution:
Term Project
Exam #1
Exam #2
Final exam
Comments in Course/Instructor Evaluation
There are six assignments for this course. Each of them carries the same
weighting. Make sure that submittal is on time.
Term project will be announced and discussed in class. The term project is an
essential and mandatory component of this course. A student who fails to
complete the term project will receive an INCOMPLETE (I) grade. The final
letter grades will be assigned based on the score obtained by the student as shown
in the following table. The following scheme will be applied in assigning the final
Points Obtained
Final Grade
90% and above
80% < 90%
70% to < 80%
60% to < 70%
Less than 60%
Homework and Grading Policy
This course is designed to simulate a professional construction setting. Submittal should
be on time. Late submittals will NOT be accepted for any reason. When the
Blackboard system is out of service, a student should use one of the following alternative
1. E-mail the assignment to instructor as an attachment. – Student should keep
confirmation e-mail.
2. Fax it to the Construction department office. – Student should keep confirmation
3. FedEx it to the Construction department office. - Student should keep tracking
4. In person, submit it to instructor. – Student keeps the signature from instructor.
Regardless of which method a student chooses, submittal should be on time. Instructor
will keep students’ submittals. However, it is each student’s responsibility to keep
all homework graded in his/her course notebook until final grade is posted. When a
student needs to check for errors or grade appeals in posting, he/she should submit his/her
original copy of the submittal. Each student is responsible for tracking his/her own grades.
Grade will be posted on Blackboard.
Grade Appeals
Student can appeal for incorrect grading within five business days. The original
homework (or quiz) graded must be provided to the instructor for changing grade. For
missing or incorrectly recorded grades students are required to show instructor the
original homework assignment turned in. Students are responsible for getting instructor’s
signature confirming submission of all the submittals. If a student doesn’t have
instructor’s acceptance signature, the student can not claim or appeal for the specific
assignment, project, or exam.
Attendance and Tardiness Policy
Absences can be excused if and only if 3 business days prior notice is given to instructor
with official letter and approved by the instructor. Students are strongly recommended
not to leave class early because they may miss important announcements involved in
assignments, quizzes, term projects, or exams.
CNST 341 (Plans and Specifications)
STAT 244 (Statistics)
Senior Standing
Students are required to submit their resume with photo by e-mail before Aug. 29.
Students are expected to submit all the submittals (assignments, term project,
midterm exam, and final exam, etc) to the instructor through Blackboard (refer to
Students are strongly advised to purchase Primaver Project Planner (P3) student
version to increase their learning performance.
Managing Printing Account
It is students’ responsibility to make sure that they have enough money in their printing
account for printing out In-class assignments, quizzes and exams at all times. On a
regular basis, students need to print out In-class assignments, quizzes, exams, and reports.
Late submission caused by lack of funds in printing account won’t be considered as an
acceptable reason.
Exams and Quizzes Policy
All exams are closed book and closed note. Make up exams won’t be allowed. Student
can take the exams early or make other arrangements in advance when expecting to miss
an exam. The exam # 1, exam #2, and final exam will only be given on the scheduled
date posted by the University Registrar. Students with 2 exams on a same day must
submit a letter to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management to request
other arrangement ( Using PDA, cell phone, or other software that are not taught in the class is
prohibited during exams. Students are allowed to use the software taught in the class on
the lab computers. Students can use a scientific/engineering programmable calculator for
quizzes and exams. Students are NOT allowed to leave the classroom for a rest room
break during exams.
Instructor Absence
Because the instructor is often required to attend conferences, seminars, or research
meetings during the semester, Instructor may announce to the class in advance through
Blackboard system. In instructor’s absence, a surrogate instructor may fill in or student
will be given work to do during the scheduled class time.
Classroom behavior and decorum
The classroom (lab) should be considered as construction company settings. The
computer lab’s policy should be respected.
Disability Concerns
Please notify instructor no later than the end of the first week of class concerning any
academic accommodations you will need. You must have a documented disability and ID
CARD from Disability Support Service (refer to:
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty will be handled consistent with university policy. Faculty members
are responsible for reporting all instances of academic dishonesty to the Provost's Office.
In addition, faculty members retain authority to determine grade penalties in cases of
academic dishonesty. Please be aware that a grade of zero will be issued for assignments,
projects, or exams involving academic dishonesty and additional grade penalties such as
failing the course can be imposed. Please read the official university policy on plagiarism
(refer to, student conduct code
(, and Student Academic Code
E-mail account policy
Class information may be sent to your SIUE e-mail account. The instructor won’t reply to
any e-mail sent by other commercial e-mail account. If you submit your assignment by
commercial e-mail account rather than SIUE account, it results in a grade of zero for the
assignment, because the instructor will consider it as garbage e-mail. Again, please send
your resume with photo by your SIUE e-mail account within the due date. If you do not
use SIUE e-mail account as your primary e-mail account, please be sure that you have
your SIUE e-mail forwarded to your primary e-mail account.
Thomas E. Glavinich. (2004). Construction Planning and Scheduling. 2nd edition, AGCA.
Charles, Patric. (2004). “Construction Project Planning and Scheduling.” Pearson
Prentice Hall, Saddle River, NJ.
Ahuja, N. Hira., Dozzi, P. S., and Abourizk, M. S. (1994). “Project Management
Techniques in Planning and Controlling Construction Project.” 2nd, John Wiley &
Sons. NY.
Stevens, D. James. (1990). “Techniques for Construction Network Scheduling.”
McGraw-Hill, NY.
Newitt, S. Jay. (2005). “Construction Scheduling Principles and Practices.”
Pearson Prentice Hall, Saddle River, NJ.
Willis, M. Edward. (1986). “Scheduling Construction Project.” John Wiley &
Sons. NY.
Marchman, David A. (1998). Construction Scheduling with Primavera Project
Planner. Delmar Publishing Company, NY.