2007-Ag-Sales-Exam - Mid

Northwest Career Development Events
Ag Sales
1) Which would you not necessarily need to know about the product you are selling?
a. Advantages of the product
b. Who makes the product
c. Safety in use of the product
d. Who first invented the product
2) Prospecting is:
a. Pre screening all prospective buyers in a given area based on willingness or ability to buy
b. The process of grouping identifiable customers who posses similar need and desire
c. Classifying customers according to sales volume
d. The Process of Identifying Potential Customers
3) What is the motivation behind most business decisions?
a. Increased revenues
b. Profit
c. Competition
d. Tax reduction
4) What is the electronic communications system most frequently used by salespeople?
a. Voice mail
b. Telephone
c. Internet
d. Facsimile
5) How are sales recorded?
a. Cash register
b. Sales tickets
c. Electronic cash registers
d. Credit card slips
e. All of the above
6) Which of the following is not one of the steps to follow when handling complaints?
a. After investigation, politely explain what you think happened to cause the problem
b. Accept responsibility for the problem
c. Determine whether the complaint is real or perceived
d. Be sure the customer is satisfied with the solution
7) What is the first step a salesperson should take in greeting a customer?
a. Shake hands
b. Express appreciation for the meeting
c. Introduce himself or herself
d. Address the customer by name
8) Which of the following is not a method for finding potential customers?
a. Personal experience
b. Present customers
c. Competing salespeople
d. Commercial sources
9) What is the minimum standard for determining ethical behavior?
a. If an action develops moral standards
b. If an action is rewarded by profits if an action obeys the laws
c. If an action is not punished by a business
10) What is one of the best methods of determining a customer’s needs and wants?
a. Tell the customer what he/she should want
b. Listen to the customer
c. Observe how the customer is dresses
d. Assume you know what the customer wants
11) What is the advantage of using the telephone for a sales presentation?
a. You don’t have to look the customer in the eye
b. It decreases the amount of travel time
c. It doesn’t take as much preparation
d. None of the above
12) Which of the following is not involved in making direct sales to consumers?
a. Makes sales presentations to the final consumer
b. Setting up promotions and advertising
c. Dealing with customer complaints and questions
d. Teaching employees how to make sales
13) Which of the following is the best probing question?
a. “How have you been lately?”
b. “Have you ever used our product before?”
c. “What has been your experience using our competitor’s product in the past?”
d. “Looks like you have big problems here, huh?”
14) If a prospect says, “I don’t understand how this (computer software) works,” and you show
them how it works, you are most likely using which of the following methods for negotiating
buyer resistance?
a. Trial offer
b. Third-party testimony
c. Demonstration
d. Superior benefit
15) When dealing with resistance related to price, the salesperson should:
a. Sell (emphasize) the features of the product
b. Focus on price
c. Apologize for the price
d. Point out the price/quality relationship
16) When dealing with a silent customer, a sales representative should do all of the following
a. Be patient
b. Let them confirm the facts
c. Watch closely for buying cues
d. Ask intelligent questions to stimulate conversation
17) What is selling?
a. Assisting the customer
b. Forcing the customer to buy
c. Ringing up the sale on the cash register
d. The opposite of buying
18) Which of the following is a good way to prevent customer complaints?
a. Make sure the product and warranty is well understood
b. Avoid contact with the customer after the sale is made
c. Tell the customer that it’s not your fault
d. Shift responsibility to a third party
19) Which of the following is not part of the application information category of product
a. Use of the product
b. Care for the product
c. Instructions for operation
d. Performance standards
20) In the processing industry, all of the following are true of the salesperson’s role except:
a. Customers are not seen frequently
b. Sales tend to be very large in terms of the amount of money and occur frequently
c. The salesperson must know very specific, detailed information about the product
d. Sales territories tend to be much larger
21) Benefits of product knowledge include:
a. Helps establish rapport with the customer
b. Salesperson confidence
c. Impressing the customer with how much you know about your product
d. Domination the interaction with the customer
22) The social influence affection the buyer behavior defined as people who are similar in income,
education, etc. is:
a. Reference groups
b. Roles and family
c. Culture and subculture
d. Social class
23) “Will you purchase the product if I can offer you a discount?” is an example of which type of
closing method?
a. Choice
b. Summary
c. Assumption
d. Conditional
24) The three stages of active listening are:
a. Ask questions, listen and verify
b. Have a listening goal, have a good listening environment and be aware of bias
c. Hearing, attention, and understanding
d. Work at listening, resist distractions and capitalize on thought speed
25) The four subdivisions of promotion are:
a. Promotion, price, personnel, and product
b. Advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion
c. Product, price, promotion, and place
26) Which of the following activities is most clearly a Personal Selling activity?
a. Public service activities
b. Samples
c. Direct mail
d. Complaint handling
27) Which of the following is a bad method of handling customer’s objections?
a. Listen to the customer’s objections
b. Pause before answering objections
c. Argue with the objections
d. Show empathy with to the customer
28) What information about the company is needed for a sales presentation, as listed in the text?
a. Company policies
b. Technological advances
c. Market trends
d. Consumer reports
29) One purpose of goal setting is:
a. To use the goals to help fulfill objectives
b. To stop problems from occurring when completing projects
c. To divide projects into manageable parts to manage time effectively
d. To link short-term and long-term objectives when completing a plan of action
30) The buying and selling process:
a. Relies exclusively on the salesperson
b. Begins and ends with the salesperson
Works well when there is good communication between the salesperson and customer
d. Does not require the interest of either party
31) Which of the following is not one of the four sales personality types?
a. Introvert
b. Omnivert
c. Ambivert
d. Extrovert
32) What is one thing that should be done to maintain a positive relationship with coworkers?
a. Treat others within the business organization considerately
b. Follow established line of authority in the business organization
c. Communicate problems to superiors without complaining
d. Discriminate against other employees of the business
33) What method would you not use to determine customer needs?
a. Direct questions and answers
b. Listen carefully
c. Guess the problem
d. Watch facial expressions
34) Which of the following does not belong on a resume?
a. Work experience
b. Educational experience
c. Height, weight, and nationality
d. Name and telephone number
35) It is a good sales approach to:
a. Make suggestions from the customer’s point of view
b. Suggest additional merchandise to the customer while they are considering their first
c. Avoid specific suggestions
d. Keep the customer from handling the product
e. Interact with several customers simultaneously
36) When a salesperson believes the customer is ready to close based on feedback, which type of
closing method is most appropriate?
a. Choice
b. Conditional
c. Summary
d. Assumption
37) If promotion is a personal goal, be sure you:
a. Worry about what the boss thinks but not what customers think
b. Try to get along with others
c. Maintain the status quo
d. Not risk being critical of the boss
e. All of the above
38) Possible rational buying motives of customers most likely include:
a. Economy
b. Affection
c. Safety
d. Both a and c
39) In a presentation in a direct sales environment, the salesperson should focus on:
a. Market information about future demand
b. Customer testimonials about the product
c. Cold canvassing to discover other customers
d. Benefits of the product for the customer
40) According to Maslow’s hierarchy, which level reflects the desire to feel worthy in the eyes of
a. Social
b. Physiological
c. Self-actualization
d. Esteem
41) If both demand and supply increased equally for an agricultural product, what would be the
results on the quantity of the product sold and the price received?
a. The same quantity will be sold at a lower price
b. An increased quantity will be sold at a lower price
c. An increased quantity will be sold at the same price
d. An increases quantity will be sold at a higher price
42) What is the purpose of a formal written code of ethics?
a. To establish certain rules and practices to govern the day to day operations of an
b. To resolve all debate in society about what constitutes ethical behavior
c. To outline punishments for all unethical behavior by employees
d. To end ethical dilemmas by setting down ethical guidelines covering all situations
43) __________________ is how responsive the amount of an agricultural product produced or
consumed would be to a change in price
a. Price
b. Elasticity
c. Consumption
d. Supply
44) Retailers who sell products made from the output of the production sector are in what sector of
a. Production
b. Service
c. Manufacturing
d. Marketing
45) The final step in a sales presentation is:
a. Approach
b. Handling objections
c. Close
d. Demonstration
46) Which one of the following is one of the ways you can improve your active listening?
a. Try to anticipate what you think the speaker is going to say
b. Take as many notes as possible in order to help you remember what was said
c. Listen primarily for facts rather than feelings
d. Let the speaker know what you think you’ve heard
47) When will a person attempt to satisfy upper-level needs?
a. After satisfying the need for self-actualization
b. When he or she is motivated to change
c. When the salesperson is very persuasive
d. After satisfying lower-level needs
48) Which of the following are barriers to communication in the context of sales situation?
a. Buyer doesn’t need product
b. Well organized sales presentation
c. Salesperson has the same communication style as the customer
d. Good listening skills
49) Which of the following is not one of the four phases of the customer-oriented sales call?
a. Recommending a customer action
b. Discovering customer needs and situation
c. Providing customer service after the sale
d. Establishing rapport with the customer
50) A salesperson compensation system that is based upon a percentage of sale is known as:
a. Straight commission
b. Combination
c. 50% average
d. Straight salary