AP SPANISH LITERATURE 2010-2011 Sr. Jiménez-Rivera rjimenez-rivera@cps.edu 773-534-8600 AP Spanish Literature Course Description ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español nivel avanzado en literatura! AP Spanish Literature is an advanced level program that is conducted in Spanish. This class is designed for the student who has mastered the fundamentals of the Spanish language and is ready to apply his or her ability in a wide variety of subject areas. By the end of this course, students will complete a comprehensive study of the Spanish language by strengthening and incorporating Spanish listening, writing, reading, and conversational skills as well as an extensive study of Ibero and Latin American literature. A reading selection of literary works in poetry, novels, essays and drama will be included to give the student a deeper insight into Hispanic civilizations and culture of the Spanish speaking people. This course will prepare the student for the Advance Placement Examination for Spanish Literature as well as focus on the Jones College Prep targeted instructional area of critical thinking. Critical thinking is the well reasoned, problem solving process where one examines evidence and decides what to believe, communicate or do. Course objectives: • Review of basic and advanced Spanish grammar through class discussion and essay writing. • Read, discuss, and analyze critically in Spanish, literature of Spain and Latin American through class discussions and essay writing. • Development of advanced listening, writing and conversational skills though class expositions and assignments. • Learn techniques of literary analysis and a basic vocabulary of critical terms for class discussion and essay writing. • Successfully complete a series of exams, essays, and quizzes aimed for the preparation of the AP Spanish Literature Exam. • Satisfactory completion of the AP Spanish Literature reading requirements, AP Literature class, and Literature exam in May. Textbook: Momentos cumbres de las literaturas hispánicas Rodney T. Rodríguez ISBN: 0131016458 Technology: Computer, software, internet sites, tapes, videos, World Languages Lab, etc. will be used to support the curriculum. Required Materials: Separate 1½ 2 inch binder specifically used for Spanish assignments, handouts, and readings. Students are also required to come to class with paper, pencil, black or blue ink pen and textbook. Students are to ALWAYS come to class with their textbook and all required materials failure to do so will reflect on grade. Note: On occasion students will be asked to do research for certain homework assignments by going to the library or on the internet. Students will also be required to look for and print readings from internet. The curriculum will include: 1st Quarter Medieval, Golden Age, and Baroque Poesía “Romance del rey moro que perdió Alhama” El Romancero (España) “Romance del Conde Arnaldos” – El Romancero (España) “En tanto que de rosa y azucena” Garcilaso de la Vega (España; 1501?1536) “La dulce boca que a gustar convida” y” Mientras por competir con ty cabello” Luis de Góngora (España; 15611627) “Miré los muros de la patria mía” Fracisco de Quevedo (España; 15801645) “Hombres necios que acusáis” y “En perseguirme mundo, ¿qué interesas? “ Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (México; 16511695) Prosa El conde lucanor Juan Manuel (España; 12821348) Lazarillo de Tormes (España; anónimo) Los naufragios Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (España; 1490?1559?) Don Quijote de la Mancha Miguel de Cervantes (España; 15471616) Teatro El burlador de Sevilla Tirsode Molina (España; 15841648) Assignments: Various reading assignments Various analysis assignments Several pop quizzes Exam on the 2nd Friday of October Paper due in October : Análisis poético Paper due in November : Análisis temático 2nd Quarter Nineteenth Century Poesía “En una tempestad” José María de Heredia (Cuba; 18031839) “Canción del pirata” José de Espronceda (España; 18081842) “No digáis que agotado su tesoro”, “ Yo soy ardiente” y “ volverán las oscuras glolondrinas” Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (España; 18361870) “Yo soy un hombre sincero” y “Dos parias” José Martí (Cuba; 18531895) “Cancion de otoño en primavera”, “Lo fatal” y “A Roosevelt” Rubén Darío (Nicaragua; 18671916) Prosa Vuelva usted mañana Mariano José de Larra (España; 18091837) El alacrán de Fray Gómez Ricardo Palma (Perú; 18331919) Adión, Cordera Leopoldo Alas “Clarín” (España; 18521901) Las medias rojas Emilia de Pardo Bazán (España; 18511921) Assignments: Various reading assignments Various análisis assignments Several pop quizzes Exam in December : Poetry analysis including literary terms Paper due in December : Las medias rojas/Análisis del texto Paper due in January : Análisis poético 3rd and 4th Quarters (February-May) Twentieth Century Poesía “He andado muchos camonos”, “La primavera besaba”, “Caminante, son tus huellas” Antonio Machado (España; 18751939) “Romance de la luna luna”, “Romance sonámbulo” Federico García Lorca (España; 18981936) “Me gusta cuando callas”, “Walking around”, “Oda a la alcachofa” Pablo Nerudo (Chile; 19041973) “Tu me quieres blanca” y “Peso Ancestral” Alfonsina Storni (Argentina; 18921938) “Sensemayá” y Balada de los dos abuelos” Nicolás Guillén (Cuba; 19021989) “A Julia de Burgos” Julia de Burgos (Puerto Rico; 19141953) “Autoretrato” Rosario Castellanos (México; 19251974) Prosa San Manuel Bueno, mártir Miguel de Unamuno (España; 18641936) El hijo Horacio Quiroga (Uruguay; 18781937) La muerte y la brújula y el sur Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina; 18991986) ¿No oyes ladrar los perros? JuanRulfo (México; 19181986) La continuidad de los parques y La noche boca arriba Julio Cortázar (Argentina; 1914-1984) Choc Mool Carlos Fuentes (México; 1928) La siesta del martes, la viuda de Montiel, Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes, La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar y El ahogado más hermoso del mundo Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia; 1928) Las ataduras Carmen Martín Gaite (España; 19252000) Mi caballo mago Sabine Ulibarri (Estados Unidos; 1919) Dos palabras Isabel Allende (Chile; 1942) Teatro La casa de Bernarda Alba Federico García Lorca (España; 18981936) El delantal blanco Sergio Vodanovic (Chile; 1927) Assignments: Various reading assignments Various analysis assignments Pop quizzes/ Bellringers Exam on February Exam in March AP practice exam on the last Friday of April Paper due on the first week of March: Análisis temático Paper due on the first week of April: Análisis del texto Paper due on the first week May: Análisis poético Final Review for AP exam Course Evaluation Your Semester grades will be based on the following: Exams 20% Quizzes 10% Homework/Notes 20% Essays 20% Class Participation/Discussions 10% Projects/Presentations 20% Midterm and Final Exams end of your 2nd semester which will be part of the 20% for exams. Extra credit will be given but has to be earned! You earn extra credit by working hard and doing all your work. A: Indicates learning at the highest level. The student not only has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the material with breadth and depth of understanding. An A indicates work that has gone above and beyond the expectations of an assignment. B: The student not only has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the material but also applies to the material. The student will be able, on occasion, to demonstrate an ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the material. C: The student has demonstrated a basic knowledge and understanding of the material and some ability to apply it. D: The student has demonstrated a limited knowledge and limited understanding of the material and is not able to apply much of it. F: The student has not demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the material, and therefore is not able to apply it. Grading Scale: 92-100 = A 83-91 = B 74-82 = C 65-73 = D Below 65 = F Extra credit will be given but has to be earned! You can only earn extra credit by having all your assignments completed. AS A STUDENT IN THIS CLASS: I know and understand the grading scale and course evaluation I know and understand that completing all required assignments and daily class participation is required to successfully complete the AP Spanish Literature I understand that I will be expected to take the AP Spanish Literature Exam on May 2011. I know and understand the classroom policies Classroom Policies: 1. All students are expected to arrive on time to class with their textbook and all required materials. Students will not be permitted to go to their locker during class time. When the bell rings, every student is expected to be in his/her seat and ready for class. Each time a student is tardy, a report will be made for the infraction and points will be deducted from their participation grade. 2. As a student in AP Spanish Literature, you are expected to do all the assigned readings. You will read both in class and at home. If you are late or absent to class, you will be allowed to make up the quiz only after arranging a make-up time with me and if the tardy or absence is excused. 3. Homework will be given in class and posted on the Jones website. Even if it is not posted it is your responsibility to write the assignments during class. Homework must be turned in by its due date. Failure to submit homework will result in a zero. Students may not leave the class to get their homework. Every assignment and note taking activity must be labeled and dated clearly. No label no credit this is key to your organization and mine. Please bring your notebook to class everyday. 4. Late work will be accepted at 50% credit, unless you have an excused absence or an arrangement has been made with me. If you have an excused absence, you will be able to make up homework and exams and quizzes. It is your responsibility to obtain the homework given during your absence from the homework website. Your work is due upon your return to class, this includes homework and projects. In the case of exams, it will be your responsibility to arrange with me the best time for you to make it up. Again I advise you check the homework website since all homework and exams will be posted. 5. Exams will always be announced in advance so that you have plenty of time to prepare. 6. As an Advanced Placement class, you will be expected to not only complete the necessary assignments but to study outside of class. This class will be conducted 100% in Spanish and you are expected to participate on a regular basis, this is how your participation grade is earned. The discussions held in class will prepare you to achieve success in the AP Spanish Literature Exam. 7. No gum, candy, beverages, or food allowed in class, ever. Please refer to the student handbook. 8. Academic Dishonesty is taken very seriously at Jones and in this class. Any plagiarism/cheating on an exam, test, quiz, class or home work assignment will result in a “Zero” and notification will be made to the disciplinarian and parents (see student handbook). Please be aware that the use of the internet is encouraged in this class as a tool, not as your primary source for the completion of an assignment (by this I mean cutting and pasting). You are also not allowed to use an on-line translator to translate a whole document. This is considered plagiarism. You may only use translator as a source, on a word-to-word basis only. 9. Students are expected to keep all electronic devices off and out of sight. Failure to do so will result in confiscation and a call home (see student handbook). 10. As you know, the required reading list in the AP Spanish Literature curriculum is extensive. Your attendance is very important. There will be poems or short stories that will be read and discussed in class in one day. Please understand that these policies are in your best interest and are designed to help you succeed in this class and on your AP exam. Questions/ Concerns In order for a student to receive extra help the student must be engaged in class. Students can set up appointment with me in class or via email. Parents may inquire about their child’s grades via email or in writing and I will do my best to respond within 48 school hours. Student’name:____________________________________________________________ I have read the Syllabus for my Spanish class and discussed it with my teacher. I have also discussed my responsibilities pertaining to the class with my parent(s). I will spend this year striving to achieve the best, and am willing to put forth all the effort possible to excel. _____________________________________ _________________ Student’s Signature Date _____________________________________ _________________ Parent/Guardian's Signature Date