Teaching Suggestions in this Manual

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Tutorial 2
Designing Applications
Lesson A: Planning an OOED Application in Visual Basic .NET
Lesson B: Building the User Interface
Lesson C: Coding, Testing, Debugging, and Documenting the Application
At a Glance
Instructor’s Notes
Lecture Notes
Discussion Topics
Extra Projects
Key Terms
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Instructor’s Notes
Designing an application is the process of deciding what an application will do, how it will do
it, and what it will look like. Lesson A covers the basic concepts of OOED (ObjectOriented/Event-Driven) design, including planning a TOE (Task, Object, Event) chart and
following the Windows standards for layout and labeling of controls. Lesson B explores
building the user interface using the TOE chart; following Windows standards for graphics;
adding text box control; using the TabIndex property to control focus; locking controls; and
assigning access keys. Lesson C covers the use of a TOE chart to code an application, using
pseudocode, using Focus method, and additional coding and documentation details including
using built-in functions.
Lecture Topics
Pages #
Teaching Suggestions in this Manual
Planning an OOED Application in Visual
Basic .NET
Building the User Interface
Coding, Testing, Debugging, and
Documenting the Application
Procedure-Oriented vs. ObjectOriented/Event-Driven to GUI
Build the User Interface through Access
Code the Application through
Planning an OOED Application in Visual Basic .NET
Lesson A Objectives:
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Plan an OOED application in Visual Basic .NET
Complete a TOE (Task, Object, Event) chart
Follow the Windows standards regarding the layout and labeling of controls
Technical Notes
There are student files available that can be installed at a proper location. In many instances,
the student will need to copy the files to their own working directory. This may be a mapped
server location or a floppy disk. Much of this depends upon your laboratory setup.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Lecture Notes
Creating an OOED Application
The process a programmer follows when creating an OOED application is similar to the
process a builder follows when building a home. Figure 2-6 lists a builder’s process and a
programmer’s process. The programmer tests the completed application, and any problems,
called bugs, are fixed before the application is given to the user.
Applications do not appear by magic. A programmer creates applications. In order
to create an application, the programmer must know certain things:
 What the program is supposed to accomplish
 What rules need to be applied (such as the minimum and maximum order amount)
 What the UI should look like
Doing this is called Application Design.
Planning an OOED Application
Planning an OOED application requires the following four steps:
Identify the tasks the application needs to perform.
Identify the objects to which you will assign those tasks.
Identify the events required to trigger an object into performing its assigned tasks.
Draw a sketch of the user interface.
Identifying the Application’s Tasks
When identifying the tasks an application needs to perform, it is helpful to ask the following
What information if any, will the application need to display on the screen and/or print
on the printer?
What information, if any, will the user need to enter into the user interface to display
and/or print the desired information?
What information, if any, will the application need to calculate to display and/or print
the desired information?
How will the user end the application?
Will previous information need to be cleared from the screen before new information is
Identifying the Objects
After completing the Task column of the TOE chart, you then assign each task to an object in
the user interface. For this application, the only objects you will use, besides the Windows
form itself, are the button, label, and text box controls.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Identifying the Events
Text boxes accept and display information automatically, so no special event is necessary for
them to do their assigned task. Label controls automatically display their contents so, here
again, no special event needs to occur. The remaining objects listed in the TOE chart are the
three buttons: CalcButton, ClearButton, and ExitButton. Then list the tasks you have assigned
to each object in the Task column, and list the event in the Event column.
Drawing a Sketch of the User Interface
While the design of an interface is open to creativity, there are some guidelines to which you
should adhere so that your application is consistent with the Windows standards. In Western
countries, you should organize the user interface so that the information flows either vertically
or horizontally, with the most important information always located in the upper-left corner of
the screen. In a vertical arrangement the information flows from top to bottom; the essential
information is located in the first column of the screen, while secondary information is placed
in subsequent columns. In a horizontal arrangement, on the other hand, the information flows
from left to right; the essential information is placed in the first row of the screen, with
secondary information placed in subsequent rows.
If buttons appear in the interface, they should be positioned either in a row along the bottom of
the screen, or stacked in either the upper-right or lower-right corner. Limit to six the number of
buttons in the interface, and place the most commonly used button firsteither on the left
when the buttons are along the bottom of the screen, or on the top when the buttons are stacked
in either the upper-right or lower-right corner. Notice that each text box and button control in
the interface is labeled so the user knows the control’s purpose. Labels that identify text boxes
should be left-aligned and positioned either above or to the left of the text box.
Labels and captions should be meaningful. The colon (:) distinguishes an identifying label
from other text in the user interface. The Windows standard is to use sentence capitalization
for identifying labels. Sentence capitalization means you capitalize only the first letter in the
first word and in any words that are customarily capitalized. When using book title
capitalization, you capitalize the first letter in each word, except for articles, conjunctions, and
prepositions that do not occur at either the beginning or the end of the caption.
Walk through:
Fill in the tasks for the application. Point out that one may iterate over the tasks.
First, identify major tasks.
Then, identify the details on how to accomplish the task.
Identify the objects involved in collecting information.
Identify events that will cause tasks to be performed.
Point out different ways to sketch the UI.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
1. What is OOED? ANSWER: Object-oriented/Event-driven
2. What is a TOE? ANSWER: A chart indicating the Tasks, Objects and Events that are
needed by an application.
3. What are the four steps in planning an OOED? ANSWER: Identify the tasks required;
identify which objects will perform which tasks; identify the trigger events; draw a sketch
of the user interface.
Building the User Interface
Lesson B Objectives:
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Build the user interface using your TOE chart and sketch
Follow the Windows standards regarding the use of graphics, color, and fonts
Set the BorderStyle property
Add a text box to a form
Lock the controls on the form
Assign access keys to controls
Use the TabIndex property
Preparing to Create the User Interface
Now, after planning the application, you will use the TOE chart and the sketch of the form to
construct the UI (User Interface). This is where you set how the window will look when the
application is executed. You can:
A. Create the entire interface and then set properties
B. Set properties for each object as it is placed on the form
It is somewhat a matter of choice. However, it may be more straightforward to set properties
for an object as it is placed on a form.
Often you can create an object, say a textbox, set properties, and then copy to get
another textbox just like the original. Control arrays are gone! Also, unlike prior
versions of Visual Basic, you will not have the problem of accidentally copying a
control and making a control array. All you have to do now is name the copied
version with all the properties.
Before continuing with updating the Skate solution, you will learn some guidelines for creating
a graphical user interface (GUI).
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
NOTE: All users of Windows applications expect that every application will work like all
the others. That is what these guidelines are about.
To design a Windows application, you must know how Windows applications work. Each
person has to pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. Users expect that all applications
will work in a similar manner. The main thing about the design is that the user must feel
comfortable with the resultant program.
These guidelines are just that, they are not absolute. If the company has a set of
interface standards, those standards supercede Windows standards.
Walk through the interface design guidelines and then have the students sketch the interfaces
for the application.
To save time, a partially completed solution is available that is only missing one textbox. The
default location is \vbnet\Tut02\Order Solution.sln. Buttons are arranged across the bottom.
 Demonstrate how to align controls and show how to use the alignment dots that show
on the form at design time.
 Explain the difference between Serif and Sans Serif fonts. Discuss the available fonts
and the Tahoma font.
o Sans means without. Sans Serif means without wings on the characters. Two of
the most common Sans Serif fonts are Arial and Tahoma. Tahoma is now the
preferred font.
o Serif fonts have wings on the characters (like the text in the book). Times New
Roman is a common Serif font.
 Explain about using fonts in building applications. Discuss the use of sizes and styles.
o The default font size for most items is 8.25. Some users (like me) find this too
small. Make sure the text is readable. Many like a size of 10 or 12.
o Generally, avoid italics, bold, or underline. Underline generally implies a
Discuss the use of color and the problems some have with color
1. Users may have monochrome monitors.
2. Some people suffer color confusion.
3. Colors are personal preferences. If you use colors, allow the user to select the color.
4. Colors have special meaning in certain cultures.
Usually, use gray background, black text and white for other items.
Including Different Fonts in the User Interface
In general, keep the design simple. Do not get too fancy. There may be some areas in which
you disagree with the guidelines presented in the book. These are guidelines – not absolute
rules. In terms of fonts, remind students that things like underlining often are interpreted as
URLs. Pick a font size that can be easily read. A serif is a light cross stroke that appears at the
top or bottom of a character. Limit use of bold text to titles, headings, and key items.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Including Color in the User Interface
The human eye is attracted to color before black and white. Build the interface using black,
white, and gray first, then add color only if you have a good reason to do so. Limit the number
of colors to three, not including white, black, and gray. The colors you choose should
complement each other. Never use color as the only means of identification for an element in
the user interface.
The BorderStyle Property
The BorderStyle property determines the style of a control’s border and can be set to None,
FixedSingle, or Fixed3D. The BorderStyle property of the text boxes is set to Fixed3Dthe
default for a text box.
Setting the Text Property
Talk about the Text property and how it changes for the various controls. If you have a readonly label, you often will use a border to distinguish it from an identifier label.
Warn students again about confusion between the Text property and the Name
property. Visual Basic .NET sets these to the same value by default when the object
is instantiated.
In the book, it appears that identifier labels are named with a prefix Id.
Adding a Text Box Control to the Form
A text box control provides an area in the form where the user can enter data.
Locking the Controls on a Form
Once you have placed all of the controls in the desired locations on the forms, it is a good idea
to lock the controls in their current positions so you do not inadvertently move them. Once the
controls are locked, you will not be able to move them until you unlock them; you can,
however, delete them.
Assigning Access Keys
An access key allows the user to select an object using the Alt key in combination with a letter
or number. It is important to assign access keys to these controls for the following three
1. Access keys allow a user to work with the application even if the mouse becomes
2. Access keys allow users who are fast typists to keep their hands on the keyboard.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
3. Access keys allow people with disabilities, which may prevent them from working with
a mouse, to use the application.
You assign an access key by including an ampersand (&) in the control’s caption or
identifying label.
Access keys should be unique. If you use the same access key for more than one
object, Visual Basic .NET will use the tab order to determine which object to
transfer focus to. If then you press the alt-key again, focus will be transferred to the
next object with that access key.
Setting the TabIndex Property
The TabIndex property determines the order in which a control receives the focus when the
user presses either the Tab key or an access key while the application is running. When a
control has the focus, it can accept user input. The TabIndex property for the first control
added to a form is 0 (zero), the TabIndex property for the second control is 1, and so on.
When an application is running, only one control can have focus at any time. When
a control has focus the control is ready to receive user input. If the insertion point
appears inside a Text box that indicates that the control has focus. If a command
button shows a darkened border, as well as a dotted rectangle around its Text, it has
focus. Focus can be moved to another control via the Tab key according to the
TabIndex property. Demonstrate how the TabIndex property controls what happens
when the user presses the tab key. Demonstrate how to use the ViewTab Order
menu to visually set the tab order.
Explain how access keys are used to allow easy use of the form.
 Show adding the text box on the form
 Demo how the new text box is the last thing tabbed to on the form
 Use the visual tab order settings to change the tab order
 Demo how the new text box now is accessed through tabbing and the access key
1. What is the BorderStyle property? ANSWER: This determines what the style of the label’s
border and can be None, FixedSingle, or Fixed3D.
2. What is the TabIndex property? ANSWER: This determines the order that controls get
focus when the Tab key is pressed.
3. What does it mean to ‘Lock the controls’? ANSWER: All controls on the form cannot be
moved by using the mouse. This is to prevent accidentally moving the controls.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Coding, Testing, Debugging and Documenting the Application
Lesson C Objectives:
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Use the TOE chart to code the application
Use pseudocode t
Write an assignment statement
Use the Focus method
Include internal documentation in the code
Write arithmetic expressions
Use the Val and Format functions o plan an object’s code
Code the Application
Now that you have completed the UI, you need to tell Visual Basic .NET how to respond to the
events. The process of writing Visual Basic .NET statements is called coding. In the TOE chart
you have identified the events that need to be handled. You will learn about precedence and
associatively of mathematical operators.
This lesson introduces basic concepts and techniques of coding and testing your code. You can
use pseudocode to plan an event’s logic. It is important to use internal documentation to help
remember what the coding is intended to accomplish. These are called Comments.
Coding the Clear Screen Button
According to the TOE chart, the Clear Screen button is assigned the task of clearing the screen
for the next order. A string is simply a group of characters enclosed in quotation marks. A
zero-length string, also called an empty string, is a set of quotation marks with nothing
between them. You use an assignment statement, which is simply a Visual Basic .NET
instruction, to set the value of a property while an application is running.
Assigning a Value to a Property During Run Time
The format of the assignment statement: [Me].object.property = value. Items in square brackets
are optional parts of the instruction. Other parts indicate where the programmer must supply
pertinent information. VB assigns the value on the right side to the object and property
appearing on the left side. This will typically be used to assign an arithmetic expression to a
control property.
The use of Me will cause an IntelliSense dropdown that will help identify the correct object.
The dot-resolution operator is used to identify different parts of an expression.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
When entering an expression such as me.nametextbox.text = “” Visual Basic .NET
will automatically recapitalize the expression with the capitalization used when
object was named. Me.NameTextbox.Text. This is one reason to use casing when
naming objects.
Using the Focus Method
The Focus method allows you to move the focus to a specified control while the application is
running. Explain that focus indicates what object will receive keystrokes if the keyboard is
used. A program can use the Focus method – Me.NameTextbox.Focus() – to cause the
NameTextbox object to have the focus. The user can cause focus to change by clicking on an
object or pressing the tab key. Point out how the various objects appear when they have focus.
This relates back to TabOrder.
The Focus method replaces the SetFocus method of VB6. Also, all methods in
Visual Basic .NET must have parenthesis even if there are no arguments.
Internally Documenting the Program Code
Visual Basic .NET provides an easy way to document a program internally. You simply place
an apostrophe (‘) before the statement you want treated as a comment. Visual Basic .NET
ignores everything that appears after the apostrophe on that line.
Writing Arithmetic Expressions
Most computer programs do calculations. Operators are used to perform arithmetic
manipulation. The precedence numbers indicate the order in which Visual Basic .NET
performs the operation in an expression. When more that one operation is used, Visual Basic
.NET has a strict operator order of precedence that is followed. If operators have equal
precedence, Visual Basic .NET performs operations left to right. Expressions in parenthesis are
always evaluated first.
Give some examples of expressions.
 3 + 12 / 3 -1 The 12/3 is performed first to give 4
 3 + 12 / (3 – 1) The (3 - 1) is performed first, then 12 / 2
The parentheses clarify the way the calculation should proceed. Figure 2-28 lists the arithmetic
operators and their order of precedence.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Most will not understand integer division. Explain that when integer division is
used, the resultant is always an integer: 211\4 yields 52 while 211/4 yields 52.75.
You may also need to explain exponentiation. Many will not understand the Mod
operator. Point out the 211 Mod 4 returns 75, the remainder of the division. One use
is for determining leap years. If the year Mod 4 is zero, it is a leap year unless year
Mod 200 is zero.
Talk about pseudocode and translation into Visual Basic .NET expressions:
Calculate order button
1. Calculate total skateboards = number of blue skateboards + number of yellow
2. Calculate total price = total skateboards * skateboard price * (1 + sales tax rate)
3. Display total skateboards and total price in labels
4. Set focus to clear screen button
Translate pseudocode into Visual Basic .NET statements
1. Me.TotalBoardsLabel.Text = Me.BlueTextbox.Text + Me.YellowTextbox.Text
2. Me.TotalPriceLabel.Text = Me.TotalBoardsLabel.Text * Me.PriceTextBox.Text * _ (1
+ Me.RateTExtbox.Text)
3. Me.ClearButton.Focus()
Note: Step 3 of pseudocode is accomplished in steps 1 and 2 of the statements.
What happens when you enter something that is not a number for the number of skateboards?
You get an error!
To deal with such, you can use a built-in Visual Basic .NET function.
Coding the Calculate Order Button
While a method does a unit of work, a function also returns a value that you can use.
Point out that there are many built-in functions that can be used in a program. That way, each
programmer does not have to write all repetitive functions. The CLR is the repository of many
of these functions in the class libraries.
The Val Function
The Visual Basic .NET Val function is a predefined procedure that performs a specific task.
The Val function temporarily converts a string to a number, and then returns the number. Point
out that the Val function will return any characters that happen to be digits or a decimal point
up to the point a non-digit or decimal point is encountered.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Using the Format Function
The Format function is used to improve the appearance of the numbers displayed in an
interface. The expression is :
Format(expression, style)
Style can be Currency, Fixed, Standard, Percent.
Some of Visual Basic’s predefined formats:
Testing and Debugging the Application
Testing is the process of trying your program with data
 Test with valid data to ensure that your program gets the correct answer. Valid data is
data that the application is expecting.
 Text with invalid data to see what the program does. Invalid data is data that the
application is not expecting.
Debugging is the process of locating and repairing errors in the program.
The historical story is that the term debugging comes from Admiral Grace Hopper
finding a problem in the computer. Some insects got inside the computer and fried
themselves on the circuitry. Hence, the term debug was coined.
There are two types of errors in a program:
1. Syntax errors: You type a name incorrectly. These are generally easy to fix because
the Visual Basic .NET compiler finds them.
2. Logic errors: The result of a program statement is not what you meant. Testing these
requires that you examine the program statements to ensure validity. For example, you
may need parenthesis in calculations.
Error avoidance. Use the Val function to force anything used into a calculation to a
Assembling the Documentation
Assembling the documentation refers to putting in a safe place your planning tools and a
printout of the application’s interface and code, so you can refer to them if you need to change
the application in the future.
You now have completed the six steps involved in creating an application:
Meet with the client.
Plan the application.
Build the user interface.
Code the application.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
5. Test and debug the application.
6. Assemble the documentation.
1. What is an assignment statement? ANSWER: This is typically used to assign an arithmetic
expression to an object’s property.
2. What is pseudocode? ANSWER: English-like statements that convey the solution to a
coding problem, without regard to the specific syntax of the coding language.
3. How do you test a running application? ANSWER: By supplying both valid (expected)
data and invalid data. The application should handle both kinds of input.
If you have an error, you will be able to determine values of internal data, such as a
Textbox value. However, unlike Visual Basic 6, you cannot change code on the fly
and continue in Visual Basic .NET.
You have now walked through the basic steps for building a Visual Basic .NET application.
Discussion Topics
Why is it a good idea to test an application with invalid data?
Why is it a good idea to use pseudocode?
Why is it a good idea to use internal documentation?
What is debugging?
What kinds of errors can occur in a program?
Extra Projects
1. Temperature Conversion
Write an application that converts an input temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. The
formula for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius is:
Celsius = 5/9 * (Fahrenheit – 32)
The application should have three command buttons: Exit, Start, and Calculate. Display
two labels: Fahrenheit and Celsius. Display empty text boxes to the right of each label.
Command Button Actions:
 Start: causes a short message to appear, telling the user that they should enter a
temperature in Fahrenheit in the text box with the Fahrenheit label to its left. Start
should give focus to the text box to the right of the Fahrenheit label.
 Calculate: causes the converted Celsius temperature to appear in the text box to the right
of the Celsius label.
 Exit: causes the application to end
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
2. Average Calculation
Write an application that calculates the average of three numbers.
The application should have three command buttons: Exit, Start, and Calculate. Display
four labels: “Value1”, “Value2”, “Value3”, and “Average”. Each label should have an
empty text box to its right.
Command Button Actions:
 Start: causes a short message to appear, telling the user that they should enter values
into the three text boxes. Start should give focus to the text box to the right of the
“Value1” label.
 Calculate: causes the computed average to appear in the text box to the right of the
“Average” label.
 Exit: causes the application to end
Key Terms
Debugging – The process of locating syntax and logic errors in a program.
Function – A procedure that you can use to do programming work for you.
Precedence –The order of evaluation of mathematical operators in an expression
Pseudocode –A series of English-like statements that express the solution to a programming
Testing – Running a program with various kinds of input (valid and invalid) and verifying that
it handles all the input correctly.
Solutions to Exercises can be found within the Instructor’s
Resource Kit (CD-ROM) that accompanies this text or at the
following link: