Regulations of the First International Contest of string

Regulations of the First International Contest of string-bow instrument music
The contest runs since the 3rd till the 6th of February, 2014, on the basis of
Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts, at the address: 454 091,
Chelyabinsk, Ordzhonikidze street, 36-a.
The aim of the contest is to find the mist gifted and professionally perspective
young musicians.
The tasks of the contest is popularization of string instruments, developing the
quality of pedagogical and methodical work at the educative institutions of culture
and arts, preserving and further development of classical traditions of musical
The contest promoter: Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts
The contest organizers:
The Chair of orchestral string, wind and percussion instruments
The Performance Faculty.
Concert-creative department of ChSACA
The participants of the contest may be Russian and foreign performers, who have
fulfilled all the requirements of the given contest.
The contest contains the following nominations:
1. “Soloists” with the specialties: violin, alto, cello, contrabass, rare national
string-bow instruments.
2. “Quartet”
3. “Ensemble” includes duets, trios, quintets, sextets of string instruments,
also chamber ensembles with fortepiano.
Soloists perform in six age groups:
- The first one is not older than 9 years old
- The second one is from 10 till 12 years old
- The third one is from 13 till 15 years old
- The forth one is from 16 till 20 years old
- The fifth one is from 21 till 26 years old
- The sixth one is from 27 without any other age limitations
Quartets perform in two age groups:
- The first one with the middle age of the participants not older than 27 years
- The second one is with the middle age not older than 27 years old, without
age limitations.
Ensembles perform in four age groups:
- The first one with the middle age of the participants not older than 15 years
- The second one with the middle age of the participants not older than 19
years old
- The third one with the middle age of the participants not older than 26 years
- The forth one with the middle age of the participants older than 27 years old,
without any other age limitations.
The contest runs in one tour.
The program requirements:
The performance program is to be selected individually.
Soloists – the performance program should include a piece of work (or a part of a
peace of work) of a Russian composer or a composer of a participating country.
The time of a contest performance in the first group is not longer than 10 min., in
the second one – not longer than 15 min., in the third one – not longer than 20
min., in the forth and the fifth ones – not longer than 25 min, in the sixth one – not
longer than 35 min. All the pieces of work are to be performed by heart.
Quartets – the performance program should include a piece of work (or a part of a
piece of work) of a foreign composer.
The time of a contest performance is from 20 till 30 min. All the pieces of work are
to be performed by notes.
Ensembles – a program of performance should certainly include a piece of work
(or a part of a piece of work) of a modern composer (of the 20th – the 21st
The time of a contest performance in the first group is not longer than 10 min., in
the second one – not longer than 20 min., in the third and the forth one – not longer
than 30 min. All the pieces of work may be performed by notes.
Every performer may participate in two nominations.
The order of running the contest.
Performance of the contest participants is being estimated by the International jury
board. In the cases of not adhering with the program requirements the jury has
right not to estimate a contestant’s performance. The jury’s decision is final and
not being the subject to be appealed against.
The contest jury has the right:
- to award not all the prices;
- to divide a price between several participants;
- to award prices for the best performance of pieces of work;
- to award diplomas to teachers and concertmasters;
- to make decisions about shortening the program or to eliminate a participant
because of absence of adhering with the contest requirements.
The order of performance is being decided by means of ballot and is being
preserved till the end of the contest.
The winners of the contest, won the first, the second, the third prices due to each
nomination and each age group, are awarded the titles of laureates with entrusting
diplomas. The participants, won the forth and the fifth prices, are awarded with the
titles of awardee with entrusting diplomas.
The contestants can perform with their concertmaster. In the case of necessity the
organizing committee provided a concertmaster due to preliminary request, the
payment is fulfilled by the contestant.
The contestants are being provided with the training classrooms due to timetable.
Payment of all the expenses, connected with accommodation of all the participants
and the accompanying persons, is due to be done by the directing organizations.
Accommodation of the participants at the Academy student hostel and at the
Chelyabinsk hotels is being guaranteed, due to the presented requests.
Participation conditions
The requests for participating in the contest are being admitted till the 15th of
December, 2013, at e-mail:, or at the address: Russia,
454091, Chelyabinsk, Ordzhonikidze Street, 36-a. The Chelyabinsk State
Academy of Culture and Arts. The contest organizing committee.
The additional information may be received by phone:
1. The questions, connected with the program and the repertory:
+79049433005 – Nesterova Elena Andreevna, +79043078515 – Galkina
Tatiana Yurievna.
2. The questions due to organization: 8(351)263-36-53 – Kadyshev Valeriy
Borisovich, producer of the concerto-creative department of ChSACA.
3. General questions: 8(351)263-89-83 – Lilia Gergardovna, laboratorian of
the chair of Orchestral string, wind and percussions.
The entrance fee:
- 1000 rub. for one person in the nomination of “Soloists’.
- 500 rub. for one person in the nomination “Ensemble”, “Quartet”.
For participation in the contest the following documents are required:
1. The request due to the added specimen.
2. The brief creative activity biography.
3. Passport copy (or birth certificate copy).
4. Two color lustrous photos of the lately time: size 10x15 sm. (or in digital
form in the format of JPEG 10x15 sm. with resolution of 300 dpi).
The requests for participation in the contest are being submitted only in the digital
form at the e-mail address: The request form and the
contest regulations can be downloaded from the official site of the Chelyabinsk
State Academy of Culture and Arts at the section “Essential
events”. At the same place it is possible to fill up and submit the request on-line.
Non-complete, carelessly-filled up, written in handwriting and scanned requests
nay be dismissed by the organizing committee without explaining the reasons. The
rest of the documents can also be sent by e-mail with an attached file. In the case
of sending by mail the date of posting is being determined by the post stamp.
The contest program includes:
- Master-classes of the leading musicians of Russia and the International jury
board members.
- The courses of further training (36 hours with granting the certificate), the
price is 3000 rub. The people, who want to attend the courses of further
training, can send the request at the address:,
indicating at the letter subject line “Courses of further training”. Due to
preliminary request the hostel may be reserved. The phone number for
getting further information is (351) 727-76-10.
- Gala-concert of the Laureates of the contest with participation of the State
Little Theatre “Classics” – the chairman and conductor is the Deserved artist
of Russia Adik Abdurahmanov. The concert will be recorded by the
professional studio with the further production of the licensed disk, which
will be granted to the Laureates.
- At leisure time there will be organized excursion to the place of impact of
the Chelyabinsk meteorite to Chebarkul Lake.
Request for participation in the First International Contest of string-bow
instrument music performers
1. Surname, first, second names (completely)
2. Date and place of birth
3. The name of the educating organization, address, phone number, fax, e-mail
address. The status (pupil, student, teacher, etc.)
4. Nomination
5. Musical instrument
6. Surname, name of the teacher / teachers (completely), degree and position
7. Participation in contests, awards
8. Indicate, if you participate in the contest with your concertmaster (his
surname, first, second names completely), of if you perform with a
concertmaster, proposed by the Organizing committee.
9. The performed program (in details) with indicating the full names and
surnames of the composers, chronometry of each piece of work.
10.Contacts: addresses of residence (with zip code), phone number, fax, e-mail.
11.Federal district, country, which you represent.
12.Do you need reserving at a hotel or the hostel of the Academy?
I am informed about the conditions of the contest and agree with them.
“_____________” ______________ 20 _________
Surname, first, second names