Page 1 of 10 Department of Electronics Engineering, Communication Systems Laboratory Laboratory Manual for B. Tech. (Electronics), III Year (V – Semester) Lab Course EL 392 ( Communication Lab. – I) LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Wave-form Analysis 2. AM & Demodulation 3. FM – VCO 4. FM Demodulation - PLL 5. Transmission Lines 6. Envelop Detector 7. PWM 8. Sampling & Re-construction 9. SSB – Modulation & De-modulation -----------------------Compiled by M. Hadi Ali Khan B. Sc. Engg (AMU)., Ex-MIEEE (USA), Ex-MIETE (India), Ex-MSSI (India) Electronics Engineer, Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh – 202 002 Email:- h a d i a l i k h a n @ g m a i l . c o m Note:- This laboratory manual is also available on the internet at the following URL :- MHAK/230706 Page 2 of 10 Experiment # 01 (WF Analysis) Object:- (a) Generate a symmetrical Square wave of lowest frequency using wave-form generator section of the kit supplied. Measure its Amplitude & Frequency. (b) Determine the amplitudes & frequencies of the first eight harmonics of the wave-form generated in part (a) above, using the same kit. Apparatus / Kit used:- 1. Sigma Harmonic Analyzer Trainer Kit Model COM-118. 2. Dual Trace CRO Procedure :- Refer to pages 6, 7 & 8 of the manual of the Sigma Harmonic Analyzer trainer Kit COM-118 Observations:- Wave-form generated:- Symmetrical Square wave Amplitude of the symmetrical Square wave = 5.4 Volts p-p (adjusted) Frequency of the symmetrical Square wave = 150 Hz (adjusted) S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. frequency of Sinewave (Hz) 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 Rela t iv e A mp lit u de o f the H a r mo n ic ( mV) 1.8 x 0.5 = 900 mv 0 300 mv 0 200 mv Remarks 1st harmonic present 2nd harmonic absent 3rd harmonic present 4th harmonic absent 5th harmonic present 6th harmonic absent 7th harmonic present 8th harmonic absent Plot the Spectrum of the above signal. Experimental setup:- MHAK/230706 Page 3 of 10 Experiment # 02 (AM & Demodulation) Object:- (a) Draw the modulation characteristics (m vs A) of the AM section of the kit supplied (AQUILA AM Demonstrator Model AET – 14) (b) Use demodulator section of the kit to recover the message signal. Observations:Carrier Signal (RF signal): Ac = 300 mVp-p (adjusted) fc = 1.0 MHz (fixed) Modulating Signal (AF signal): fm = 800 Hz S. No. Am (voltsp-p) Modulation Index (m) A B Modulation Index, m (%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sample Calculation:The modulation index, m = [ (A - B ) / (A + B ) ] x 100 % A curve between m versus Am gives the modulation characteristics of the AM. For Recovered Message Signal (at demodulator’s o/p), Amplitude = Frequency = volts p-p Hz Experimental Setup:- MHAK/230706 Page 4 of 10 Experiment # 03 (FM - VCO) Object:- (a) Determine the parameters (free-running frequency & the Control voltage) of the given VCO kit. (b) Plot the modulation characteristics ( ∆f vs ∆V) and justify that the given ckt is working as the frequency modulator. Observations:- 1. 2. 3. 4. S. No. Time-period of the VCO output, To = (4.2 x 2.0) µs; Amplitude of the VCO output, Am = 11.8 V Free – running frequency of the VCO (fo) = (1/ To) = 119 KHz, Control voltage, Vc (built-in DC voltage) = + 9.6 V Biasing supply voltage, Vcc = +/- 12 Volts (symmetrical dual supply) Readings for modulation Characteristics :DC Volts (Vi) Time-period (Ti) fi = 1/Ti ∆f = ( fi – fo) ∆V = (Vi – Vc) Vi = a variable dc voltage (+5 volts to 11.8 volts) to be applied at the control input (Vc) of the VCO; fi = the corresponding frequency of the VCO output (Vo) A curve between ∆f versus ∆V gives the modulation characteristics of the VCO. Theoretically, fo = {2 (Vcc – Vc)}/ R1C1Vcc ; V+ Vc Com VCO NE 566 V- VCO Output MHAK/230706 Page 5 of 10 Experiment # 04 (FM Demodulation - PLL) Object:(a) Determine the free-running frequency, the lock-range and the Capture-range of the given PLL kit. (b) (b) Plot the demodulation characteristics ( VD vs ∆f ) and verify that the given PLL ckt is working as a FM Demodulator. Apparatus Used :- Observations:- 1. The PLL Kit, 2. 1 MHz Function generator with digital frequency display 3. 20 MHz Dual Trace CRO (a) Free-running frequency, fo = 119 KHz ; (fo = 1/To, ) f1 = ………………KHz ; ( L -- UL ) f2 = …………… KHz ; ( UL -- L ) f3 = ………………KHz ; ( L -- UL ) f4 = ………………KHz ; ( UL -- L ) (b) Lock-range (fL) = ( f1 – f3) = (c) Capture-range (fc) = ( f2 – f4 ) = KHz KHz ; (Verify that fL > fc ) (d) Readings for Demodulation Characteristics: S. No. Incoming signal frequency (fi) DC Level of the Differential output (VD) ∆f = ( fi – fo) Vi = a sinusoidal signal having variable frequency & amplitude around 8 volts p-p (obtained from an external signal generator) to be connected at input of the PLL marked Vi ; for the purpose of determination of the lock-range, capture-range & the Demodulation characteristics of the PLL circuit. NB:- A curve between VD versus ∆f shows the Demodulation characteristics of the PLL. MHAK/230706 Page 6 of 10 Experiment # 05 (Transmission Lines) Object:- (a) Determine the velocity of propagation of HF pulses through the given Transmission line. Calculate the inductance per meter (L) and the capacitance per meter length (C) of the given line. (b) Trace the reflections observed at the other end of the given line terminated into different loads. Observations:Part (a) :- Propagation Characteristics of the “ open-circuited “ transmission line:Specifications of the HF pulses transmitted:- PRR = MHz; Amplitude = volts, Pulse-duration = 0.2 µs Specifications of the transmission line used:- Length ( l ) = 30 meters; Zo = 50 Ω Time-delay between the transmitted & reflected pulses, td = (1.6/5)µs = 0.32 µs Vp = (2l)/ td = 1.8 x 108 m/s L = Zo / Vp = ………… micro-Henry/meter; C = 1 / Zo Vp = ………… µF/meter Part (b) :- Reflections due to different load terminations (a load connected to the line) Use three tracing papers only to trace the reflections in the following way:Use single tracing paper to trace the Reflections corresponding to “Resistive load terminations” of 0 Ω, 50 Ω and 100 Ω ; ( show the reflected pulses by the dotted lines) ; Use one tracing paper to trace the Reflections corresponding to any one “capacitive load termination” and use one tracing paper to trace the Reflections corresponding to “Inductive load termination” MHAK/230706 Page 7 of 10 Experiment # 06 (Envelop Detector) Object:- (a) Determine the typical values of the parameters of the AM signal properly detected by the given Envelop Detector Circuit. (b) Determine its Detection Characteristics (max. m at a constant fm & max. fm at constant m). Observations:Part (a): Specifications of the AM signal for its proper detection (without distortion) :AM Level, Amax = 1.0 Vp-p Modulation frequency, fm = 800 Hz Modulation Index, m = 30 % Carrier frequency, fc = 460 KHz Part (b): Detection Characteristics:(a) Max. m (at fm = 500 Hz) = 90 % (b) Max fm (at m = 30 %) = 18 KHz -------------------------------Experimental Setup :- (1) Maximum permissible value of the modulation frequency of the AM signal detected by the given Envelop Detector without any distortion is governed by the expression:max fm = For m = 30 %, R = 2.7 K and C = 0.01 µF; max fm = 5.8(m-2 – 1)1/2 = 18.44 KHz; (2) Maximum permissible value of the modulation index of the AM signal detected by the given Envelop Detector without any distortion is governed by the expression:- mmax = For fm = 1 KHz; mmax = = 92 % % error = m 20 % 30 % fm 28 KHz 18.7 KHz m 40 % 50 % fm 13.5 KHz 10 KHz m 80 % 90 % fm 4 KHz 1.5 KHz MHAK/230706 Page 8 of 10 Experiment # 07 (PWM) Object:- Generate a PWM signal using the given kit of PWM and plot its modulation characteristics ( τ Apparatus Used :- vs VD). 1. A PWM unit, 2. A pulse generator, 3. A Dual Trace CRO 4. A 5-volts DC supply and a variable DC supply (Aplab model 7711) Observations:1. Specifications of the pulses used:- Amplitude = 4.5 Vp-p PRR = 2.0 KHz, Duty Cycle = 20 % ( T = 500 µs, & τ = 100 µs) 2. Magnitude of the built-in DC voltage at modulating-signal input = 2.0 V DC 3. Corresponding pulse-width at PWM output = 100 µs 4. Measurements for modulation characteristics:- S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DC Volts at modulation Input (volts) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.5 Pulse-duration at PWM output (µs) 60 70 80 100 120 160 280 340 Experimental Setup for PWM :1. Obtain a train of pulses from external pulse generator having A = 4.5 V, f = 2 KHz and τ = 100µs and apply it at the Carrier input of the PWM unit. 2. Observe the PWM output on the CRO screen. Measure the duration of the pulses appearing on the CRO. 3. Connect a variable dc voltage (0.2 volt to 3.4 volts) obtained from an external variable dc supply at the modulating signal input of the PWM unit. 4. Note the effect of variable dc voltage on the pulse-width at the PWM output. The modulation Characteristics of the PWM is the curve plotted between the Pulse-duration versus DC voltage. MHAK/230706 Page 9 of 10 Experiment # 08 (Sampling and Re-construction of Signals) Object:- (a) Trace the samples of a sinusoidal signal obtained using the Sampling Trainer kit Model ST – 2101 at any three different sampling frequencies and take observations to verify Nyqu i st C ri t eri a . (b) Re-construct the sampled signal using 2nd order and the 4th order LowPass filters and trace the wave-shapes of the re-constructed signals. Note- For the procedure t o be followed for taking observations , refer to the pages 24 to 30 of the work-book of the kit ST-2101 . Observations:- frequency of the sinusoidal signal = 1.0 KHz Sampling frequency = 32 KHz Minimum Sampling frequency = 2 KHz Take observations at sampling frequencies of 4 KHz, 8 KHz and 16 KHz Cut-off frequency of 2nd order Low-Pass filter = KHz Cut-off frequency of 4th order Low-Pass filter = KHz MHAK/230706 Page 10 of 10 Experiment # 09 (SSB Modulation & Demodulation) Object:- (a) Study the SSB Modulation using the given Trainer kit Model ST – 2201. (b) Study the SSB Demodulation using the given Trainer kit Model ST – 2202. Note:- Read Work-books of the kits ST-2201 & ST-2202 and follow the procedure described therein and trace the wave-shapes of SSB modulated and de- modulated signals. Measure their amplitudes and frequencies. ************* MHAK/230706