
Consejo Interamericano para el Desarrollo Integral
(Extractos textuales para propósitos de traducción)
(Textual extracts for translation purposes)
Proyecto: Argentina - Promoción de la Educación en Ingeniería y de la Asociación
Universidad-Sector Público-Empresa para Estimular el Desarrollo de América Latina y
el Caribe.
Información básica:
Nombre del proyecto: Promoción de la Educación en Ingeniería y de la Asociación
Universidad-Sector Público-Empresa para Estimular el Desarrollo de América Latina
y el Caribe.
País que presenta el Proyecto: ARGENTINA
Nombre de la institución:
Ing. Agueda Menvielle. Directora de la Dirección
Nacional de Relaciones Internacionales
5411 4891 8470 / 71 / 72 / 73
Dirección electrónica:
Nombre de la persona que preparó el perfil:
País(es) Participante(s): Para cada país participante incluir la siguiente información.
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Ing. Agueda Menvielle. Directora de la Dirección
Nacional de Relaciones Internacionales
5411 4891 8470 / 71 / 72 / 73
Pablo Javier Patiño. Director de Fomento a la
Dirección electrónica:
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Alvaro Prata - Rector
+55 (48) 3721-9320 / 3721-9463
Dirección electrónica:
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Gerardo Agresta
Director de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología
Dirección electrónica:
(+598)2901 4285
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Juana Ramos Chue de Perez
(507) 290 8448
Además, en el presente proyecto se promoverá el trabajo en forma articulada con todos los países que
constituyen el grupo de Trabajo Formación y Educación de RRHH – Ingeniería y Ciencia conformado en
la III Reunión Ministerial: Argentina, Colombia, México, Nicaragua, República Dominicana, Trinidad y
Tobago, Paraguay, Guatemala y Costa Rica.
Duración estimada: 2 años.
Monto total estimado (US $):
Monto solicitado al
US$ 300.000
(países participantes) US$
US$ 160.000
Socios / Donante(s) externo(s)
Programa Marco y Línea de Acción:
Enfoque Programático:
Promoción de mejoras en la educación en ingeniería y ciencias para incentivar la innovación, la
cultura emprendedora y la competitividad (incluyendo redes especializadas, parques tecnológicos e
incubadoras de empresas para las MIPYMEs)
Línea de Acción:
Los objetivos principales dentro de los que se encuadra el perfil son los siguientes:
Establecer una cultura de mejora continua de la calidad en la educación en ciencias e
ingeniería basada en mejores prácticas y técnicas innovadoras de enseñanza a nivel mundial,
incluyendo la revisión y actualización permanente de programas curriculares.
Estimular la innovación industrial y promover el desarrollo de las MIPYMEs mediante el
fomento de las asociaciones universidad-sector público-empresa con miras a mejorar la
investigación aplicada, así como el desarrollo avanzado y aplicaciones de ingeniería
Los mismos se hallan en concordancia con la línea de acción del FEMCIDI, “Desarrollo Científico e
Intercambio y Transferencia de Tecnología”: La ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, innovación y
educación en ciencias son fundamentales para el desarrollo integral de los Estados Miembros. En este
contexto se realizarán esfuerzos para promover el diálogo, facilitar la cooperación y asistencia
técnica, fomentar el intercambio de experiencias y apoyar a los Estados Miembros en sus acciones.
Antecedentes, Justificación
3.1 Problemática:
En América Latina, las prácticas institucionales de fomento a la investigación y la innovación,
tradicionalmente han sido un reflejo del clásico modelo lineal de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.
Éste, sostiene que las relaciones entre investigación e innovación están dadas por un proceso
estrictamente causal y unidireccional en el que la investigación científica conduce al desarrollo
tecnológico, el cual conduce a su vez a la innovación industrial; desarrollándose cada una en esferas
independientes. En esta visión, se entiende a la innovación como ciencia aplicada, y a su difusión
como un proceso relativamente sencillo.
Esta concepción ha sido relativamente exitosa en economías que hacen uso de la tecnología más
avanzada y en sectores con alta capacidad tecnológica y financiera. Sin embargo, en América Latina,
cuyo sector productivo se basa más en el comercio y la acumulación de capital - aún a costa de la
competitividad -, este modelo presenta deficiencias intrínsecas, agudizadas por circunstancias típicas
de economías en vías de desarrollo, tales como la escasa inversión en Ciencia y Tecnología y la apatía
de su empresariado por la búsqueda de la competitividad auténtica a partir del conocimiento.
La enseñanza de la Ingeniería en América Latina no ha sido ajena a estas concepciones. Y aunque
actualmente el modelo lineal se considera superado, no hay suficiente adaptación de los modelos
educativos de la Ingeniería a las nuevas realidades y demandas sociales. Es necesario un nuevo
enfoque que conciba los fundamentos y la rigurosidad científica, no como algo desconectado de las
aplicaciones y la demanda tecnológica, sino como una parte vital de una gran fuerza productiva en la
que las fronteras entre investigación fundamental, investigación aplicada, desarrollo tecnológico e
innovación se han borrado hasta formar un continuo de permanentes interacciones y
retroalimentaciones en toda dirección.
Más aún, la enseñanza y ejercicio de la Ingeniería cuenta actualmente con acceso a tecnologías que
permiten llevar al terreno práctico técnicas, métodos de diseño, teorías y conceptos fundamentales
que hasta hace pocos años eran considerados materia absolutamente académica con poca o nula
aplicabilidad industrial o comercial. Esto, no solo hace más urgente la necesidad de contar con bases
científicas cada vez más robustas en la formación de los ingenieros del continente, sino que convoca a
las futuras generaciones a ser protagonistas de la investigación en sus campos de estudio. Además,
hace necesaria la búsqueda de un conocimiento completo capaz de transitar desde las descripciones
fenomenológicas de la naturaleza en lenguaje científico – especialmente matemático – hasta los
logros tecnológicos más relevantes para la productividad y la competitividad.
Por otra parte, los cambios que se produjeron en las últimas décadas rompieron con el esquema
ortodoxo de las teorías económicas neoclásicas, afectando a la organización de la producción, la
teoría de la empresa y el cambio tecnológico, introduciendo una nueva dinámica de desarrollo de los
países. Por lo que hemos pasado a una economía sustentada en el conocimiento y motorizada por las
innovaciones. Asumiendo gran importancia, hoy más que nunca, la producción, distribución y uso del
El conocimiento le permite a las empresas adaptarse a nuevas situaciones, otorgándoles flexibilidad,
influyendo preponderantemente en la competitividad y conformándose en un factor clave de
producción. El aprendizaje es un proceso que va en aumento, filtrado por la cultura de una sociedad,
pero no hay garantía de que la experiencia acumulada en el pasado necesariamente la prepare para
resolver nuevos problemas.
La innovación está en el centro de la cuestión, la cual, al ser un fenómeno social, está profundamente
relacionada con la cultura de un país. Por tal motivo, en los nuevos escenarios, para resolver los
problemas de desarrollo son fundamentales las estrategias de desarrollo organizacional e institucional.
Este último se transforma en el pilar que permite disminuir la incertidumbre reinante, de tal forma que
sea posible tomar mejores decisiones y alcanzar mayor flexibilidad para adaptarse a las nuevas
Por estas razones es necesario favorecer la interacción entre los ámbitos del conocimiento, de los
gobiernos y del sector productivo teniendo como soporte a la innovación. Generando procesos de
aprendizaje y fortaleciendo la construcción y gestión del conocimiento. De tal manera, que se
promueva una transformación económica y tecnológica basada en un nuevo tejido científico-
tecnológico, sin perder la identidad social, incrementado su sentido de pertenencia y permitiendo la
inclusión social y la distribución de los ingresos.
Las principales Universidades fortalecen sus lazos con el sector empresarial a través de actividades de
investigación conjunta, de extensión y de transferencia de tecnología. Desde el sector público se
tratan de favorecer estas prácticas brindado apoyo financiero para proyectos de cooperación entre
universidades y las empresas. Estas actividades se encuentran menos fortalecidas en América Latina y
el Caribe (ALC), disminuyendo las posibilidades de transferencia de conocimientos y tecnología al
sector productivo.
Por todas estas razones, el presente proyecto busca contribuir a la comprensión de la realidad
educativa latinoamericana en diferentes campos de la ingeniería. Sus conclusiones permitirán revisar
y actualizar los métodos de enseñanza, los contenidos, enfoques y metodologías que le permitan a la
sociedad contar con los profesionales que requiere para el logro de la prosperidad de la región. Por
otro lado, se pretende aportar conocimiento sobre las necesidades de innovación tecnológicas del
sector productivo y de las dificultades existentes en la aprobación social del conocimiento. Esto
promoverá la transferencia tecnológica, así como, la concordancia entre los ejes temáticos de I+D de
las Universidades y los problemas de las MIPYMEs de la región. El proyecto también tiene prevista
la generación de una plataforma virtual, como red especializada que permita la continuidad de las
actividades descriptas incluyendo el intercambio de buenas prácticas, el desarrollo de proyectos de
investigación aplicada para las MIPYMEs, así como, la promoción de la mayor participación y
liderazgo de mujeres, jóvenes y grupos marginados en la ciencia y la ingeniería.
Descripción del Proyecto
4.1 Objetivo General:
Formular un Plan Estratégico para:
Mejorar la educación en Ingeniería en América Latina y el Caribe, a partir de la comprensión
de su realidad actual, de las nuevas realidades pedagógicas y tecnológicas, así como de las
demandas del mercado y los objetivos de desarrollo de la región, así como, promover las
asociaciones universidad-sector público-empresa que permitan estimular la innovación
industrial y la competitividad de las MIPYMEs regionales – con un enfoque práctico e
4.2 Objetivos Específicos:
Establecer estrategias y acciones a implementar por parte de países y bloques de países a
fin de transformar la realidad actual de la educación en ingeniería en ALC hasta alcanzar
los objetivos estratégicos definidos. Se tendrá en cuenta la realidad de la enseñanza de la
ingeniería en ALC y las principales líneas de desarrollo deseables
Relevar y capacitar plataformas, programas, proyectos, centros y/o redes regionales que
articulan el sector académico con el productivo como una de sus actividades. Así como, a
los Organismos de Vinculación y Transferencia Tecnológica (OVTT) de Universidades.
Identificar oportunidades y vacancias en la cooperación y asociación de Sector PúblicoUniversidad-Empresa. Definir líneas estratégicas que promuevan la asociación en red de
los sectores.
Diseñar e implementar una Plataforma Virtual Inter-Americana Gobierno-UniversidadEmpresa que permita la movilización y articulación de actores público-privados. Que
favorezca el intercambio de buenas prácticas, el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación
aplicada para las MIPYMEs, la promoción de la mayor participación y liderazgo de
mujeres, jóvenes y grupos marginados en la ciencia y la ingeniería, el debate sobre la
enseñanza de la ingeniería, considerando los puntos de vista tanto de la academia, como
del empresariado, los gobiernos y la sociedad civil.
La metodología a seguir será la de encuentros periódicos sobre una agenda previamente
concertada. En cada encuentro se dejan compromisos para el siguiente, de modo que al final
se generen conclusiones útiles para Universidades, Facultades de Ingeniería, Asociaciones de
Ingenieros, Consejos profesionales, Gobiernos, estudiantes, ingenieros, etc. a partir del
intercambio de ideas y el debate abierto en cuanto a la Educación en ingeniería y las
Asociaciones universidad-sector público-empresa en América Latina y el Caribe.
Trabajo Pre - encuentro
Las instituciones organizadoras conformarán equipos de trabajo encargados de orientar una
agenda temática que recoja los diferentes intereses de los países de cara a los temas de
Educación en la Ingeniería y las Asociaciones universidad-sector público-empresa. Sobre esta
agenda temática, definirán el procedimiento para seleccionar y/o invitar panelistas expertos
en cada tópico, los cuales, una vez confirmados para asistir al evento prepararán un artículo, y
una presentación.
Ese mismo grupo se encargará de convocar asistentes de la comunidad académica, a
Universidades, a entidades del Gobierno, a representantes del empresariado, Consejos y
Colegios Profesionales de Ingeniería, Asociaciones de Estudiantes o Profesionales, Gremios,
y demás público interesado, quienes, sin ser panelistas pueden tener algún aporte
significativo en la materia.
Los detalles de la agenda temática, los currículos de los panelistas y demás material de interés
para la divulgación y seguimiento del evento, serán subidos a una página web especialmente
preparada para este proyecto.
Encuentros Latinoamericanos
Se realizarán cuatro encuentros en diferentes lugares de ALC a confirmar. Cada uno contará
con aproximadamente 25 participantes y tendrán una duración de al menos dos días de
trabajo presencial. En cada encuentro se podrá contar con expertos de otros países de la
región que estén interesados en las temáticas presentadas y sus gastos correrán por cuenta del
proyecto. Un día completo se dedicará al tema de la Educación en la Ingeniería y otro para la
Asociación universidad-sector público-empresa. En cada sesión se contará con Panelistas
invitados y/o seleccionados que presentarán sus planteamientos y puntos de vista sobre la
temática del día. Luego de las presentaciones magistrales, se dará paso a un debate abierto en
el que se confrontarán los puntos de vista que resulten divergentes, en el que participarían
tanto panelistas como asistentes. Las instituciones nacionales participantes se harán cargo de
los gastos locales de la organización de los encuentros cuando se realicen en su país de
Un equipo de relatores tomará nota de todo el debate así como de las intervenciones y
sintetizará las conclusiones de la jornada. Estas conclusiones junto al conjunto de
presentaciones y ponencias, serán subidas a la página web en formato electrónico, y
posiblemente compiladas en una publicación física.
Trabajo entre Encuentros
En el periodo entre encuentros se someterá a difusión y discusión permanente todos los
contenidos consignados en las memorias a través de la página web. Habrá cabida a entradas
de blog, documentos de opinión, información de eventos relacionados y seguimiento a todas
las actividades comprometidas en el anterior Encuentro, así como a aquellas previstas para el
Cursos de capacitación
Se realizarán dos cursos gratuitos de capacitación virtual (uno por cada año de proyecto). Se
realizarán bajo la modalidad virtual, tendrán una duración de un mes y con un cupo máximo
de 20 alumnos cada uno. Su objetivo será capacitar a miembros de las OVTT, de Plataformas
Regionales de Vinculación, del sector público, de las MIPYMEs, etc., en temáticas de
Gestión de la Innovación y en Estrategias de Asociación e Internacionalización de empresas.
Conclusiones Finales
Al final del periodo de ejecución, las entidades a cargo editarán y compilarán el Plan
Estratégico, que al recoger todo el trabajo en los Encuentros y fuera de ellos, constituirá una
construcción colectiva y concertada susceptible de ser adoptada por universidades, gobiernos
u otros actores.
Productos/Resultados: Breve descripción de los productos como resultados.
Descripción de los Productos
Línea de Base
Identificación de Plataformas de Existen listados no siempre
Producto 1: vinculación y caracterización de actualizados de las OVTT Se cuenta con un documento final
los OVTT de las Universidades
Creación de una Red de
Se cuenta con un listado de
Producto 2:
contactos nacionales en
No hay
referentes regionales en la
cooperación e innovación
Se cuenta con algunos
Encuentros Regionales para la
documentos nacionales
Educación en Ingeniería y para
Se cuenta con cuatro memorias,
Producto 3:
sobre asociación públicola Asociación universidad-sector
una por encuentro realizado
privada en ciertas áreas
Capacitación virtual en
temáticas de Gestión de la
Se han realizado dos cursos
Innovación y en Estrategias de
Producto 4:
virtuales y al menos 30 personas
Asociación e
se han capacitado
Internacionalización de
Diseño de una Plataforma
Página web en funcionamiento.
Producto 5: Virtual Regional. Página web de
No hay
Puesta en marcha de la
los Encuentros.
Plataforma Virtual Regional
Plan Estratégico para la
Educación en Ingeniería y la
Producto 6:
No hay
Documento de Plan Estratégico.
Asociación universidad-sector
Producto 1
Descripción de actividades y costos estimados:
Descripción de las Actividades previstas en el proyecto.
Enunciar productos y actividades
Relevamiento de Plataformas Tecnológicas en América Latina y
caracterizar los Organismos de Transferencia Tecnológicas (OVTT)
de las Universidades
Estimado en dólares
Actividad 1.1
Actividad 1.2
Actividad 1.3
Producto 2
Actividad 2.1
Actividad 2.2
Producto 3
Actividad 3.1
Actividad 3.2
Actividad 3.3
Actividad 3.4
Producto 4
Actividad 4.1
Actividad 4.2
Actividad 4.3
Producto 5
Actividad 5.1
Actividad 5.2
Producto 6
Actividad 6.1
Actividad 6.2
Diseño de un instrumento de consulta
Implementación del instrumento de consulta
Análisis de los datos relevados
Creación de una Red de contactos nacionales en cooperación e
innovación tecnológica
Trabajos de pre-selección
Creación de la red
Encuentros Regionales para la Educación en la Ingeniería y para la
Asociación universidad-sector público-empresa
Trabajos de Pre-encuentro
Realización de cuatro encuentros, uno en cada país participante
del proyecto.
Edición y compilación de las Memorias de los encuentros para la
identificación de áreas estratégicas y acciones a implementar en la
educación en ingeniería en ALC.
Edición y compilación de las Memorias de los encuentros para la
identificación de oportunidades y vacancias en la cooperación e
innovación tecnológica para el fomento de las asociaciones
universidad-sector público-empresa. Identificación de áreas
estratégicas y acciones a implementar
Capacitación virtual en temáticas de Gestión de la Innovación y en
Estrategias de Asociación e Internacionalización de empresas
Preparación del material didáctico
Difusión y Dictado del Curso
Informe Final
Plataforma Virtual Regional - Página web
Diseño, hosting y mantenimiento
Administración de contenidos
Plan Estratégico para la Educación en Ingeniería y la Asociación
universidad-sector público-empresa
Redacción, edición y compilación
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Proyecto: Bolivia - Programa de Transferencia en ciencia e ingeniería para el
fortalecimiento Institucional de la Investigación Científica Académica Universitaria y el
impulso a la promoción de emprendimientos de base tecnológica.
Información básica:
Nombre del proyecto: Programa de Transferencia en ciencia e ingeniería para el
fortalecimiento Institucional de la Investigación Científica Académica Universitaria y
el impulso a la promoción de emprendimientos de base tecnológica.
País que presenta el Proyecto: Bolivia
Nombre de la institución:
Viceministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología
Ministerio de Educación
Nombre de la persona que coordinará el Mauricio Céspedes Quiroga
Fono: 591-2-2681200 Int. 414 Cel.: 70117444
Dirección electrónica:
Nombre de la institución:
Nombre de la persona que preparó el perfil:
Dirección electrónica:
Universidad Autónoma Gabriel Rene Moreno
Julio Fernando Gumiel Galarza (MSc.)
Fono: 591-3-3584776 Cel.: 72626146 ;
País(es) Participante(s): Para cada país participante incluir la siguiente información.
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)-Centro de
Incubación de Empresas de Base Tecnológica (CIEBT)
M. en C. Lourdes Duque Rodríguez
+ (52) 55 57296000 Ext. 63077
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Universidad Federal del Espíritu Santo
Phd. Marcos Oliveira De Paula
+ (55) 28 35528988
Duración estimada (máx. 3 años):
La duración del proyecto se estima en 3 (tres) años, teniendo en cuenta las fases anuales de
trabajo de: 1. Intercambio para la formación de formadores de emprendimientos de base
tecnológica mediante la transferencia de conocimientos y experiencias de las universidades de
mayor desarrollo relativo a la universidad coordinadora, receptora. 2. Acompañamiento a la
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capacitación directa a los beneficiarios (jóvenes emprendedores en sus dos géneros). 3. Asistencia
técnica al proceso de pre-incubación e incubación y acompañamiento de negocio. Durante el
cronograma de desarrollo del proyecto, se procurara la gestión de socios colaboradores en
cooperación técnica y financiera de apoyo para la sostenibilidad del proyecto.
Monto total estimado (US $):
Monto solicitado al
(países participantes) US$
Socios / Donante(s) externo(s)
Monto por determinarse
En caso de tener socios / donantes externos, por favor enunciarlos:
Programa Marco y Línea de Acción:
Enfoque Programático: Identifique uno de los Enfoques Programáticos aprobados
por la OEA, bajo el cual se presenta el perfil (Ver los Enfoques Programáticos de
Fortalecimiento de las Infraestructuras Nacionales de Calidad y Promoción de
Mejoras en la Educación en Ingeniería y Ciencias ).
Promoción de mejoras en la educación en ingeniería y ciencias para incentivar
la innovación, la cultura emprendedora y la competitividad.
Línea de Acción: Identifique uno de los objetivos en el cual se enmarca el perfil y
explique la relación directa entre este objetivo y los del perfil (Ver los Enfoques
Programáticos de Fortalecimiento de las Infraestructuras Nacionales de Calidad y
Promoción de Mejoras en la Educación en Ingeniería y Ciencias).
Estimular la innovación industrial y promover el desarrollo de las MIPYMEs
mediante el fomento de las asociaciones universidad-sector público-empresa con
miras a mejorar la investigación aplicada, así como el desarrollo avanzado y
aplicaciones de ingeniería. Esto permite un mejor encuadre de la investigación
universitaria en ciencias y tecnología con la pertinencia social y relevancia para
el mercado de emprendedores, lo cual significa el fomento a la mejora de la
capacidad de los recursos humanos y el fortalecimiento institucional.
3. Antecedentes, Justificación
Problemática: Incluya una breve descripción de la problemática/situación que el
perfil de proyecto busca solucionar. Se refiere a la situación o circunstancias de
carácter negativo que la propuesta contribuirá a solucionar, así como una referencia
acerca del contexto (lugar y actores claves) en donde dicha situación/problema
acontece (máximo 1 pagina).
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La investigación y extensión, en nuestros países se han restringido
sustantivamente por causa de restricciones de política universitaria falta de
incentivos, por ende no ha tenido un desenvolvimiento adecuado por lo que se
trasluce en ellas bajo potencial de producción, pocas formas innovadoras de
afrontar esas limitaciones en sentido de generar y difundir ciencia, tecnología e
investigación, y la trasferencia tecnológica. El Programa de Transferencia
Tecnológico para el fortalecimiento Institucional de la Investigación Científica
Académica Universitaria busca potenciar o impulsar la investigación científica y
la extensión universitaria, quizá la respuesta está en desarrollar nuevos modelos
emprendedores locales adoptando los ya existentes en otros ámbitos mundiales.
En ello internalizar los avances científicos tecnológicos actuales con apoyo de la
cooperación interinstitucional, bilateral y multilateral que nos permitan
acreditar índices altos de performance, todo ello puede estar justificado por la
necesidad de obtener los siguientes avances:
La generación de patentes, basada en el desarrollo de una ciencia local
sobre bases científico tecnológicas.
La transferencia de tecnología y resultados que justifiquen nuevos
emprendimientos que no solo tengan valor intelectual sino valor comercial,
además de ser un proyecto de vida propio del emprendedor y de desarrollo
social por el conocimiento innovador que encierra.
Se cumple mayormente el ciclo de la investigación gestado en la universidad
con jóvenes emprendedores competentes, que terminan con la
incorporación de una nueva vida empresarial en el medio social con un alto
porcentaje de supervivencia.
Desde el punto de vista de valor para los docentes y estudiantes
universitarios se dan las bondades de la formación profesional de los
emprendedores y las experiencias ganadas, para conformar una plataforma
amplia de consultores de alto nivel.
Se dinamizan los emprendimientos con la concreción de acuerdos y vínculos
del programa entre las instituciones y los países involucrados (México,
Bolivia y Brasil) , instituciones y empresas nacionales colaboradoras y
organismos internacionales, resultados que pueden tener asidero efectivo en
el ámbito comunitario, brindando relevancia y pertinencia al encargo social.
El índice global GEDI, basado en una combinación de sub-factores como
actitudes, aspiraciones y actividades acerca de emprendedurismo de un
país, coloca a Bolivia en el puesto 66. Contextualizando en escala de uno las
tres mejores variables bolivianas, se representan en: habilidades (0,93),
oportunidades (0,80) y coraje (0,67) y las tres peores variables: innovación
(0), absorción de tecnología (0) y capital de riesgo (0) (Zoltan Acs, 2011,
diap., 15, 25).
Complementariedad: Identifique otras iniciativas similares en el país y/o región y
describa el potencial para sinergia y complementariedades con estas iniciativas
- 13 -
La red Bolivia INCUBA es un programa que impulsa la cultura emprendedora
en el país y está ligada al Viceministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología del Ministerio
de Educación de Bolivia, que podría complementar con su experiencia en el
contexto de la mejor participación para la mejora de capacidad de realizar
emprendimientos de base tecnológica
y en la formación de jóvenes
emprendedores, de hecho se impulsaría mejor la actividad científica tecnológica
en las universidades y en la sede de la Coordinación Nacional.
4. Descripción del Proyecto
Fin (objetivo general de desarrollo) al cual contribuiría el perfil: Se refiere al
objetivo de más largo plazo y que contribuye al logro del fin, por lo cual se expresa
siempre como una contribución.
Contribuir al desarrollo de la investigación científica tecnológica y la innovación
en el país receptor de la transferencia de tecnología (UAGRM y sistema
universitario e institucional nacional), basado en las experiencias y desarrollos
de los países involucrados en el programa, estos últimos beneficiados con el
intercambio, tomando en cuenta el modelo de incubación de empresas de base
tecnológica y la formación de emprendedores, constituidos en una red de
instituciones y empresas globalmente consolidadas.
Propósito u objetivo específico del perfil (un propósito por proyecto): Definición
del efecto/impacto directo o logro a ser alcanzado por el perfil de proyecto. Responde
a la pregunta: Cual es la transformación fundamental que se espera alcanzar al
finalizar el proyecto?
Desarrollar las capacidades científicos tecnológicos de los recursos humanos
para la gestión de nuevos emprendimientos de calidad, innovadores,
competitivos y exitosos,
conformando redes de trabajo consolidadas
fomentando la asociatividad de empresa-estado y universidad medida por
indicadores de impacto económico social.
Productos/Resultados: Breve descripción de los productos como resultados.
los Productos
Red de trabajo
Línea de Base
Desarrollo de RRHH bien diferenciada en genero
capacitados por año
Intercambio de prácticas óptimas, desarrollo y
fortalecimiento de alianzas estratégicas
Enfoque multilaterales y cooperación horizontal
conjuntas por año
Dieciocho unidades
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Absorción de Proyectos conjuntos de cooperación
Mejora en la Proyectos innovadores en curso de acción
Movilización de recursos externos
aseguramiento de
capital de riesgo
Producto 1
Actividad 1.1
Actividad 1.2
Actividad 1.3
Producto 2
Actividad 2.1
Actividad 2.2
Actividad 2.3
Producto 3
Actividad 3.1
horizontal y enfoque
multilateral para sus
proyectos conjuntos
en desarrollo.
Al menos cinco
Se moviliza capital
externo para los
emprendedores en
Descripción de actividades y costos estimados:
Descripción de las Actividades previstas en el proyecto.
Enunciar productos y actividades
Estimado en dólares
Recursos Humanos capacitados
Movilizar docentes y/o profesionales formadores del IPN-CIEBT
a Bolivia
Movilizar docentes y/o profesionales formadores de UFES a Bolivia
Movilizar docentes y/o profesionales de la UAGRM de Bolivia al
IPN-CIEBT de México y al UFES de Brasil
Red de trabajo consolidado
Transferencia y adaptación de prácticas innovadoras BOL30.000
Formación en la Universidad Virtual del Sistema Tecnológico de
Monterey del Programa Educativo de las Américas para capacitación
en línea (50% de beca en 9 maestrías relacionadas, total: 196.609 en
aprox. Tope 2 años y siete meses)
Desarrollo y fortalecimiento de alianzas estratégicas
Procesos de Incubación organizados y fortalecidos
Visitas de pares profesionales de aprendizaje BOL-CIEBT-UFES
Visitas de pares profesionales de evaluacion CIEBT-UFES a BOL
Producto 4
Actividad 4.1
Actividad 4.2
Producto 5
Absorción de tecnología
Intercambio para la organización de los proyectos conjuntos de
Intercambio para el desarrollo de los proyectos conjuntos de
Mejora en la capacidad innovativa
- 15 -
Actividad 5.1
Actividad 5.2
Producto 6
Actividad 6.1
Actividad 6.2
Intercambio para la organización de proyectos innovadores de
Intercambio para el desarrollo de los proyectos innovadores de
Mejor aseguramiento de capital de riesgo
Intercambio para búsqueda de donantes del proyecto
Intercambio para la consolidación de donantes
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Proyecto: Costa Rica - Red de Laboratorios Públicos de Producción y Control de
Calidad de Antivenenos en Latinoamérica: Hacia la Autosuficiencia Regional a Través
de la Cooperación
Información básica:
Nombre del proyecto: Red de Laboratorios Públicos de Producción y Control de
Calidad de Antivenenos en Latinoamérica: Hacia la Autosuficiencia Regional a Través de la
País que presenta el Proyecto: Costa Rica
Nombre de la institución:
Nombre de la persona que preparó el perfil:
Dirección electrónica:
Instituto Clodomiro Picado, Universidad de Costa Rica
José María Gutiérrez Gutiérrez
506-2229 3135
506-2229 0344
País(es) Participante(s): Para cada país participante incluir la siguiente información.
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Costa Rica
Instituto Clodomiro Picado
José María Gutiérrez Gutiérrez
506-2229 3135
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Intitutos
de Salud (ANLIS) “Dr Carlos Malbrán”
Patricia Geoghegan
54114301-7426, ext. 106
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Instituto Vital Brazil
Luis Eduardo Cunha de Melo
5521 85966812
- 17 -
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Fundacao Ezequiel Dias (FUNED)
Shirley Lasmar Lima, Mauricio Abreu Santos, Célia
de Fátima Barbosa, Raquel Joane Rodrigues
31 3314 4752
Instituto Nacional de Control de Qualidade em Saúde
Maria Aparecida Afonso Boller, Humberto Pinheiro
de Araújo
Dirección electrónica:
Centro de Produccao e Pesquisa en Imunobiológicos
Isolete Pauli
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS)
César Cabezas
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Armando Yarlequé Chocas
País participante:
- 18 -
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Instituto Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud (INLASA)
Gil Patrick Fernández Coeuillet
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS)
Angela María Zambrano Ospín
2207700, ext 1121
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Universidad de Antioquia
Juan Carlos Alarcón
219 23 15
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Adolfo Borges Strauss, Alba Marlene Vargas
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Universidad de Panamá
Hildaura Acosta de Patiño
País participante:
Nombre de la institución:
Laboratorio de Biológicos y Reactivos de México
Alfredo Uscanga
Dirección electrónica:
Duración estimada (máx. 3 años):
- 19 -
Tres años
Monto total estimado (US $):
Monto solicitado al
US $400,000
(países participantes) US$
US $279,000
Socios / Donante(s) externo(s)
En caso de tener socios / donantes externos, por favor enunciarlos:
Programa Marco y Línea de Acción:
Enfoque Programático: Fortalecimiento de las infraestructuras nacionales de la
calidad, con énfasis en metrología para asegurar la competitividad de las micro, pequeñas y medianas
empresas (MIPYMES).
Línea de Acción:
Fomentar la cooperación técnica para la mejora continua de las ICs e INMs mediante alianzas
sostenibles locales, subregionales, regionales e internacionales.
Este objetivo, incluido en el Enfoque Programático seleccionado, se relaciona estrechamente con el
perfil de proyecto presentado, ya que el proyecto fomentará la interacción y cooperación de
Laboratorios Públicos de Control de Calidad de antivenenos y pretende que dichos laboratorios
tengan una consolidación dirigida a darles sostenibilidad para que se garantice el control de calidad de
estos importantes medicamentos, lo cual iría aparejado al fortalecimiento de la calidad de los
antivenenos producidos en la región. El perfil de proyecto que se presenta tiene fuertes y múltiples
componentes de cooperación internacional, regional, subregional y local.
3. Antecedentes, Justificación
Problemática: Incluya una breve descripción de la problemática/situación que el
perfil de proyecto busca solucionar. Se refiere a la situación o circunstancias de
carácter negativo que la propuesta contribuirá a solucionar, así como una referencia
acerca del contexto (lugar y actores claves) en donde dicha situación/problema
acontece (máximo 1 pagina).
Los envenenamientos por mordedura de serpientes constituyen un importante problema de salud
pública en la región latinoamericana. Este problema afecta fundamentalmente a sectores
dedicados al trabajo agrícola; generalmente se trata de hombres, mujeres, niñas y niños de zonas
rurales y, en la mayoría de los casos, en condiciones de pobreza, por lo que es un problema
- 20 -
claramente relacionado con inequidades en el acceso a medicamentos y a servicios de salud. Se
estima que este problema afecta, anualmente, a cerca de 200.000 personas en América Latina,
causando alrededor de 4.000 defunciones y generando secuelas físicas en unas 20.000 personas.
Como respuesta a este problema, los países de la región han establecido, fundamentalmente en el
sector público, laboratorios encargados de la producción y el control de calidad de los
antivenenos. La administración de antivenenos en centros de salud constituye el único tratamiento
científicamente validado para esta patología. No obstante, el desarrollo de capacidades
tecnológicas en estos laboratorios de la región, particularmente en lo que se refiere a laboratorios
de Control de Calidad, ha sido desigual y las experiencias de intercambio y transferencia de
conocimiento y tecnologías han sido relativamente escasos, lo cual hace que algunos países de la
región no sean autosuficientes en la producción y el control de calidad de antivenenos, con la
consecuente falta de acceso a estos productos y con las dificultades para garantizar la calidad e
idoneidad de los mismos. Este problema se agudiza por el hecho de que algunos de estos
laboratorios no tienen actividades permanentes de desarrollo tecnológico e innovación y
presentan lazos débiles con grupos universitarios de investigación y desarrollo en sus respectivos
países. Durante la última década se han efectuado esfuerzos de integración en la región dirigidos
a acercar a los grupos que trabajan en producción y en control de calidad de antivenenos; estos
esfuerzos iniciales han identificado áreas y nichos de cooperación que deben ser desarrollados y
fortalecidos. Sólo un fuerte componente de integración regional permitirá asegurar que la región
latinoamericana llegue a ser autosuficiente en la producción y el control de calidad de
antivenenos, con el consecuente alto impacto que esto tendría en la salud pública y la calidad de
vida de la región.
3.2 Complementariedad: Identifique otras iniciativas similares en el país y/o región y
describa el potencial para sinergia y complementariedades con estas iniciativas
Este proyecto está llamado a establecer sinergias con los esfuerzos que se desarrollan en los
Ministerios de Salud de los países latinoamericanos, ya que muchas de las instituciones y de
los centros que suscriben este perfil de proyecto forman parte de dichos ministerios. Además,
existe un gran potencial para establecer alianzas estratégicas con grupos de investigación y
desarrollo ubicados en las universidades de los países latinoamericanos, ya que en muchas de
ellas se desarrollan importantes proyectos de investigación sobre venenos y antivenenos y
sobre el mejoramiento de los protocolos de control de calidad de antivenenos. El
acercamiento de los grupos que participan en este perfil de proyecto, y del proyecto en sí, con
estos grupos académicos sin duda potenciaría los logros que se pretende obtener en este
proyecto. La identificación de los grupos que podrían ser aliados de este esfuerzo en cada
país será efectuado por los componentes del proyecto en cada país.
4. Descripción del Proyecto
Fin (objetivo general de desarrollo) al cual contribuiría el perfil: Se refiere al
objetivo de más largo plazo y que contribuye al logro del fin, por lo cual se expresa
siempre como una contribución.
- 21 -
Consolidar, a través de la cooperación regional, una red regional en Latinoamérica de
laboratorios públicos de producción y control de calidad de antivenenos, la cual fomente
procesos cooperativos y sinérgicos de capacitación y mejoramiento de la calidad, y de los
sistemas de control de calidad de los antivenenos producidos en la región, de manera que se
satisfagan las necesidades regionales de estos productos farmacéuticos, garantizando
productos de calidad.
4.2 Propósito u objetivo específico del perfil (un propósito por proyecto): Definición del
efecto/impacto directo o logro a ser alcanzado por el perfil de proyecto. Responde a la
pregunta: Cual es la transformación fundamental que se espera alcanzar al finalizar el
La transformación fundamental que se pretende lograr con este proyecto es superar el
aislamiento y la desagregación actual de los laboratorios públicos productores y de control de
calidad de antivenenos en Latinoamérica, para generar un escenario regional de integración y
transferencia de tecnología de los laboratorios públicos responsables de la producción y
control de calidad de antivenenos, de manera que la región como un todo llegue a ser
autosuficiente en la producción y control de calidad de estos inmunobiológicos, con el
consecuente impacto en la salud pública. Como corolario de este proyecto, el fortalecimiento
de estas instituciones redundará en el mejoramiento cualitativo y cuantitativo en la
producción de antivenenos en la región y, sobretodo, en el mejoramiento de las capacidades
endógenas en la región para garantizar un adecuado control de calidad de estos productos,
con el consecuente impacto que esto tendría en los índices de salud pública de nuestros
Producto 1:
Productos/Resultados: Breve descripción de los productos como resultados.
Fortalecimiento de las
tecnologías de control de
calidad de los laboratorios
de la región
Línea de Base
insuficientes tecnologías
validadas para efectuar
determinados análisis de
control de calidad
desarrollan muy pocas
capacitación para sus
metodologías de control de
calidad en 3 años
Producto 2:
Programa de actividades
interlaboratorios públicos para el
mejoramiento del control de
calidad de los antivenenos en
los diferentes países.
Producto 3:
Identificación y solución de
Cada laboratorio recibirá la
problemas tecnológicos in situ Existencia de problemas visita de un experto o experta
- 22 -
Al menos un proceso de
funcionarios sobre control de
calidad en cada país durante el
plazo de 3 años.
en los laboratorios productores específicos en laboratorios
y de control de calidad de control de calidad.
mediante visitas de expertos de
la región.
Producto 4
Creación del Sistema Inter- Ausencia de consenso en
Públicos los
productores de antivenenos
aspectos básicos de control
de calidad.
de Ausencia de métodos in
investigaciones colaborativas vitro (que no usen
nuevos animales) para valorar la
métodos de control de calidad
potencia terapéutica de los
Producto 5
Producto 6
Ausencia de manuales
validados para ejecución
de control de calidad de
antivenenos en la región
Actividad 1.1
Actividad 1.2
Actividad 1.3
Producto 2
laboratorio, desarrollado en un
plazo de 2 años, que permita
desarrolle mediante un proyecto
en el que participen cuatro de
los grupos involucrados
Publicación de un manual de
mejoramiento y evaluación de
antivenenos en un plazo de 3
Descripción de actividades y costos estimados:
Descripción de las Actividades previstas en el proyecto.
Enunciar productos y actividades
Producto 1
de la región, en el plazo de 3
años, para analizar y resolver
tres específicos que afectan el
efectuados en tres países
diferentes durante 3 años (un
taller por año) sobre temas de
Estimado en dólares
(incluye lo solicitado
a FEMCIDI y la
Fortalecimiento de las tecnologías de control de calidad de los
laboratorios de la región
Diagnóstico de los problemas y necesidades de los laboratorios
US $3,000
Adquisición de equipos para los laboratorios
US $300,000
Instalación de equipos y puesta en marcha de los mismos
US $40,000
Programa de actividades de capacitación inter-laboratorios
públicos para el mejoramiento del control de calidad de los
antivenenos en los diferentes países.
- 23 -
Actividad 2.1
Actividad 2.2
Actividad 2.3
Actividad 2.4
Producto 3
Actividad 3.1
Actividad 3.2
Actividad 3.3
Actividad 3.4
Actividad 3.5
Actividad 3.6
Actividad 3.7
Actividad 3.8
Actividad 3.9
Producto 4
Actividad 4.1
Actividad 4.2
Actividad 4.3
Producto 5
Actividad 5.1
Actividad 5.2
Producto 6
Actividad 5.1
Actividad 5.3
Análisis e identificación de aspectos en cada laboratorio que
requieren de innovaciones en las metodologías
Procesos de transferencia tecnológica y capacitación de acuerdo a
las necesidades de cada grupo participante
Evaluación de los resultados de los procesos de transferencia
Visitas y entrenamientos en laboratorios participantes
Identificación y solución de problemas tecnológicos in situ en los
laboratorios productores y de control de calidad mediante visitas
de expertos de la región.
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de Argentina
Solución de problemas enlaboratorios de Brasil
Solución de problemas en laboratorio del Perú
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de Bolivia
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de Ecuador
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de Colombia
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de Venezuela
Solución de problemas en laboratorios de Colombia
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de Costa Rica
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de México
Solución de problemas en laboratorio de Panamá
Creación del Sistema Inter-Laboratorios Públicos productores
de antivenenos
Desarrollo de taller 1: Tecnologías para control de calidad de
Desarrollo de taller 2: Nuevas metodologías para el control de
calidad de antivenenos
Desarrollo de taller 3:
Evaluación de las innovaciones
introducidas en el control de calidad de antivenenos
Desarrollo de investigaciones colaborativas para introducir
nuevos métodos de control de calidad
Desarrollo de técnicas inmunológicas para valorar la eficacia de
Análisis de los resultados obtenidos e implementación de la nueva
técnica en los diferentes laboratorios
Publicación de documentos, manuales y trabajos científicotecnológicos
Publicación de Manual para el Control de Calidad de antivenenos
en Latinoamérica
Publicación de 3 trabajos científico-tecnológicos relacionados con
estudios de evaluación preclínica y clínica de antivenenos en
- 24 -
US $10,000
US $50,000
US $20,000
US $50,000
US $10,000
US $13,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
US $12,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
US $20,000
US $20,000
US $20,000
US $15,000
US $10,000
US $4,000
US $2,000
Project: Grenada - Science and Engineering Education for Innovation
Name of the Project:
Science and Engineering Education for Innovation
Country submitting the Project: GRENADA
Name of the Institution:
Name of the person preparing the concept:
Email address:
T. A. Marryshow Community College
Dr. Russell Steele, Deputy Principal.
Participant(s) Country (ies): Include the following information for each participant
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
St. Vincent & the Grenadines
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College
Nigel Mc A. Scott, Deputy Director
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
Regional Agency
Caribbean Association of Technologists, Technicians,
Artisans and Craftsmen
Clyde Phillip
868-762-9109; 868-673-2350
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
Dominica State College
Dr. Donald Peters, President
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
Caribbean Regional Organisation
University of the West Indies Open Campus and
Faculty of Engineering
- 25 -
Dr. Hazel Simmons-McDonald
Email address:
Estimated duration (max. 3 years): 3 YEARS
Estimated total amount (US $): $385,000
Amount requested to
(participating countries) US$
200,000 (in-kind)
External donor(s)/partner(s)
If the project has any external donor(s)/ partner(s), please list them below:
Framework Program and Line of Action:
Programmatic Approach: Identify one of the Programmatic Approaches approved
by the OAS under which the project concept is presented (Please refer to the
Programmatic Approaches for Strengthening National Quality Infrastructure and
Promoting Improvements in Science and Engineering Education).
Promoting Improvements in Science and Engineering Education
To improve the quality of science and engineering study programmes in the Eastern
Caribbean Community Colleges through collaboration among each other and with
regional and CARICOM national universities, international exchanges, and publicprivate sector partnerships. This will include backward and forward linkages to
secondary and primary schools to stimulate an excitement and interest leading to an
increase in the numbers of students graduating with science and technology and
pursuing post secondary education. Also, the project will review the curricula to
ensure the study and application of sustainable energy science and engineering is
included in the tertiary education science and engineering programmes.
Line of Action: Identify one of the objectives in which the project concept is
outlined and specify the direct relation between this objective and the one of the
project concept (Please refer to the Programmatic Approaches for Strengthening
National Quality Infrastructure and Promoting Improvements in Science and
Engineering Education).
To improve science and engineering study programs in LAC universities
through content upgrade, the incorporation of global competencies and
entrepreneurial skills and academia-public-private partnerships (e.g. co-ops,
internships, scholarships, joint cooperation projects).
Background, Justification
- 26 -
Problem: Include a brief description of the problem / situation that the Project seeks to
solve. Referring to the situation or circumstances of negative nature that the proposal will
contribute to solve, and a reference about the context (location and key actors) where this
problem / situation occurs (1 page max).
While Agriculture is the main foreign exchange earner in Grenada’s economy and that of the
other three Windward Islands (St. Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Lucia, and Dominica),
agriculture is mostly practiced with a low level of technology, and limited productivity. At
the level of the Ministry of Agriculture there is an attempt by senior agricultural scientist to
introduce science and technology into the practice of agriculture and farming, but it is a slow
process due to the limitations of farmers, the extension workers and government resources.
Agriculture is taught in one year and two year programmes at the T.A. Marryshow
Community College but it has not been able to attract many students to the programme. It is
taught in secondary schools as well in Grenada, but agriculture is still perceived as a
backbreaking risky business because young people relate this to the experience of their
parents. It is also seen as an easier science or not as a science at all. At the same time the
Ministry of Agriculture is promoting the use of science and technology to make agriculture
more productive in Grenada. Involving students in solving problems related to the
improvement in the quality of the output of production in the private and public sector can
lead to motivation and learning in science and technology in the education system. At the
college level collaborative projects between agriculture, technology and pure science students
can contribute to innovation and stimulate increased interest in applied science.
Students entering the science and technology programmes at the college level are often weak
in mathematics and conceptual thinking. There needs to be improvements at the secondary
and even primary levels in order to improve the tertiary level. Collaboration among science
teachers at all levels can contribute to the sharing of ideas and approaches to teaching science
and mathematics at all levels of the education system. This could also include linking
teachers of science and technology with the specialist and entrepreneurs trying to solve a
problem in the productive or social sector. A few examples are:
In Grenada there are a few research projects looking at alternative feeding systems for small
ruminants to meet the levels of production required. Research includes, yield and cost
studies, drying techniques, manual baler experiments, fermentation/silage studies for
increased by-pass proteins, maximum yield pruning and the feasibility of agro forestry
careers being created in Grenada to supply the Protein From Waste(PFW) plant with plant
matter for feedstock. While the primary purpose of PFW is to create agricultural jobs in the
raising of livestock by reducing feed costs, its secondary purpose is the recycling of several
significant waste streams thereby the reduction of them. The boiler fuel to make steam will
be using lubricating oil, a major pollutant which has no disposal infrastructure on island.
Waste feed stocks to be processed in the cooker include, fish offal, brewer’s spent grains,
chicken offal, super market spoilage, marketing board distressed stock, hotel & restaurant
plate scrapings and collected vegetable matter from fruits in bloom or cleared land.
Scientifically creating a rich source of organic fertilizer from farm waste office trash, and
- 27 -
vegetation from land clearing activities creates an opportunity to redirect hundreds of
thousand tons of materials that would otherwise be burnt or dumped often creating a health
These are some of the practical scientific, technological and social issues that could excite
students at all levels working together to solve local problems and create productive activity.
The project proposes that through collaboration networks between teachers of colleges,
universities and schools, both electronically and face to face, working together on projects,
the teaching and learning of science and technology can lead to innovation and increased
research leading to solutions to real problems.
Synergies: Identify other similar initiatives in the country and/or region and describe
the potential for synergies with these initiatives.
A CARICOM Regional Workshop on Research, Development and Capacity Building at the
University Level to Support Renewable Energy Development in the Caribbean:
the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat in collaboration with the Anton de Kom
University of Suriname, with the support of the European Union, the Organization of
American States, the Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Programme (CREDP-GIZ)
and the Fostering European Union – Caribbean Research and Innovation Networks
(EUCARINET) Project. The purpose of the workshop was to establish a dialogue and to
share information among Caribbean tertiary educational institutions that are engaged in (or
plan to engage in) research, development (R&D) and capacity building in the Renewable
Energy field. This was part of the implementation of the Caribbean Renewable Energy
Capacity Support (CRECS) Project. The Workshop was also convened as a part of an effort
to establish a strategic approach within the context of the mandate from the CARICOM
Heads of Government to develop the Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy
(C-SERMS) which seeks to establish RE targets and strategies towards expedited
transformation of the Regional energy sector.
The Government of Grenada Energy Policy seeks to harness indigenous renewable energy
resources. The government collaborates with the Grenada Electricity Corporation
(GRENLEC) to exploit the potential for wind and Geothermal Energy. The objective is to
supply an energy mix of 10 MW wind and 20 MW geothermal generated electricity in
Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.
The T.A. Marryshow Community College Mirabeau Farm School to be supported by the
Ministry of Finance and the EU to improve the quality of the curriculum and the training
resources including making maximum use of recycled products in the demonstration of a
productive farming process for teaching and learning. Collaboration with other OECS
Colleges in the development and improvement of agricultural education to include research
and development and possibly leading to Centres of Excellence in the various Member States
- 28 -
The Ministry of Agriculture research projects such as the diseases affecting bananas, cocoa,
and fruits; Environmental research dealing with issues of drought and conservation of water,
of flooding and the significant amount of agriculture land on slopes leading to land
degradation due to lack of preventative practices; recycling vegetation to avoid burning and
producing heavy concentrations of smoke into the atmosphere; this could also include a
study on asthma incidence – chronic and acute, seasons and it’s relationship to the time of the
year when slash and burn is prevalent;
Description of the Project
Goal (general objective for development) to which the Project would contribute:
It refers to the longer term goal that contributes to achieving the purpose, which is
always expressed as a contribution.
To stimulate consistent socio economic growth of the Eastern Caribbean
countries through innovation in science and technology contributing to the
development of Micro, Small and Medium size Enterprises
Product 1:
Product 2:
Product 3:
Purpose or specific objective of the Project (one purpose per project): Definition
of the effect / direct impact or achievement to be reached by the Project. Answers the
question: What is the main transformation expected to be reached at the end of the
Improving the quality of science and technology education and research in the
colleges and universities of the Eastern Caribbean and increasing the number of
students qualifying for university entry in science and engineering.
Products/Results: Brief description of the products as results.
Description of the Products
Base line
Increase in the quality and
quantity of students achieving
a minimum pass in science
and mathematics at the CSEC
level and accessing post
secondary education;
Improved science and
technology curricula at
colleges and universities in the
Caribbean to increase
collaborative approaches to
teaching and learning;
Under 50% of students CSEC Annual results
sitting the CSEC science
exam achieve at least a
pass mark;
colleges and universities in
the OECS does not include
research and collaboration
disciplines or is practiced
at a minimum level;
Increased number of science This does not exist as a
and technology students of formal policy of the
- 29 -
Curricula of previous years
and revised curricula as well
implementation and practice;
Reports on activities and
results of projects in which
Universities contributing to
innovation and development in
private and public sector
Product 1
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Activity 1.3
Activity 1.4
Product 2
Activity 2.2
Activity 2.3
Activity 2.4
Activity 2.5
Product 3
in student participated;
collaboration with the
private sector in the OECS
Member States;
Description of activities and estimated costs:
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
Increase in the quality and quantity of students achieving a
minimum pass in science and mathematics at the CSEC level and
accessing post secondary education;
Review and analysis of the science, maths and technology curricula
followed by revision of curricula/syllabus, and teacher education
content and processes;
Establishment of technology, engineering, science and mathematics
teachers networks among OECS teachers using the ITEN (OAS)
electronic network, and one annual face to face conference per year;
Training of technology and engineering teachers, mathematics and
science teachers, in the use of ICT to increase collaborative teaching
and learning practice among primary, secondary teachers;
Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the process and the
achievement of results.
Improved science and technology curricula at colleges and
universities in the Caribbean to increase collaborative approaches
to teaching and learning;
Review and revision of technology, science and maths teacher
education at tertiary levels;
Establishment of technology, engineering, science and mathematics
teachers networks among OECS teachers using the ITEN (OAS)
electronic network, and one annual face to face conference per year;
Training of technology and engineering teachers, mathematics and
science teachers, in the use of ICT to increase collaborative teaching
and learning practice among primary, secondary and tertiary teachers;
Exchange and collaboration of students and staff among colleges and
universities of the region to participate in research projects or other
learning attachments in the private and public sector.
Exchange and collaboration of students and staff among colleges and
universities in international exchanges;
Increased number of science and technology students of OECS
colleges and Universities contributing to innovation and
development in private and public sector enterprises.
- 30 -
Estimated in US$
Activity 3.1
Activity 3.2
Activity 3.3
Activity 3.4
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
Increase the number and quality of group projects required of students
to the realities of the socio economic conditions of the countries;
Involve the private and public sectors in the development of the
curricula, and identification of research and development needs and
opportunities for collaboration on projects.
Plan and implement science and technology exhibitions annually
starting at the end of the second year of implementation, and hold a
regional conference to coincide with the fair rotating annually in the
Member States;
Establish a Science and Technology prize for the top National student
in college graduation, and an OECS prize for the top student in the
region, taking into consideration the broad criteria related to
innovation and development.
Estimated in US$
Repeat for each product and its corresponding activities.
Project: St. Kitts-Nevis - Provisions: Organic, Hydroponic, and Hybrid-System
Growing for Caribbean Schools and Model for Local Caribbean Entrepreneurship
Name of the Project: Provisions: Organic, Hydroponic, and Hybrid-System
Growing for Caribbean Schools and Model for Local Caribbean Entrepreneurship
Country submitting the Project: St. Kitts-Nevis
Name of the Institution:
Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College
Name of the person preparing the concept:
Dr. Leighton Naraine
Email address:;
The Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (CFBC) is the only local Tertiary Level Institution in St. Kitts and
Nevis. It offers a wide range of Associate’s Degree programs that are traditionally Academic, Technical
and Vocational Education, Teacher Education, Health Science, and Adult and Continuing Education. To
meet the growing needs of developmental initiatives for nation building, it is now transitioning to
university status and has the mandate to introduce Agricultural Education in its curriculum.
Dr. Leighton Naraine, Acting Vice Principal at the CFB College, lectures in Environmental Science,
Geography and Teacher Education. Dr. Naraine and a team of Science Lecturers (particularly Mr. Stuart
La Place, Biology and Environmental Science Lecturer) at the CFBC have introduced Agricultural
Research for the purpose of facilitating the addition of Agricultural Science, Agri-Business, and AgroTechnology to its curriculum. The CFB College partners with students and professors at the University of
Central Florida for exchange of science and technology education. It is also partnering with the
- 31 -
CARIBSAVE Partnership for infusion of expertise in environmental education and research projects.
Current students in Environmental Science participate in the research and experimentation from this
project to fulfill assessment requirements for Environmental Science at the Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examinations with the Caribbean Examinations Council. The experimentation and research
findings are expected to be further utilized for developing educational resources, including tool kits, for
Caribbean schools, public education and awareness, and career development with emphasis on
entrepreneurship. The project is now ready for expansion.
Participant(s) Country (ies): Include the following information for each participant country.
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
United States
University of Central Florida
Dr. Kevin Meehan
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
CARIBSAVE Partnership
Dr. Owen Day
246 426 2042
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
University of Nouvelle Grand’Anse (UNOGA)
Amenold Pierre
Estimated duration (max. 3 years): 3 years
Year 1: Assessment and Curriculum Resource Development
 Scoping study and preliminary report
 Consultations with education and community-based stakeholders and preliminary report
 Develop and submit detailed business plan
 Develop and submit micro- finance (MF) concept paper
 Develop and test curriculum resources (PDF toolkit, instructional videos, mobile learning
units, interactive website, and social media platforms) in St. Kitts-Nevis
 Preliminary outreach to Haitian stakeholders via University of Nouvelle Grand’Anse
 Preliminary outreach to other Caribbean stakeholders via CaribSave Partnership
Year 2: Implementation of Curriculum Resources
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Community-based workshops for stakeholders in St. Kitts-Nevis
Train-the-teacher workshops in St. Kitts-Nevis for Kittitian-Nevisian, Haitian and other
Caribbean stakeholders
Translation of curriculum resources to French and Kreyol and piloting in Haiti
Seek MF support from regional development banks, government ministries, foundations, etc.
Year 3: Evaluation and Planning for Regional Scale
 Community-based workshops for stakeholders in Haiti and other Caribbean locations
 Train-the-teacher workshops in Haiti and other Caribbean locations
 Interim Reports and evaluation from train-the-teacher workshops
 Interim Reports and evaluation from community based workshops
 Interim Reports and evaluation of MF strategies
 Finalize implementation structure for full regional inclusion
 Final project report and evaluation
Estimated total amount (US $):
Amount requested to
(CFB College, St. Kitts; UCF,
External donor(s)/partner(s)
If the project has any external donor(s)/ partner(s), please list them below:
Framework Program and Line of Action:
Programmatic Approach:
Promoting Improvements in Science and Engineering Education
Line of Action:
To stimulate industrial innovation and promote MSME development by fostering
academic-public-private partnerships to improve applied research, as well as
advanced development and engineering applications.
Background, Justification
Governmental, nongovernmental, intersectoral, and private agencies have all
recognized the increasing impact of climate change globally. Nowhere is this
problem more urgent than in the Caribbean region where small island developing
- 33 -
states are extremely vulnerable to rising sea levels, intensifying tropical storm
activity, irregular seasonal fluctuations, deforestation, food insecurity, and more
(footnotes?). Numerous funding agencies have begun to consider and in some cases
have already issued solicitations for proposals in climate change education as a way
of mitigating and adapting to such impacts. Traditionally, regional development
projects in the Caribbean have struggled to overcome challenges posed by language
and nationality, disciplinary and sectoral divisions, and a failure to transform aid into
commercial and entrepreneurial ventures. The tragic 2010 earthquake in Haiti
focused the region and indeed the entire world on the extreme plight of Haitian
people for whom all the climate change vulnerability factors mentioned above
surface with even more devastating impact.
Formulating an effective response to these interlocking problems raises additional
challenges that include (at a minimum) producing regionally-specific knowledge
about climate change and linking this knowledge with actions to mitigate and adapt
to climate change impacts. The Provisions Project proposal addresses these
challenges through an emerging collaboration between higher education
professionals, community-based organizations, government ministries, and nongovernmental specialists in sustainable development based in St. Kitts and Nevis
with key participants in Barbados, Haiti, and Florida. Organized through Clarence
Fitzroy Bryant College, Provisions seeks to 1) improve science and engineering
education related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, 2) to put this
knowledge into action through extension programs supporting small scale agriculture
throughout the Caribbean region, 3) establish critical liaison with Haitian partners,
and thus provide leadership in the drive to achieve full inclusion of Haiti in regional
climate change education initiatives.
Synergies: Recent initiatives such as the Climate Change Education
Initiative announced by the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), the Climate Change Partnership of the Americas sponsored
by the Organization of American States (OAS), and several new cross-cutting
programs funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID), and Higher Education for Development (HED),
have all issued a call for new climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that
focus on improved data collection, development of comprehensive education
resources with a regional scope and focus, integration of climate change science with
ethical (action-oriented) and humanistic perspective, and a need for full regional
inclusion with a special emphasis on historically-excluded Haitian partners. The
Provisions Project proposal is aligned with core objectives from the above initiatives
through its emphasis on locally grown produce as an adaptation and livelihood
enhancement strategy. Adaptation would contribute to building resilience of
communities to respond to the effects of climate change that ultimately impact lives
and livelihoods. There is an inherent ethical responsibility of governments and
decision makers, educational institutions, and individual citizens to build resilience
for the well-being of humankind through education and food security.
- 34 -
Description of the Project
Goal (general objective for development) to which the Project would contribute:
To stimulate industrial innovation and promote MSME development by fostering
academic-public-private partnerships to improve applied research, as well as
advanced development and engineering applications.
Purpose or specific objective of the Project (one purpose per project): The
Provisions Project will transform local food production in St. Kitts-Nevis, Haiti, and
the Caribbean region by making modern organic, hydroponic, and hybrid agriculture
techniques more-widely available. The Provisions Project will achieve this objective
by enhancing curriculum resources and academic expertise, and by developing
improved academic-public-private partnerships that will better sustain communitybased agriculture through effective outreach and extension services.
Products/Results: Brief description of the products as results.
Description of the Products
Base line
Product 1:
Preliminary Reports from
scoping study
Faculty and student
research data from 20092011
Product 2:
Preliminary Reports from
consultations with
Product 3:
Detailed Business Plan for
Non-Traditional Agriculture
Faculty and student
interviews with retail
produce vendors , selected
growers, and educators
from 2010-2011
Draft business plan
completed August 2011
Completed report with more
information on soil
characteristics (traditional
systems), controlled soil
systems (organoponics), and
non-soil systems, and current
produce yield data
Completed report with more
input from community-based
growers and primarysecondary educators
Product 4:
Proposal/Concept Paper
Extensive scholarship
evaluating MF approaches,
and some case studies
related to Haiti, e.g.,
Product 5:
Curriculum Resources
Existing models for multimedia curriculum
resources, extension
- 35 -
Completed report with more
detailed information on
materials pricing and
projections on productivity and
Completed report that integrates
existing scholarship, case
studies from Haiti, and
addresses feasilbility of MF for
agriculural MSMEs in St. KittsNevis, Haiti, and elsewhere
Suite of multimedia curriculum
resources that are specific to
small scale organic,
services in state of Florida,
and emerging case studies
and scholarship on mobile
devices for education
Product 6:
Community-based workshops
Product 7:
Train-the-teacher based
Product 8:
Interim Reports and evaluation
from community based
Interim Reports and evaluation
from train-the-teacher
Interim Reports and evaluation
of MF strategies
Product 9:
Product 10:
Product 11:
Product 12:
Finalize implementation
structure for full regional
inclusion of non-traditional
agriculture education into
formal and community-based
learning networks
Final project report and
Field day format, and
SMS-based follow up.
Seminar and service
learning format, with
SMS-based follow up.
Surveys and qualitative
interviews will form the
basis for these reports.
Surveys and qualitative
interviews will form the
basis for these reports.
Surveys and qualitative
interviews will form the
basis for these reports.
Curriculum resources,
workshop materials,
evaluation forms, and
interim reports will form
the basis of the
implementation structure.
All materials generated
during the life of the
Project will form the basis
for the final report.
hydroponic, and hybrid
growing systems as they are
implemented in St. Kitts-Nevis,
Haiti, and elsewhere.
Evaluation through face-to-face
and SMS surveys.
Evaluation through face-to-face
and SMS surveys.
Evaluation through face-to-face
and SMS surveys.
Completed reports with analysis
of objectives and outcomes.
Completed reports with analysis
of objectives and outcomes.
Completed reports with analysis
of objectives and outcomes.
Completed package of materials
circulated educational,
community-based, government,
and non-governmental
stakeholders throughout the
Caribbean region
Completed report with analysis
of objectives and outcomes, and
annexes containing all materials
and curriculum resources.
Description of activities and estimated costs:
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
Product 1
Activity 1.1
Scoping study and preliminary report
Collect and review existing data on soil characteristics (traditional
systems), controlled soil systems (organoponics), and non-soil
systems,, productivity, land availability, population, diet, produce
consumption, food expenses, etc.
- 36 -
d in US$
Activity 1.2
Activity 1.4
Collect and review existing data on materials needed, supply
chains for materials, pricing for materials, etc.
Research and write draft report on potential scope for Provisions $12,000
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Activity 1.5
Submit revised report
Activity 1.3
Product 2
Consultations with education and community-based stakeholders
and preliminary report
Activity 2.3
Distribute, collect and review quantitative surveys on existing
growing techniques, diet, food expenses, perceptions and impacts
of academic-public-private partnerships.
Distribute, collect and review qualitative data from semi-structured
interviews on the same topics.
Research and write draft report
Activity 2.4
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Activity 2.5
Submit revised report
Activity 2.2
Product 3
Activity 3.1
Activity 3.2
Activity 3.3
Product 4
Activity 4.1
Activity 4.2
Activity 4.3
Activity 4.4
Product 5
Activity 5.1
Business plan
Research and write draft business plan including pricing for all
materials, market rate for selected produce, current data on
produce yields from CFBC testbeds, estimated earnings, and
qualitative data about vendor attitudes toward local produce.
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Include revised business plan with all subsequent reports,
proposals, requests for funding, etc.
Micro-financing concept paper and implementation
Research and write draft concept paper addressing issues including
optimal size and term of loan, suitable forms of colateral,
managing risk, securing repayment, etc.
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Submit revised concept paper as formal proposal to regional
development banks, government ministries, foundations, etc.
Implement MF plan for at least part of start-up costs
Curriculum resources
Provisions: A Toolkit for Locally Grown Organic,Hydroponic, and
Hybrid-System Produce in the Caribbean
- 37 -
Activity 5.2
Activity 5.3
Activity 5.4
Activity 5.5
Product 6
Activity 6.1
Activity 6.2
Activity 6.3
Product 7
Activity 7.1
Activity 7.2
Activity 7.3
Product 8
DVD of short videos presenting key content from the Provisions
A suite of mobile learning activities designed to support the
building, maintenance, and marketing of produce through SMS
text messaging, and MMS media messaging where appropriate
Launch Provisions Project interactive website and blog
Launch Provisions Project presence on social networking
platforms (Facebook and Twitter)
Test curriculum resources in St. Kitts-Nevis
Translate curriculum resources into French and Kreyol for Haitian
Community-based workshops
Introduce organic, hydroponic, and hybrid growing techniques in
St. Kitts-Nevis (3)
Introduce organic, hydroponic, and hybrid growing techniques in
Haiti (3)
Introduce organic, hydroponic, and hybrid growing techniques in
other Caribbean locations TBA (3)
Train-the-teacher workshops
Introduce approaches to teaching organic, hydroponic, and hybrid
growing techniques in St. Kitts-Nevis (3)
Introduce approaches to teaching organic, hydroponic, and hybrid
growing techniques in Haiti (3)
Introduce approaches to teaching organic, hydroponic, and hybrid
growing techniques in other Caribbean locations TBA (3)
Interim Reports and evaluation from community based workshops
Activity 8.1
Collect and review evaluation surveys from workshops
Activity 8.2
Activity 8.3
Collect and review evaluation data from mobile learning
curriculum units (e.g., SMS feedback)
Research and write draft report
Activity 8.4
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Activity 8.5
Submit revised report
Product 9
Activity 9.1
Interim Reports and evaluation from train-the-teacher workshops
Collect and review evaluation surveys from workshops
Collect and review evaluation data from mobile communication
(e.g., SMS feedback)
Research and write draft report
- 38 -
Activity 9.2
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Activity 9.3
Submit revised report
Product 10
Activity 10.1
Interim Reports and evaluation of micro-finance strategies
Activity 10.2
Collect and review evaluation data about loan repayment,
profitability, food cost savings, or other measures of impact
Research and write draft report
Activity 10.3
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Activity 10.4
Submit revised report
Product 11
Finalize implementation structure for full regional inclusion of
non-traditional agriculture education into formal and communitybased learning networks
Collate curriculum resources, workshop materials, business plan,
interim reports, etc. and make available in print and electronic
Circulate materials to educational, community-based, government,
and non-governmental stakeholders throughout the Caribbean
Final project report and evaluation
Activity 12.2
Collate all materials generated during the life of the project,
analyze extent to which project outcomes did and did not meet
Research and write draft report
Activity 12.3
Solicit feedback on draft report and revise
Activity 12.4
Submit revised report
Activity 13
Administrative Support Cost
Activity 11.1
Activity 11.2
Product 12
Activity 12.1
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Project: United States - Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere,
an essential element in the development of National Quality Infrastructure:
Product/Component I: Development of highly qualified metrology personnel capable of
delivering scientific and legal metrology services in the region on a sustainable basis (US)
Basic information
Name of the Project: Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the
Hemisphere, an essential element in the development of National Quality Infrastructure:
Product/Component I: Development of highly qualified metrology personnel
capable of delivering scientific and legal metrology services
in the region on a sustainable basis (US)
Product/Component 2: Improved measurement capabilities in the hemisphere in
areas that support environmental protection, health and
trade (URUGUAY)
Product/Component 3: Enhanced knowledge among government officials and
metrology stakeholders of the importance of measurements
to support trade and facilitate innovation (MEXICO)
Country submitting the Project
The United States is submitting one of three complimentary Project Concepts which constitute
a comprehensive program to support the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) in the
hemisphere. Uruguay and Mexico are submitting separate but complimentary proposals to
address products 2 and 3 under the same “Name of Project”. We have integrated metrology
proposals and priorities from the countries in the hemisphere into three Projects Concepts
submitted on behalf of the entire membership of the Inter-American System of Metrology
(SIM). These Project Concepts were developed in cooperation with the OAS Member States at
the SIM General Assembly in November 2011.
Name of the Institution:
Name of the person preparing the concept:
Email address:
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Claire Saundry
301 975 2386
Participant(s) Country (ies): Include the following information for each participant
country. (see attached list)
Participating Country:
See Attached List
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
Brief description of the country’s participation on the design of the Project concept: The United States,
Uruguay, and Mexico significantly contributed to the design of the Project. All other countries were
provided an opportunity to review the Project Concept and make improvements.
Describe the capacity and experience of the Institution in the area related to the Project as well as in the
execution of projects: Cooperation between the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) in the hemisphere
through the Inter-American System of Metrology (SIM) has resulted in the development of significant
expertise and improvements in metrology capabilities in a sustainable way in the Americas. SIM has
managed several projects over the past years that have impacted many aspects of development in the
hemisphere including projects supported by OAS, ABC (Brazil), PTB (Germany), and others. The
structure of SIM implies that there are many NMIs that have already developed some metrology areas
receiving cooperation from more developed NMIs and are now in the situation to help the development of
other NMIs. This issue gives sustainability to SIM activities related to development of new metrological
capabilities (innovation process needs metrological related support) in all countries, or transference of
knowledge and experience from some NMIs to others in specific areas.
Repeat this section as many times as needed
Estimated duration (max. 3 years): 3 years
Estimated total amount (US $): Component I - $390K
Amount requested to
Year 1 - $ 30K
Year 2 - $330K
Year 3 - $ 30K
(participating countries) US$
$724K per year
TOTAL $2.172M
External donor(s)/partner(s)
If the project has any external donor(s)/ partner(s), please list them below:
Framework Program and Line of Action:
Programmatic Approach: Identify one of the Programmatic Approaches approved by
the OAS under which the project concept is presented (Please refer to the Programmatic
Approaches for Strengthening National Quality Infrastructure and Promoting Improvements in
Science and Engineering Education).
This Project Concept will contribute to a larger regional program to address:
Regional Capacity Building
Measurement improvement and comparisons
Awareness and outreach
Technical partnerships
Line of Action: Identify one of the objectives in which the project concept is outlined
and specify the direct relation between this objective and the one of the project concept
(Please refer to the Programmatic Approaches for Strengthening National Quality
Infrastructure and Promoting Improvements in Science and Engineering Education).
Improve human and institutional capabilities of NMIs (i.e., to make more accurate and reliable
measurements traceable to international standards). The Project will focus on capacity building
of human resources of the NMIs in the hemisphere with an emphasis on sustainability, fostering
partnerships between institutions in similar states of development, as well as partnerships
between those with existing capabilities and those establishing capabilities. Training will focus
on measurement areas identified as high priority to the participants, their institutions and
public- and private-sector stakeholders in the national measurement systems in their countries.
The project aims to enhance accuracy and reliability of measurements and calibrations traceable
to international standards and to increase effective dissemination of these services to
government and industry).
Increase awareness and promote policy dialogue and partnerships between government and
industry to develop strong National Quality Infrastructures (NQIs), with special emphasis on
The Project will emphasize:
a. Promoting dialogues and partnerships between the NMIs and their State and Local
Governments, and private sector stakeholders though awareness and outreach activities
and publications.
b. Improving calibration services to support industry development and innovation.
c. Encouraging through Awareness Activities the integration of NMIs to NQI
d. Improving new services such as:
training in metrology related areas focused on industry needs.
assessment in metrological issues
proficiency Tests
Promote the creation of NMIs that focus on national priority areas for socio-economic
development in smaller economies; In the smaller economies, the development of capabilities
at the NMIs is dependent on the relevant stakeholder needs, and awareness and outreach
activities to educate relevant government officials and to assess industry needs are essential.
The Project will include activities in both scientific and legal metrology measurements and
services, targeted to address national needs such as support of fair commerce, regional trade,
and national innovation, health, environmental sustainability, energetic efficiency and
alternative sources of energy, promotion of regional and national value chains to improve
national and regional economies.
Foster technical cooperation for continued improvement of NQI/NMIs through sustainable
local, sub-regional, regional, and international partnerships. Many NMIs in the region are
implementing quality management systems in an effort to increase reliability and confidence
infrastructure among the participating organizations (at the NMI level). As well, the Project
offers a unique opportunity to engage collectively with the various National Accreditation
Bodies (NABs) through the corresponding Regional organizations. Activities are planned to
improve the Regional interaction on the global stage, specifically through representation and
leadership development at the Joint Committee of the Regional Metrology Organizations and
the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (JCRB).
Promote the offer of training and other technical extension services by NMIs and a better
relationship between them and local industry, universities and laboratories. The Project has a
focus on capacity building, training and development, with a combination of introductory level
workshops offered by experts drawn from established NMIs in the hemisphere, as well as
longer and more advanced internships or mentorships intended to offer higher intensity, handson laboratory experience over period of several weeks through staff exchange and visits.
Background, Justification
Problem: Metrology, or the science of measurement, is an essential component of a country’s
National Quality Infrastructure. Measurements play a key role in our daily lives. For
individuals, accurate and reliable measurements are essential for trust in the marketplace (e.g.
scales in the markets and fuel pump dispensers), for confidence in medical test results
(accuracy of blood tests) and medication dosages (radiation treatments). For industry this
includes services that help ensure their products meet international standards. For countries,
measurements are also critical to environmental protection, to distribution of electricity, and to
secure financial transactions.
Each country in the hemisphere has identified an institution responsible for measurements.
These institutions, known as National Metrology Institutes (NMI) are responsible for
establishing, maintaining, and disseminating national measurement standards, and linking them
globally to the International System of Units through international comparisons. International
acceptance of a country’s measurement system is essential for access to the global market.
Since the recognition of the importance of a measurement and standards infrastructure at the
1994 Summit of the Americas, the NMIs throughout the hemisphere have been working
together to strengthen the existing infrastructure through the Inter-American System of
Metrology (SIM). SIM was created to address critical measurement needs in the hemisphere
and to participate, on a regional basis in the international measurement community.
Understanding basic measurement techniques is critical, but ever changing threats to the
environment, and human health and safety demand measurement capabilities previously
unheard of. The countries of the Americas have developed an understanding of the need for a
measurement and standards infrastructure, but there remains a critical need for enhancing
current capabilities including competences to address changes in local, regional and
international requirements.
With previous support from OAS/FEMCIDI, the NMIs in the Americas have made great strides
in improving their measurement capabilities and increasing understanding of the need for a
strong measurement and standards infrastructure to support economic growth and development.
This support has leveraged significant local investment by many of the participating countries
in their measurement and standards infrastructure. For example, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Costa
Rica, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru are just a sample of countries that have made significant
investments in their local metrology and standards infrastructure.
While significant progress has been made in improving metrology capabilities throughout the
hemisphere, there is still considerable work to be done, particularly with the smaller, less
developed NMIs. Unfortunately more than half of the participating countries fall into this
category of NMI. For the countries in the middle of the spectrum, the project seeks to provide
the tools necessary to engage in the international measurement community and to seek
international recognition. For the countries with significant need, the project aims to assist in
raising awareness among the local governments to the importance of developing and
maintaining a metrology infrastructure and to provide training in areas of highest importance
locally and exposure to the international measurement community.
Synergies: Identify other similar initiatives in the country and/or region and describe the
potential for synergies with these initiatives. There are currently efforts underway in the
Caribbean to enhance measurement and standards infrastructures, supported by the EU, in the
countries of Central America, supported by the German Government through the German NMI
– PTB and through the IADB, and in various countries who have bilateral projects supported
the German Government, through PTB. We will endeavor to ensure all projects are
complimentary and contribute to the overall enhancement of NQI in the hemisphere.
Description of the Project
Goal (general objective for development) to which the Project would contribute: It
refers to the longer term goal that contributes to achieving the purpose, which is always
expressed as a contribution.
To enhance the National Quality Infrastructures by advancing best practices at the
National Metrology Institutes and enhancing international recognition of measurement
capabilities in the hemisphere
Purpose or specific objective of the Project (one purpose per project): Definition of
the effect / direct impact or achievement to be reached by the Project. Answers the
question: What is the main transformation expected to be reached at the end of the
We aim to further strengthen the institutions responsible for measurements in the
Americas and thereby improve the world-wide reputation and credibility of the national
quality infrastructures.
Product 1
Products/Results: Brief description of the products as results.
Description of the Products
Base line
Development of highly
qualified metrology
personnel capable of
delivering scientific and
legal metrology services in
the region
Existing state of trained
personnel at each institution.
These are varied because of
current state of development
and maturity of
participating laboratory.
Some countries do not have
established capabilities in all
needed metrology areas
New and/or improved services
established; successful completion
of training activities;
development and execution of
training for other SIM countries;
providing measurement
traceability to other SIM
Product 1
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Description of activities and estimated costs:
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
Development of highly qualified metrology personnel capable of
delivering scientific and legal metrology services in the region
Metrology School for young/new metrologists (1 in year 2)
Internships (8 per year)
Estimated in US$
Repeat for each product and its corresponding activities.
Project: Uruguay - Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere, an
essential element in the development of National Quality Infrastructure:
Product/Component 2: Improved measurement capabilities in the hemisphere in areas
that support environmental protection, health and trade
Name of the Project: Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the
Hemisphere, an essential element in the development of National Quality
Product/Component I: Development of highly qualified metrology personnel capable
of delivering scientific and legal metrology services in the
region (US)
Product/Component 2: Improved measurement capabilities in the hemisphere in
areas that support environmental protection, health and
trade (URUGUAY)
Product/Component 3: Enhanced knowledge among government officials and
metrology stakeholders of the importance of measurements to
enhance trade and facilitate innovation (MEXICO)
Country submitting the Project
Uruguay is submitting one of three complimentary Project Concepts which constitute a
comprehensive program to support the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) in the hemisphere.
The Project Concept submitted by Uruguay will address Product 2 described above. The
United States and Mexico, are submitting separate but complimentary proposals to address
products 1 and 3 described above. We have integrated metrology proposals and priorities from
the countries in the hemisphere into three Projects Concepts submitted on behalf of the entire
membership of the Inter-American System of Metrology (SIM). These Project Concepts were
developed in cooperation with the OAS Member States at the SIM General Assembly in
November 2011.
Name of the Institution:
Name of the person preparing the concept:
Email address:
Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU)
Claudia Santo
598 26013424 INT 1296
Participant(s) Country (ies): Include the following information for each participant
country. (see attached list)
Participating Country:
See Attached List of SIM countries and contacts/SIM
contacts 11-12
Name of the Institution:
Email address:
Estimated duration (max. 3 years): 3 years
Estimated total amount (US $):
Component 2 - $470K
Amount requested to
Year 1 – 180K
Year 2 – 110K
Year 2 - 180K
(participating countries) US$
$724 K per year
TOTAL $2.172M
External donor(s)/partner(s)
If the project has any external donor(s)/ partner(s), please list them below:
Framework Program and Line of Action:
Programmatic Approach: Identify one of the Programmatic Approaches approved by
the OAS under which the project concept is presented (Please refer to the
Programmatic Approaches for Strengthening National Quality Infrastructure and
Promoting Improvements in Science and Engineering Education).
This Project Concept will contribute to a larger regional program to address:
Regional Capacity Building
Measurement improvement and comparisons
Awareness and outreach
Technical partnerships
Line of Action: Identify one of the objectives in which the project concept is outlined
and specify the direct relation between this objective and the one of the project concept
(Please refer to the Programmatic Approaches for Strengthening National Quality
Infrastructure and Promoting Improvements in Science and Engineering Education).
Improve human and institutional capabilities of NMIs (i.e., to make more accurate and
reliable measurements traceable to international standards). The Project will focus on capacity
building of human resources of the NMIs in the hemisphere with an emphasis on sustainability,
fostering partnerships between institutions in similar states of development, as well as
partnerships between those with existing capabilities and those establishing capabilities.
Education and training of NMIs metrologists will be the objective, as a first step to build
capacities. The focus will be on measurement areas identified as high priority to the
participants taking into account their institutions, public- and private-sector and stakeholders in
the national measurement systems in their countries. The project aims to enhance accuracy and
reliability of measurements and calibrations traceable to international standards and to increase
effective dissemination of these services to government and industry.
Increase awareness and promote policy dialogue and partnerships between government
and industry to develop strong National Quality Infrastructures (NQIs), with special emphasis
on NMIs
The Project will emphasize:
Promoting dialogues and partnerships between the NMIs and their State and
Local Governments, and private sector stakeholders though awareness and
outreach activities and publications.
Improving calibration services to support industry, development of better and
new services and innovation in action areas.
Encouraging through Awareness Activities the integration of NMIs to NQI,
and in the cases that this NQI is not defined, cooperation to build the system.
Encourage the implementation of new services such as:
training in metrology related areas focused on industry needs.
assessment in metrological issues
proficiency Tests
Promote the involvment of NMIs on national priority areas for socio-economic
development, mainly in the case of smaller economies; In the smaller economies, the
development of capabilities at the NMIs is dependent on the relevant stakeholder needs, and
awareness and outreach activities to educate relevant government officials and to assess
industry needs are essential. The Project will include activities in both scientific and legal
metrology measurements and services, targeted to address national needs such as support of fair
commerce, regional trade, and national innovation, health, environmental sustainability,
energetic efficiency and alternative sources of energy, promotion of regional and national value
chains to improve national and regional economies.
Foster technical cooperation for continued improvement of NQI/NMIs through
sustainable local, sub-regional, regional, and international partnerships. Many NMIs in the
region are implementing quality management systems in an effort to increase reliability and
confidence in their calibration and measurement services. This Project will enhance the dialog
on quality infrastructure among the participating organizations (at the NMI level). As well, the
Project offers a unique opportunity to engage collectively with the various National
Accreditation Bodies (NABs) through the corresponding Regional organizations. Activities are
planned to improve the Regional interaction on the global stage, specifically through
representation and leadership development at the Joint Committee of the Regional Metrology
Organizations and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (JCRB).
Promote the offer of training and other technical extension services by NMIs and a
better relationship between them and local industry, universities and laboratories. The Project
has a focus on capacity building, training and development, with a combination of introductory
level workshops offered by experts drawn from established NMIs in the hemisphere, as well as
longer and more advanced internships or mentorships intended to offer higher intensity, handson laboratory experience over period of several weeks through staff exchange and visits.
Background, Justification
Problem: Metrology, or the science of measurement, is an essential component of a
country’s National Quality Infrastructure. Measurements play a key role in our daily lives. For
individuals, accurate and reliable measurements are essential for trust in the marketplace (e.g.
scales in the markets and fuel pump dispensers), for confidence in medical test results (accuracy of
blood tests) and medication dosages (radiation treatments). For industry this includes services that
help ensure their products meet international standards. For countries, measurements are also
critical to environmental protection, to distribution of electricity, and to secure financial
Each country in the hemisphere has identified an institution responsible for measurements. These
institutions, known as National Metrology Institutes (NMI) are responsible for establishing,
maintaining, and disseminating national measurement standards, and linking them globally to the
International System of Units through international comparisons. International acceptance of a
country’s measurement system is essential for access to the global market.
Since the recognition of the importance of a measurement and standards infrastructure at the 1994
Summit of the Americas, the NMIs throughout the hemisphere have been working together to
strengthen the existing infrastructure through the Inter-American System of Metrology (SIM). SIM
was created to address critical measurement needs in the hemisphere and to participate, on a
regional basis in the international measurement community.
Understanding basic measurement techniques is critical, but ever changing threats to the
environment, and human health and safety demand measurement capabilities previously unheard of.
The countries of the Americas have developed an understanding of the need for a measurement and
standards infrastructure, but there remains a critical need for enhancing current capabilities
including competences to address changes in local, regional and international requirements.
With previous support from OAS/FEMCIDI, the NMIs in the Americas have made great strides in
improving their measurement capabilities and increasing understanding of the need for a strong
measurement and standards infrastructure to support economic growth and development. This
support has leveraged significant local investment by many of the participating countries in their
measurement and standards infrastructure. For example, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Costa Rica,
Colombia, Paraguay, Peru are just a sample of countries that have made significant investments in
their local metrology and standards infrastructure.
While significant progress has been made in improving metrology capabilities throughout the
hemisphere, there is still considerable work to be done, particularly with the smaller, less developed
NMIs. Unfortunately more than half of the participating countries fall into this category of NMI.
For the countries in the middle of the spectrum, the project seeks to provide the tools necessary to
engage in the international measurement community and to seek international recognition. For the
countries with significant need, the project aims to assist in raising awareness among the local
governments to the importance of developing and maintaining a metrology infrastructure and to
provide training in areas of highest importance locally and exposure to the international
measurement community.
Synergies: Identify other similar initiatives in the country and/or region and describe
the potential for synergies with these initiatives. There are currently efforts underway in the
Caribbean to enhance measurement and standards infrastructures, supported by the EU, in the
countries of Central America, supported by the German Government through the German NMI –
PTB and through the IADB, and in various countries who have bilateral projects supported the
German Government, through PTB. We will endeavor to ensure all projects are complimentary and
contribute to the overall enhancement of NQI in the hemisphere.
Description of the Project
Goal (general objective for development) to which the Project would contribute: It
refers to the longer term goal that contributes to achieving the purpose, which is always
expressed as a contribution.
To enhance the National Quality Infrastructures by advancing best practices at the
National Metrology Institutes and enhancing international recognition of measurement
capabilities in the hemisphere
Purpose or specific objective of the Project (one purpose per project): Definition of
the effect / direct impact or achievement to be reached by the Project. Answers the
question: What is the main transformation expected to be reached at the end of the
We aim to further strengthen the institutions responsible for measurements in the
Americas and thereby improve the world-wide reputation and credibility of the national
quality infrastructures.
Products/Results: Brief description of the products as results.
Description of the Products
Base line
Improved measurement
capabilities in the
hemisphere in areas that
support environmental
sustainability, renewable
energies and energy
efficiency, health and trade
Existing state of
measurement capabilities at
each institution. These are
varied because of current
state of development. Some
countries do not have
established capabilities in all
needed metrology areas.
New and/or improved services
established; successful completion
of training and workshops;
development of new or improved
internationally recognized
measurement capabilities;
creation and/or approval of
quality management systems;
successful completion of
measurement pilot studies and/or
comparisons; development and
execution of training for other
SIM countries; providing
measurement traceability to other
SIM Countries; participation in
the SIM Time network
Product 2
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.2
Activity 2.3
Description of activities and estimated costs:
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
Improved measurement capabilities in the hemisphere in areas
that support environmental sustainability, renewable energies and
energy efficiency, health and trade
Training Workshops, internships (6-7 workshops per year) except in
the second year – 3-4 workshops
Measurement comparisons and pilot studies (3/year)
Enhancement to SIM Time Network
Estimated in US$
$ 90K
$ 90K
Proyecto: México - Fortalecimiento de los Institutos Nacionales de Metrología en el
Continente Americano, un elemento esencial en el desarrollo de las Infraestructuras
Nacionales de Calidad. Producto/componente 3: incrementar el conocimiento entre
funcionarios de gobierno y partes interesadas en metrología sobre la importancia de las
mediciones para aumentar el comercio y facilitar las innovaciones
Información básica:
Nombre del proyecto:
Fortalecimiento de los Institutos Nacionales de Metrología en el Continente Americano,
un elemento esencial en el desarrollo de las Infraestructuras Nacionales de Calidad.
producto/componente 1: desarrollo de personal altamente capacitado en metrología, capaz de
entregar servicios de metrología científica y legal en la región (EEUU)
producto/componente 2: aptitudes de metrología mejoradas en el Continente Americano, en
áreas que apoyan la protección ambiental, la salud y el comercio (URUGUAY)
producto/componente 3: incrementar el conocimiento entre funcionarios de gobierno y
partes interesadas en metrología sobre la importancia de las mediciones para aumentar
el comercio y facilitar las innovaciones (MÉXICO)
País que presenta el Proyecto:
Nombre de la institución:
Nombre de la persona que preparó el perfil:
Centro Nacional de Metrología
Ignacio Hernández-Gutierrez
+52 442 2110570
Dirección electrónica:
País(es) Participante(s): Para cada país participante incluir la siguiente información
(vea lista anexa).
País participante:
vea lista anexa
Nombre de la institución:
Dirección electrónica:
Breve descripción de la participación del país en el diseño del perfil:
Los Estados Unidos, Uruguay, y México participaron considerablemente en el diseño del Perfil del
Proyecto. A todos los demás países se les dio oportunidad de revisar el Perfil del Proyecto.
Describa la capacidad y experiencia de la institución en el área relacionada con el proyecto, así como en
la ejecución de proyectos:
Repetir esta sección las veces necesarias.
Duración estimada (máx. 3 años): 3 años
Cantidad total estimada (US $):
Componente 3 - $330 000.00 USD
1.5 Monto total estimado (US $):
Monto solicitado al
año 1 - 150 000 USD
año 2 - 90 000 USD
año 3 - 90 000 USD
(países participantes) US$
$708 000 USD por año
TOTAL $2 124 000 USD
Socios / Donante(s) externo(s)
En caso de tener socios / donantes externos, por favor enunciarlos:
Programa Marco y Línea de Acción:
Enfoque Programático: Identifique uno de los Enfoques Programáticos aprobados por la
OEA, bajo el cual se presenta el perfil (Ver los Enfoques Programáticos de Fortalecimiento de las
Infraestructuras Nacionales de Calidad y Promoción de Mejoras en la Educación en Ingeniería y
El Enfoque Programático de este Perfil incluye el fortalecimiento de las Infraestructuras
Nacionales de Calidad mediante las siguientes acciones:
El fomento de capacitación a nivel Regional
Mejoramiento de las mediciones demostrado mediante comparación de las mismas
Sensibilización y difusión
Alianzas de apoyo mutuo técnico
- 53 -
Línea de Acción: Identifique uno de los objetivos en el cual se enmarca el perfil y explique
la relación directa entre este objetivo y los del perfil (Ver los Enfoques Programáticos de
Fortalecimiento de las Infraestructuras Nacionales de Calidad y Promoción de Mejoras en la
Educación en Ingeniería y Ciencias).
Mejorar las competencias humanas e institucionales de los NMIs (siglas para designar
Institutos Nacionales de Metrología en inglés) (p. ej. realizar mediciones más exactas y confiables
con trazabilidad a patrones internacionales). El Proyecto se enfocará en el establecimiento de
competencias humanas en los NMIs en el Continente Americano con énfasis en la sustentabilidad, el
fomento de alianzas entre institutos que se encuentran en un desarrollo parecido y también alianzas
entre institutos con capacidades ya establecidas y los que están estableciendo sus capacidades. La
capacitación se enfocará en áreas de medición identificadas como prioridad alta para los participantes,
sus respectivos institutos y las partes interesadas en los sistemas nacionales de medición, tanto del
sector privado como del sector público. La meta del proyecto es el incremento de la exactitud y la
fiabilidad de los servicios de medición, de la trazabilidad de las calibraciones a patrones
internacionales y del incremento de la aplicación efectiva de estos servicios al gobierno y a la
Aumentar la sensibilidad y promover el diálogo político y las alianzas entre el gobierno y la
industria para desarrollar Infraestructuras Nacionales de Calidad (NQIs, siglas para Infraestructuras
Nacionales de Calidad en inglés) sólidas, con énfasis especial en los NMIs.
El Proyecto se enfocará a:
Promover diálogos y alianzas entre los NMIs y sus respectivos gobiernos estatales y locales,
las partes interesadas del sector privado así como incrementar la sensibilidad, la difusión y las
publicaciones en metrología.
Mejorar los servicios de calibración para apoyar el desarrollo industrial y las innovaciones.
Fomentar la integración de los NMIs al NQI mediante Actividades de Sensibilización.
Mejorar servicios nuevos tales como:
capacitación en áreas relacionadas con metrología con enfoque en necesidades
evaluación de laboratorios de metrología
evaluación de pares
Promover la creación de NMIs con enfoque en las áreas de prioridad nacional para el
desarrollo socioeconómico en las economías más pequeñas; En economías más pequeñas el desarrollo
de capacidades en los NMIs depende de las necesidades de las partes interesadas relevantes y de las
actividades de sensibilización y difusión entre funcionarios gubernamentales relevantes; para esto la
evaluación de necesidades industriales es esencial. El Proyecto incluirá actividades de mediciones y
servicios de metrología tanto científica como legal con el objetivo de satisfacer necesidades
nacionales tales como el apoyo al intercambio comercial equitativo, el comercio regional, las
- 54 -
innovaciones nacionales, la salud, la sustentabilidad ambiental, la eficiencia energética, las fuentes de
energía alterna, la promoción de cadenas de valor nacionales e internacionales para mejorar las
economías nacionales y regionales.
Fomentar la cooperación técnica para las mejoras continuas del NQI y de los NMIs mediante
alianzas sustentables locales, subregionales, regionales e internacionales. Muchos NMIs de la región
están implementando sistemas de gestión de calidad haciendo el esfuerzo de aumentar la fiabilidad y
la confianza en sus servicios de calibración y medición. Este Proyecto incrementará el diálogo sobre
la infraestructura de calidad de las organizaciones participantes (a nivel NMI). El Proyecto ofrece
también la oportunidad única de relacionarse colectivamente con las Organizaciones Nacionales de
Acreditación (NABs, siglas para Organizaciones Nacionales de Acreditación en inglés) mediante las
organizaciones Regionales correspondientes. Están planeadas actividades para mejorar la interacción
Regional en el escenario internacional, especialmente mediante el desarrollo de la representación y el
liderazgo dentro del Comité Conjunto de Organizaciones Regionales de Metrología (.ICRB, siglas
para Comité Conjunto de Organizaciones Regionales de Metrología en inglés) y la Oficina
Internacional de Pesas y Medidas (BIPM, siglas para Oficina Internacional de Pesas y Medidas en
Promover la oferta de la capacitación y otros servicios técnicos de extensión por parte de los
NMIs y una mejor relación entre ellos y la industria local, universidades y laboratorios. El Proyecto
tiene el enfoque de fomentar competencias mediante la capacitación y el desarrollo con una
combinación de talleres de nivel introductorio ofrecidos por parte de expertos de los NMIs de mayor
desarrollo en el continente americano; también incluye estadías o tutorías prolongadas y más
avanzadas con la intención de ofrecer más profundidad y experiencias prácticas en el laboratorio
durante un periodo de varias semanas con intercambios de personal y visitas.
A n t e c e d e n t e s , Justificación
Problemática: Incluya una breve descripción de la problemática/situación que el perfil de
proyecto busca solucionar. Se refiere a la situación o circunstancias de carácter negativo que la
propuesta contribuirá a solucionar, así como una referencia acerca del contexto (lugar y actores
claves) en donde dicha situación/problema acontece (máximo 1 pagina).
Cada país en el continente americano ha asignado un instituto responsable para las mediciones.
Estos institutos, conocidos como Institutos Nacionales de Metrología (NMIs), son responsables para
el establecimiento, el mantenimiento y la diseminación de patrones nacionales de medición además
de buscar su equivalencia globalmente al Sistema Internacional de Unidades mediante
comparaciones internacionales. La aceptación internacional del sistema de medición de un país es
esencial para el acceso al mercado global.
Desde el reconocimiento de la importancia de la infraestructura de mediciones y patrones en la
Cima de las Américas en el 1994, los NMIs en todo el continente americano han trabajado
conjuntamente para fortalecer la infraestructura existente mediante el Sistema Inter-Americano de
Metrología (SIM, siglas para Sistema Inter-Americano de Metrología en español). SIM fue creado
- 55 -
para resolver las necesidades metrológicas críticas en el continente americano y para participar,
regionalmente, en la comunidad metrológica internacional.
El entendimiento de las técnicas básicas de medición es fundamental para enfrentar las amenazas
cambiantes del medio ambiente y la salud y seguridad humana requieren competencias metrológicas
previamente desconocidas. Los países de las Américas han desarrollado un entendimiento de la
necesidad de una infraestructura de mediciones y patrones, pero sigue la necesidad urgente de
aumentar las capacidades actuales, incluyendo competencias para enfrentar los cambios en
requerimientos locales, regionales e internacionales.
Con el apoyo previo de OAS/FEMCIDI, los NMIs en las Américas han hecho gran progreso en el
mejoramiento de sus capacidades metrológicas y el aumento del entendimiento de la necesidad de una
infraestructura fuerte de mediciones y patrones para apoyar el crecimiento y desarrollo económico.
Este apoyo ha influenciado inversiones locales significantes para la infraestructura de mediciones y
patrones por parte de muchos de los países participantes. Brasil, Chile, Panamá, Costa Rica, Colombia,
Paraguay y Perú solamente son una muestra de los países que han realizado inversiones significativas
en la metrología local y la infraestructura de patrones.
Mientras se ha realizado un progreso significativo en la mejora de las competencias metrológicas en
todo el continente americano, todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer, especialmente con los NMIs
más pequeños y menos desarrollados. Desafortunadamente más de la mitad de los países participantes
entran en esta categoría. Para los países en medio del espectro, el proyecto quiere proveer las
herramientas necesarias para relacionarse con la comunidad metrológica internacional y para buscar
reconocimiento internacional. Para los países con necesidades significativas el proyecto esta enfocado
a incrementar la sensibilidad de los gobiernos locales sobre la importancia del desarrollo, en el
mantenimiento de una infraestructura de metrología, en proveer capacitación en áreas de alta
importancia y en hacerse conocer en la comunidad internacional de metrología.
Complementariedad: Identifique otras iniciativas similares en el país y/o región y describa
el potencial para sinergia y complementariedades con estas iniciativas
Actualmente se realizan esfuerzos: en el Caribe para mejorar la infraestructura de mediciones y
patrones, apoyados por la UE; en los países de Central America, con el apoyo del Gobierno Alemán
mediante el NMI Alemán - PTB - y mediante el IADB (siglas en inglés para Inter American
Development Bank); y en muchos países que tienen proyectos bilaterales apoyados por el Gobierno
Alemán, mediante PTB. Trataremos de asegurar que todos los proyectos sean complementarios y que
contribuyan al mejoramiento general de la NQI en el continente americano.
Descripción d el P royect o
- 56 -
Fin (objetivo general de desarrollo) al cual contribuiría el perfil: Se refiere al objetivo de
más largo plazo y que contribuye al logro del fin, por lo cual se expresa siempre como una
Mejorar las Infraestructuras Nacionales de Calidad mediante el establecimiento de las mejores
prácticas en uso dentro de los Institutos Nacionales de Metrología y aumentar el reconocimiento de
las competencias de medición en el continente americano.
Propósito u objetivo específico del perfil (un propósito por proyecto): Definición del
efecto/impacto directo o logro a ser alcanzado por el perfil de proyecto. Responde a la pregunta: Cual
es la transformación fundamental que se espera alcanzar al finalizar el proyecto?
Se espera incrementar el fortalecimiento de los institutos responsables para las mediciones en las
Américas y de esta manera mejorar la reputación y credibilidad global de las infraestructuras
nacionales de calidad.
Producto 3:
Productos/Resultados: Breve descripción de los productos como resultados.
Descripción de los Productos Línea de Base
Mayores conocimientos entre
gubernamentales y partes
interesadas en la metrología
sobre la importancia de las
mediciones para facilitar el
comercio y la innovación
La sensibilidad existente
varía de acuerdo al nivel
de desarrollo de cada país
- 57 -
Incremento de la inversión
local en infraestructuras de
metrología; desarrollo y/o
implementación de nuevas
legislaciones sobre metrología;
incremento de relaciones con
las infraestructuras nacionales
de calidad; incremento de la
diseminación de información
acerca del desarrollo regional;
presentaciones para los usuarios
de la metrología;
participación como
evaluadores pares para otros
NMIs y la industria;
proporcionar entrenamiento y
evaluaciones de la
competencia técnica para los
usuarios de metrología
incluyendo laboratorios
Descripción de actividades y costos estimados:
Descripción de las Actividades previstas en el proyecto.
Enunciar productos y actividades
Producto 3
Actividad 2.1
Actividad 2.2
Actividad 2.3
Incremento de conocimientos entre funcionarios gubernamentales y
los usuarios de
metrología sobre importancia de las mediciones
para facilitar el comercio y la innovación
Eventos Anuales de Sensibilización (2 al año)
Supervisión de los tutores (formar a los formadores): formadores,
gestores de sistemas de calidad y evaluadores pares (6-8 por año)
Comunicación y difusión
- 58 -
Estimado en dólares
$330 000 USD
$180 000 USD
$ 90 000 USD
$ 60 000 USD
Project: Trinidad and Tobago - Strengthening Conformity Assessment Bodies and
Activities in support of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) development in
CARICOM Member States
Basic information:
Name of the Project: Strengthening Conformity Assessment Bodies and
Activities in support of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) development in CARICOM
Member States
Country submitting the Project: Trinidad and Tobago
Name of the Institution:
Name of the person preparing the concept:
Email address:
1(868)662-8827 Ext 106
Participant(s) Country (ies): Include the following information for each participant
Participating Country:
Name of the Institution:
CARICOM Regional Organisation For Standards and
Quality (CROSQ)
Winston Bennett
T: 246.622.7670 / 246.622.7677 / 246.622.7679 (Direct)
Email address:
Past and current regional projects and activities were reviewed for gaps and it was identified that the
testing, inspection and certification aspects of conformity assessment were receiving limited attention at
Describe the capacity and experience of the Institution in the area related to the Project as well as in the
execution of projects:
CROSQ is the executing agency for the following regional projects:
Funded by the IDB(InterAmerican Development Bank)  Harmonise Regional Quality Infrastructure For Improving Market Access And Competitiveness
 Promoting Small And Medium Enterprise Competitiveness In The Caribbean Through Technical
Funded by the EDF (European Development Fund)–
 Caribbean Laboratory Accreditation Service
Funded through PTB(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
 Regional Quality Infrastructure 3
Funded through CDB/CARTFUND (Caribbean Development Bank/ Caribbean Aid for Trade and
Regional Integration Trust Fund)
 Strengthening the Testing Laboratory Services Capabilities to Reduce Technical Barriers to
Trade in the Caribbean Region
Estimated duration (max. 3 years): Three years
Estimated total amount (US $):
Amount requested to
(participating countries) US$
External donor(s)/partner(s)
If the project has any external donor(s)/ partner(s), please list them below:
Framework Program and Line of Action:
Programmatic Approach:
This project supports the Programmatic Approach for Strengthening National Quality
Infrastructure (NQI) and improving the human and institutional capabilities of the
National Metrology Institutes.
Line of Action:
This project supports the objective identified in the Programmatic Approach of
fostering technical cooperation for continued improvement of NQI/National
Metrology Institute (NMIs) through sustainable local, sub-regional, regional, and
international partnerships.
In anticipation of the CARIFORUM-European Union Economic Partnership
Agreement, the CARIFORUM Secretariat commissioned a study in 2007 on the
support needs for CARIFORUM countries to meet the commitments made in the
EPA between CARIFORUM and the EU. The study, reported in Poot et al. (2008)1
assessed the current general status of the QI in each of the 15 Members of
Huib Poot, Koos van Elk and Robert Huigen (February 2008). Final Report - Support to Forum of Caribbean States (CARIFORUM) in the
implementation of the commitments undertaken under the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Chapter of the Economic Partnership
Agreement (EPA). 161 pages.
CARIFORUM and at regional level, to determine the improvements needed in order
to design a comprehensive programme of implementing the necessary activities.
Quality infrastructure is a system of institutions which jointly ensure that products
and processes meet predefined specifications2 as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Survey of the national quality infrastructure3.
Most notably, it aims at providing technical support to companies so they can
improve their production processes and at ensuring compliance with regulations or
international requirements. In today’s business environment, a functioning Quality
Infrastructure is a prerequisite for access to regional and global markets and a key
determinant of competitive advantage. Globalization of world trade and the
requirements of the Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Sanitary
and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for the
PTB, Values And Rules For Global Responsibility: Quality Infrastructure: A Step Towards Good Governance
PTB, Values And Rules For Global Responsibility: Quality Infrastructure: A Step Towards Good Governance
reduction of technical barriers to trade urgently call for measures to consolidate
quality infrastructure.
To this end it is necessary that the conditions for trade are known to all stakeholders
(technical regulations and standards), that compliance with these conditions is
checked/verified (conformity assessment) and that these checks are carried out by
bodies whose competence is internationally recognized (accreditation). Quality
infrastructure serves manufacturers and consumers at each level of the value chain in
the same way by making trade possible at all levels and by protecting health and the
Based on Poot et al. (2008), the QI in most of the Caribbean countries needs
development. Previous projects at the regional level have focused on the
development of the metrology and accreditation aspects through the identification
and development of specialist competencies, formation of regional groupings and
arrangements (CARIMET and CARICOM Cooperation for Accreditation (CCA))
thereby rationalizing the use of scarce human and financial resources.
Governments often become aware of their roles as control and surveillance organs
only when either whole shipments of export goods are rejected because they do not
comply with the international standards or they are held up at ports of entry and
exporters incur significant costs to prove compliance to regulations, or when
imported or even national products have caused significant damage to the society due
to lacking quality assurance5. According to the Jamaican Gleaner6, Jamaican meats,
for instance, have met resistance in Trinidad and Tobago as well as in the
Organisation of East Caribbean States, over what they consider to be spurious
concerns about sanitary and phyto-sanitary regulations in Jamaica, for which Jamaica
feel they have the best oversight arrangements in the region. The Gleaner further
reposts that it considers Belize to have used non-tariff barriers to block the import of
Jamaican beer and spirits and at one time, the problem was getting soft drinks and
plastic products into Barbados.
According to UNIDO7 and as seen in Figure 2, quality and product safety-related
standards have dominated trade relations for a long time. More recently
environmental, social, labour, equality and resource-sustainability issues have gained
PTB, Values And Rules For Global Responsibility: Quality Infrastructure: A Step Towards Good Governance
PTB, Values And Rules For Global Responsibility: Quality Infrastructure: A Step Towards Good Governance
Jamaican Gleaner, What the PM must tell CARICOM, May 24, 2009
UNIDO - Meeting Standards, Winning Markets, Trade Standards Compliance Report 2010
prominence as consumer and society lead drivers for the development of trade
standards and the resulting certification requirements. For example, in national,
regional and international markets, the environmental friendliness of products and
manufacturing processes is becoming increasingly important. If the environmental
friendliness of a product is attested by a certificate stating that it complies with
standards, this is favourable for its competitiveness. Without internationally
recognized testing procedures, corresponding certificates and a confirmation of the
competence of the testing laboratories, international trade is practically no longer
possible. A functioning quality infrastructure is therefore indispensable to ensure
international trade.
Figure 2: Evolving trade standards
Again according to UNIDO8, exporting firms in developing countries may find that
these requirements act as barriers to accessing new markets. They impose start-up
costs on new businesses because the standards have to be first understood and then
met. To the extent that import standards in developed countries are more demanding
than those in the domestic markets, these firms may need to acquire new capabilities
and implement new systems. Further, meeting the standards frequently involves not
only producing products to meet particular technical specifications, but also using
particular types of processes and procedures and providing documentary proof that
these have been put in place. Once met, these standards, however, allow access to
UNIDO - Meeting Standards, Winning Markets, Trade Standards Compliance Report 2010
large markets based on common requirements. Many countries do not export at all
as a consequence of past rejections of goods to popular markets.
EU border rejections of fish and fishery products, fruit and vegetables and products,
nuts and seeds and products and herbs and spices averaged US$ 72 million per year
over the period 2004 to 2008. Rejections were dominated by nuts and seeds, valued
at US$ 55 million per annum but accounting for only 1.2 per cent of the value of nut
and seed imports to the EU. Similar figures pertain for the US. Whilst this may
seem small, for many CARICOM member states, these items form major components
of their export trade and can thus these rejections can have a significant impact on
their economies and abilities to trade internationally. It can also have most serious
consequences for individual firms and their employees, as well as for the overall
perception of a country’s capacity to provide safe products for export markets. At the
same time, it is important to recognize that the compliance challenges faced by
developing countries due to regulatory requirements in major industrialized country
markets have far wider consequences.
The more significant impact (and cost) of border rejections is likely to be the decision
of international buyers not to source from that specific country, or of export firms to
curtail exports and/or to divert exports to less exacting markets, therefore losing out
on high-value export earnings simply because of the fear that product consignments
might be rejected.
The development of the other disciplines of the CARICOM region conformity
assessment groups such as testing, inspection and certification and the identification
and harmonization of procedures across the member states is expected to further
enhance regional technical cooperation and facilitate a freer movement of goods both
intra and extra regionally. The further enhancement of CROSQ as the regional
coordinating agency will facilitate improved communication to member states for
satisfying compliance to SPS and TBT requirements. The harmonization of
conformity assessment verification systems would allow for mutual understanding of
what is required for facilitating trade. CROSQ would also be able to assist in
directing member states as to where to access the relevant conformity assessment
competencies. This coordination and development of this mechanism would satisfy
the recommendations of the Poot report cited above. This coordination would not
place unnecessary burdens on member states with limited capacity but would
enhance existing systems for trade.
An effective quality infrastructure happens with partners recognising each other
mutually. The increase in the capacity of the conformity assessment agencies to
provide demand driven services which are internationally recognized is also expected
to improve the level of competitiveness of member states.
Background, Justification
Although regional trade within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in recent
times has been mainly in the area of oil and oil-related products, there has been trade
in non-oil products such as food products, construction material and other consumer
goods. Huib Poot et al in 2008 published a report that showed the value of trade
within the region had increased from EC$2.8 billion in 2002 to EC$6.3 billion in
Evidence also proved that there were difficulties experienced by exporters in entering
the markets of other countries within the region because of technical barriers to trade
(TBTs)10. Non-oil products which experienced such trade barriers were water, match
splints, garments, red kidney beans, beef, poultry, fruits, vegetables, juices, ground
provisions, rum, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The existence of these
barriers of trade within the region can be attributed, in part, to a lack of equivalence,
and therefore harmonization, in the quality infrastructures of the respective Member
States of CARICOM.
Trinidad and Tobago, although being a small, open, petroleum-based exporting
economy, has also a fledgling non-petroleum manufacturing sector. The weakness
within the manufacturing sector can be linked to poor application of quality
infrastructure elements within the process of manufacturing and trade. However,
given these challenges, there are a few companies who have been able to apply,
implement and actively use quality infrastructure elements within their operations
and have benefited from this activity. This includes Angostura Limited and the TCL
Group of Companies, which also owns companies in both Barbados and Jamaica.
Trinidad and Tobago is the leading exporter in CARICOM, commanding
approximately an 80% share of intra-CARICOM merchandise exports. In 2007,
Trinidad and Tobago’s exports to the region were estimated to be US$1.7 billion,
Huib Poot, Koos van Elk and Robert Huigen (February 2008). Final Report - Support to Forum of Caribbean States (CARIFORUM) in the
implementation of the commitments undertaken under the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Chapter of the Economic Partnership
Agreement (EPA). 161 pages.
10CARICOM Secretariat, Final Report on Component III Inventory of Non-tariff, Trade restricting measures applied by Member States of the
Caribbean Community, CEDA, Barbados, June 2002
representing a 78% share of total intra-regional merchandise exports (i.e.
US$2.2billion). However, manufacturing exports, particularly to the CARICOM
region, declined by just under 50% in 2009.
The use of standards and conformity assessment activities such as testing, calibration,
certification, implementation and accreditation, within the agricultural and agroprocessing, manufacturing and tourism sectors will allow for strengthening of and
innovation in these sectors. Research and innovation is relevant to competitiveness.
In The Global Competitiveness Report 2011 – 201211, the five CARICOM Member
States listed out of 147 countries in the report are Barbados (42), Trinidad and
Tobago (81), Jamaica (107), Guyana (109) and Haiti (141). The GDP per capita for
each of these Member States are Trinidad and Tobago US$15,626, Barbados
US$14,326, Jamaica US$5,039, Guyana US$2,868, and Haiti US$673. Barbados and
Trinidad and Tobago have been rated as in transition from being efficiency driven (2)
to innovation driven (3) in their development. Guyana and Jamaica are rated as in
transition from factor driven (1) to efficiency driven (2), while Haiti is in factor
driven (1) stage of development. The greatest challenge for all of these countries
except for Market Size had been Innovation. Therefore, to assist in moving the
competitive index forward for the CARICOM region, the development and
harmonization of national quality infrastructures of Member States are critical.
Indeed, PTB12 has consolidated the contributions that quality infrastructure has made
to innovation systems in Table 1.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012
PTB - Gonçalves, Jorge and Peuckert Jan. Measuring The Impacts Of Quality Infrastructure: Impact Theory, Empirics and Study Design PTB
April 2011
The opportunities offered by economic globalization are not only related to market
issues but are also negatively affected by insufficient infrastructural capacity with
which to enter markets. Areas of special concern as identified by the United Nations
Industrial Development Organization13 include:
1. Lack of effective industrial productive capacity to ensure optimization of
production and product diversification;
2. The need for equitable integration into the multilateral trading system;
3. Inability to exploit the opportunities gained by our signed multilateral,
plurilateral and bilateral agreements.
As identified earlier, the tourism, agro-processing and construction are amongst three
of the most critical sectors for most if not all member states and as such, all activities
identified herein will focus on these three sectors.
UNIDO – Trade Capacity Building Background Paper No. 1 – Supply side constraints on the trade performance of African countries April
Over the past few years, TTBS has pursued the development of the QI in Trinidad
and Tobago and the region by participation in nationally funded projects under the
Public Sector Investment Programme and externally through CROSQ through
externally-funded projects: .
Projects under the Public Sector Investment Programme include:
1. 48/09/005/03/B/210 - Procurement of Testing Material & Equipment
The overall objective is to expand the testing regime required for the regulatory
activities mandated by the Standards Act No. 18 of 1997, to improve the quality
of goods on the market and to ensure the health and safety of the national
2. 48/09/005/03/B/212 - Providing Reliability to Quality Infrastructure
The overall objective of this project is to support and provide the required
reliability for the function of the quality infrastructure system in Trinidad and
Tobago and by extension the CARICOM region
3. 48/09/005/03/B/214 - Central Services
The overall objective of the Project is to promote enhanced efficiency of and
access to TTBS services through the provision of technical and other supporting
ICT Infrastructure, thereby facilitating the improved operations of TTBS
4. 48/09/005/03/B/216 - Implementation of the Metrology Act 2004
The main objectives are the Development of a National Metrology System and
Establishment of the SI/Metric System as the Legal System of Measurement in
Trinidad and Tobago
5. 48/09/005/03/B/218 - Building Capability For Sustaining Export-Led Growth In
Trinidad And Tobago By Strengthening The Trade Institutional Infrastructure
For Technical Barriers To Trade
The overall goal of the project is to improve Trinidad and Tobago’s
competitiveness through the establishment of the National Coordination
Mechanism for technical barriers to trade (TBTs)
As indicated above, TTBS through CROSQ has participated in the following regional
1. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) co-funded a project aimed at
increasing the competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME
project) (2005-2011)
2. The second IDB project (2007-2011) is aimed at building RQI to improve market
access and competitiveness (RQI-1 project). PTB is working closely with
CROSQ to conduct baselines and needs assessments on the current status in order
to develop / enhance regional capabilities.
3. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA - via TDV Global /
Wren Group) is supporting the strengthening of CROSQ’s structure and
processes, in particular the development of a quality management system (QMS)
in accordance with ISO 9001-2000.
Phase II of the European Development Fund-sponsored Caribbean Laboratory
Accreditation Services (CLAS) project was aimed at assisting laboratories
achieve accreditation via regional cooperation and the establishment of an
overarching regional accreditation scheme.
The German Metrology Institute, PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
sourced two tranches of funds (RQI-2, RQI-3 projects) provided by the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under Aidfor-Trade
Tradecom provided complementary funding for a Metrology Officer to support
the RQI projects
Tradecom recently approved a proposal to conduct a Needs Assessment for the
development of a training facility at the CROSQ Secretariat
PROINVEST provided Technical Support for the development of a medium-term
Action Plan for CROSQ, using two Dialogue sessions between public-private
The Caribbean Development Bank/ Caribbean Aid for Trade and Regional
Integration Trust Fund has recently approved the “Strengthening the Testing
Laboratory Services Capabilities to Reduce Technical Barriers to Trade in the
Caribbean Region” project.
There are strong linkages among the projects. TTBS and by extension CROSQ works
at ensuring that overlapping activities are harmonized and duplication is avoided in
order to maximize benefits to be derived from scarce resources.
Description of the Project
Goal (general objective for development) to which the Project would contribute:
The overall goal of this project seeks to improve the understanding, application and
use of the conformity assessment disciplines (metrology, testing, certification and
inspection) of the Quality Infrastructure in CARICOM Member states.
Purpose or specific objective of the Project (one purpose per project):
The main purpose of this project is to build capacity in support of conformity
assessment activities and strengthen cooperation between conformity assessment
bodies of CARICOM Member States
Products/Results: Brief description of the products as results.
Description of the Products
Product 1:
Improved Coordination of Conformity
Assessment Disciplines amongst
CARICOM Member States
a) Established guidelines on the
proper application of the mutual
recognition arrangements
amongst the conformity
assessment agencies.
Discussed, drafted and
signed guidelines for the
application of MRAs in 2
b) Signed mutual recognition
agreements within CARICOM
Member States
c) Functioning national and
regional network of testing and
calibration laboratories,
certification and inspection
bodies and accreditation bodies.
CARICOM TOR defined and agreed
Group At least 2 Group(s) formed.
CARICOM Cooperation
for Accreditation (CCA)
d) Existence of an effective and
efficient market surveillance
system in particular for those
areas where no pre-marketing
authorisation procedure exists.
Product 2:
Base line
Support for Export Competitiveness
through the Development of
Conformity Assessment Capabilities
a) Assessment Reports of
Conformity Assessment
Activities in the three sectors in
CARICOM Member States
3 Signed MRAs between at
least 3 member states
Procedures developed and
harmonised across the
2 Consultants Reports
submitted – 1 for specific
activities in the three
sectors across 5 member
states, 1 on the demand for
activities in the three
sectors across 5 member
Description of the Products
b) Improved competency of
Conformity Assessment agencies
in at least 3 CARICOM Member
c) Improved capacity of testing
laboratories to obtain
accreditation for critical tests.
d) Recognition of the conformity
certificates issued for
manufactured CARICOM
products on third markets (in the
signatory countries of the
multilateral protocols)
e) Provided tools for the sustainable
development of conformity
assessment infrastructure and
capacity building throughout the
CARICOM region
Base line
62 training programmes
conducted on quality
conformity assessment
disciplines in at least 6
member states with at
least 747 participants
Laboratories regionally
24 tests accredited over
at least
5 differing
By the end of each year, at
least 3 persons in at least 3
participated in conformity
Increase by at least 1 in the
number of conformity
certificates accepted by an
extra CARICOM regional
trading partner
Increase in number of
accredited labs by 1
accredited tests available
regionally by 6 (2 for each
62 training programmes Increase by 45 Persons in
conducted on QI topics NSBS/CA Agencies trained
in at least 6 member in at least 3 member states
states with at least 747
One article written in a
Technical or trade
publication per year on a
QI topic in at least 3
member states.
By the end of each year at
least 1 comparison
exercise has been
conducted in the each of
Description of the Products
Base line
Product 3:
Improved Stakeholder Engagement &
Awareness Raising of the nature and
application of QI topics
a. Improved awareness of the
socio-economic impact of quality
infrastructure and CAP within
the CARICOM Member states
Product 4:
Established mechanisms for the 0
effective dissemination of information
related to quality infrastructure using
technologies (ICTs).
Product 5:
Project Management
a. Project Governance structure
the each of the sectors.
By the end of the project,
the region has one
recognised PT service
provider. Recognition is
attained by CROSQ
By the end of each year
Political authorities and
representatives, teachers of
secondary, TVET and
tertiary institutions, civil
society, consumer groups)
of three countries have
participated in at least 4
engage at least 10 persons)
Outline of programmes
Curricula developed and
launched for 2 Conformity
Assessment disciplines
projects recognition of the Project
by CROSQ Council
Project manager hired
participating member state
Reports submitted
Product 1
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Product 2
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.2
Activity 2.3
Activity 2.4
Activity 2.5
Activity 2.6
Activity 2.7
Activity 2.8
Activity 2.9
Activity 2.10
Description of activities and estimated costs:
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
Improved Coordination of Conformity Assessment Disciplines
amongst CARICOM Member States
Formation of additional Conformity Assessment Groups of CROSQ
Hosting of 3 face-to-face Regional Conformity Assessment Group
Meetings (1 Per Yr)
Support for Export Competitiveness through the Development of
Conformity Assessment Capabilities
3 Train the Trainer Workshops (Basic Metrology and Calibration &
Measurement Uncertainty, Quality Management Systems and Quality
Tools, Quality Assurance Aspects of International Trade) including at
least 7 CARICOM Member States
Consultancy - Regional Gap Analysis of Conformity Assessment
disciplines for 3 Sectors recomending - Tourism, Agro Procressing
and Construction in at least 5 Member States
Consultancy – Regional Demand survey for Conformity Assessment
services for the 3 sectors in at least 5 Member States
Develop and implement a sustainable proficiency testing programme
for a product from one of the sectors
Develop and implement the ISO/IEC 17025 Toolkit in at least 3
CARICOM Member States
Implement a series of workshops on Management Systems and
Product Certification in at least 3 countries
Implement a series of workshops on ISO 17020 for inspection bodies
in at least 3 CARICOM Member States
Implement a series of workshops on Quality Infrastructure and
Conformity Assessment disciplines for Market Surveillance authorities
in at least 3 CARICOM Member States
Training for the Conformity Assessment Bodies in Conformity
Assessment disciplines for at least two products in the Construction
Sector in at least 3 CARICOM Member States
Training for the Conformity Assessment Bodies in Conformity
Assessment disciplines for the Tourism Sector in at least 3 CARICOM
Estimated in US$
$ 68,000.00
$ 34,000.00
$ 34,000.00
$ 324,000.00
$ 39,000.00
$ 36,000.00
$ 36,000.00
$ 30,000.00
$ 39,000.00
$ 18,000.00
$ 15,000.00
Activity 2.11
Activity 2.12
Activity 2.13
Product 3
Activity 3.1
Activity 3.2
Activity 3.3
Activity 3.4
Activity 3.5
Product 4
Activity 4.1
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
Member States
Training for the Conformity Assessment Bodies in Conformity
Assessment disciplines for the Agro Processing Sector in at least 3
CARICOM Member States
At least 1 Conformity Assessment Body in at least 3 CARICOM
Member states accessing at least 1 training attachment in a Conformity
Assessment discipline
Consultancy - Provide consultancy services to at least 3 companies in
at least 3 members states to assist in achieving product/ quality
management system certification in the 3 sectors identified previously
Improved Stakeholder Engagement & Awareness Raising of the
nature and application of Quality Infrastructure topics
Training for Secondary School &Technical and Vocational Education
Teachers (such as Food & Nutrition & Agri-Science) Teachers in the
teaching of International Management Systems Standards (HACCP &
ISO 22000) and conformity assessment disciplines - 2 per year in at
least 3 member states
Training for the tourism sector on the introduction of International
Management Systems Standards (HACCP & ISO 9001 &14001 &
22000) standards and conformity assessment disciplines for hotel and
restaurant staff.
Training for the Agro Processing sector on the introduction of
International Management Systems Standards (HACCP & ISO 9001
&14001 & 22000) standards and conformity assessment disciplines for
Agro Processing personnel and farmers.
Training for the Construction Sector in quality and product
certification for two products
9 National 'awareness-raising and/or fact finding' events in various
quality infrastructure topics including conformity assessment
disciplines(1 Per Year of at least 3 member states)
Established mechanisms for the effective dissemination of
information related to quality infrastructure using information
and communication technologies (ICTs).
Consultancy - Development of curricula related to conformity
Estimated in US$
$ 15,000.00
$ 15,000.00
$ 54,000
$ 63,000.00
$ 18,000.00
$ 33,000.00
$ 33,000.00
Description of the Activities planned for the project.
List products and activities
assessment (inspection, certification and testing, metrology and
accreditation) for tertiary level institutions to be executed in an
electronic learning environment.
Product 5
Activity 5.1
Activity 5.2
Project Management
Project Implementation Unit - Procurement of a Project Manager to
coordinate project activities
Set up of M&E System - 1 visit per year to at least five member states
Estimated in US$
$ 108,500.00
$ 86,000.00
$ 22,500.00
$ 596,500.00
$ 59,650.00
$ 656,150.00