German 320

German 306
Advanced Grammar and Composition
Fall 2007
MWF 1300-1415 (D Period)
DK 213
Prof. Kim Vivian
Office: DK 109
Telephone (Office): x7606
Office Hours: TTh 0900-1100,
and by appointment
Frisch, Max. Andorra (An English-language version of the play is on reserve in the library)
Sparks/Vail. German in Review
Workbook (photocopies)
Vocabulary Quizzes
80-82, etc.
There will be four tests based on the grammar. Tests are cumulative, i.e., from the second test on each
will include grammar from the previous test(s) that was not learned adequately. Thus more weight will
be given to later tests.
A final essay grade will be given based on improvement of content and grammar. Students are
expected to learn from mistakes and not to repeat them. Late essays will be downgraded ten points.
Students will keep a notebook. This will contain—and ONLY contain: 1) essays, 2) corrected essays, 3)
running “grammar review list,” 4) missed words from vocabulary quizzes, 5) notes taken in class, 6) a
running, double-spaced summary by date of each assignment in Andorra (said summaries need only be a
paragraph in length each), 6) mistakes from homework, and 7) a one-paragraph summary of ProSieben
TV. The latter is due once a week. It is advised that students hand in the summary the class meeting
following the viewing and not wait until Friday. The total time of the programs watched need not exceed
90 minutes per week. The assignment must include a news broadcast like NEWSTIME. ProSieben is
broadcast 24/7 over channel 19 on campus cable. The TV Programm for ProSieben can be found at There one can find information about individual programs
by clicking on the title of the show. Students should vary the programs they watch, i.e., not watch the
same program too often. Any shows can be watched, e.g., Krimis, game shows, films, documentaries,
sports, soaps.
Vocabulary quizzes are based on Andorra. If 20 words are missed on quizzes, those words can be
retaken as a quiz, and that grade will replace a lower previous grade.
Participation: Students are expected to come to class prepared and to participate actively. Students will
be asked to lead on a rotating basis the daily discussion of Andorra. Homework will be collected
periodically. Homework will be given a  or a . Late homework will be corrected but will not
receive credit except in the case of an excused absence. Homework counts toward the participation
grade. Only the assignments is the workbook need to be written out. The exercises in the grammar book
are also to be done, either written or mentally. Punctual attendance is expected. Upon the second
unexcused absence, the student’s participation grade will be lowered 10% for that absence and for each
further absence. If class is missed, students are expected to find out what took place in class
(whether there are changes to the syllabus) and are expected to be prepared for the next class
No food or drink in class. Please eat lunch before coming to class.
5. Sept. (Mi.)
S. 6-7
S. 8-9 (III)
S. 12-14 C (a-c)
S. 9 (IV)
S. 15-16 D (a)
S. 9-10 (V)
S. 16-17 E (a)
7. (Fr.)
S. 298-300 (I)
S. 300 A (a-c)
S. 301 (II)
S. 303 B (a-c)
10. (Mo.)
S. 24-26 (9)
S. 13 A
S. 28-29 (G)
S. 32-43
S. 43 A (a, b)
1. Aufsatz (“Meine Sommerferien”)
S. 13-19 (Andri geht)
12. (Mi.)
S. 44-48
S. 52-56 (I)
S. 57-58 C
S. 19-23
1. Wortschatzquiz
14. (Fr.)
S. 60-78
S. 84-85 F
korrigierten Aufsatz einreichen
S. 24-28
2. Wortschatzquiz
17. (Mo.)
S. 86 A.1
S. 87 (A.3), 4, 6
S. 306-309 (IV)
S. 310 C
S. 29-35
19. (Mi.)
S. 90-98 (I-II)
S. 98-99 A
S. 101-103
S. 103-104 A.1
1. Prüfung
S. 7-9 (Fahrrad schiebt)
S. 3-4 B (a-c)
S. 5 C
S. 24-25 C
S. 26 D
S. 9-13 (tät’s gut)
21. Sept. (Fr.)
S. 105-111 (I-III)
S. 111-113 B.1
S. 324-326 (II)
S. 327 B
S. 116-117 (I)
S. 117 A.1
S. 36-40 (aufgestanden)
3. Wortschatzquiz
S. 69-71 B-C
24. (Mo.)
S. 124-131 (I-V)
S. 85 B
S. 131-133 A, B
S. 135-137 (I)
S. 138-139 B
2. Aufsatz: “Mein Zimmer”
S. 40-43 (Die Mutter
geht hinaus)
26. (Mi.)
S. 140-141 (II)
S. 142 A, B
S. 43-48
4. Wortschatzquiz
28. (Fr.)
S. 146-152 (I-IV)
S. 157-158 A-D
korrigierten Aufsatz einreichen
1. Okt. (Mo.)
S. 152-157 (V-VI)
S. 158-159 E
2. Prüfung
3. (Mi.)
S. 162-167 (I, II)
S. 169-170 B, C
5. (Fr.)
S. 167-168 (III)
S. 170-172 D, E
S. 111-112 A, B
S. 58-60
5.-6. Wortschatzquiz
8. (Mo.)
S. 176-180 (I-IV)
S. 182-183 D
S. 183 E
S. 123-124 A
S. 61-64
7. Wortschatzquiz
S. 93 D
S. 49-52
S. 102-103 C
S. 53-57
10. Okt. (Mi.)
S. 185-187 (I)
S. 190-192 (II)
S. 194-195 D
S. 338-339 (VII)
S. 340 (Exercises)
S. 128 A
S. 65-69 (Damenkoffer)
12. (Fr.)
S. 198-203 (I-VI)
S. 137 A
S. 204-205 C
S. 138-139 B
3. Aufsatz:
“An der Zeugenschranke”
S. 69-72 (der Geselle)
15. (Mo.)
S. 313-314 (VI)
S. 315 C
S. 316 B (Da-compounds)
S. 316 B (Express)
S. 72-76
17. (Mi.)
S. 317 (VII)
S. 317-318 A, B
korrigierten Aufsatz
S. 77-80
19. (Fr.)
S. 208-211 (I-IV)
S. 211 A (Exercises)
S. 80-84 (auswandern)
8. Wortschatzquiz
22. (Mo.)
S. 212-223 (I, II)
S. 214-217 (Fill-ins)
S. 218-219 (Fill-ins)
S. 220 (Fill-ins)
S. 221 (Fill-ins)
S. 223-224 A
S. 84-88
9. Wortschatzquiz
24. (Mi.)
3. Prüfung
26. Okt. (Fr.)
S. 228-233 (I, II)
S. 233 A, B
S. 234 C
S. 234-235 (3)
S. 235 B
S. 236-237 (4)
S. 237 A
S. 238 C
S. 89-96
10. Wortschatzquiz
29. (Mo.)
S. 239-241 (I-IV)
S. 242-243 c
S. 243 B
4. Aufsatz
S. 97-103
31. (Mi.)
S. 246-247 (I)
S. 249 C (a, b)
S. 250-251 (II)
S. 251A (a), 252 B (a)
S. 163 A
S. 164 B
S. 104-109
2. Nov. (Fr.)
S. 288-293 (I-IV)
S. 293-294 A
korrigierten Aufsatz
S. 195-196 A
S. 110-115
11. Wortschatzquiz
5. (Mo.)
S. 295 B2
S. 264-269 (I-III)
S. 274-275 C
5. Aufsatz: “Ein Augenzeugenbericht aus Andorra”
S. 116-122 (Drei)
7. (Mi.)
S. 277-280 (I, II)
S. 282-283 D
S. 284-285 A
S. 122-127
12. Wortschatzquiz
9. (Fr.)
korrigierten Aufsatz
4. Prüfung