a new year abroad opportunity

If you’re studying French, Spanish and/or Catalan1,
and you’re planning to spend your year abroad in 2013-14,
this may be the perfect placement for you!
FOUR students will have the opportunity to spend three months in Andorra
as English teaching assistants, from 7th January to 16th April 2014 (in total 3
months and one week). This involves 12 hours of teaching per week (material
and information about what to teach will be provided), as well as presence at 3
hours weekly meetings of the English Department. Teaching assistants will be
on their own in class, they will also participate in grading evaluation, and at the
end of their stay, they must write a report about their experience, positive and
negative aspects, issues to be improved and learning outcomes.
How to apply:
Each applicant should submit one short statement of 300 words maximum,
outlining their interest in- and reason for applying. They should also provide a
short reference from their college tutor. The deadline for applications is Friday
1st of June 2013. All applications should be sent to Catherine Pillonel, Faculty
Year Abroad Officer, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, 41
Wellington Square.
Upon arrival, you will follow a one-day orientation programme covering
immigration documents, transport system, schools rules, leisure activities and
The Department of Higher Education and Research offers help and tips on
looking for accommodation. The two main options are: living with families, or
sharing an apart-hotel. If need be, other arrangements can be made.
The amount of the scholarship granted by the Andorran Government is 962 €
per month per person, corresponding with the professional minimum salary in
There also appears to be an important Portuguese community in Andorra, which might be
of interest to some.