- St. Rosalie Parish

The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption of
Mary on August 15th, and this year we are privileged to have that
date fall on a Sunday.
On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII defined the Assumption as
a dogma of the Faith, in these words: “With the course of her
earthly life brought to completion, the Immaculate Mother of God,
the ever-virgin Mary, was taken body and soul into celestial
glory.” Since the beginnings of Christianity the Church has been
convinced that Mary did not undergo corruption in the tomb, but as
taken up body and soul into heaven.
God preserved Mary from sin from within the womb of her
mother, St. Ann, so that she would be a fitting vessel of purity--a
human ‘Ark of the Covenant’--for the Incarnation of God’s Son,
our Lord Jesus. Thus, God also spared her bodily corruption upon
her death, for it was not fitting that the body which gave human
life to our Savior should experience decay.
Pope John Paul II said in the Encyclical, Redemptoris Mater, “In
the mystery of the Assumption is expressed the faith of the
Church, according to which Mary is united by a close and
indissoluble bond to Christ.
In his address on August 15, 1963, Pope Paul VI said, “She is the
assurance and proof that, as her children, we will one day be our
glorified bodies beside the glorious Christ. Our aspiration to
eternal life gains impetus as we mediate on our heavenly Mother
above. She sees and watches over us, with a look full of
tenderness, with more love the greater our need.”
Francis Fernandez In Conversation With God, vol. 7, pp. 86-
BLESSED MOTHER’S LAMP will burn in memory of Walter
Treadaway requested by his daughter Kathy Savona.
SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of Ray Comeaux
requested by his wife, Raylyn, Lauren & Grant.
FLOWERS: Today’s Offertory, Blessed Mother’s and Main Altar
arrangements are given in memory of Joan Martin.
SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Toni Savona, Pat Diez, Pam
Lafont, Ann White, Linda Breaux.
August 15, 2010
4:00p.m. Beatrice, Sam Sr. & Sam Jr. Zappula
6:00p.m. Mary Lynn Sanassardo, Pete Ditta, Patsy Plaisance, Peter B.
Bertucci, Noble Kinler, Sam & Irene Paternostro, Carmen
Austin, Heloise Richoux, Fr. Jon Parks sdb, Hilton Lirette,
Joan Martin, Harold & Grayce Thiaville, Connie Busby
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. Angelina & Billy Shrader, Mary, Magadelina & Mariano
Philip, John Bourg, LeBlanc, Falgout Families Deceased,
Enola Clement Braud, Ray Comeaux, Elise Schouest, Marion
Saladino, Floyd Belsome, Camille Paul Bourg, Dudley
LeBlanc, Fr. Jon Parks, sdb, Fr. Michael Bao Hoang, sdb,
Fr. Eugene Larouche CSSR, John Hong Le & Mary
Madeleine & Families (living)
7:00a.m. Joseph & Philip Cardinal
7:00a.m. Edward Melancon Sr., Abel J. Hunter, Fr. Jon Parks sdb.,
George Picarella
7:00a.m. Jake “Keno” Territo
7:0a.m. Darrell Hall
7:00a.m. Malcolm LeBlanc
7:00a.m. Maria Ana Gongora
4:00p.m. Mae Belle Marie Mitchell Terry
6:00p.m. Evelyn Theriot, Calvin Danos, Malcolm “Buck” Cortez Jr.,
Paul & Betty Territo, Eloise Theron, Carmen Austin, Mike
Casebonne, Hilton Lirette
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. Carlos Savona, Walter Treadaway, Gerald Richoux, Danny
Christiana, Edward & Kevin Barrilleaux, Julie P. Ranatza,
For Favors Granted, Heloise Richoux, Ralph Baudoin, Floyd
Belsome, Camille Paul Bourg, Fr. Jon Parks, sdb
4:00p.m. Troy R., Jenna B., Bailey Ray-J.
6:00p.m. Matthew K., Kelsey Y., Austin B.
8:00a.m. Emily C., Savanna O., Sara H.
11:00a.m. Grant S., Brett L., Sean L.
4:00p.m. Ginger G.
Sondra H., Carol T.
6:00p.m. Gerald D.
Bert L.
Todd T., Trisha T.
8:00a.m. Janys C.
Jim S.
Murphy B., Lynda B.
11:00a.m. Ann W.
Raylyn S. Jeannine T., Beth O.,
Janet L., Diane H.
May the Lord bless your sacrifice.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mother
1. Assumption of the Blessed Mother: Sunday, August 15th is the Feast
of the Assumption.
2. Second Collection: The second collection taken at all Masses this
weekend is to support the Rev. Jonathan Parks, sdb Bell Tower
Fund. Your support is needed to help pay the bill for the newly
renovated bell tower. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.
3. School News (for the week of August 16th – 20th):
August 16: Extended care and Study Hall for Kindergarten – 8th grade
Preppie & Pre-K Orientation (Parents only) 6:30p.m. in
the Cafetorium
August 18: Preppie & Pre-Kindergarten GIRLS attend school
(11:30a.m. dismissal) No extended care.
August 19: Preppie & Pre-Kindergarten BOYS attend school
(11:30a.m. dismissal) No extended care.
August 20: ALL Preppie & Pre-Kindergarten attend school
(11:30a.m. dismissal) No extended care.
4. St. Rosalie School Website: www.strosalieparish.org
5. Pastoral Council Elections: Reminder: This Sunday, August 15th is
the deadline for nominations for a seat on the Council. You must also
submit a brief biography.
6. P.R.E.P. Religious Education Program: Registration for this
program takes place after all of the Masses this weekend in the
Gathering Room. You can also register from home – P.R.E.P.
registration forms are available at http://www.strosalieparish.org
Click the link to the left (P.R.E.P. Forms) Registration fee is $40.00
per child. New registrants are asked to bring a COPY of your child’s
baptismal certificate (and First Holy Communion certificate if already
7. R.C.I.A. Registration: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
(RCIA will begin August 29, 2010.
We invite all those:
. Who have not been baptized
. Who were baptized in other faiths.
. Who are Catholics but would like to learn more about their
. Any adult baptized Catholic who has not yet celebrated 1 st
Holy Communion and Confirmation and wishes to do so. Call
Diane Haydel at (628-0058) or dthaydel@yahoo.com
8. Seminarian of the Week: In the kindness of your prayers,
please remember Deacon Michael Leschinsky, S.D.B.
9. St. Rosalie Fair: September 24, 25, 26, 2010:
10. FAIR MEETING: Wednesday, August 18th 7p.m. – Parish
11. T-Shirt Deadline: Friday, August 20th. During September St.
Rosalie students can wear their shirts everyday.
12. St. Rosalie FLOWER Fund: If you wish to memorialize a
loved one, you can do so by contributing to the Flower Fund.
Use the pink envelope (provided with your Sunday envelops)
or use an envelope of your own marked Fair Flowers. Be sure
to include the name of your loved one(s) with your donation. If
you wish to remain anonymous, please note it on the envelope.
These can be dropped in the collection or brought to the Parish
Center. For special flower orders, please call Charlotte Falgout
at 349-8078 or 368-1734.
13. Donation for the week of 21-22: Paper products, towels, napkins,
plates, dessert plates. Note: Your participation in bringing in
requested items has been great. Your generosity will help to defray the
cost of many supplies. Fr. Jon would be so grateful to you!
14. Volunteers: Please come forward! Several booths need volunteers.
Can you give two-three hours? Call the Parish Center or slip a note in
the collection. Give your name, telephone number, the day and hours
you can work.
Dear Parishioners,
I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of
you here at St. Rosalie for the warm welcome you extended to me
upon my arrival. This is no doubt a difficult time for the parish
community, but I am confident that Fr. Jonathan would have
wanted us to continue forward in the best interests of the St.
Rosalie Faith Community.
The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary takes
center stage this weekend.
The story of the Assumption of Mary first appears in post-biblical
literature and the early Church sees it as way of explaining to each
one of us our hope of rising to new life and entering the heavenly
kingdom to be with Christ, the King, for all eternity. Mary is the
model of the Church, and the readings from the Book of
Revelation are clear that God will send us a virgin who will bear a
Son who will be our Savior. It is spoken in terms of our
deliverance from sin and death, and when the Savior comes He
will bring with in the gift of eternal life for all who believe. In
order for this to happen, God needed a woman, Mary, to be the
Mother of Jesus. As a grace from the Father, she is taken body and
soul into heaven. This is her reward for accepting God’s will in her
life. That same promise is given to each one of us by our baptism
as we are washed clean of original sin.
It is time to ask if you have given in your T-Shirt Orders for the
St. Rosalie Fair and Procession as well as signed up to work at the
parish fair in one of the many areas we have on the fair grounds.
We are still looking for Booth and Fair Sponsors, but time is
growing short for us to get that info to the printer, so get your info
in today, if possible. You can drop your T-shirt orders and
sponsorships in the collection basket or bring them to our parish
office or school office. This is a time when our parish comes
together to honor St. Rosalie. I ask that we all consider giving of
our time, as well as our talent and treasure, to make this Fair the
best one we have has in a few years! We will have registration for
the Parish Religious Education Program (P.R.E.P.) as well as for
our Westbank High School of Religion for high school students
who attend public school n the Gathering Room this weekend as
well as for the St. Rosalie Confirmation Program for 11th grade
students who attend a Catholic, private school and for those in
public school. You can download the information on these and
other programs offered at St. Rosalie by going to our website
strosalieparish.org or write to Mrs. Shay LeBlanc at
strosalieprep@yahoo.com for more information.
Our renovated Bell Tower is taking shape, and we are blessed to
be able to do this project and so many other parish activities
through the benefits of the parish fair. Thank you in advance for all
you do to help make this a success!
Fr. John DiFiore
Associate Pastor