ST. ROSALIE CATHOLIC CHURCH HARVEY, LOUISIANA In the first reading the focus is on Ezra’s reading of the ‘law’ which means the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. He read to a large assembly which wept openly during the readings. Presumably, they wept for their sins as Ezra interpreted the meaning of the words he read from the scroll. This reading basically describes an ancient liturgy of the word. In today’s gospel Jesus is in the Synagogue where He reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, after which He announces that its prophecy is fulfilled in Him. As we listen to the second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians let us reflect on which it means to be interdependent as one body of Christ. We were baptized into ‘one family of God,’ and each of us has an essential role to fill. Whatever gifts and abilities we have come from God and are to be used for the good of the whole, as we respect our differences. Today’s Scriptures: Nehemiah 8:2-10; Psalm 19:8-10, 15; 1 Corinthians 12:12-30; Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 BLESSED MOTHER’S LAMP will burn in memory of Charles “Tee”, Tommy & Steve Blanchard. FLOWERS: Today’s Offertory arrangement is given in memory of Carlos Savona requested by his wife Kathy, the Altar arrangement is given in memory of Malcolm “Buck” Cortez Jr., the Offertory arrangement is given in memory of Troy Dean Williams II. BAPTIZED IN CHRIST: We welcome into our spiritual family Gabriel Roux, Samuel Roux & Adriana Domangue who were baptized recently at St. Rosalie. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Air Condition Experts January 24, 2010 SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 4:00p.m. Jackie Keller 6:00p.m. Troy Dean Williams II, Malcolm “Buck” Cortez Jr., Paul & Betty Territo, Patsy Heiden SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners 11:00a.m. Troy Dean Williams II, Angelina & Billy Shrader, Robert Tochtrop, Rosie Guidry, Adams, Baye & Schouest Families Deceased MONDAY, JANUARY 25 7:00a.m. Ivy & Rosalee Landry TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 7:00a.m. Walter Treadaway, Frank Savona, Edward Melancon Sr., Rodney Martin WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 7:00a.m. Elaine Parks 8:20a.m. Fr. Joe Maffei S.D.B. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 7:00a.m. Wanda & Tingo LeBlanc FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 7:00a.m. Pete Craig SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 7:00a.m. Carmen Austin 4:00p.m. Bert Sr. & Josephine LeBlanc 6:00p.m. Clara Bartolo, Rene & Delia Hidalgo, Patsy Heiden SUNDAY, JANUR4Y 31 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners 11:00a.m. Laurie Rholdon, Rosie Guidry, Enola Clement Braud, Ray Comeaux ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 4:00p.m. Kenneth L., Kobe C., Kelvin C. 6:00p.m. Byron H., Hunter H., Jeremy S. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 8:00a.m. Camryn D., Claire J., Ashlin H. 11:00a.m. Alaya C., Ashlyn H., Cailin H. LITURGY OF THE WORD AND EUCHARIST SATURDAY, JANAURY 30 MASS COMMENTATOR LECTOR COMMUNION M. 4:00p.m. Ginger G. Manrie L. Josie P., Anthony V. 6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Darryl T., Sue D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 8:00a.m. Janys C. Jim S. Janet C., Mary L. 11:00a.m. Ann W. Raylyn S. Don D., Ann W., Patti M., Denna C. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time YOUR OFFERING LAST WEEK WAS: $5,400.00 May the Lord bless your sacrifice. 1. St. Francis de Sales: The feast of St. Francis de Sales occurs on Sunday, January 24th. St. Francis, who was a bishop of Geneva, wrote two masterpieces: “Introduction to the Devout Life” and “Treatise on the Love of God.” Don Bosco chose this great saint to name his religious congregation after; since St. Francis described so well a simple path to the love of God and neighbor, which conformed so well to Don Bosco’s Preventive System. The St. John Bosco Feast Day is Sunday, January 31st. St. Rosalie will celebrate this feast day next weekend, January 30th and 31st. The Altar Society/Women’s Club will celebrate St. John Bosco’s Feast Day by hosting the annual Salesian dinner on Tuesday, February 2nd at 6:30p.m. Because of the dinner, the Men’s Club will meet on Monday, February 1st. 2. Registration for Returning Students and their Siblings will take place during the week of January 25th. 3. The Dedication and Blessing of the New Middle School Building: This important and exciting event will take place on Friday, January 29th at 1:00p.m. We are very grateful to Archbishop Gregory Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans, who will do the honors. The Altar Society/Women’s Club will host a simple reception for the invited guests at 12:00 noon. 4. P.R.E.P.: The P.R.E.P. students, their families and friends will attend the celebration of the Mass of St. John Bosco on Wednesday, January 17th at 6:30p.m. 5. R.C.I.A.: The topic for Sunday, January 31st is Commandments 4 and 5: “How Do I keep these laws of God?” 6. Seminarian of the Week: In the kindness of your prayers please remember Travis Gunther. Travis is first year student, studying in Orange, New Jersey. 7. Trinity Publications (Bulletin Ads): Mr. Richard Baldwin of Trinity Publications will be at St. Rosalie February 1st through February 4th. To renew or to take out new ads and/or memorials, please come to the Parish Center or call Mr. Baldwin (494-8485). 8. Perpetual: A perfect memorial for the loss of a loved one is enrolling him/her in the Sacred Heart Association. The spiritual benefits are: (1) Remembrance in the daily Masses of the Salesian Community. (2) A daily Mass in perpetuity at the Sacred Heart Basilica in Rome. (3) Remembrance in the prayers, rosaries and good works of the Salesians throughout the world. These perpetuals can be purchased from the Parish Center Monday-Friday 8:00a.m – 4:00p.m. Cost is $12.00 per Perpetual. Dear Parishioners, Greetings! There is not a day that goes by that we do not pray for the gift of peace! In our Salesian communities we pray “for peace in our world, for peace in our communities, in our families, and in our own hearts.” While the prayer of petition can get ‘old’ because we hear it over and over again, it is a prayer that needs to be said until the time that we do achieve peace throughout our land and most especially in our hearts. When Jesus goes into the Temple and reads the scriptures, He demonstrates for all to see His intention of fulfilling the prophecy of the Old Testament—God would send a Savior who would free them from their sins. As we read the words of Scripture, we can see Jesus bringing the gift of peace to His hearers; after all they flock to him by the hundreds. Jesus has to know also that there are some who are present who do not want to bring peace but who are out for themselves, including the leaders of the Temple. We do not see Jesus preaching against the government (He says render to Caesar the things of Caesar and to God the things of God), we find Jesus obedient to the law of God and of the civil society. When He stands before Pontius Pilate, for example, He recognizes the human power that the ruler has but talks about the eternal gifts of peace that will come with His new kingdom. It will be Jesus who will bring peace to His people in their hearts and their homes. His message of loving one another and taking care of one another will resound with his disciples and those who are searching for that gift of grace in their lives, people who are tired of living under the oppressive Romans and who want to know they are loved. The message of Jesus is just that—God loves us and therefore we must love one another, the two are connected more that we care to recognize! When He finishes the reading of Scripture and proclaims, ‘Today in your hearing these words are fulfilled,’ He announces the gift of hope and peace which comes with the practice of the faith. As we hear stories of destruction and devastation in Haiti, I ask that we continue to pray for the gift of peace in that country torn apart by this horrible event. We also have to pray that the funds collected will truly get to those in need and the Haitian people can recover from what has befallen them. We only know too well the devastation of our area after hurricanes, and how much of a struggle it has been to rebuild and recover. Let us pray especially for the children who are the hardest hit victims of this event. I pray that the Salesian priest, brothers, and sisters will continue to bring peace and love to all with whom they have and are working with in that nation. May peace be in their country, their community, and their hearts as a result of our prayers for them! Sincerely, Fr. Jon D. 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