Vocabulary Homework Choice Board English 8--Updated for 2013-2014 Whenever you see “Vocab Choice #1” or “Vocab Choice #2” on the homework board, you may choose from the menu below. You may choose each item only one time each week. You MUST always write the vocab list # and choice # on the header of your homework, if you want to receive credit. Use any resource at home to find other words that have the same prefix, suffix or root word as the vocabulary words. Draw and color pictures that represent the meaning of each of the vocabulary words. Make sure the actual word and definition accompanies the pictures. Use each vocab word in a sentence that you have not already used. Be sure that your sentences prove you know the word’s meaning (use legitimate context clues). Cut pictures or words from old magazines or newspapers that represent the meaning of the vocab words. Write the vocab words and definitions on flash cards. Tell a parent/guardian the definitions of the vocab words and have them write a note stating that you told them. Notes must contain a header and be signed by a parent. Write the words and definitions artistically. Write the words and definitions of the vocab words in your best cursive. Create a short story using all the vocab words. Please note that student exemplars (best student examples from the past) have been provided to you. Use these as a reference, if you need to. We have the highest of expectations when it comes to the effort and content you put forth on these homework assignments.