課程大綱及進度表 開課系所 生命科學系 開課學年 98 開課學期 1 課程名稱(中文) 微生物學實驗 課程名稱(英文) Microbiology Laboratory 課程碼 C531800 分班碼 先修科目或先備能力 學分數 1 開課教師 王浩文 e-mail hvwang@mail.ncku.edu.tw 電話 65538 Office Hours 課程概述 An introduction to experimental techniques in microbiology. The exercises include cultivation and various staining techniques, isolation, identification and biochemical activities. Three hours of laboratory per week. A brief lecture will be given prior to each experiment. A team of two students are expected to construct or set up their own experiment. Materials are usually prepared by a laboratory assistant. Students are expected to develop marginal laboratory techniques. The result of each experiment should be recorded and discussed. 教學目標 You are expected to become familiar with (1) observation and manipulation of microorganisms, (2) preparation of media and culturing, (3) the utilization of stains to observe microbial structures and other tests for microbial identification, and (4) develop independence on research skills and sources of scientific information. 授課課程大綱明細 1.Introduction Culture Transfer Techniques Techniques for Isolation of Pure Cultures 2. Cultural Characteristics of Microorganisms Maintenance and Preservation of Pure Cultures 3. Microscopic Examination of Living Microorganisms The Microscopic Measurement of Microorganisms Preparation of Bacterial smears Negative Stain 4. Bacterial Stain Simple Stain Gram Stain Acid-Fast Stain Spore Stain 5. Nutritional Requirements : Media for the Routine cultivation of Bacteria Use of Differential and Selective Media 6. Physical Factors: Atmospheric Oxygen Requirements Techniques for the Cultivation of Anaerobic Microorganisms 7. Serial Dilution-Agar Plate Procedure to Viable Cell The Bacterial Growth Curve 8. Biochemical Activity of Microorganisms Extracellular enzyme Triple sugar iron agar test Utilization of amino acid 9. IMViC H2S production Urease test 10. Carbohydrate fermentation Carbohydrate fermentation Catalase test Oxidase test 11. Microbiology of Water 12. Chemical Agents of Control: 參考書目 Chemotherapeutic Agents The Kirby-Bauer Antimicrobial Sensitivity Test 13. Phenol Coefficient 14. Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay 1. Cappuccino & Sherman, Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual,8th ed. 2007 Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company 2. Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology / David R. Boone, Richard W. Castenholz, editors, volume 1 ; George M. Garrity, editor-in-chief. 2nd ed. New York :Springer,2001- 課程要求 評量方式 實驗報告: 50% 隨堂考: 15% 期末考: 20% 平時及值日生工作態度: 15% 課程網址 助教資訊 備註