SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 1 H.768 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF GOVERNMENT The Senate proposes to the House to amend the bill by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 1. SHORT TITLE (a) This bill may be referred to as the BIG BILL - Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriations Act. Sec. 2. PURPOSE (a) The purpose of this act is to provide appropriations for the operations of state government during fiscal year 2005. It is the express intent of the legislature that activities of the various agencies, departments, divisions, boards, and commissions be limited to those which can be supported by funds appropriated in this act or other acts passed prior to June 30, 2004. Agency and department heads are directed to implement staffing and service levels at the beginning of fiscal year 2005 so as to meet this condition unless otherwise directed by specific language in this act. Sec. 3. APPROPRIATIONS (a) The sums herein stated are appropriated for the purposes specified in the following sections of this act. When no time is expressly stated during which any of the appropriations are to continue, the appropriations are declared to be single-year appropriations and only for the purpose indicated. These SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 2 appropriations shall be the only appropriations available notwithstanding any other acts or laws. If in this act there is an error in either addition or subtraction, the totals shall be adjusted accordingly. Apparent errors in referring to section numbers of statutory titles within this act may be disregarded by the commissioner of finance and management. (b) Unless codified or otherwise specified, all narrative portions of this act apply only to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005. Sec. 4. TIME AVAILABLE (a) The sums appropriated in this act, unless otherwise designated, shall be available only during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005. The balance of any appropriations made in this act remaining unexpended and unencumbered at the end of the fiscal year shall revert to the appropriate fund balance unless otherwise specified in this act. Refunds of expenditures and reimbursements, except liability insurance premiums which have been paid from the appropriations of a prior year, shall be credited to the appropriate fund and not to appropriation accounts in the current fiscal year, unless those refunds or reimbursements were previously paid from federal grants-in-aid or from appropriations whose unexpended balances are reappropriated by law. Refunds of liability insurance premiums paid in prior fiscal years are hereby available to reduce subsequent liability insurance premiums. Nothing contained in this act shall limit the time within which an appropriation to be SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 3 raised by the issue of bonds may be expended. Sec. 5. DEFINITIONS (a) For the purposes of this act: (1) “Encumbrances” means a portion of an appropriation reserved for the subsequent payment of existing purchase orders or contracts. The commissioner of finance and management shall make final decisions on the appropriateness of encumbrances. (2) “Grants” means subsidies, aid, or payments to local governments, to community and quasi-public agencies for providing local services, and to persons who are not wards of the state for services or supplies and cash or other direct assistance, including pension contributions. (3) “Operating expenses” means supplies - food, medical, clothing, educational, fuel, highway materials and similar items; contractual services postage, telephone, travel expenses, light, heat and power, rentals, insurance and other similar items; equipment articles of substantial value which have a long period of usefulness - desks, computers, typewriters, furniture, motor vehicles and similar items; and expenditures for the purchase of land, construction of new buildings and permanent improvements, highway construction and similar items. (4) “Personal services” means wages and salaries, consulting services, personnel benefits, personal injury benefits under 21 V.S.A. § 636, and similar SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 4 items. Sec. 6. SOURCE OF FUNDS (a) The appropriations made in this act are made for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005 except as provided in this act and are to be paid from funds shown as the source of funds. Sec. 7. Secretary of administration - secretary’s office Personal services Operating expenses Total 385,524 58,878 444,402 Source of Funds General fund 381,798 Transportation fund 49,704 Interdepartmental transfer 12,900 Total 444,402 Sec. 8. Information and innovation Personal services Operating expenses Total 3,747,066 811,915 4,558,981 Source of Funds Internal service funds 4,558,981 (a) The secretary of administration shall develop a process whereby the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 5 department of information and innovation shall be consulted and shall issue a written recommendation prior to any agency or department in the executive branch of state government’s action to: (1) expend or contract for the expenditure of an amount determined by the secretary of administration for information systems technology; or (2) hire information technology staff. Said recommendation shall be retained by the agency or department. Sec. 9. Finance and management - financial operations Personal services 2,033,673 Operating expenses 1,135,021 Total 3,168,694 Source of Funds Internal service funds 3,168,694 (a) Pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 307(e), financial management fund charges of $3,980,857.00 are hereby approved. Of this amount, $767,163.00 will be used to support the HRMS system that is operated by the department of personnel. Sec. 10. 32 V.S.A. § 307(e) is amended to read: (e) The budget shall also include any proposed charges to be billed to departmental budgets for payment to the financial management, workers’ compensation, and facilities operations internal service funds where the total of such charges exceeds $1,000,000.00. The rates of any such. Such charges shall be subject to legislative approval. The departments of finance and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 6 management and buildings and general services shall include with their annual budget submissions details of any such charges to be made projected by department and the financial case for the proposed changes in charges for the three internal services funds. Sec. 11. Finance and management - budget and management Personal services 870,222 Operating expenses 101,766 Total 971,988 Source of Funds General fund 772,314 Transportation fund 110,428 Interdepartmental transfer 89,246 Total 971,988 (a) Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A § 588, the commissioner of finance and management is encouraged to minimize the number of special funds that are created in the statewide accounting system each fiscal year to eliminate any redundancies with currently established special funds and to the extent possible, consolidate overlapping funds. (b) The commissioner shall report to the general assembly or the joint fiscal committee if the general assembly is not in session on actions taken that do not require legislative approval and shall make recommendations to the legislature SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 7 for statutory amendments to simplify fund administration. Sec. 12. Personnel - operations Personal services 1,489,050 Operating expenses Total 296,200 1,785,250 Source of Funds General fund 1,113,729 Transportation fund 342,921 Interdepartmental transfer 328,600 Total 1,785,250 Sec. 13. Personnel - HR workforce planning & employment services Personal services 754,361 Operating expenses 302,850 Total 1,057,211 Source of Funds General fund 634,000 Transportation fund 200,211 Special funds 223,000 Total 1,057,211 Sec. 14. Personnel - employee benefits & wellness Personal services 1,329,731 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Operating expenses Total H.768 Page 8 237,870 1,567,601 Source of Funds Internal service funds 1,567,601 Sec. 15. Personnel - information technology Personal services 486,683 Operating expenses 280,480 Total 767,163 Source of Funds Internal service funds 767,163 Sec. 16. Libraries Personal services 1,908,066 Operating expenses 1,479,087 Grants Total 45,000 3,432,153 Source of Funds General fund 2,331,998 Special funds 195,483 Federal funds 752,672 Interdepartmental transfer 152,000 Total 3,432,153 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 9 Sec. 17. Tax - administration/collection Personal services Operating expenses Total 11,058,247 2,559,467 13,617,714 Source of Funds General fund 12,651,812 Transportation fund 211,902 Special funds 574,000 Interdepartmental transfer 180,000 Total 13,617,714 Sec. 18. Buildings and general services - administration Personal services Operating expenses Total 1,327,980 127,665 1,455,645 Source of Funds Interdepartmental transfer 1,455,645 Sec. 18a. CLARENDON F.I.R.S.T.—ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING EXPENSES (a) The amount of $15,000.00 in general funds is appropriated to the department of buildings and general services. The commissioner of buildings and general services shall ensure that these funds are granted to the Clarendon SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 10 F.I.R.S.T organization as soon as administratively possible to support environmental testing expenses. Sec. 19. [Deleted] Sec. 20. Buildings and general services - engineering Personal services Operating expenses Total 1,836,763 403,666 2,240,429 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Interdepartmental transfer Total 2,013,413 152,016 75,000 2,240,429 Sec. 21. Buildings and general services - information centers Personal services 2,805,473 Operating expenses 1,141,005 Grants Total 350,000 4,296,478 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Total 197,186 4,099,292 4,296,478 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 11 Sec. 22. Buildings and general services - purchasing Personal services 764,564 Operating expenses 259,591 Total 1,024,155 Source of Funds General fund 762,555 Transportation fund 261,600 Total 1,024,155 Sec. 23. Buildings and general services - public records Personal services 766,755 Operating expenses 460,809 Total 1,227,564 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Special funds Total 961,726 88,205 177,633 1,227,564 Sec. 24. Buildings and general services - postal services Personal services 579,783 Operating expenses 141,803 Total 721,586 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 12 Source of Funds General fund 39,135 Transportation fund 26,400 Internal service funds Total 656,051 721,586 Sec. 25. Buildings and general services - copy center Personal services 751,421 Operating expenses 457,602 Total 1,209,023 Source of Funds Internal service funds 1,209,023 Sec. 26. Buildings and general services - supply center Personal services 243,949 Operating expenses 196,641 Total 440,590 Source of Funds Internal service funds 440,590 Sec. 27. Buildings and general services - federal surplus property Personal services 60,254 Operating expenses 70,525 Total 130,779 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 13 Source of Funds Enterprise funds 130,779 Sec. 28. Buildings and general services - state surplus property Personal services 54,229 Operating expenses 67,342 Total 121,571 Source of Funds Internal service funds 121,571 Sec. 29. Buildings and general services - property management Personal services Operating expenses Total 928,056 3,304,043 4,232,099 Source of Funds Internal service funds 4,232,099 Sec. 30. Buildings and general services - all other insurance Personal services 58,529 Operating expenses 11,116 Total 69,645 Source of Funds Internal service funds 69,645 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 14 Sec. 31. Buildings and general services - general liability insurance Personal services 704,745 Operating expenses 31,986 Total 736,731 Source of Funds Internal service funds 736,731 Sec. 32. Buildings and general services - workers’ compensation insurance Personal services 950,903 Operating expenses 132,611 Total 1,083,514 Source of Funds Internal service funds 1,083,514 (a) Pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 307(e), workers’ compensation fund charges of $9,565,000.00 are hereby approved. Sec. 33. 29 V.S.A. § 1408(d) is amended to read: (d) In subsequent years, the commissioner shall annually assess each program participant an amount to be deposited in the state employees’ workers’ compensation fund. The commissioner may adjust the annual assessment to assure that the debts and obligations of the program are adequately funded. However, the annual assessment shall not be greater than 150 percent or less than 50 percent of the annual assessment for that program SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 15 participant for the preceding year. Sec. 34. [Deleted] Sec. 35. Buildings and general services - fee for space Personal services 9,079,294 Operating expenses 9,018,740 Total 18,098,034 Source of Funds Internal service funds 18,098,034 (a) Pursuant to 29 V.S.A. § 160a(b)(3), facilities operations fund charges of $18,445,000.00 are hereby approved. (b) The commissioner of buildings and general services shall not seek additional spending authority through the excess receipts process for expenditures in the fee for space program. The commissioner shall report to the general assembly or the joint fiscal committee when the general assembly is not in session if the restriction of expenditures to the level appropriated in this section shall result in a significant impact on the services provided in this program. Sec. 36. Sec. 35(a) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 is amended to read: (a) Pursuant to 29 V.S.A. § 160a(b)(3), fee for space charges of $16,934,155.00 are hereby approved. The commissioner of buildings and general services shall cause any deficit in the fee for space internal service SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 16 fund at the end of fiscal year 2003 to be eliminated by the end of fiscal year 2014 through the aggressive management of expenditures and a surcharge on fees beginning in fiscal year 2005 2006. Sec. 37. Geographic information system Grants 376,992 Source of Funds Special funds 376,992 Sec. 38. Auditor of accounts Personal services Operating expenses Total 1,844,953 109,150 1,954,103 Source of Funds General fund 453,732 Transportation fund 58,845 Special funds 52,746 Internal service funds Total 1,388,780 1,954,103 Sec. 39. State treasurer Personal services Operating expenses 2,380,971 322,205 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 17 Grants 75,000 Total 2,778,176 Source of Funds General fund 833,409 Transportation fund 103,208 Special funds 1,378,559 Pension trust fund 400,500 Private purpose trust fund 62,500 Total 2,778,176 (a) The above appropriation includes $50,000.00 in general funds, which shall be used for a grant to the firefighters survivors benefit expendable trust fund. (b) Of the above general fund appropriation, $25,000.00 shall be deposited into the armed services scholarship fund established in H.258 of 2004. Sec. 39a. 24 V.S.A. § 1698 is added to read: § 1698. MUNICIPAL PROJECTS SPECIAL FUND (a) A municipal projects special fund is hereby established in the state treasury for the purpose of assisting municipalities with archeological, historical, and other special projects. Eligible projects may include nontraditional needs such as: (1) environmental testing due to unique local circumstances; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 18 (2) the protection, preservation, moving, or re-interring of human remains discovered in unmarked burial sites; and (3) other activities identified by the disbursement committee established in subsection (c) of this section. (b) The fund shall be comprised of any monies appropriated to the fund by the general assembly or received from any other sources, public or private. Interest earned by the fund and any balance remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall be retained by the fund. The fund shall be managed in accordance with chapter 7, subchapter 5 of Title 32. (c) A disbursement committee is created consisting of the state treasurer, the secretary of commerce and community development, and a representative of the Vermont league of cities and towns appointed by its board of directors. The committee shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 25 of Title 3 regarding: (1) how funds shall be disbursed to municipalities based on those rules and for the purposes described in subsection (a) of this section; and (2) how to involve parties interested in a specific funding request, including the municipality and private property owners, in specific funding decisions. (d) In cases in which there are known or likely to be unmarked burial sites, the process identified in section 5212b of Title 18 shall be followed. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 19 Sec. 39b. MUNICIPAL PROJECTS SPECIAL FUND APPROPRIATION (a) There is appropriated $50,000.00 in general funds to the municipal projects special fund created in Sec. 39a of this act. Sec. 40. State treasurer - abandoned property Personal services 262,922 Operating expenses 194,800 Total 457,722 Source of Funds Private purpose trust fund 457,722 Sec. 41. Vermont state retirement system Personal services Operating expenses Total 18,068,186 699,809 18,767,995 Source of Funds Pension trust fund 18,767,995 Sec. 42. Municipal employees’ retirement system Personal services Operating expenses Total 1,426,248 206,527 1,632,775 Source of Funds Pension trust fund 1,632,775 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 20 Sec. 43. State labor relations board Personal services Operating expenses Total 147,387 34,740 182,127 Source of Funds General fund 171,697 Transportation fund 4,560 Special funds 5,870 Total 182,127 Sec. 44. REVERSION TO GENERAL FUND (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $20,000.00 in general funds appropriated in Sec. 42 of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 to the state labor relations board shall revert to the general fund in fiscal year 2005. Sec. 45. Executive office - Governor’s office Personal services Operating expenses Total 1,123,181 339,100 1,462,281 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Special funds 1,141,866 156,230 3,185 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 21 161,000 1,462,281 Sec. 46. Executive office - national and community service Personal services 175,347 Operating expenses 118,501 Grants Total 1,443,340 1,737,188 Source of Funds General fund 56,528 Federal funds 1,680,660 Total 1,737,188 Sec. 47. VOSHA review board Personal services Operating expenses Total 31,350 8,844 40,194 Source of Funds General fund 20,097 Federal funds 20,097 Total 40,194 Sec. 48. Use tax reimbursement fund - municipal current use Grants 6,199,670 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 22 Source of Funds General fund 3,889,280 Transportation fund 2,310,390 Total 6,199,670 Sec. 48a. [Deleted] Sec. 49. Lieutenant governor Personal services Operating expenses Total 125,062 9,585 134,647 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Total 115,517 19,130 134,647 Sec. 50. [Deleted] Sec. 51. Legislature Personal services 2,665,198 Operating expenses 1,967,116 Total 4,632,314 Source of Funds General fund 3,935,297 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 23 Transportation fund 697,017 Total 4,632,314 Sec. 52. Legislative council Personal services 1,575,895 Operating expenses 116,222 Total 1,692,117 Source of Funds General fund 1,460,193 Transportation fund 231,924 Total 1,692,117 Sec. 52a. Legislative information technology Personal services 226,325 Operating expenses 287,959 Total 514,284 Source of Funds General fund 514,284 (a) Funds appropriated in this section for legislative information technology shall be expended in fiscal year 2005 by the legislative council with the recommendation of the ad hoc joint legislative oversight committee on information technology and a staff oversight group consisting of the legislative counsel, the fiscal officer, the sergeant at arms, the clerk of the house, and the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 24 secretary of the senate. On or before January 15, 2005, the ad hoc joint committee and the staff oversight group shall present to the house and senate committees on appropriations and government operations a plan for the oversight, management, and expenditure of funds for information technology by the legislative branch for fiscal year 2006 and future fiscal years. As part of this process, the legislative and staff oversight group shall develop job descriptions for information technology employees, work plans, and specific strategies to address the recommendations contained in the NCSL assessment of the Vermont Legislative Information Technology System. Sec. 53. Sergeant at arms Personal services Operating expenses Total 449,154 47,662 496,816 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Total 456,405 40,411 496,816 (a) The sergeant arms office shall submit to the joint rules committee a summary of the security coverage plan for fiscal year 2005. Minimizing the amount of overtime and duplicative coverage shall be a priority in development of the plan. The summary submitted shall include the hours and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 25 number of persons for the hours of coverage proposed. Sec. 54. Joint fiscal committee Personal services 898,960 Operating expenses Total 67,224 966,184 Source of Funds General fund 831,789 Transportation fund 134,395 Total 966,184 Sec. 55. Lottery commission Personal services 1,253,912 Operating expenses 1,053,902 Total 2,307,814 Source of Funds Enterprise funds 2,307,814 (a) The lottery commission shall not reduce funding for the responsible gambling program. (b) Of the above appropriation, $40,000.00 shall be transferred to the department of health, office of alcohol and drug abuse programs for the gambling addiction program. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 26 Sec. 56. Payments in lieu of taxes Grants 2,500,000 Source of Funds General fund 800,000 Special funds 1,700,000 Total 2,500,000 (a) The above appropriation is for state payments in lieu of property taxes under 32 V.S.A. chapter 123, subchapter 4, and the payments shall be calculated in addition to, and without regard to, the appropriations for PILOT for Montpelier and correctional facilities elsewhere in this act. Sec. 57. Payments in lieu of taxes - Montpelier Grants 184,000 Source of Funds General fund 184,000 Sec. 58. Payments in lieu of taxes - correctional facilities Grants 40,000 Source of Funds General fund Sec. 59. Total general government 40,000 117,581,399 Source of Funds General fund 36,828,760 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 27 Transportation fund 9,298,789 Special funds 4,687,468 Federal funds 2,453,429 Enterprise funds 2,438,593 Internal service funds 38,098,477 Pension trust funds 20,801,270 Private purpose trust funds Interdepartmental transfer Total 520,222 2,454,391 117,581,399 Sec. 60. Protection to persons and property - Attorney general Personal services Operating expenses Total 4,838,548 898,080 5,736,628 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 2,550,429 69,061 Special funds 1,014,901 Tobacco fund 290,000 Federal funds 573,500 Interdepartmental transfer Total 1,238,737 5,736,628 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 28 Sec. 60a. AMERICAN BOOKSELLER V. DEAN SETTLEMENT (a) There is appropriated $210,000.00 from the general fund to the attorney general for the costs of the negotiated settlement of the case of American Booksellers v. Dean. Sec. 61. Vermont court diversion Grants 1,490,071 Source of Funds General fund 947,238 Transportation fund 142,833 Special funds 400,000 Total 1,490,071 (a) Of the above general fund appropriation, $20,000.00 shall be granted to the Windsor County diversion program. Sec. 62. Center for crime victims services Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 1,159,300 353,286 7,246,000 8,758,586 Source of Funds General fund 963,878 Special funds 3,400,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds H.768 Page 29 4,332,208 Interdepartmental transfer Total 62,500 8,758,586 (a) The center shall convene a supervised visitation advisory board which will consist of a representative from the department of social and rehabilitation services, the agency of human services, the office of child support, the Vermont network against domestic violence and sexual assault, and the center for crime victims services. The advisory board will assist in the design of a program evaluation for all supervised visitation programs in Vermont prior to the allocation of fiscal year 2005 funding, make decisions regarding the allocation of fiscal year 2005 funding to supervised visitation programs in Vermont, and study and report to the general assembly on January 1, 2005 their recommendation as to the most appropriate state agency to provide oversight and administer state funding for supervised visitation programs in Vermont, and develop standards of service to ensure high quality services to families utilizing supervised visitation programs in Vermont. Of the above general fund appropriation, $10,000.00 shall be used for program evaluation of the supervised visitation programs in Vermont. (b) Of the above general fund appropriation, $100,000.00 shall be used for grants to the supervised visitation programs pursuant to the recommendations of the advisory board. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 30 (c) Of the above general fund appropriation, $75,000.00 shall be used for grants to the four existing child advocacy centers. These funds shall be distributed in accordance with a plan developed by the center for crime victims services in collaboration with the child advocacy centers. The center for crime victims services, the department of social and rehabilitation services, and the agency of human service shall work collaboratively to make recommendations for sustaining services provided by the four child advocacy centers. Sec. 63. State’s attorneys Personal services 7,600,224 Operating expenses 1,158,953 Total 8,759,177 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 6,665,235 366,373 Special funds 53,599 Federal funds 5,000 Interdepartmental transfer Total 1,668,970 8,759,177 Sec. 64. Sheriffs Personal services 2,615,882 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 31 Operating expenses 312,166 Total 2,928,048 Source of Funds General fund 2,362,344 Transportation fund 565,704 Total 2,928,048 (a) Of the above appropriation, $15,000.00 shall be transferred to the state’s attorneys office as reimbursement for the cost of the executive director’s salary. (b) The state’s attorneys, sheriffs, defender general, judiciary, and corrections departments shall implement the findings of the 2002 study of prisoner transport with a goal to managing transport within current appropriations. A report on the implementation of prisoner transport recommendations shall be submitted to the general assembly on January 15, 2005. Sec. 65. Defender general - public defense Personal services Operating expenses Total 5,171,846 610,425 5,782,271 Source of Funds General fund 4,724,854 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 32 Transportation fund 489,388 Special funds 502,629 Federal funds 2,250 Interdepartmental transfer Total 63,150 5,782,271 Sec. 66. Defender general - assigned counsel Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,599,693 51,675 2,651,368 Source of Funds General fund 2,312,130 Transportation fund 239,238 Special funds 100,000 Total 2,651,368 Sec. 67. Military - administration Personal services 442,365 Operating expenses 199,963 Grants 143,683 Total 786,011 Source of Funds General fund 786,011 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 33 (a) Of the above appropriation, $200,000.00 shall be transferred to the Vermont student assistance corporation for the national guard scholarship program, which comprises $170,694.00 of the above appropriation and $29,306.00 carry-forward fiscal year 2004 funds. (b) Total grants under 16 V.S.A. chapter 87, subchapter 4A shall not exceed $200,000.00 in fiscal year 2005 nor shall commitments or obligations be made for expenditure amounts above $200,000.00 in fiscal year 2006. Sec. 68. Military - air service contract Personal services Operating expenses Total 3,731,755 886,961 4,618,716 Source of Funds General fund 344,459 Federal funds 4,274,257 Total 4,618,716 Sec. 69. Military - army service contract Personal services 2,565,304 Operating expenses 8,176,700 Total 10,742,004 Source of Funds General fund 115,581 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Total H.768 Page 34 10,626,423 10,742,004 Sec. 70. Military - building maintenance Personal services 846,956 Operating expenses 415,444 Total 1,262,400 Source of Funds General fund 1,262,400 Sec. 71. Military - veterans’ affairs Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 181,015 70,000 126,165 377,180 Source of Funds General fund 377,180 (a) Of the above appropriation, $15,000.00 shall be used for continuation of the Vermont Medal Program, $14,000.00 shall be used to increase the funding for the Needy Veterans’ Fund, $10,000.00 shall be used to provide assistance to the survivors of casualties in the War on Terrorism, $10,000.00 shall be used for the expenses of the Governor’s Veterans’ Advisory Council, and $15,000.00 shall be used for the Veterans’ Day Parade. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 35 (b) Of the above appropriation, $5,000.00 shall be granted to the Vermont state council of the Vietnam Veterans of America to fund the service officer program. The council shall provide to the house and senate committees on appropriations a report on the expenditure of these funds by January 15, 2005. Sec. 72. Sec. 72b of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 as amended by Sec. 16 of H.585 of 2004 is further amended to read: Sec. 72b. ONE-TIME APPROPRIATION; SURVIVORS OF CASUALTIES OF WAR ON TERRORISM (a) There is appropriated $13,500.00 in general funds to the military department, division of veterans’ affairs, to be used to support Vermont families related to military members killed who have died or been wounded while serving in a combat theater of operations or traveling to and from the combat theater. Combat theaters include but are not limited to Iraq and Afghanistan. The military department and division of veterans’ affairs will develop additional program guidelines as necessary to meet the intent of this appropriation. Any funds remaining at the end of fiscal year 2004 shall carry forward into fiscal year 2005 to be used as needed to continue this program. *** Sec. 73. Labor and industry Personal services 5,618,018 Operating expenses 1,325,500 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Grants Total H.768 Page 36 75,000 7,018,518 Source of Funds General fund 913,722 Special funds 4,975,015 Federal funds 1,080,648 Interdepartmental transfer Total 49,133 7,018,518 Sec. 74. Criminal justice training council Personal services 719,955 Operating expenses 730,204 Total 1,450,159 Source of Funds General fund 647,358 Transportation fund 279,677 Special funds 464,724 Interdepartmental transfer Total 58,400 1,450,159 Sec. 75. Liquor control - enforcement and licensing Personal services 1,483,036 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 37 Operating expenses 195,633 Total 1,678,669 Source of Funds Tobacco fund 290,000 Enterprise funds 1,388,669 Total 1,678,669 (a) The department of liquor control shall conduct compliance tests of tobacco licensees to assure consistent statewide compliance with the prohibition on the sales to minors of at least 90 percent for 16- or 17-year-old buyers. An individual under the age of 18 participating in a compliance test shall not be in violation of 7 V.S.A. § 1005. (b) The department shall not implement a "shoulder tap" program without the consent of the general assembly or the joint fiscal committee when the general assembly is not in session. Sec. 76. Liquor control - administration Personal services Operating expenses Total 1,845,481 529,830 2,375,311 Source of Funds Enterprise funds 2,375,311 (a) Beginning with fiscal year 2006, the administration shall submit the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 38 department of liquor control’s budget to the general assembly with the function of warehousing and distribution broken out as a separate appropriation section within the omnibus appropriations bill. Sec. 76a. STUDY OF CONTRACTING FOR CERTAIN DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL FUNCTIONS (a) The secretary of administration shall determine whether contracting for the importation, transportation, warehousing, and wholesale distribution of liquor is projected to result in overall cost savings to the state. (b) The secretary of administration may employ a consultant to conduct a study of the liquor importation, transportation, warehousing, and wholesale distribution functions of the department of liquor control. (c) In order to conduct the study, the secretary of administration and any contractor conducting the study on behalf of the secretary shall receive the full cooperation of the department of liquor control and its personnel. All records of the department of liquor control the secretary deems necessary to complete the study shall be made available to the secretary and the contractor. (d) Any contract entered into pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be paid for from the revenues of the department of liquor control. (e) The secretary of administration shall report the results of this study to the general assembly by January 15, 2005. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 39 Sec. 77. Vermont racing commission Personal services 2,076 Operating expenses 2,924 Total 5,000 Source of Funds General fund 5,000 Sec. 78. Secretary of state Personal services 3,214,056 Operating expenses 2,151,149 Total 5,365,205 Source of Funds General fund 928,352 Special funds 3,542,965 Federal funds 818,888 Interdepartmental transfer Total 75,000 5,365,205 (a) The corporation division of the secretary of state’s office represents $438,903.00 of the above special fund appropriation, and these funds shall be from the securities regulation and supervision fund in accordance with 9 V.S.A. § 4230(b). SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 40 Sec. 78a. 24 V.S.A. chapter 135 is added to read: CHAPTER 135. VERMONT MUNICIPAL LAND RECORDS COMMISSION § 5401. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Municipal land records are of vital importance to the economy and history of Vermont. This chapter establishes a municipal land records commission to address the significant long-term and systemic managerial issues associated with these documents, including a study to determine whether paper documents should be stored and available in an electronic format. § 5402. DEFINITIONS As used in this chapter: (1) “Commission” means the Vermont municipal land records commission created in section 5403 of this title. (2) “Municipal” means a city, town, unorganized town, incorporated village, or gore. (3) “Municipal land record” means a document required to establish marketable title and which is filed or recorded in the records of a municipality, including all documents filed or recorded pursuant to section 1154 of this title. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 41 § 5403. MUNICIPAL LAND RECORDS COMMISSION; CREATION AND COMPOSITION (a) There is created the Vermont municipal land records commission which shall be attached to the office of the secretary of state for administrative purposes and whose appointed members shall serve for three-year terms, except for initial terms as provided for in subsection (b) of this section. (b) The commission shall consist of the state archivist, the commissioner of buildings and general services, and the commissioner of innovation and information, or their designees. In addition, the governor shall appoint three municipal clerks, with one representing municipalities with a population of greater than 10,000 residents for an initial term of two years, one representing municipalities with a population of greater than 3,000 residents but fewer than 10,000 residents for an initial term of three years, and one representing municipalities with a population of fewer than 3,000 residents for an initial term of four years; one licensed land surveyor to be recommended by the Vermont Society of Land Surveyors for an initial term of three years; two licensed attorneys to be recommended by the Vermont Bar Association, one of whom shall be familiar with real estate title practices for an initial term of two years and one of whom shall be a representative of the title insurance industry for an initial term of four years; one paralegal to be recommended by the Vermont Paralegal Organization for an initial term of three years; one SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 42 municipal zoning administrator to be recommended by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns for an initial term of three years; one municipal legislator or chief municipal administrative officer to be recommended by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns for a term of two years; one banker jointly recommended by the Vermont Bankers Association and the Vermont Mortgage Bankers Association for an initial term of four years; one lister or assessor to be recommended by the Vermont Association of Listers and Assessors for an initial term of four years; and one licensed real estate broker to be recommended by the Vermont Association of Realtors for a term of two years. (c) The designated organizations shall submit their recommendations for commission members to the governor on or before July 31, 2004, and the governor shall appoint the members of the commission by September 15, 2004. In appointing individuals to this commission, the governor shall seek geographic diversity. (d) The state archivist shall convene the first commission meeting no later than November 1, 2004, at which meeting the commission shall designate a chair and vice chair. The governor shall designate a chair and vice chair if the commission has failed to so designate by the 30th day following its first meeting. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 43 (e) The members of the commission who are not employees of the state of Vermont shall be entitled to per diem compensation as provided in section 1010 of Title 32. Sec. 78b. 32 V.S.A. § 1010(a) is amended to read: § 1010. MEMBERS OF CERTAIN BOARDS (a) Except for those members serving ex officio or otherwise regularly employed by the state, the compensation of the members of the following boards shall be $50.00 per diem: *** (30) Community high school of Vermont board (31) Municipal land records commission. Sec. 78c. VERMONT MUNICIPAL LAND RECORDS COMMISSION; REPORT (a) On or before January 15, 2006, the Vermont municipal land records commission shall submit a report to the general assembly that: (1) Proposes standards for formatting, filing, recording, and preserving municipal land records. (2) Proposes a uniform system of indexing municipal land records which may include the use of numerical identifiers. (3) Proposes continuing education requirements for municipal officials and corresponding compliance requirements for municipalities. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 44 (4) Proposes incentives for municipal officials and municipalities to improve all aspects of managing and preserving municipal records. (5) Proposes a system for financing all facets of municipal land records management on a sustainable basis. (6) Analyzes the prerequisites for a municipality to digitalize its land records and examines the related administrative and public policy issues. (7) Analyzes the need for any future oversight of the recommended uniform standards. (8) Analyzes how to balance the conflicting public policy objectives of protecting personal privacy and providing public access to municipal land records. (9) Analyzes any other administrative or public policy issues related to the uniformity and modernization of municipal land records which the commission may decide to address. (b) In making its report on January 15, 2006, and in conducting its study thereafter, the commission shall take into consideration the results of the ongoing pilot project in the five municipalities that were authorized by H. 767, the 2004 Capital Construction Bill. Sec. 78d. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS (a) Any amount remaining at the end of fiscal year 2004 in the appropriation made to the study committee on municipal records in Sec. 49b(e) SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 45 of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 shall be transferred to the office of the secretary of state and made available for the use of the Vermont municipal land records commission during fiscal years 2005 and 2006. Sec. 78e. APPROPRIATION (a) The amount of $30,000.00 of the funds appropriated to the office of the secretary of state in Sec. 78 of this act shall be allocated to the Vermont municipal land records commission for administrative and research services, including the hiring of staff or consultants. Any funds remaining at the end of fiscal year 2005 shall carry forward into fiscal year 2006. Sec. 78f. REPEAL (a) Secs. 78a (24 V.S.A. chapter 135) and 78b (32 V.S.A. § 1010(a)(31)) of this act are repealed as of August 31, 2010. Sec. 78g. 3 V.S.A. § 123(h) is added to read: (h) Classified state employees who are employed as investigators who have successfully completed a course of training under chapter 151 of Title 20 shall have the same powers as sheriffs in criminal matters and the enforcement of the law and in serving criminal process, and shall have all the immunities and matters of defense now available or hereafter made available to sheriffs in a suit brought against them in consequence for acts done in the course of their employment. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 46 Sec. 79. Banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration banking Personal services 1,113,087 Operating expenses 269,540 Total 1,382,627 Source of Funds Special funds 1,382,627 (a) Notwithstanding 9 V.S.A. § 4230(b), in fiscal year 2005, the commissioner of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration may transfer up to $200,000.00 from the securities regulation and supervision fund to the banking supervision fund established in 8 V.S.A. § 19(f). Sec. 80. Banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration insurance Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,902,648 599,500 3,502,148 Source of Funds Special funds 3,502,148 Sec. 81. Banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration captive Personal services 2,252,239 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Operating expenses Total H.768 Page 47 384,850 2,637,089 Source of Funds Special funds 2,637,089 Sec. 82. Banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration securities Personal services 574,363 Operating expenses 131,110 Total 705,473 Source of Funds Special funds 705,473 Sec. 83. Banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration - health care administration Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,799,546 374,902 3,174,448 Source of Funds General fund 466,993 Special funds 2,707,455 Total 3,174,448 (a) The commissioner of banking, insurance, securities, and health care SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 48 administration and the commissioner of health, in issuing a license to a hospital or approving a hospital budget, shall ensure the applicant hospital has rules and procedures in place to protect patient privacy particularly in regard to the transcription of medical records that are performed through contracts where the contractor is based outside Vermont. Sec. 84. Banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration administration Personal services Operating expenses Total 806,688 87,200 893,888 Source of Funds General fund 10,000 Special funds 883,888 Total 893,888 Sec. 85. Public safety - state police Personal services 37,235,943 Operating expenses 8,417,381 Grants 4,701,100 Total 50,354,424 Source of Funds General fund 17,286,008 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Transportation fund H.768 Page 49 18,343,865 Special funds 3,653,090 Federal funds 10,422,548 Interdepartmental transfer Total 648,913 50,354,424 (a) The department of public safety shall provide business manager services for the Vermont criminal justice training council and for the Vermont fire service training council. (b) Of the above appropriation, $35,000.00 in special funds shall be available for snowmobile law enforcement activities and $35,000.00 in general funds shall be available to the southern Vermont wilderness search and rescue team, which comprises state police, the department of fish and wildlife, county sheriffs, and local law enforcement personnel in Bennington, Windham and Windsor counties for snowmobile enforcement. (c) The department of public safety shall include with its annual budget materials program specific profiles. These profiles shall include revenues, expenditures for departmental activities, including but not limited to homeland security, the governor’s highway safety program, the crime lab, and department administration. (d) The appropriation above includes a projected amount of $2,703,450.00 for overtime expenses. The department is directed to make every effort to SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 50 manage its human resources during the fiscal year within this projection for overtime expenditures. (e) It is the intent of the general assembly that by the end of fiscal year 2005, the state police shall fill ten (10) of the vacant trooper positions that were held open due to budgetary pressure in fiscal year 2004. Sec. 85a. COMMUNITY DRUG INVESTIGATION PROGRAM (a) Of the $230,000.00 allocated for local heroin interdiction grants funded in Sec. 85 of this act, $190,000.00 shall be used by the Vermont drug task force to fund three (3) town task force officers. These town task force officers will be dedicated to heroin, heroin-related drugs, i.e. methadone and oxycontin, crack cocaine, and methamphetamine enforcement efforts. Any unexpended funds from prior fiscal years shall be carried forward. (b) The remaining $40,000.00, shall remain as a “pool” of money available to local and county law enforcement to fund overtime costs associated with heroin, heroin-related drugs, i.e. methadone and oxycontin, crack cocaine, and methamphetamine investigations. Any unexpended funds from prior fiscal years shall be carried forward. Sec. 86. Public safety - criminal justice services Personal services 5,921,690 Operating expenses 2,677,050 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 51 Grants 2,543,500 Total 11,142,240 Source of Funds General fund 95,000 Transportation fund 4,032,621 Special funds 1,241,307 Federal funds 5,196,212 Interdepartmental transfer 577,100 Total 11,142,240 (a) The commissioner of buildings and general services and the commissioner of public safety shall collaborate to provide a plan for completion of a new public safety forensics laboratory not later than fiscal year 2008. This plan is to be provided to the general assembly by January 15, 2005. (b) The commissioner of public safety shall request additional funding when necessary to assure continued forensics laboratory accreditation pending completion of the proposed new laboratory facility. Sec. 86a. 20 V.S.A. § 2055 is amended to read § 2055. FILES (a) The director of the center shall maintain such files as are necessary relating to the commission of crimes, arrests, convictions, disposition of criminal causes, probation, parole, fugitives from justice, missing persons, SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 52 fingerprints, photographs, stolen property and such matters as the commissioner deems relevant. (b) The director shall maintain criminal records pursuant to this chapter regardless of whether the record is fingerprint supported. Any “no print, no record” rule or policy of the center shall be void. Sec. 87. Public safety - emergency management Personal services 1,479,294 Operating expenses 701,700 Grants 799,487 Total 2,980,481 Source of Funds Transportation fund 63,969 Special funds 1,192,211 Federal funds 1,721,800 Interdepartmental transfer 2,501 Total 2,980,481 (a) In fiscal year 2005, the division of emergency management in collaboration with the state agencies, the management of the nuclear power plant, and the selectboards of the municipalities in the emergency planning zone shall develop the budget for expenditures from the radiological emergency response plan fund for fiscal year 2006 following the provisions of SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 53 20 V.S.A. § 38(a). From the fund, each town within the emergency planning zone shall receive an annual base grant of no less than $5,000.00 for radiological emergency response related expenditures. Any town within the emergency planning zone may also apply for a grant from the fund for expenditures made by the town for this purpose in excess of $5,000.00 in any year. (b) Of the above special fund appropriation, up to $30,000.00 shall be granted to WTSA radio for the emergency alert system. (c) Notwithstanding 20 V.S.A. § 38(a)(5), for that portion of the emergency response plan fund budget for fiscal year 2005 that is approved by the general assembly for support of local community emergency planning zone activities, the commissioner of finance and management is authorized to arrange for payment by Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC directly to the Vermont towns and other Vermont regional and local entities in the emergency planning zone entitled to receive funds for expenditures as budgeted in subsection (a) of this section, and WTSA radio. These and all other authorized radiological emergency response plan budget expenditures will continue to be accounted for to the radiological emergency response plan fund manager and included in the annual report. (d) The director of emergency management shall determine the feasibility of reducing the amount of state personal services and operating expenses SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 54 needed to support the radiological emergency response plan by utilizing available personnel and material resources from within the emergency planning zone area. (e) Of the total general fund appropriation for the department of public safety, personal services, $31,995.00 shall be used to fund the emergency management administrative assistant position. Sec. 87a. [Deleted] Sec. 87b. VERMONT MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS (a) Volunteers as defined in 3 V.S.A. § 1101 and 20 V.S.A. § 2, engaged in emergency management duties of the Vermont medical reserve corps, shall be considered employees of the state within the scope of 21 V.S.A. §§ 601 through 710 and 21 V.S.A. § 5606. Sec. 88. Agriculture, food and markets - administration Personal services 783,330 Operating expenses 387,059 Grants 313,404 Total 1,483,793 Source of Funds General fund 1,337,322 Special funds 65,316 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 55 Federal funds 24,542 Interdepartmental transfer 56,613 Total 1,483,793 Sec. 89. Agriculture, food and markets - food safety and consumer assurance Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 1,989,605 289,441 2,901,492 5,180,538 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 1,328,083 38,553 Special funds 3,151,781 Federal funds 655,121 Interdepartmental transfer Total 7,000 5,180,538 Sec. 90. Agriculture, food and markets - agriculture development Personal services 626,627 Operating expenses 600,633 Grants Total 1,034,421 2,261,681 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 56 Source of Funds General fund 558,266 Special funds 1,507,415 Federal funds 196,000 Total 2,261,681 Sec. 91. Agriculture, food and markets - plant industry and labs Personal services 2,401,202 Operating expenses 563,184 Grants 415,000 Total 3,379,386 Source of Funds General fund 533,053 Special funds 2,045,138 Federal funds 564,651 Interdepartmental transfer 236,544 Total 3,379,386 (a) Notwithstanding 6 V.S.A. § 929, in fiscal year 2005, $500,000.00 of the special pesticide monitoring revolving fund is included in the above appropriation and may be used to fund fiscal year 2005 agency of agriculture, food and markets personal services and operating costs related to the clean and clear statewide action plan. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 57 (b) Notwithstanding 6 V.S.A. § 364(e), in fiscal year 2005, $250,000.00 of the feeds, seeds, and fertilizer special fund is included in the above appropriation and may be used to fund fiscal year 2005 agency of agriculture, food and markets personal services and operating costs related to the clean and clear statewide action plan. (c) The general assembly understands that activities including establishing positions as part of the clean and clear initiative within the agency of agriculture, foods and markets, funded in fiscal year 2005 with pesticide monitoring revolving funds and feeds, seeds, and fertilizer special funds, will not be able to be fully supported with these sources of funds in future years. In subsequent years, the agency shall identify alternate funding sources to support these activities and positions that do not have a negative impact on the general fund. Sec. 92. Agriculture, food and markets - state stipend Grants 175,000 Source of Funds General fund 175,000 Sec. 93. STATE FAIR CAPITAL PROJECTS; ONE-TIME APPROPRIATIONS (a) The sum of $50,000.00 in general funds is appropriated to the agency of SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 58 agriculture, food and markets and shall be used for a competitive grants program for state fair capital projects. No single entity shall be awarded more than ten percent of this appropriation. Sec. 94. Agriculture, food and markets - mosquito control Personal services 20,000 Operating expenses 70,000 Total 90,000 Source of Funds Special funds 90,000 Sec. 95. Public service - regulation and energy Personal services 4,514,560 Operating expenses 639,201 Grants 450,000 Total 5,603,761 Source of Funds Special funds 4,598,761 Federal funds 980,000 Interdepartmental transfer Total 25,000 5,603,761 Sec. 96. Public service - purchase and sale of power Personal services 10,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Operating expenses Total H.768 Page 59 2,215 12,215 Source of Funds Special funds 12,215 Sec. 97. Enhanced 9-1-1 Board Personal services Operating expenses Total 1,960,337 457,251 2,417,588 Source of Funds Special funds 2,417,588 Sec. 98. Public service board Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,304,677 320,000 2,624,677 Source of Funds Special funds 2,624,677 Sec. 99. Judiciary Personal services Operating expenses Total 22,903,174 5,924,728 28,827,902 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 60 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 22,953,570 3,004,507 Special funds 470,118 Tobacco fund 40,000 Federal funds 305,458 Interdepartmental transfer Total 2,054,249 28,827,902 (a) To the extent that the judiciary allocates additional resources to reduce the criminal case backlog, those resources shall first be directed at Windham and Bennington counties in fiscal year 2005. (b) The judiciary shall examine and implement appropriate and effective procedures to review the bail of persons on weekends in an effort to reduce the number of persons incarcerated for lack of bail pending arraignment. The judiciary shall report to the joint corrections oversight committee in November 2004 on the implementation and effectiveness of this program during fiscal year 2005. (c) The establishment of one (1) new exempt position – Drug Court Coordinator – is authorized in fiscal year 2005. Sec. 99a. 4 V.S.A. § 25(c) is amended to read: (c) The supreme court may allow supreme court justices, superior court SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 61 judges, district court judges, environmental court judges, magistrates, hearing officers, probate court judges, superior court clerks, or any state compensated employees of the judicial branch not covered by a collective bargaining agreement to take an administrative leave of absence without pay or with pay if the person is called to active duty in support of an extended national or state military operation. These judicial officers and state employees shall be entitled to be compensated in the same manner as judicial branch employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement called to active duty. The court administrator, at the direction of the supreme court, shall include provisions in the personnel rules of the judiciary to administer these leaves of absence. Sec. 100. 4 V.S.A. § 25(b) is amended to read: (b) The supreme court is authorized to pay on an hourly basis all persons whose compensation is established by 32 V.S.A. §§ 1010, 1141, 1511, 1551 and 1592 and 4 V.S.A. §§ 23, 75, and 356. The supreme court shall pay all persons whose compensation is established by 32 V.S.A. § 1141 on the basis of a half day minimum and hourly thereafter. Sec. 101. [Deleted] Sec. 102. Human rights commission Personal services Operating expenses Total 352,103 75,350 427,453 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 62 Source of Funds General fund 273,225 Special funds 1 Federal funds 154,227 Total 427,453 Sec. 103. Fire service training council Personal services 705,933 Operating expenses 504,768 Grants Total 48,000 1,258,701 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 464,860 80,320 Special funds 438,521 Federal funds 105,000 Interdepartmental transfer 170,000 Total 1,258,701 (a) Of the above general fund appropriation, $48,000.00 shall be granted to the Vermont rural fire protection task force for the purpose of designing dry hydrants. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 63 Sec. 104. Total protection to persons and property 202,273,796 Source of Funds General fund 71,360,512 Transportation fund 27,716,109 Special funds 49,780,652 Tobacco fund 620,000 Federal funds 42,038,733 Enterprise funds 3,763,980 Interdepartmental transfer 6,993,810 Total 202,273,796 Sec. 105. Human services - agency of human services - secretary’s office Personal services 3,082,913 Operating expenses 1,062,309 Grants Total 11,225,355 15,370,577 Source of Funds General fund 5,768,965 Tobacco fund 1,347,880 Federal funds 7,126,232 Interdepartmental transfer 1,127,500 Total 15,370,577 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 64 (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, workers employed by persons who receive assistance from the agency of human services to procure attendant, personal care, or respite services or who utilize a qualified intermediary service organization providing services on behalf of the state shall not be considered state employees, except for purposes of 21 V.S.A. chapter 17. (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the state may provide workers’ compensation coverage to workers employed by persons who receive assistance from the agency of human services to procure attendant, personal care, or respite services, and the state shall not be considered their employer. The state may also either permit a qualified intermediary service organization to purchase group insurance policies for persons served by their organization or deem such persons to be members of an association and eligible for selfinsurance under 21 V.S.A. § 687a for purposes of providing workers’ compensation. This provision is intended solely to reduce costs of providing workers’ compensation and shall not be considered for any other purpose. (c) Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A. § 706, the secretary may transfer funds allocated for the “high risk pool” and costs related to juvenile justice as outlined in this section. (d) Of the above tobacco fund appropriation, $49,000.00 shall be used to provide a grant to the project against violent encounters for a statewide SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 65 program for substance abuse prevention and mentoring program for youth. (e) Of the above tobacco fund appropriation, $100,000.00 shall be used for a grant to Lamoille County people in partnership for wrap-around services for at-risk youth. (f) Of the above tobacco fund appropriation, $100,000.00 with any corresponding federal matching funds shall be for comprehensive treatment services and $25,000.00 for safe housing provisions for at-risk youth. (g) Of the above general fund appropriation, $30,000.00 shall be granted to Prevent Child Abuse Vermont for a comprehensive health education and violence prevention curriculum for seventh and eighth grade students. (h) Of the above general fund appropriation, $8,000.00 shall be granted to the Vermont council of girl scouts, of which $5,000.00 shall be used to support a girl scout special project to assist girls with incarcerated mothers and $3,000.00 shall be used to support a school vacation program. (i) Of the above appropriation, a total of $3,759,852.00 consisting of $1,650,341.00 in general funds, $783,880.00 in tobacco funds, and $1,325,631.00 in federal funds shall be used for the comprehensive substance abuse prevention and treatment component of the drug education treatment enforcement and rehabilitation program (DETER). (1) The amount of $1,269,500.00, of which $744,243.00 is from general and tobacco funds, shall be used to support the outpatient treatment, case SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 66 management and drug court component of the plan. Of the general and tobacco funds, $144,367.00 shall be allocated to the Rutland County drug court and shall be reserved to provide appropriate drug testing, case management, and other outpatient and inpatient treatment consistent with the design of the Rutland County drug court. These are the state funds the agency of human services shall use as match for year two federal funds from the 2003 Department of Justice Drug Court Implementation Grant award. (2) The amount of $196,200.00, of which $141,133.00 is from general funds, shall be used to fund student assistance counselors. (3) The amount of $852,633.00, of which $562,101.00 is from general and tobacco funds, shall be used for residential treatment programs, including transitional halfway house programs, including the Serenity House program. (4) The amount of $292,500.00, of which $280,000.00 is from tobacco funds, shall be used for recovery programs. These funds shall be used to provide grants as follows: $40,000.00 each to the recovery programs in Springfield and St. Johnsbury; $35,000.00 each to the programs in White River Junction, Rutland, Colchester, Bennington, and Barre; and $25,000.00 shall be available for development, assistance, and evaluation grants to recovery centers. (5) The amount of $1,065,864.00, of which $623,589.00 is from general and tobacco funds, shall be used for opiate treatment programs, including SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 67 buprenorphine and methadone and treatment for pregnant and postpartum women. (6) The amount of $83,155.00 from tobacco funds shall be used for three community prevention grants. Sec. 105a. 33 V.S.A. § 5517(e) is added to read: (e) Notwithstanding laws to the contrary in this chapter, a petition may be filed pursuant to subsections (a) and (c) of this section alleging that a 16- to 17.5-year-old youth who is not in the custody of the state is a child in need of care or supervision under subdivision 5502(a)(12)(C) of this title when the child is at high risk of serious harm to himself or herself or others due to problems such as substance abuse, prostitution, or homelessness, and whose needs transcend any one department of the agency of human services and require complicated clinical interventions from multiple organizations. The report required by subsection (c) of this section shall set forth facts supporting the specific requirements of this section and that it is in the best interests of the child to be considered as a child in need of care or supervision. If the court finds all of the allegations set forth in the report have been established, it shall find the child is a child in need of care or supervision. All proceedings initiated pursuant to this section shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Services to the child and his or her family shall SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 68 be provided through a coordinated effort by the agency of human services, the department of education, and community-based interagency teams. Sec. 105b. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES; REORGANIZATION (a) Notwithstanding No. 45 of the Acts if 2003, the secretary of the agency of human services shall adjust appropriations in a manner consistent with the plan approved by both the reorganization oversight committee and the joint fiscal committee. Adjustments shall not be made until approval is granted. Sec. 106. 33 V.S.A. § 5562 is added to read: § 5562. JUVENILE JUSTICE DIRECTOR (a) The governor shall appoint a juvenile justice director, reporting directly to the secretary of the agency of human services, who shall have the responsibility and authority to monitor and coordinate all state and participating regional and local programs that deal with juvenile justice issues, including prevention, education, enforcement, adjudication, and rehabilitation. (b) The juvenile justice director shall ensure that the following occur: (1) Development of a comprehensive plan for a coordinated and sustained statewide program to reduce the number of juvenile offenders, involving state, regional, and local officials in the areas of health, education, prevention, law enforcement, corrections, teen activities, and community wellness. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 69 (2) Cooperation among state, regional, and local officials, court personnel, service providers, and law enforcement agencies in the formulation and execution of a coordinated statewide juvenile justice program. (3) Cooperation among appropriate departments, including the departments of education, corrections, social and rehabilitation services, employment and training, developmental and mental health services, and public safety, and the office of alcohol and drug abuse programs. (4) Study of issues relating to juvenile justice and development of recommendations regarding changes in law and rules, as deemed advisable. (5) Compilation of data on issues relating to juvenile justice and analysis, study, and organization of such data for use by educators, researchers, policy advocates, administrators, legislators, and the governor. Sec. 107. Rate setting Personal services Operating expenses Total 628,088 66,803 694,891 Source of Funds Interdepartmental transfer 694,891 Sec. 108. Human services board Personal services Operating expenses 269,238 32,226 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Total H.768 Page 70 301,464 Source of Funds General fund 121,082 Federal funds 128,129 Interdepartmental transfer Total 52,253 301,464 Sec. 109. Developmental disabilities council Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 122,521 39,600 321,000 483,121 Source of Funds Federal funds 483,121 (a) The executive director of the developmental disabilities council shall be an exempt position. Sec. 110. Office of child support services Personal services 7,649,310 Operating expenses 2,790,782 Total 10,440,092 Source of Funds General fund 1,370,517 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Special funds Federal funds Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 71 454,125 8,508,350 107,100 10,440,092 Sec. 111. Health - administration and support Personal services 4,149,049 Operating expenses 1,011,452 Total 5,160,501 Source of Funds General fund 1,072,540 Special funds 21,951 Federal funds 4,066,010 Total 5,160,501 Sec. 112. Health - health protection Personal services 3,235,360 Operating expenses 650,861 Grants 406,340 Total 4,292,561 Source of Funds General fund 1,213,228 Special funds 1,122,900 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 72 1,509,317 447,116 4,292,561 Sec. 113. Health - health surveillance Personal services 6,827,697 Operating expenses 1,887,908 Grants 2,714,100 Total 11,429,705 Source of Funds General fund 3,680,018 Special funds 1,072,850 Federal funds 6,546,652 Permanent trust Interdepartmental transfer Total 2,300 127,885 11,429,705 (a) Of the above general fund appropriation, $250,000.00 and at least $50,000.00 in federal funds shall be appropriated to the Vermont AIDS service organizations for client-based support services. The grants in this section shall be awarded equitably on a per-client basis and shall be used for services only, not administrative or other purposes. The method by which AIDS service organizations’ clients are counted shall be determined by mutual agreement of SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 73 the department of health, the AIDS service organizations, and the HIV/AIDS service advisory council (HASAC). (b) Of the above federal fund appropriation, the Ryan White Title II federal service funds shall be used for direct client-based support services, including services that assist people living with HIV/AIDS to access medical care. The department shall follow federal guidelines and shall be advised by the HASAC for the purpose of prioritization of the use of these funds. Criteria shall be developed by the department, in collaboration with the HASAC, to govern situations when the department may select providers outside the existing AIDS service organizations network to receive part of these Ryan White Title II funds. (c) Of the above general fund appropriation, $175,000.00 shall be used for all aspects of the HIV/AIDS medication assistance program (AMAP), including the costs of prescribed medications, related laboratory testing, nutritional supplements, and maximum cost-effectiveness for the program. (d) The secretary of human services shall immediately notify the joint fiscal committee if, at any time, there are insufficient funds in AMAP to assist all eligible individuals. The secretary shall work in cooperation with persons living with HIV/AIDS to develop a plan to continue access to AMAP medications until such time as the general assembly can take action. (e) The secretary of human services shall work in conjunction with the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 74 AMAP advisory committee, comprising no less than 50 percent of members who are living with HIV/AIDS. The committee shall make recommendations regarding the program’s formulary of approved medication, related laboratory testing, nutritional supplements, and eligibility for the program. Sec. 114. Health - health improvement Personal services 7,865,343 Operating expenses 1,109,859 Grants Total 14,484,500 23,459,702 Source of Funds General fund 3,499,214 Special funds 989,927 Tobacco fund 3,399,677 Federal funds 15,415,384 Interdepartmental transfer Total 155,500 23,459,702 (a) The department of health may carry forward any unspent portion of funds designated for health professional loan repayment. These funds may be used either alone or to match federal national health service corps loan repayment funds, local funds, or private funds and shall be made available to primary care providers, dentists, licensed nurses, and dental hygienists who SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 75 agree to practice for a prescribed period of time in the state or at an accredited hospital within 10 miles of the Vermont border, serving a portion of the state designated as a health professional shortage population, or other rural or underserved areas. Educational scholarships, loan repayment grants, loan deferment payments, and payments of taxes due on the award may be considered for payment. (b) Of the above appropriation, $300,000.00 is to support the Vermont coalition of clinics for the uninsured health care and dental services provided by clinics for uninsured individuals and families. (c) The above tobacco fund appropriation in this section shall be utilized according to the provisions of 18 V.S.A. chapter 225 as follows: (1) community-based programs - $1,023,624.00; (2) media and public education - $926,053.00; (3) tobacco cessation programs - $1,130,000.00; of this allocation, $80,000.00 shall be used to make nicotine replacement therapies available to all persons enrolled in tobacco cessation counseling; (4) surveillance and evaluation activities - $320,000.00. (d) The department of health in conjunction with the department of education shall track and report quarterly expenses and receipts for the family infant toddler program. (1) The first report shall include final expenses and receipts by source SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 76 for fiscal year 2004 (through June 30, 2004) which shall be broken out by quarter and include enrollment data. (2) For fiscal year 2005, the quarterly reports shall include: (A) the number of enrolled children; (B) expenses; and (C) receipts by source, including federal part C dollars, Medicaid receipts, state general funds, and any other sources of funding. (3) The department of health shall submit these reports to the house and senate committees on appropriations and health and welfare or the joint health access oversight committee when the general assembly is not in session. (e) The commissioner of health is encouraged to identify resources within the department budget that could be redirected to high priority chronic care and childhood obesity activities. If such resources are identified prior to actual redirection, the commissioner shall report the recommended funding changes to the joint health access oversight committee. The joint health access committee shall meet within 30 days of such a report to approve the recommendations. The recommendations shall be deemed approved should the joint health access oversight committee fail to meet or act within 30 days. Sec. 115. Health - community public health Personal services Operating expenses 11,300,056 1,632,764 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Grants Total H.768 Page 77 11,594,327 24,527,147 Source of Funds General fund 4,007,512 Special funds 520,701 Federal funds 19,641,614 Interdepartmental transfer Total 357,320 24,527,147 (a) The department of health shall include with its annual budget submission the total amount of funds granted through the healthy babies program and the source of funds that support the grant. Sec. 116. Health - alcohol and drug abuse programs Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 2,370,638 860,942 16,804,728 20,036,308 Source of Funds General fund 4,848,688 Special funds 157,000 Tobacco fund 3,171,266 Federal funds 11,451,354 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 78 Interdepartmental Transfer Total 408,000 20,036,308 (a) For the purpose of meeting the need for outpatient substance abuse services when the preferred provider system has a waiting list of five days or more or there is a lack of qualified clinicians to provide services in a region of the state, a state-qualified alcohol and drug abuse counselor may apply to the department of health, division of alcohol and drug abuse programs, for time-limited authorization to participate as a Medicaid provider to deliver clinical and case coordination services as authorized. (b)(1) In accordance with federal law, the division of alcohol and drug abuse programs may use the following interim criteria to determine whether to enroll a state-supported Medicaid and uninsured population substance abuse program in the division’s network of designated providers, as described in the state plan: (A) The program has the ability to provide the quality, quantity, and levels of care required under the division’s standards, licensure standards, and accreditation standards established by the commission of accreditation of rehabilitation facilities, the joint commission on accreditation of health care organizations, or the commission on accreditation for family services. (B) Any program that is currently being funded in the existing network shall continue to be a designated program until further standards are SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 79 developed, provided the standards identified in subdivision (1) of this subsection are satisfied. (C) All programs shall continue to fulfill grant or contract agreements. (2) The provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection shall not preclude the division’s “request for bids” process. (c) Of the above appropriation, $75,000.00 shall be used for drug court programs in Bennington, Chittenden, and Rutland counties. The sum of $25,000.00 is allocated for each drug court program to be used for treatment, case management, coordination, and screening services as needed. Sec. 117. Health - medical practice board Personal services 637,400 Operating expenses 125,000 Total 762,400 Source of Funds Special funds 762,400 Sec. 117a. 26 V.S.A. § 1351(f) is added to read: (f) Classified state employees who are employed as investigators who have successfully completed a course of training under chapter 151 of Title 20 shall have the same powers as sheriffs in criminal matters and the enforcement of the law and in serving criminal process, and shall have all the immunities and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 80 matters of defense now available or hereafter made available to sheriffs in a suit brought against them in consequence for acts done in the course of their employment. Sec. 118. Social and rehabilitation services - administrative and support services Personal services 2,237,449 Operating expenses 331,754 Total 2,569,203 Source of Funds General fund 1,187,302 Federal funds 1,381,901 Total 2,569,203 (a) Prior to entering into long-term contracts to replace the residential capacity lost as a result of the change in status at Mountain View, the department shall seek proposals from qualified providers to meet the residential treatment needs of the department’s caseload. Sec. 119. Social and rehabilitation services - social services Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 17,195,972 2,695,866 52,967,384 72,859,222 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 81 Source of Funds General fund 30,872,287 Special funds 1,306,152 Tobacco fund 75,000 Federal funds 40,605,783 Total 72,859,222 Sec. 120. Social and rehabilitation services - child care services Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 1,785,851 409,257 34,102,883 36,297,991 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 11,691,476 60,249 Special funds 832,000 Federal funds 23,637,014 Interdepartmental transfer Total 77,252 36,297,991 (a) Of the above appropriation, $50,000.00 shall be granted to the Vermont Center for the Book. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 82 Sec. 120a. FISCAL YEAR 2004 CHILD CARE SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION (a) In addition to funds already appropriated to the department of social and rehabilitation services for child care expenditures, $1,700,000.00 in general funds is appropriated from the human services caseload reserve established under 32 V.S.A. § 308b to meet caseload pressures in fiscal year 2004. Sec. 121. [Deleted] Sec. 122. Social and rehabilitation services - Woodside rehabilitation center Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,282,357 438,299 2,720,656 Source of Funds General fund Interdepartmental transfer Total 2,665,764 54,892 2,720,656 Sec. 123. Social and rehabilitation services - disability determination services Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,719,300 441,112 3,160,412 Source of Funds Federal funds 2,915,267 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 83 245,145 3,160,412 Sec. 124. Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - administration Personal services 27,827,176 Operating expenses 5,249,699 Grants 1,414,675 Total 34,491,550 Source of Funds General fund 13,476,039 Special funds 2,047,319 Federal funds 18,973,192 Total 34,491,550 (a) Of the above special fund appropriation, $85,000.00 shall be from the universal service fund for administration and software expenses for the lifeline program. Sec. 125. Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - reach up Grants 44,486,083 Source of Funds General fund 15,948,867 Special funds 2,200,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Total H.768 Page 84 26,337,216 44,486,083 Sec. 126. Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - aid to aged, blind and disabled Personal services 1,365,966 Grants 9,218,772 Total 10,584,738 Source of Funds General fund 10,584,738 Sec. 127. FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS (a) The sum of $68,865,572.00 is appropriated and transferred from the general fund to the health access trust fund in fiscal year 2005. (b) The sum of $17,250,000.00 is appropriated and transferred from the tobacco litigation settlement fund to the health access trust fund in fiscal year 2005. Sec. 128. Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - Medicaid Personal services Grants Total 15,812,482 565,218,912 581,031,394 Source of Funds Special funds 227,532,074 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Total H.768 Page 85 353,499,320 581,031,394 (a) HIV/AIDS health insurance assistance program. (1) The department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access (PATH) in cooperation with the department of health shall operate an HIV/AIDS insurance assistance program. (2) The program shall pay all or a portion of continuation health insurance premiums for those eligible individuals with HIV/AIDS for whom it can be determined that continuation of private insurance coverage is less costly to the state than other alternatives. (3) Eligibility for this program shall be limited to individuals whose household income does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty level, after deducting unreimbursed medical expenses and health insurance premiums from gross income, and whose assets, exclusive of the primary residence and certain other exclusions to be defined by the department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access, do not exceed $10,000.00. (4) Expenditures under this program shall not exceed $55,000.00 in fiscal year 2005. (b) Of the above appropriation, $250,000.00 from the health access trust fund, along with federal matching funds, shall be used to increase reimbursement paid for specific procedures by Medicaid when access by SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 86 Medicaid beneficiaries to those services is threatened by increasing malpractice insurance costs to service providers. The department of PATH, in consultation with the Vermont medical society, shall identify these procedures based on percentage and dollar premium increases and volume of care paid for by Medicaid. * * * Prescription Drug Price Disclosure * * * Sec. 128a. 18 V.S.A. § 9410a is added to read: § 9410a. PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICE DISCLOSURE (a) The commissioner’s health care information system established and maintained under section 9410 of this title shall include a mechanism to make available to consumers such prescription drug price information as the commissioner determines is necessary or desirable, consistent with the provisions of this section, to empower an individual to make economically sound and appropriate prescription drug purchasing decisions. (b) The commissioner shall require pharmacy benefit managers or health insurers to disclose prescription drug prices to consumers and health care providers. The commissioner shall require such disclosure through internet publication, a toll-free number, or any other cost-effective method. Disclosure shall include the cost to the consumer if purchased before the consumer’s deductible amount is reached and any applicable coinsurance or co-payments. Disclosure may include the price per pill, the price per course of therapy, the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 87 relationship between the average wholesale price (AWP) of a specific drug and other drugs within the same therapeutic class, and any other relevant information. The commissioner shall require a retail pharmacy to disclose the retail price of prescription drugs to consumers not covered by an insured or self-insured health benefit plan, upon the request of the consumer. (c) The commissioner may adopt such rules as are necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this section and, as appropriate, ensure the confidentiality of proprietary information. The commissioner shall file such rules with the legislative committee on administrative rules within one year of the effective date of this section. In adopting such rules, the commissioner shall consider the consumer’s need for the prescription drug price disclosure information, the cost of the collection and publication of the information, and any other relevant consideration. (d) The department’s reasonable expenses in administering the prescription drug price disclosure mechanism established by this section may be charged to pharmacy benefit managers doing business in Vermont in the manner provided for in section 18 of Title 8. Such expenses shall be allocated in proportion to the lives of Vermonters covered by each pharmacy benefit manager as reported annually to the commissioner in a manner and form prescribed by the commissioner. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 88 (e)(1) The commissioner may enforce the provisions of this section as to pharmacy benefit managers in the same manner as health insurers pursuant to subsection 9412 of this title. The powers of the commissioner under this section shall be in addition to any other powers of the commissioner under this title or Title 8. (2) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the attorney general after consultation with the commissioner may file an action in superior court for a violation of this section or rules adopted under this section (wherein the commissioner’s determinations concerning the interpretation and administration of the provisions of this section and any rules adopted under this section shall carry the presumption of validity accorded under the law). In any such action, the attorney general shall have the same authority to investigate and to obtain remedies as if the action were brought under the consumer fraud act, chapter 63 of Title 9. Each violation of this section constitutes a separate civil violation for which the attorney general may obtain relief. (f) As used in this section: (1) “Average wholesale price” or “AWP” means the wholesale price charged on a specific commodity that is assigned by the drug manufacturer and listed in a nationally recognized drug pricing file. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 89 (2) “Health insurer” is defined in subdivision 9402(9) of this title. As used in this section, the term includes Medicaid, the Vermont health access plan, the VScript pharmaceutical assistance program, and any other public health care assistance program. (3) “Pharmacy benefit manager” is defined by subdivision 9471(5) of this title. Sec. 128b. 18 V.S.A. § 9410b is added to read: § 9410b. PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETER DISCLOSURE (a) The commissioner’s health care information system established and maintained under section 9410 of this title shall include a requirement that when a pharmaceutical marketer engages in any form of prescription drug marketing directly to a physician or other person authorized to prescribe prescription drugs, the marketer shall disclose to the physician or other prescriber the average wholesale price (AWP) of the drugs being marketed, in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner. Disclosure to the prescriber shall be in such a format as to be easily distributed to and understood by patients. Disclosure shall include the AWP per pill, when relevant, and may include the relationship between the AWP of the specific drug being marketed and other drugs within the same therapeutic class, the price per course of therapy, and any other relevant information. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 90 (b) The commissioner may adopt such rules as are necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this section. In adopting such rules, the commissioner shall consider the prescriber’s and the consumer’s need for information, the cost of the collection and disclosure of the information, and any other relevant consideration. (c) The department’s reasonable expenses in administering the provisions of this section may be charged to pharmaceutical manufacturing companies doing business in Vermont in the manner provided for in section 18 of Title 8. Such expenses shall be allocated in proportion to the value of economic benefits disclosed by pharmaceutical manufacturing companies under section 2005 of Title 33, as reported annually by such companies to the commissioner in a manner and form prescribed by the commissioner. (d)(1) The commissioner may enforce the provisions of this section as to pharmaceutical marketers and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in the same manner as health insurers pursuant to subsection 9412 of this title. (2) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the attorney general after consultation with the commissioner may file an action in superior court for a violation of this section or rules adopted under this section (wherein the commissioner’s determinations concerning the interpretation and administration of the provisions of this section and any rules adopted under this section shall carry the presumption of validity accorded under the law). In SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 91 any such action, the attorney general shall have the same authority to investigate and to obtain remedies as if the action were brought under the consumer fraud act, chapter 63 of Title 9. Each violation of this section constitutes a separate civil violation for which the attorney general may obtain relief. (e) As used in this section: (1) “Average wholesale price” or “AWP” is defined in subdivision 9410a(f)(1) of this title. (2) “Pharmaceutical manufacturing company” is defined by subdivision 2005(c)(2) of Title 33. (3) “Pharmaceutical marketer” is defined by subdivision 2005(c)(1) of Title 33. * * * Over-the-Counter Drug Coverage * * * Sec. 128c. 33 V.S.A. § 1992a is added to read: § 1992a. OVER-THE-COUNTER DRUG COVERAGE All public pharmaceutical assistance programs shall provide coverage for those over-the-counter drugs on the preferred drug list developed under section 1998 of this title. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 92 * * * PBM Regulation * * * Sec. 128d. 18 V.S.A. chapter 221, subchapter 9 is added to read: Subchapter 9. Pharmacy Benefit Managers § 9471. DEFINITIONS As used in this subchapter: (1) “Beneficiary” means an individual who has been enrolled in a health insurance plan in which coverage of prescription drugs is administered by a pharmacy benefit manager, and includes his or her dependent or other person provided health coverage through that health insurance plan. (2) “Health insurance plan” means a health benefit plan offered, administered, or issued by a health insurer doing business in Vermont. (3) “Health insurer” is defined by subdivision 9402(9) of this title. As used in this subchapter, the term includes the state of Vermont and any agent or instrumentality of the state that offers, administers, or provides financial support to state government. It does not include Medicaid, the Vermont health access plan, the VScript pharmaceutical assistance program, and any other public health care assistance program. (4) “Pharmacy benefit management” means an arrangement for the procurement of prescription drugs at a negotiated rate for dispensation within this state to beneficiaries, the administration or management of prescription drug benefits provided by a health insurance plan for the benefit of SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 93 beneficiaries, or any of the following services provided with regard to the administration of pharmacy benefits: (A) mail service pharmacy; (B) claims processing, retail network management, and payment of claims to pharmacies for prescription drugs dispensed to beneficiaries; (C) clinical formulary development and management services; (D) rebate contracting and administration; (E) certain patient compliance, therapeutic intervention, and generic substitution programs; and (F) disease management programs. (5) “Pharmacy benefit manager” means an entity that performs pharmacy benefit management. The term includes a person or entity acting for a pharmacy benefit manager in a contractual or employment relationship in the performance of pharmacy benefit management for a health insurance plan. § 9472. PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS; REQUIREMENTS (a) A pharmacy benefit manager registered under section 9420 of this title that provides pharmacy benefit management for a health insurance plan shall: (1) Discharge its duties with respect to a health insurance plan primarily in the interest of the plan and for the primary purpose of providing benefits to the plan and defraying reasonable expenses of administering health insurance plan benefits. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 94 (2) Discharge its duties with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent pharmacy benefit manager acting in like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims. (3) Provide any and all utilization information requested by a health insurance plan relating to the provision of benefits to beneficiaries through that health insurance plan and utilization information relating to services to that health insurance plan. A pharmacy benefit manager providing information under this subsection may designate that material as confidential. Information designated as confidential by a pharmacy benefit manager and provided to a health insurance plan under this subsection may not be disclosed by the health insurance plan to any person without the consent of the pharmacy benefit manager, except that disclosure may be made in a court filing under the consumer fraud provisions of chapter 63 of Title 9 or when authorized by that chapter or ordered by a court for good cause shown. (4) Notify a health insurance plan in writing of any proposed or ongoing activity, policy, or practice of the pharmacy benefit manager that presents, directly or indirectly, any conflict of interest with the requirements of this section. (5) With regard to the dispensation of a substitute prescription drug for a prescribed drug to a beneficiary, the following provisions apply: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 95 (A) The pharmacy benefit manager may substitute a lower-priced generic and therapeutically equivalent drug for a higher-priced prescribed drug. (B) With regard to substitutions in which the substitute drug costs more than the prescribed drug, the substitution must be in accordance with Rule 10, the quality assurance standards and consumer protections for managed care plans adopted by the department of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration. (6) A pharmacy benefit manager shall disclose to the health insurance plan all financial terms and arrangements for remuneration of any kind that apply between the pharmacy benefit manager and any prescription drug manufacturer, including formulary management and drug-switch programs, educational support, claims processing, pharmacy network fees charged from retail pharmacies and data sales fees, and any other information required to be disclosed under section 9420 of this title. A pharmacy benefit manager providing information under this subsection may designate that material as confidential. Information designated as confidential by a pharmacy benefit manager and provided to a health insurance plan under this subsection may not be disclosed by the health insurance plan to any person without the consent of the pharmacy benefit manager, except that disclosure may be made in a court SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 96 filing under the consumer fraud provisions of chapter 63 of Title 9 or when authorized by that chapter or ordered by a court for good cause shown. (b) Compliance with the requirements of this section is required in all contracts for pharmacy benefit management entered into in this state or by a health insurance plan in this state after July 1, 2004. § 9473. ENFORCEMENT (a) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, a health insurance plan aggrieved by a violation of this subchapter or a rule adopted under this subchapter may file an action in superior court for injunctive relief and an award of compensatory and punitive damages. The superior court may award to the health insurance plan which prevails in an action under this section reasonable costs and attorney’s fees. (b) An action by the attorney general under this section is subject to the provisions of this subsection and the consumer fraud provisions of chapter 63 of Title 9. Each violation of this subchapter constitutes an unfair practice under section 2453 of Title 9 and is a civil violation for which the attorney general may obtain, in addition to other remedies, injunctive relief and a fine in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 per violation, plus the costs of suit, including necessary and reasonable investigative costs, reasonable expert fees, and reasonable attorney’s fees. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 97 Sec. 128e. 18 V.S.A. § 9420 is added to read: § 9420. PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGEMENT; REGISTRATION; AUDIT (a) A pharmacy benefit manager shall not do business in this state without first registering with the commissioner on a form and in a manner prescribed by the commissioner. (b) In accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner, pharmacy benefit managers operating in the state of Vermont and proposing to contract for the provision of pharmacy benefit management services shall offer health insurance plans a quotation for an administrative-services-only contract with full pass through of negotiated prices, rebates, and other such financial benefits which would identify to the health insurance plan external sources of revenue and profit, in addition to quotations for any other alternative pricing arrangement. Quotations for an administrative-services-only contract shall include a reasonable fee payable by the health insurance plan which represents a competitive pharmacy benefit profit. (c) In order to enable periodic verification of pricing arrangements, pharmacy benefit managers shall allow access, in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner, by the health insurance plan to financial and contractual information necessary to conduct a complete and independent audit designed to verify the following: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 98 (1) if applicable under an administrative-services-only contract under subsection (a) of this section, full pass through of negotiated drug prices and fees associated with all drugs dispensed to beneficiaries of the health insurance plan in both retail and mail order settings or resulting from any of the pharmacy benefit management functions defined in this section; (2) if applicable under an administrative-services-only contract under subsection (a) of this section, full pass through of all financial remuneration associated with all drugs dispensed to beneficiaries of the health insurance plan in both retail and mail order settings or resulting from any of the pharmacy benefit management functions defined in this section; and (3) any other verifications relating to the pricing arrangements and activities of the pharmacy benefit manager required by the commissioner. (d) The department’s reasonable expenses in administering the provisions of this section may be charged to pharmacy benefit managers in the manner provided for in section 18 of Title 8. Such expenses shall be allocated in proportion to the lives of Vermonters covered by each pharmacy benefit manager as reported annually to the commissioner in a manner and form prescribed by the commissioner. (e) The commissioner may adopt such rules as are necessary or desirable in carrying out the purposes of this section and shall specify that the disclosure requirements of this section apply only to contracts for pharmacy benefit SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 99 management entered into after July 1, 2004. The rules also shall ensure that proprietary information is kept confidential and not disclosed by health insurance plans. (f) As used in this section: (1) “Health insurance plan” is defined in subdivision 9471(2) of this title. (2) “Health insurer” is defined in subdivision 9402(9) of this title. As used in this section, the term includes the state of Vermont and any agent or instrumentality of the state that offers, administers, or provides financial support to state government. The term also includes Medicaid, the Vermont health access plan, the VScript pharmaceutical assistance program, and any other public health care assistance program, unless the state has an administrative-services-only contract. (3) “Pharmacy benefit management” is defined in subdivision 9471(4) of this title. (4) “Pharmacy benefit manager” is defined in subdivision 9471(5) of this title. Sec. 128f. 18 V.S.A. § 9421 is added to read: § 9421. RETAIL PHARMACIES; FILLING OF PRESCRIPTIONS A health insurer, as defined in subdivision 9471(3) of this title, and pharmacy benefit manager, as defined in subdivision 9471(5) of this title, SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 100 doing business in Vermont shall permit a retail pharmacist licensed under chapter 36 of Title 26 to fill prescriptions in the same manner as they are filled by mail order pharmacies with respect to the quantity of drugs or days’ supply of drugs dispensed under each prescription. * * * Joint Purchasing within Vermont; OTC; Counterdetailing * * * Sec. 128g. 33 V.S.A. § 1998 is amended to read: § 1998. PHARMACY BEST PRACTICES AND COST CONTROL PROGRAM ESTABLISHED (a) The commissioner of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access shall establish a pharmacy best practices and cost control program designed to reduce the cost of providing prescription drugs, while maintaining high quality in prescription drug therapies. The program shall include: (1) A preferred list of covered prescription drugs that identifies preferred choices within therapeutic classes for particular diseases and conditions, including generic alternatives and over-the-counter drugs. (A) The commissioner, and the commissioner of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration shall implement the preferred drug list as a uniform, statewide preferred drug list by encouraging all health benefit plans in this state to participate in the program. (B) The commissioner of personnel shall use the preferred drug list in the state employees health benefit plan only if participation in the program will SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 101 provide economic and health benefits to the state employees health benefit plan and to beneficiaries of the plan, and only if agreed to through the bargaining process between the state of Vermont and the authorized representatives of the employees of the state of Vermont. The provisions of this subdivision do not authorize the actuarial pooling of the state employees health benefit plan with any other health benefit plan, unless otherwise agreed to through the bargaining process between the state of Vermont and the authorized representatives of the employees of the state of Vermont. No later than November 1, 2004, the commissioner of personnel shall report to the health access oversight committee and the senate and house committees on health and welfare on whether use of the preferred drug list in the state employees health benefit plan would, in his or her opinion, provide economic and health benefits to the state employees health benefit plan and to beneficiaries of the plan. *** (4) Education programs, including With input from physicians, pharmacists, private insurers, hospitals, pharmacy benefit managers, and the drug utilization review board, a counterdetailing education program, designed to provide information and education on the therapeutic and cost-effective utilization of prescription drugs to physicians, pharmacists, and other health care professionals authorized to prescribe and dispense prescription drugs. Details of the program, including the scope of the program and funding SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 102 recommendations, shall be contained in a report submitted to the health access oversight committee and the senate and house committees on health and welfare no later than January 1, 2005; *** * * * Expanding Use of 340B Programs * * * Sec. 128h. 33 V.S.A. § 2008 is added to read: § 2008. FEDERAL DISCOUNT PROGRAMS; STUDY The commissioner shall study and by January 1, 2005 report to the governor, the senate and house committees on health and welfare and on appropriations, and the health access oversight committee on the feasibility of providing discounted prescription drugs to Vermont’s most vulnerable patient populations through the use of Section 340B of the federal Public Health Service Act, 42 United States Code § 256b (1999). The commissioner shall work with other state agencies, representatives of state employees, and representatives of health care providers and facilities in the state to provide the following information: (1) A description of all health care providers and facilities in the state potentially eligible for designation as “covered entities” under Section 340B, including without limitation all hospitals eligible as disproportionate share hospitals; recipients of grants from the United States Public Health Service; federally qualified health centers; federally qualified look-alikes; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 103 state-operated AIDS drug assistance programs; Ryan White CARE Act Title I, Title II, and Title III programs; tuberculosis, black lung, family planning, and sexually transmitted disease clinics; hemophilia treatment centers; public housing primary care clinics; and clinics for homeless people. (2) A listing of potential applications of Section 340B and the potential benefits to public, private, and third-party payors for prescription drugs, including: (A) application to inmates and employees in youth correctional facilities, county jails, and state prisons; (B) maximizing the use of Section 340B within state-funded managed care plans; (C) the inclusion of Section 340B providers in state bulk purchasing initiatives; and (D) using sole source contracts with Section 340B providers to furnish high-cost chronic care drugs. (3) Discounts available through Section 340B contracts, including estimated cost savings to the state as a result of retail mark-up avoidance, negotiated subceiling prices, and coordination with the Medicaid program in order to minimize costs to the program and to other purchasers of prescription drugs. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 104 (4) The resources available to potential applicants for designation as covered entities for the application process, establishing a Section 340B program, restructuring the health care system, or other methods of lowering the cost of prescription drugs. The resources must include state and federal agencies and private philanthropic grants to be used for the purposes of this section. * * * Mental Health Drugs * * * Sec. 128i. MENTAL HEALTH DRUGS; SUNSET EXTENSION Subdivision (2) of Sec. 5 of No. 127 of the Acts of the 2001 Adj. Sess (2002) is amended to read: (2) Sec. 1, 33 V.S.A. § 1999(d) (prior authorization and drugs used to treat mental illness) shall be repealed on July 1, 2004 2006. The commissioner of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access shall report to the health access oversight committee concerning the drug utilization review board’s analysis of prescribing patterns, literature, and testimony regarding clinical efficacy and outcomes, expenditure trends, and any proposed revisions to the preferred drug list as it pertains to drugs used to treat mental illness. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 105 * * * Medicare Drug Benefit: Donut Hole, Impact on Vermont, and Coordination with State Programs * * * Sec. 128j. PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE FOR MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES The department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access shall analyze the financial impact on the state of Vermont and on Vermont Medicare beneficiaries caused by implementation of the federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, P.L. 108-173, and report its findings annually to the health access oversight committee and the senate and house committees on health and welfare beginning October 1, 2004. Sec. 128k. PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFIT WORKING GROUP The commissioner of aging and disabilities with representatives from the department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access shall convene a working group of elderly and disabled consumers, advocates, and providers to: (1) develop and implement a plan which at a minimum shall include outreach, education, and assistance to minimize confusion and duplication of coverage expected to be caused by the introduction of the new, federally mandated Medicare discount cards to Vermont Medicare beneficiaries, especially those who also are eligible for Medicaid, VHAP-Rx, VScript, VScript Expanded, or Healthy Vermonters; and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 106 (2) plan for the implementation of Medicare Part D in the state beginning January 1, 2006. Such planning shall include both monitoring and advocacy on federal policy as it relates to Vermont state pharmaceutical assistance programs with a goal of minimizing any reduction of assistance to these beneficiaries. The plan shall analyze fully the potential gains and losses to Vermont and to its state pharmaceutical assistance beneficiaries resulting from Medicare Part D and the balance of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, P.L. 108-173, and shall provide ongoing cost projections and identify sources of funding for holding these beneficiaries harmless from pharmacy benefit cuts once Medicare Part D is implemented. * * * Prior Authorization Exemption * * * Sec. 128l. 33 V.S.A. § 1999(f) is amended to read: (f) The program’s prior authorization process shall require that the prescriber, not the pharmacy, request a prior authorization exception exemption to the requirements of this section. The No later than December 31, 2004, the commissioner shall create a pilot program may designed to exempt a prescriber from the need to secure prior authorization for a specific drug category requirement of the preferred drug list program if the program determines that the prescriber has written a minimum number of scripts in that category, and the prescriber prescribes prescription drugs on the preferred drug SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 107 list at or above the minimum threshold for that category met compliance standards established by the department in consultation with the drug utilization review board. This exemption does not apply to drugs that require prior authorization for clinical reasons. * * * Reimportation * * * Sec. 128m. 8 V.S.A. § 4089i is added to read: § 4089i. PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE A health insurance or other health benefit plan offered by a health insurer shall provide coverage for prescription drugs purchased outside this country on the same terms and conditions as prescription drugs purchased in this country. The plan may require certification by the North American Pharmatherapeutic Consultants Association for the purpose of safeguarding the quality of prescription drugs purchased by plan beneficiaries. Sec. 128n. 33 V.S.A. § 2007 is added to read: § 2007. CANADIAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG INFORMATION PROGRAM (a) The department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access shall establish a program to describe how Vermont residents are able to purchase prescription drugs from Canada. This program shall provide information about ordering prescription drugs through the mail or otherwise from a participating Canadian pharmacy. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 108 (b) The department shall establish a website and written information regarding the program. Sec. 128o. APPLICABILITY; STATUTORY REVISION The statutory revision commission is directed to recodify 8 V.S.A. §§ 4089i and 4089j (health care ombudsman) as 8 V.S.A. §§ 4089v and 4089w, respectively. * * * Healthy Vermonters Expansion * * * Sec. 128p. 33 V.S.A. § 2003 is amended to read: § 2003. PHARMACY DISCOUNT PLAN (a) On or before July 1, 2002, the The commissioner shall implement a pharmacy discount plan, to be known as the “Healthy Vermonters” program, for Vermonters without adequate coverage for prescription drugs. The provisions of section 1992 of this title shall apply to the commissioner’s authority to administer the pharmacy discount plan established by this section. The commissioner may establish an enrollment fee in such amount as is necessary to support the administrative costs of the plan. (b) The pharmacy discount plan authorized by this section shall include a program implemented as a Section 1115 Medicaid waiver, wherein the state makes a payment toward the cost of the drugs dispensed to individuals enrolled in this program of at least two percent of the cost of each prescription or refill, consistent with the appropriation for the program established by this section SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 109 offer enrolled individuals an initial discounted cost for covered drugs and, upon approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of a Section 1115 Medicaid waiver program, a secondary discounted cost, which shall reflect a state payment toward the cost of each dispensed drug as well as any rebate amount negotiated by the commissioner. Upon implementation of the waiver program, the commissioner may establish an enrollment fee in such amount as is necessary to support the administrative costs of the program. (c) The commissioner shall implement the pharmacy discount program authorized by this section without any financial contribution by the state otherwise required by subsection (b) of this section, and without federal waiver approval during such time as federal waiver approval has not been secured. (d) As used in this section: (1) “Eligible beneficiary” means any individual Vermont resident without adequate coverage: (A) who is at least 65 years of age, or is disabled and is eligible for Medicare or Social Security disability benefits, with household income equal to or less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level, as calculated under the rules of the Vermont health access plan, as amended, and any other individual Vermont resident with; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 110 (B) whose household income is equal to or less than 300 350 percent of the federal poverty level, as calculated under the rules of the Vermont Health access plan, as amended; and or (C) whose family incurs unreimbursed expenses for prescription drugs, including insurance premiums, that equal five percent or more of household income or whose total unreimbursed medical expenses, including insurance premiums, equal 15 percent or more of household income. (2) “Initial discounted cost” means the price of the drug based on the Medicaid fee schedule. (3) “Labeler” means an entity or person that receives prescription drugs from a manufacturer or wholesaler and repackages those drugs for later retail sale and that has a labeler code from the federal Food and Drug Administration under 21 Code of Federal Regulations, 207.20 (1999). (4) “Participating retail pharmacy” means a retail pharmacy located in this state or another business licensed to dispense prescription drugs in this state that participates in the program according to rules established by the department and provides discounted prices to eligible beneficiaries of the program. (5) “Rebate amount” means the rebate negotiated by the commissioner and required from a drug manufacturer or labeler under this section. In determining the appropriate rebate, the commissioner shall: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 111 (A) take into consideration the rebate calculated under the Medicaid Rebate Program under section 1396r-8 of Title 42 of the United States Code, the average wholesale price of prescription drugs, and any other information on prescription drug prices and price discounts; (B) use his or her best efforts to obtain an initial rebate amount equal to or greater than the rebate calculated under the Medicaid program under section 1396r-8 of Title 42 of the United States Code; (C) use his or her best efforts to obtain an amount equal to or greater than the amount of any discount, rebate, or price reduction for prescription drugs provided to the federal government. (6) “Secondary discounted cost” means the price of the drug based on the Medicaid fee schedule, less payment by the state of at least two percent of the Medicaid rate, less any rebate amount negotiated by the commissioner and paid for out of the Healthy Vermonters dedicated fund established under subsection 2003(j). (7) “Vermonter without Without adequate coverage” includes eligible beneficiaries with no coverage for prescription drugs or for certain types of prescription drugs, and eligible beneficiaries whose annual maximum coverage limit under their health benefit plan has been reached. (e) Drugs covered by the Healthy Vermonters program shall include all drugs covered under the Medicaid program. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 112 (f) Participating retail pharmacies shall offer beneficiaries the initial discounted price beginning July 1, 2004. Beginning October 1, 2005, a participating retail pharmacy shall offer beneficiaries the secondary discounted price, if available. (g) The Vermont board of pharmacy shall adopt rules requiring disclosure by participating retail pharmacies to eligible beneficiaries of the amount of savings provided as a result of the program. The rules must consider and protect information that is proprietary in nature. The department may not impose transaction charges under this program on pharmacies that submit claims or receive payments under the program. Pharmacies shall submit claims to the department to verify the amount charged to eligible beneficiaries under the program. On a weekly or biweekly basis, the department must reimburse pharmacies for the difference between the initial discounted price and the secondary discounted price provided to eligible beneficiaries. (h) The names of drug manufacturers and labelers who do and do not enter into rebate agreements under this program are public information. The department shall release this information to health care providers and the public on a regular basis and shall publicize participation by manufacturers and labelers. The department shall impose prior authorization requirements in the Medicaid program, as permitted by law, to the extent the department determines it is appropriate to do so in order to encourage manufacturer and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 113 labeler participation in the program and so long as the additional prior authorization requirements remain consistent with the goals of the Medicaid program and the requirements of Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act. (i) The commissioner shall establish, by rule, a process to resolve discrepancies in rebate amounts claimed by manufacturers, labelers, pharmacies, and the department. (j) The Healthy Vermonters dedicated fund is established to receive revenue from manufacturers and labelers who pay rebates as provided in subdivision (d)(5) of this section and any appropriations or allocations designated for the fund. The purposes of the fund are to reimburse retail pharmacies for discounted prices provided to individuals enrolled in the Healthy Vermonters program; and to reimburse the department for contracted services, including pharmacy claims processing fees, administrative and associated computer costs, and other reasonable program costs. The fund is a nonlapsing dedicated fund. Interest on fund balances accrues to the fund. Surplus funds in the fund must be used for the benefit of the program. (k) Annually, the department shall report the enrollment and financial status of the program to the health access oversight committee by September 1, and to the general assembly by January 1. (l) The department shall undertake outreach efforts to build public awareness of the program and maximize enrollment. Outreach efforts shall SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 114 include steps to educate retail pharmacists on the purposes of the Healthy Vermonters dedicated fund, in particular as it relates to pharmacy reimbursements for discounted prices provided to program enrollees. The department may adjust the requirements and terms of the program to accommodate any new federally funded prescription drug programs. (m) The department may contract with a third party or third parties to administer any or all components of the program, including outreach, eligibility, claims, administration, and rebate recovery and redistribution. (n) The department shall administer the program and other medical and pharmaceutical assistance programs under this title in a manner advantageous to the programs and enrollees. In implementing this section, the department may coordinate the other programs and this program and may take actions to enhance efficiency, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, and maximize benefits to the programs and enrollees, including providing the benefits of this program to enrollees in other programs. (o) The department may adopt rules to implement the provisions of this section. (p) The department may seek any waivers of federal law, rule, or regulation necessary to implement the provisions of this section. Sec. 129. Sec. 147(d) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 is amended to read: (d) VHAP, premium-based. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 115 *** (2) The department shall establish per individual premiums for the VHAP Uninsured program for the following brackets of income for the VHAP group as a percentage of federal poverty level (FPL): (A) Income less than or equal to 50 percent of FPL: $4.00 per month. (B)(A) Income greater than 50 percent and less than or equal to 75 percent of FPL: $10.00 per month. (C)(B) Income greater than 75 percent and less than or equal to 100 percent of FPL: $35.00 per month. (D)(C) Income greater than 100 percent and less than or equal to 150 percent of FPL: $45.00 per month. (E)(D) Income greater than 150 percent and less than or equal to 185 percent of FPL: $65.00 per month. (3) The department shall establish per household premiums for the working people with disabilities program for the following brackets of income for the Medicaid group as a percentage of federal poverty level (FPL): (A) Income greater than 185 percent of FPL and less than or equal to 225 percent of FPL: $50.00 per month. (B) Income greater than 225 percent of FPL and less than or equal to 250 percent of FPL, without other health insurance coverage: $75.00 per month. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 116 (C) Income greater than 225 percent of FPL and less than or equal to 250 percent of FPL, with other health insurance coverage: $60.00 per month. Sec. 130. Sec. 147(g) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 is amended to read: (g) Premium billing, collections and nonpayment. (1) The commissioner shall make such changes in the billing and collection process as are necessary to minimize administrative effort and uncollected premiums effective January 1, 2004. The changes in the following subdivisions (A), (B), and (D)(iii) shall be effective January 1, 2004. The changes in the following subdivisions (C), (D)(i), and (D)(iv)-(vi) shall be effective September 1, 2004 The changes in subdivision (D)(ii) shall be implemented as soon as administratively feasible. These changes shall include: (A) Shifting from retrospective to prospective billing. (B) Continuing the current billing approach for all groups currently paying program fees until the new billing approach is approved and ready to be implemented. (C) Adjusting the billing cycle for premiums to facilitate efforts by beneficiaries to stay current and avoid delinquencies. (D) Requiring beneficiaries to pay prospectively a premium equivalent to one month of coverage before initial enrollment, so that: (i) if a premium is received and processed prior to the first day of SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 117 the current month, then full coverage shall begin on the first day of the current month; (ii) if a premium is received and processed after the first day of the current month, then full coverage shall begin on the first day of the following month; (iii) for applicants seeking VHAP coverage, limited coverage (essential hospital, physician and pharmaceutical coverage) shall be provided at no cost between the date that the beneficiary is determined eligible and the date that full coverage begins, contingent upon receipt of premium payment; (iv) VHAP beneficiaries shall receive a notice of eligibility determination that includes a description of the limited coverage and a warning that if the premium is not paid, the beneficiary shall be responsible for all bills incurred in the interim; (v) for applicants seeking VHAP coverage if payment of the premium is not received by the due date, no payment shall be made for any care received after eligibility is determined; (vi) if a VHAP beneficiary’s coverage is cancelled and the beneficiary attempts to reenroll within 12 months, no limited benefit coverage shall be provided, except under the following circumstances: (aa) the applicant or spouse had employer or university-sponsored insurance that terminated; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 118 (bb) the applicant’s household income dropped below 75 percent of FPL; (cc) the applicant established residence in another state for more than 30 days and subsequently returned to Vermont; (dd) medical incapacity during the period when premium payments were due; (vii) following payment of the initial premium, premium bills for subsequent months shall be sent at least 25 days before enrollment may be closed; (viii) for subsequent months, notice shall be sent at least 10 days before closure for nonpayment of premiums; (ix) for subsequent months, eligibility shall be reinstated if payment of premiums is received by the last day of month; (x) for the VHAP Pharmacy, VScript and VScript expanded programs, the prospective billing mechanism described above in Sec. 147 (g)(1)(D)(i)-(ii) shall apply. Limited coverage, described above in Sec. 147 (g)(1)(D)(iii), is not available. If a beneficiary’s coverage is cancelled for nonpayment of premium due to medical incapacity during the period when premium payments were due, the department will provide coverage between the date that the coverage lapsed due to nonpayment of the premium and the last day of the current month, provided that the beneficiary will be responsible SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 119 for all bills incurred during this period if all premium payments due are not received by the last day of the current month; (xi) for pregnant women and children participating in the Dr. Dynasaur, underinsured children, and the SCHIP programs coverage groups, the prospective billing mechanism described above in Sec. 147(g)(1)(D)(i)-(ii) shall apply. Limited coverage, described above in Sec. 147(g)(1)(D)(iii), is not available. Provisions of federal law permitting retroactive coverage shall apply, subject to payment of premiums for any such retroactive coverage sought by the beneficiary; (xii) for beneficiaries participating in the Working People with Disabilities program, the prospective billing mechanism described above in Sec. 147 (g)(1)(D)(i)-(ii) shall apply. Limited coverage, described above in Sec. 147 (g)(1)(D)(iii), is not available. Provisions of federal law permitting retroactive coverage shall apply, subject to payment of premiums for any such retroactive coverage sought by the beneficiary. If a beneficiary’s coverage is cancelled and the beneficiary attempts to reenroll within twelve months, contingent upon federal approval, three-month retroactive coverage will not be provided, except under the following circumstances: (aa) the applicant or spouse had employer or universitysponsored insurance that terminated; (bb) the applicant’s household income dropped below 75% SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 120 of FPL; (cc) the applicant established residence in another state for more than 30 days and subsequently returned to Vermont; (dd) medical incapacity during the period when premium payments were due. *** Sec. 130a. 33 V.S.A. § 1901c is added to read: § 1901c. MEDICAL CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (a) The commissioner shall appoint a medical care advisory committee to advise the department about health care and medical services, consistent with the requirements of federal law. (b) The medical care advisory committee shall be given an opportunity to participate in policy development and program administration for Medicaid and for the VHAP and VScript programs, as they are defined in section 1901b of this subchapter. It shall have an opportunity to review and comment upon agency policy initiatives pertaining to health care benefits and beneficiary eligibility. It also shall have the opportunity to comment on proposed rules prior to commencement of the rulemaking process and on waiver or waiver amendment applications prior to submission to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Prior to the annual budget development process, the department shall engage the medical care advisory committee in priority SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 121 setting, including consideration of scope of benefits, beneficiary eligibility, funding outlook, financing options, and possible budget recommendations. (c) The medical care advisory committee shall make policy recommendations on department proposals to the department, the health access oversight committee, and the standing committees on health and welfare. When the general assembly is not in session, the commissioner shall respond in writing to these recommendations, a copy of which shall be provided to each of the legislative committees. (d) During the legislative session, the commissioner shall provide the committee at regularly scheduled meetings updates on the status of policy and budget proposals. (e) The commissioner shall convene the medical care advisory committee at least six times each year. (f) At least one-third of the members of the medical care advisory committee shall be recipients of Medicaid, VHAP, or VScript. Such members shall receive compensation and reimbursement of expenses pursuant to section 1010 of Title 32, including costs of travel, child care, personal assistance services, and any other service necessary for participation on the committee approved by the commissioner. (g) The commissioner shall appoint members of the medical care advisory committee for staggered, nonrecurring three-year terms. The commissioner SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 122 may remove members of the committee who fail to attend three consecutive meetings and appoint replacements. (h) For purposes of this section, “program administration” means annual and long-term strategic planning, including priority setting, relative to scope of benefits, beneficiary eligibility, funding outlook, financing options, and possible budget recommendations. Sec. 131. RULES SUSPENSION PURSUANT TO FEDERAL APPROVAL (a) The rules adopted by the department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access pursuant to Sec. 147(k) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 shall be suspended until the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has approved the department’s methodology for valuation of United States savings bonds. Sec. 132. [Deleted] Sec. 133. 33 V.S.A. § 1973 is added to read: § 1973. VERMONT HEALTH ACCESS PLAN (a) The department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access shall establish the Vermont health access plan (VHAP) pursuant to a waiver of federal Medicaid law. The plan shall remain in effect as long as the federal waiver is granted or renewed. (b) The purpose of the Vermont health access plan is to provide health care coverage for uninsured or underinsured low income Vermonters. The SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 123 commissioner of the department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access shall establish rules regarding eligibility and administration of the plan. Sec. 134. Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - general assistance Grants 4,376,260 Source of Funds General fund 3,264,939 Special funds 1 Federal funds 1,111,320 Total 4,376,260 (a) Of the above appropriation, $527,000.00 in federal TANF funds and $50,000.00 in general funds are allocated specifically for assistance to families who demonstrate they are faced with a reasonably preventable loss of housing and who meet state requirements for this assistance, as established by rule. Of the above general fund appropriation, $50,000.00 shall be used for the “Category II” rental assistance program. Assistance under this provision is not an entitlement and shall cease upon expenditure of these allocated funds. (b) Of the above appropriation, an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 ($75,000.00 in federal TANF funds and $75,000.00 in general funds) may be expended for temporary housing assistance to individuals and families that SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 124 have reached the 28-day maximum allowed under department rules and have a continued need for this type of emergency assistance. Assistance shall be limited to an additional 56 cumulative days beyond the current 28-day maximum. Assistance under this provision is not an entitlement and shall cease upon expenditure of these allocated funds. Sec. 135. Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - home heating fuel assistance/LIHEAP Personal services 20,000 Operating expenses 90,000 Grants Total 8,352,075 8,462,075 Source of Funds Special funds 8,462,075 (a) Of the funds appropriated for home heating fuel assistance/LIHEAP in this act, no more than $350,000.00 shall be expended for crisis fuel direct service/administration exclusive of statewide after hours crisis coverage. Sec. 136. WEATHERIZATION FUND ANALYSIS (a) On or before December 15 of each year, the department of public service and the agency of human services in consultation with the joint fiscal office shall develop and submit a report to the senate and house committees on appropriations which provides: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 125 (1) any projected or actual reserves in the special fund established pursuant to 33 V.S.A. § 2503, the expenditure of which would not adversely impact ongoing levels of weatherization services; and (2) an analysis of the projected need of households eligible for fuel assistance in meeting their heating bills in the current heating season as compared to previous heating seasons. A heating season shall be defined as the six months from October through March. Sec. 137. PREVENTION, ASSISTANCE, TRANSITION, AND HEALTH ACCESS - HOME HEATING FUEL ASSISTANCE/LIHEAP (a) All federal funds granted to the state for home heating fuel assistance under the low income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP) or other similar federal program in fiscal year 2005 and all unexpended LIHEAP funds granted to the state in fiscal year 2004 are hereby transferred to the home heating fuel assistance trust fund for the provision of home heating fuel assistance, including program administration, under 33 V.S.A. chapter 26. (b) For the purpose of a crisis set-aside, seasonal home heating fuel assistance through December 31, 2004, and program administration, the commissioner of finance and management shall transfer $2,550,000.00 from the home weatherization assistance trust fund to the home heating fuel assistance trust fund to the extent that federal LIHEAP or similar federal funds are not available. An equivalent amount shall be returned to the home SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 126 weatherization trust fund from the home heating fuel assistance trust fund to the extent that federal LIHEAP or similar federal funds are received. Should a transfer of funds from the home weatherization assistance trust fund be necessary for the 2004-2005 crisis set-aside and seasonal home heating fuel assistance through December 31, 2004, and LIHEAP funds awarded as of December 31, 2004 for fiscal year 2005 do not exceed $2,550.000.00, subsequent payments under the home heating fuel assistance program shall not precede January 30, 2005. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, payments authorized by the office of home heating fuel assistance shall not exceed funds available, except that for fuel assistance payments made through December 31, 2004, the commissioner of finance and management may anticipate receipts into the home weatherization assistance trust fund. Sec. 138. Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - food stamp cash out Grants 5,764,119 Source of Funds Federal funds 5,764,119 Sec. 139. TANF EXEMPTION (a) The commissioner may exempt all individuals domiciled in the state of Vermont from the implementation of Sec. 115(a) of Public Law 104-193 through June 30, 2005. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 127 Sec. 139a. 33 V.S.A. § 101(4) is amended to read: (4) Assistance and benefits shall be so administered as to maintain and encourage dignity, self-respect and self-reliance. It is the legislative intent that assistance granted shall be adequate to maintain a reasonable standard of health and decency based on current cost of living indices. The department will amend rules that establish new Reach Up grant amounts only when the legislature has taken affirmative action to increase or decrease Reach Up grant amounts provided to families. Sec. 140. Developmental and mental health services - central office Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,439,723 788,274 3,227,997 Source of Funds General fund 1,423,598 Federal funds 1,804,399 Total 3,227,997 (a) The commissioner of the department of developmental and mental health services shall collaborate with the housing and conservation board and the Vermont housing finance agency to determine whether there would be substantial savings by refinancing long-term capital debt on land and buildings owned by community mental health centers and used as housing for low SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 128 income Vermonters with physical or mental disabilities. The commissioner, board, and agency shall jointly provide a written report of the findings and conclusions to the house and senate committees on appropriations by January 31, 2005. Sec. 141. COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTAL AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (a) It is the intent of the general assembly to ensure that consumers have access to a comprehensive and adequate continuum of care, and that the developmental and mental health system is financially sustainable. (b) There is created a committee on community developmental and mental health services to study and report on Vermont’s developmental and mental health system. Members shall be appointed upon passage of this act and shall include: (1) the secretary of human services or designee; (2) the commissioner of developmental and mental health services or designee; (3) the commissioner of health or designee; (4) the commissioner of aging and disabilities or designee; (5) at least four members selected by the Vermont council on developmental and mental health services; (6) one member selected by the Vermont association for mental health; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 129 (7) one current or recent recipient of community developmental services; (8) one current or recent recipient of community mental health services; (9) one representative of the department of finance and management; and (10) other members as necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section. (c) In studying the developmental and mental health system, the committee shall consider the following: (1) issues relative to the delivery of services, including best practice models, group versus individualized services, preventive and primary care, service coordination options, and cost-effective approaches to delivering services; (2) ways to ensure funding parity between mental and physical health; (3) baseline infrastructure requirements; (4) whether the system is underfunded and, if so, the impact of such underfunding; (5) issues relative to realistic service expectations, including reasonable reimbursement rates and funding mechanisms that correlate with utilization trends; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 130 (6) issues relative to human resources, including recruitment and retention strategies, training and education, licensing requirements, and competitive compensation; and (7) issues relative to efficient business practices, including group purchasing of health insurance, workers’ compensation, information technology, and business supplies; and efficient practices for revenue collection. (d) The agency of human services shall contract with a third party consultant to review and make recommendations regarding the financial sustainability of Vermont’s developmental and mental health system. The committee shall design the scope of work, design request for proposals, and be involved in the selection of a consultant. The consultant selected by the agency shall submit its report to the committee no later than October 15, 2004. (e) On or before October 30, 2004, the committee shall provide a report, including the underlying data, regarding the financial sustainability, resources, efficiency, and services offered by designated mental health agencies to the mental health oversight committee. The agency of human services shall ensure that the research is inclusive of the above elements and shall not establish parameters that artificially limit the range of services or rate of any growth in the need of services. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 131 (f) On or before December 1, 2004, the committee shall file a report with the governor and the general assembly detailing its findings and recommendations with respect to the issues covered in subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section. In addition, the report shall include recommendations for the short- and long-term financial sustainability of Vermont’s developmental and mental health system, including recommendations for fiscal years 2005 and 2006 appropriations and for options to create more reliable annual budget decisions. (g) The committee is authorized to meet up to six times per year and shall cease to exist on July 1, 2006. (h) The amount of $50,000.00 is appropriated from the general fund in fiscal year 2005 to accomplish the purposes of this section. Sec. 141a. VERMONT STATE HOSPITAL FUTURE PLANNING ADVISORY GROUP (a) It is the intent of the general assembly that all mental health programs, services, and supports, including inpatient psychiatric services, be provided to individuals with psychiatric disabilities or diagnoses or emotional disorders in a holistic, comprehensive continuum of care, that consumers be treated at all times with dignity and respect, that public resources be allocated efficiently and produce the best positive outcomes, and that direct services overseen and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 132 provided by the agency of human services and its community partners be client- and family-centered and -driven, accessible, and culturally competent. (b) The secretary of human services shall be responsible for the development and, upon approval by the mental health oversight committee and joint fiscal committee, implementation of a strategic plan for the delivery of services currently provided by the Vermont state hospital. The secretary shall upon passage: (1) establish a statewide state hospital future planning advisory group to advise the secretary on development and implementation of a strategic plan related to developing alternatives to the services currently provided by the Vermont state hospital. (2) The members of the state hospital future planning advisory group may consist of the members of the current Vermont state hospital advisory committee. If the members of the Vermont state hospital advisory committee are unwilling or unable to serve as the members of the state hospital future planning advisory group for some or all of the functions identified in this section, a specific group shall be created with members appointed by the secretary. In either instance, the state hospital future planning advisory group shall have members representing the following: designated community mental health agencies; designated hospitals; the adult program standing committee; consumers and their family members; psychiatric and nursing staff of the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 133 Vermont state hospital; a recent patient of the Vermont state hospital; patient rights protection organizations; Vermont legal aid; the department of corrections; developmental services; child and adolescent mental health services; the Vermont psychiatric association; the Vermont psychological association; and the Vermont state employees’ association. (3) Members of the state hospital future planning advisory group not receiving compensation for service on the advisory group from another source are entitled to compensation under section 1010 of Title 32. The secretary shall consult with the advisory group on all aspects of strategic planning, including methods of seeking further public input, investigation of program options and policies, and recommendations concerning organization, operations, funding, and implementation. (4) For purposes of this section, the state hospital future planning advisory group shall cease to exist on July 1, 2006. (c) The principles guiding the state hospital future planning advisory group in creating the immediate and long-term plans for the Vermont state hospital shall include the following: (1) an understanding of the role of active treatment within the goal of recovery; (2) an understanding of the role of trauma in the lives of individuals; (3) accessible general medical care; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 134 (4) minimal use of involuntary interventions such as seclusion, restraint, and involuntary medication; (5) staff training in the use of safe and appropriate alternatives to involuntary interventions; (6) consumers’ participation in the development and implementation of their treatment plans; (7) consumers’ right to privacy and the right to have information regarding their care remain confidential, unless disclosure is authorized by the consumer or required under the law; (8) ongoing consumer and community input with regard to program oversight and development; and (9) accountability for all components of the mental health care system. (d) The state hospital future planning advisory group shall consider and make recommendations to the secretary on the following: (1) in general, the future of Vermont’s inpatient psychiatric programs, including those currently provided by the Vermont state hospital and, more specifically, whether new general or forensic inpatient programs should be created, either in partnership with designated hospitals or with hospitals or other facilities that do not currently provide inpatient psychiatric services; (2) designs for programs that are responsive to changes over time in levels and types of need, service delivery practices, and sources of funding; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 135 (3) whether designated hospitals should be encouraged to expand existing psychiatric services; (4) if new inpatient programs should be created, including general and forensic units, either in partnership with designated hospitals or with hospitals or other facilities that do not currently have existing inpatient services; (5) whether additional community-based, hospital alternative, or diversion programs should be developed; (6) whether the state should expand community-based peer run programs; (7) whether to create a flexible individual case management program to fund support services necessary to keep individuals out of the hospital; (8) how to design mental health services to maximize safety and ensure appropriate protection for the legal rights of consumers; (9) the development of ongoing quality monitoring and consumer satisfaction programs; (10) methods for maximizing federal funding sources and mental health coverage under private and public insurance plans; (11) the necessity of developing housing alternatives, including group homes, supportive housing, and independent living options; (12) the integration of primary care with the mental health system of care, including the need for education on the appropriate uses of psychotropic SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 136 medications and follow-up care; (13) governance issues, including governance of the Vermont state hospital and an assessment of the role of the board of mental health and whether new members should be appointed; and (14) ways to improve judicial proceedings concerning involuntary treatment and involuntary medication. (e) On or before October 15, 2004, the secretary shall prepare and present for approval to the mental health oversight committee an outline of the findings and recommendations for replacement of the functions of the Vermont state hospital. (f) On or before January 15, 2005, the secretary shall prepare and present to the mental health oversight committee a report containing a comprehensive implementation plan for replacing the services currently provided by the Vermont state hospital. The report shall include proposals for legislation and capital and operational funding needed to implement the plan. Sec. 141b. THE MENTAL HEALTH OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (a) The mental health oversight committee is created to oversee the development and implementation of the secretary of human services’ strategic plan to develop alternatives for services currently provided by the Vermont state hospital and to ensure that consumers have access to a comprehensive and adequate continuum of care and Vermont has a financially sustainable SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 137 developmental and mental health services system. The committee shall be composed of three members to be appointed by the speaker of the house, not all from the same party, and three members to be appointed by the committee on committees, not all from the same party. Initial appointments shall be made upon passage. (b) The committee shall review whether the secretary’s study on developmental and mental health services required in Sec. 141 of this act and the strategic plan for developing alternatives to the Vermont state hospital required in Sec. 141a of this act achieve the goals and principles stated herein effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily. The committee shall specifically: (1) solicit input from individuals and their families served by the mental health system; (2) monitor the study and planning processes and time lines; (3) measure the efforts of the agency of human services against the goals and principles described in this act; and (4) review and approve, modify, or disapprove the recommendations contained in the reports required by Secs. 141 and 141a of this act and authorize preliminary implementation steps for developing alternatives to the services currently provided by the Vermont state hospital. (c) The committee is authorized to meet up to six times while the general assembly is not in session to perform its functions under this section. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 138 (d) The secretary of the agency of human services shall report to the committee as required by the committee and Secs. 141 and 141a of this act and this section. (e) Members of the committee shall be entitled to compensation and reimbursement for expenses under section 406 of Title 2. (f) The secretary of administration, the legislative council, and the joint fiscal office shall provide staff support requested by the committee. (g) The committee shall cease to exist on July 1, 2006. Sec. 141c. EFFECTIVE DATE Secs. 141, 141a, and 141b of this act shall take effect upon passage. Sec. 142. Developmental and mental health services - community mental health Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 3,007,985 453,111 103,316,621 106,777,717 Source of Funds General fund 36,172,964 Special funds 7,775,810 Federal funds 58,425,555 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 139 4,403,388 106,777,717 Sec. 143. Developmental and mental health services - developmental services Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 3,196,296 498,012 96,088,725 99,783,033 Source of Funds General fund 38,634,339 Special funds 905,890 Federal funds 59,111,304 Interdepartmental transfer Total 1,131,500 99,783,033 Sec. 144. Developmental and mental health services - Vermont state hospital Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 13,096,501 1,576,303 3,000 14,675,804 Source of Funds General fund 1,1867,915 Special funds 110,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 140 Federal funds Interdepartmental transfer Total 572,426 13,875,463 14,675,804 Sec. 144a. [Deleted] Sec. 145. Aging and disabilities - administration and support Personal services Operating expenses Total 15,221,670 2,523,348 17,745,018 Source of Funds General fund 4,657,832 Special funds 782,599 Federal funds 11,300,136 Interdepartmental transfer Total 1,004,451 17,745,018 (a) Of the above appropriation, at least $10,000.00 shall be expended by the department for the support of “The Independent,” an independent newsletter to provide information and education on aging and disabilities issues. Sec. 146. Aging and disabilities - division of advocacy and independent living Grants 22,516,687 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 141 Source of Funds General fund 8,968,764 Transportation fund 419,330 Special funds 801,981 Federal funds 12,249,612 Interdepartmental transfer Total 77,000 22,516,687 (a) Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A. § 706, the department may transfer up to $250,000.00 in general funds for the elderly mental health initiative to the department of developmental and mental health services to maximize the use of Medicaid funds. (b) Of the above general fund appropriation, $50,000.00 shall be used for infrastructure improvements to expand and/or enhance certified adult day center facilities. Funds shall be distributed through a competitive process, with priority given to centers which are building new facilities, making additions, or otherwise adding capacity. (c) Of the above general fund appropriation, $35,000.00 shall be appropriated to senior centers in Vermont through competitive grants submitted to the commissioner of aging and disabilities. In awarding grants, the commissioner shall consider at a minimum the following factors: offering meal programs as an integral part of the centers' activities; attracting or SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 142 sustaining participants to the center; ability to promote creative successful aging programs; ability to leverage local funds; and statewide distribution of grant monies. (d) Prior to the implementation of new programs or expansion of existing programs resulting from federal approval of an 1115 waiver for community- based long-term care, the agency of human services and the department of aging and disabilities shall seek approval from the general assembly or the joint fiscal committee if the general assembly is not in session. The request for approval shall provide an analysis of the programs to be implemented and the impact on the nursing home industry in Vermont. Sec. 146a. TRANSPORTATION COSTS; AREA AGENCIES ON AGING (a) The amount of $24,000.00 in general funds is appropriated to the department of aging and disabilities to be used to fund transportation aid shortfalls in district area agencies on aging. Sec. 146b. TRANSPORTATION COSTS; REALLOCATION (a) The department of aging and disabilities shall manage 5310 funds appropriated through the agency of transportation to reallocate funds from department grantees who were unable to earn all of their grants to other grantees that have exceeded their grants. The department shall notify the general assembly in January 2005 the amount of grantee expenditures in fiscal year 2004 the department was unable to pay because expenditures exceeded SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 143 the $2,100,000.00 in available funds. Sec. 146c. 5310 FUNDING REPORT (a) The department of aging and disabilities shall carry out a review of the 5310 transportation program and its fiscal condition. The report shall examine the adequacy of funding and level of grants by recipient; the levels of services provided; and the adequacy of monitoring in place. The report shall consider the impact of the anticipated 1115 waiver on these programs. Said report shall be submitted to the joint fiscal committee by November 1, 2004 for distribution and discussion at its November 2004 fiscal committee meeting. Sec. 147. 33 V.S.A. § 6321(f) is added to read: (f) Personal care attendants, as defined in program rules of the department of aging and disabilities, are exempt from 21 V.S.A. § 342 and shall not be construed as state employees except for purposes of 21 V.S.A. chapters 9 and 17. Sec. 148. Aging and disabilities - blind and visually impaired Grants 1,346,261 Source of Funds General fund 540,106 Special funds 145,000 Federal funds 661,155 Total 1,346,261 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 144 Sec. 149. Aging and disabilities - vocational rehabilitation Grants 6,217,958 Source of Funds General fund 1,599,195 Special funds 80,000 Federal funds 4,313,046 Interdepartmental transfer Total 225,717 6,217,958 Sec. 150. Aging and disabilities - TBI home and community-based waiver Grants 2,564,186 Source of Funds General fund 1,014,905 Federal funds 1,549,281 Total 2,564,186 (a) The state shall allocate the appropriation for the traumatic brain injured waiver for fiscal year 2005 in the following manner: rehabilitation program, 51 slots; long-term program, 26 slots. The number of long-term program slots may be increased by no more than eight if matching funds are available to support the additional slots. Sec. 151. Office of economic opportunity Personal services 268,308 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 145 Operating expenses Grants Total 78,670 4,513,795 4,860,773 Source of Funds General fund 848,147 Special funds 80,012 Federal funds 3,681,541 Interdepartmental transfer Total 251,073 4,860,773 (a) Of the above general fund appropriation, $485,000.00 shall be granted to community agencies for homeless assistance by preserving existing services or increasing resources available statewide. These funds may be granted alone or in conjunction with federal McKinney emergency shelter funds. Grant decisions shall be made with assistance from the coalition of homeless Vermonters. Sec. 152. Office of economic opportunity - weatherization assistance Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 151,601 96,510 7,021,327 7,269,438 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 146 Source of Funds Special funds 5,991,517 Federal funds 1,277,921 Total 7,269,438 (a) Of the above special fund appropriation, $400,000.00 is for the replacement and repair of home heating equipment. Sec. 153. Corrections - administration Personal services 2,154,223 Operating expenses 322,087 Total 2,476,310 Source of Funds General fund 2,199,440 Federal funds 180,000 Interdepartmental transfer 96,870 Total 2,476,310 Sec. 153a. 32 V.S.A. § 1003(d) is amended to read: (d) Notwithstanding the maximum salary established in subsection (b) of this section, the defender general shall not receive compensation in excess of the compensation established for the attorney general in this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the commissioner of corrections shall not receive compensation which is less than the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 147 compensation for any other commissioner in the agency of human services. Sec. 154. Corrections - parole board Personal services Operating expenses Total 218,562 65,555 284,117 Source of Funds General fund 284,117 Sec. 155. Corrections - correctional education Personal services Operating expenses Total 3,237,375 437,210 3,674,585 Source of Funds General fund Interdepartmental transfer Total 3,113,998 560,587 3,674,585 Sec. 156. Corrections - correctional services Personal services 63,370,080 Operating expenses 27,534,372 Grants Total 1,644,500 92,548,952 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 148 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 88,972,697 1,144,483 Special funds 599,500 Tobacco funds 87,500 Federal funds 1,643,726 Interdepartmental transfer Total 101,046 92,548,952 (a) Of the above general fund appropriation, $77,000.00 shall be used as a grant to Dismas House of Vermont, Inc. Sec. 156a. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS POSITIONS; REDESIGNATION (a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the general assembly directs that the following permanent classified positions within the state be redesignated as exempt positions: (1) “Corrections Services Division Director” which shall, upon redesignation, be entitled: “Director of Facilities” (1). (2) “Corrections Services Division Assistant Director” which shall, upon redesignation, be entitled: “Director of Field Services” (1). (3) “Corrections Restorative and Community Justice Director” (1). (4) “Adult Correctional Facility Superintendent” (5). SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 149 (5) “Central Facilities Superintendent” (3). (6) “Corrections Work Camp Superintendent” (1). (b) In fiscal year 2005, any department of corrections manager who becomes an exempt employee as a result of the redesignation of institution management or other positions as exempt positions and who has at least five years state classified service shall receive all the benefits available under 3 V.S.A. § 220, including those benefits that are limited to employees who have at least ten years classified state service. Sec. 156b. CORRECTIONS POSITIONS; CREATION AND EMPLOYMENT (a) Establishment. The general assembly authorizes and directs the establishment of the following positions within the department of corrections which shall be transferred and converted from exiting vacant positions in the executive branch of state government: (1) One (1) new, permanent, full-time, exempt director of health services. (2) Four (4) new permanent, full-time, classified mental health services staff. (b) Staffing. Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section, the general assembly directs the department of corrections to fill the following SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 150 positions, all of which are either existing positions or are created by this section: (1) One (1) full-time, exempt director of health services. (2) Seven (7) full-time, classified mental health services staff. (c) Comprehensive mental health services plan. On or before January 15, 2005 and after consultation with the commissioner of health and the Vermont state employees’ association, the commissioner of corrections shall present to the joint legislative corrections oversight committee for its approval a plan for the delivery of comprehensive mental health services to inmates. The four new positions created by subdivision (a)(2) of this section shall not be filled until the joint legislative corrections oversight committee has approved the commissioner’s plan, and the general assembly has appropriated sufficient funding for the positions. Sec. 156c. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS: OVERCROWDING (a) It is the intent of the general assembly that the department of corrections should not operate any of the state correctional facilities at a level that exceeds the rated capacity of the facility. (b) The commissioner of corrections shall determine the rated capacity of each correctional facility to include only bedspace designated for the general population and shall not include bedspace used for segregation, isolation, or SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 151 medical or mental health treatment, or high security bedspace used for disciplinary or administrative purposes. (c) When the population housed in any facility exceeds the rated capacity of that facility, the commissioner of corrections may transfer appropriate offenders to another facility, including contracted facilities in another state; provided, however, that the commissioner shall strive to minimize transfers in order to avoid disruption of inmate programming. (d) On a quarterly basis, the commissioner shall submit a report to the joint legislative corrections oversight committee setting forth the number of inmates housed in each correctional facility for the previous three month period, and providing detailed information of the dates and length of time any facility exceeded 105 percent of its rated capacity. Sec. 156d. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS: POLICY RESPONSE TO INVESTIGATIVE REPORT (a) Prior to adopting any policy in response to the 2004 “Investigative Report into the Deaths of Seven Vermont Inmates and Related Issues,” the commissioner of corrections shall provide copies of each proposed policy to the joint legislative corrections oversight committee for review and comment. If the committee provides no response within 45 days after receiving the proposed policy, the department may adopt the policy as initially proposed. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 152 Sec. 156e. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS: INVESTIGATIONS 28 V.S.A. § 122 is added to read: § 122. INVESTIGATION BY ATTORNEY GENERAL The attorney general may investigate, as the attorney general finds necessary, to determine whether the department of corrections has violated any law, rule, or policy. The attorney general may administer oaths, require filing of a statement under oath, take evidence and require the production, by subpoena or otherwise, of financial records, books, papers, correspondence, and other documents and records the attorney general considers to be relevant and material to the investigation. Sec. 156f. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS: ENFORCEMENT FOR INVESTIGATIONS 28 V.S.A. § 123 is added to read: § 123. PENALTIES; ENFORCEMENT (a) The attorney general shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and may bring an action in superior court to ensure compliance and to obtain civil penalties in the amounts described in subsection (b) of this section. (b) The court may grant temporary and permanent injunctive relief and may: (1) enjoin future activities; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 153 (2) order remedial actions to be taken to effect all registration and disclosure required by this chapter; (3) levy a civil penalty as provided in this subdivision. A civil penalty of not more than $10,000.00 may be levied for each violation. In addition, in the case of a continuing violation, a penalty of not more than $1,000.00 may be imposed for each day the violation continues. Sec. 156g. REPEAL (a) Secs. 170d and 170e of No. 142 of the Acts of the 2001 Adj. Sess. (2002) (joint legislative corrections oversight committee) are repealed. Sec. 156h. [Deleted] Sec. 157. Corrections - correctional facilities- recreation Personal services 507,620 Operating expenses 410,916 Total 918,536 Source of Funds Special funds 918,536 Sec. 158. Corrections - Vermont correctional industries Personal services 1,598,402 Operating expenses 1,731,740 Total 3,330,142 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 154 Source of Funds Internal service funds 3,330,142 Sec. 159. Children’s trust fund Grant 310,651 Source of Funds General fund 100,651 Special funds 70,000 Federal funds 140,000 Total 310,651 (a) At least 65 percent of the state appropriation for the children’s trust fund shall be awarded for community-based program activities for the broad range of child abuse and neglect prevention activities. Sec. 160. Commission on women Personal services Operating expenses Total 182,561 54,216 236,777 Source of Funds General fund 231,777 Special funds 5,000 Total 236,777 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 155 Sec. 161. Retired senior volunteer program Grants 131,096 Source of Funds General fund 131,096 Sec. 162. Vermont veterans’ home - care and support services Personal services 11,886,014 Operating expenses Total 2,761,777 14,647,791 Source of Funds General fund 969,037 Special funds 8,855,527 Federal funds 4,823,227 Total 14,647,791 (a) Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A. § 706(a)(1), the Vermont veterans’ home may transfer funds, with the approval of the secretary of administration, up to an amount equal to the general fund appropriation to the department of prevention, assistance, transition, and health access - Medicaid for purposes of facilitating a Medicaid rate adjustment. Sec. 162a. Vermont association for blind and visually impaired, inc. Grants 23,958 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 156 Source of Funds General fund Sec. 163. Total human services 23,958 1,417,274,531 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 375,967,284 1,624,062 Special funds 274,602,847 Tobacco fund 25,331,323 Federal funds 710,834,624 Permanent trust funds 2,300 Internal service funds 3,330,142 Interdepartmental transfer Total 25,581,949 1,417,274,531 Sec. 164. Employment and training Personal services 19,992,849 Operating expenses 3,962,858 Grants 1,518,362 Total 25,474,069 Source of Funds General fund 936,361 Special funds 166,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds H.768 Page 157 20,618,541 Interdepartmental transfer Total 3,753,167 25,474,069 Sec. 164a. 21 V.S.A. chapter 14 is added to read: CHAPTER 14. YOUTH IN AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND FOOD PRODUCTION § 1151. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND PURPOSE (a) The general assembly finds that: (1) Agriculture, natural resources, and food production play a central role in the economy and culture of Vermont. (2) Farms and farm-based industries are experiencing an ever-increasing need for workers who are willing to work the hours involved in farming and who have the multiple skills necessary to handle successfully the multiple and varied responsibilities of farming. (3) Farms have always provided the environment for youth to acquire workplace skills such as responsibility, creativity, and initiative and occupational skills ranging from plant and animal science to economics and to grow therefore into sought-after workers by a wide variety of employers. (4) Programs such as the Farm Youth Corps have provided the infrastructure that is necessary to connect youth to careers in agriculture, natural resources, and food production. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 158 (5) Programs that have provided youth with the opportunity to work on farms have declined due to reductions in federal funding. (b) Therefore, it is the purpose of this chapter to create and support programs for youth that will engage them in agriculture, natural resources, and food production in order to: (1) Provide them an opportunity to engage in work that provides them with hands-on learning and allows them to develop a strong work ethic and vital workplace and occupational skills that will be valuable in any career they might pursue; (2) Encourage youth to pursue pathways to careers in agriculture, natural resources, and food production; (3) Provide farmers with young short-term workers and the opportunity to mentor future, long-term employees; and (4) Insure that youth are aware of the benefits of agriculture, natural resources, and food production to themselves and to Vermont. § 1152. YOUTH IN AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND FOOD PRODUCTION CONSORTIUM; CREATION (a) There is created a youth in agriculture, natural resources, and food production consortium of program providers in order that programs to build pathways to careers in agriculture, natural resources, and food production may be connected, developed, and supported in a coordinated manner. The SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 159 consortium shall comprise employees of the department of employment and training assigned by the commissioner of employment and training; employees of the department of education assigned by the commissioner of education; employees of the agency of agriculture, food and markets appointed by the secretary of agriculture, food and markets; employees of the agency of natural resources appointed by the secretary of natural resources; representatives of the Extension Service of the University of Vermont selected by the service; and representatives from agriculture, food, and natural resources businesses appointed by the secretary of agriculture, food and markets. (b) The consortium shall be attached to the department of employment and training for administrative support. It shall elect its own chair and meet as required to fulfill its obligations under this chapter. § 1153. YOUTH IN AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND FOOD PRODUCTION CONSORTIUM; POWERS AND DUTIES (a) The consortium shall be charged with the oversight of the development and coordination of programs in agriculture, natural resources, and food production, and education to connect youths’ experiences in agriculture, natural resources, and food production to their in-school learning and develop pathways for pursuing further education related to agriculture or natural resources. It shall seek to coordinate and connect programs around common standards, coordinate resources, provide a clearinghouse for information and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 160 technical assistance, establish a strong business and education partnership, identify missing components of the system, and oversee funds made available for the express purpose of implementing these pathways. It shall endeavor to sustain and expand programming in agriculture, natural resources, and food production on a statewide basis in order to affect middle and secondary school students in Vermont. The consortium shall seek to ensure the effectiveness of all the programs in reaching large numbers of students, and in so far as possible, seek to provide programs in all regions of the state through a statewide system with uniform availability, eligibility, and funding requirements to make such opportunities available to all students. (b) Among the programs to be reviewed and coordinated by the consortium are projects that involve agriculture and the environment; programs within the elementary and middle school system which provide hands-on learning, such as “Ag in the Classroom” sponsored by the agency of agriculture, food and markets, and “Forest, Fields, and Futures” sponsored by UVM Extension Service; and secondary school programs in agriculture and natural resources-related areas in education; “Smokeyhouse” and other technical education, agriculture, and natural resources programs offered by high schools and technical centers. In addition, it shall review and coordinate programs such as the Youth Conservation Corps and the Farm Youth Corps of the department of employment and training which has offered summer SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 161 employment for students on farms, and other summer employment programs and alternative programs for in-school youth operated outside the public school funding system. (c) The consortium shall report annually to the commissioner of employment and training, the secretary of agriculture, food and markets, the secretary of natural resources, the commissioner of education, and the house and senate committees on agriculture and on education on its progress, outcomes, and recommendations for expansion, development, and coordination of programs and pathways to careers in agriculture, natural resources, and food production in the state. Sec. 164b. APPROPRIATIONS AND RESOURCES (a) In fiscal year 2004, $15,325.00 transferred from the agency of agriculture, food and markets in accordance with Sec. 20 of No. 80 of the Acts of 2004 shall be available for costs related to farm youth activities, including the youth in agriculture consortium. These funds shall supplement any available federal funds and be expended pursuant to the recommendations of the youth in agriculture consortium established in chapter 14 of Title 21 to preserve and strengthen programs connecting youth to agriculture, food, and natural resources. (b) These funds may be used to support the necessary administration of the program and to pay for wages of the participants, provided that no more than SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 162 20 percent of funds shall be used for administration. The remainder of funds shall be awarded to programs on a competitive basis as determined by the youth in agriculture consortium. The criteria for the consortium’s selection of programs for funding shall include: (1) The program serves youth between the ages of 14 and 21 and provides them with experience and employment in the fields of agriculture, natural resources, and food production. (2) The program incorporates standards articulated by the consortium which connect other programs and create a pathway so that youth can acquire the foundation and specialized skills necessary to pursue careers in agriculture, natural resources, and food production. (3) The program teaches academic and workplace skills that are articulated in the “Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities” and supports participants’ progress toward high school graduation. Sec. 165. Total employment and training 25,474,069 Source of Funds General fund 936,361 Special funds 166,000 Federal funds 20,618,541 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 163 3,753,167 25,474,069 Sec. 166. Education - finance and administration Personal services 3,914,851 Operating expenses 1,254,486 Grants Total 10,600,000 15,769,337 Source of Funds General fund 2,912,037 Special funds 20,088 Federal funds 1,717,098 Interdepartmental transfer Total 11,120,114 15,769,337 Sec. 167. Education - standards and assessment Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 5,006,420 559,473 1,789,693 7,355,586 Source of Funds General fund 2,029,075 Special funds 2,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 164 5,204,511 120,000 7,355,586 Sec. 168. Education - education quality Personal services 6,512,872 Operating expenses 1,657,824 Grants Total 111,591,515 119,762,211 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 5,366,406 520,672 Education fund 9,221,398 Special funds 1,637,731 Federal funds 101,779,397 Interdepartmental transfer Total 1,236,607 119,762,211 (a) The appropriation in this section shall be authorized, notwithstanding 16 V.S.A. § 1564. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 165 Sec. 168a. SCHOOL DISTRICT CONSOLIDATION; TRANSITION AID; APPROPRIATION SUNSET (a) In its first year of operation, the commissioner shall pay to a joint contract, union, unified union, or interstate school district which began operation during or after school year 2003-2004, a facilitation grant of five percent of the base education payment amount in 16 V.S.A. § 4001(13) per average daily membership for that year or $150,000.00, whichever is less, from the education fund. The funds shall be in addition to funds received under 16 V.S.A. § 4028 and for districts beginning operation during or after school year 2004-2005 shall be paid in thirds in the same manner that other state education aid is paid under that section. (b) This section shall sunset on June 30, 2007. Sec. 169. Sec. 163(b) of No. 63 of the Acts of 2001 is amended to read: (b) There is appropriated in fiscal year 2002, and each year thereafter, from the education fund to the commissioner of education $450,000.00 for the purpose of awarding grants to technical centers for up to three years to support innovative program development responding to emerging technologies and providing high-skill, high-wage employment. Sec. 170. Education - special education: formula grants Grants 105,256,030 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 166 Source of Funds Education fund 105,256,030 (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of 16 V.S.A. § 2969 or any other provisions of law, the reimbursements and grants pursuant to 16 V.S.A. § 2967 for fiscal year 2005 costs incurred by school districts shall be paid partially from the fiscal year 2005 appropriation and partially from the fiscal year 2006 appropriation. The fiscal year 2005 appropriation will cover the final reimbursements for fiscal year 2004, with the remainder available for reimbursements for fiscal year 2005 grants and reimbursements. Funds distributed to school districts for fiscal year 2005 expenses, to which the school districts were not entitled based on final reports for fiscal year 2005, shall not be considered as part of the total expenditures for fiscal year 2005 under the 60-percent state funding provision of 16 V.S.A. § 2967, as limited by Sec. 10 of No. 117 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000), as amended by Sec. 42 of No. 68 of the Acts of 2003. Such funds held by local school districts shall be treated as expenditures in fiscal year 2006. (b) Of the appropriation authorized in this section, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, an amount not to exceed $2,929,504.00 shall be used by the department of education in fiscal year 2005 as funding for 16 V.S.A. § 2967(b)(2)-(6). In distributing such funds, the commissioner shall not be limited by the restrictions contained within 16 V.S.A. § 2969(c) and (d). In SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 167 addition to funding for 16 V.S.A. § 2967(b)(2)-(6), up to $150,000.00 may be used by the department of education for its participation in the higher education partnership plan. Sec. 171. EDUCATION - SPECIAL EDUCATION; SUCCESS BEYOND SIX (a) Education funds of the appropriation for special education - formula grants, or other funds eligible to be used for matching federal funds, may be used by each supervisory union to participate in the success beyond six program. The purpose of the program is to expand local partnerships to enhance the educational opportunities of students who are at risk of failure in school. The services are to be supplied through contracts with community-based Medicaid providers. The form and substance of the contracts shall be established as part of the overall agreement for the implementation of the program to be executed between the commissioner of education and the secretary of human services. Sec. 172. Education - state-placed students Grants 10,842,880 Source of Funds Education fund 10,842,880 Sec. 173. Education - adult education and literacy Grants 4,643,498 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 168 Source of Funds General fund 2,717,399 Education funds 942,480 Federal funds 983,619 Total 4,643,498 Sec. 174. 16 V.S.A. § 4011(f)(2) is amended to read: (2) adult education and literacy services, an amount equal to 20 percent of the base education payment for each client who is 16 to 20 years of age, inclusive, and who has gained at least one skill level pursuant to state or federal standards. The calculation of “client” shall be based on an average of the previous two years, according to information submitted to the commissioner on or before September 15 of the year of calculation. For each client 16 to 20 years of age, information submitted shall include the name, address, and dates of attendance at all Vermont public secondary schools attended and whether the client has gained a skill level. Sec. 175. [Deleted] Sec. 176. Education - adjusted education payment Grants 906,562,829 Source of Funds Education fund 906,562,829 S SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 169 ec. 177. Education - essential early education grant Grants 4,273,279 Source of Funds Education fund 4,273,279 Sec. 178. Education - transportation Grants 13,190,788 Source of Funds Education fund 13,190,788 Sec. 179. Education - small school grants Grants 5,229,837 Source of Funds Education fund 5,229,837 Sec. 180. Education - capital debt service aid Grants 565,240 Source of Funds Education fund 565,240 Sec. 181. Education - tobacco litigation Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 156,690 26,360 695,930 878,980 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 170 Source of Funds Tobacco fund 878,980 Sec. 182. Education - Act 117 cost containment Personal services 973,780 Operating expenses 89,237 Grants 65,000 Total 1,128,017 Source of Funds Interdepartmental transfer 1,128,017 (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, expenditures made during fiscal year 2005 from this section shall be counted under 16 V.S.A. § 2967 as part of the state’s 60 percent of the statewide total special education expenditures of funds which are not derived from federal sources. Sec. 183. MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIAL FUND - DEPOSIT (a) In addition to deposits in the Medicaid reimbursement administrative special fund in accordance with 16 V.S.A. § 2959a(b), in fiscal year 2005, $1,128,017.00 of federal Medicaid receipts received for reimbursement of medically related services provided to students who are Medicaid eligible shall be deposited in the administrative special fund. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 171 Sec. 183a. SCHOOL-BASED MEDICAID (a) The department of education and the agency of human services shall analyze the funding risks to the school-based Medicaid program. Such analysis shall include the impact of and responses to potential problems in the transition to the premium-based Medicaid system. It shall also review the funding risks to the school-based programs funded through Medicaid due to the changing environment of federal Medicaid program oversight, and Medicaid program modification or changes in or implementation of new rules. (b) The department and agency shall report to the joint fiscal committee no later than its November meeting with the results of its analysis. The joint fiscal committee shall notify the chairs of the house and senate committees on education and health and welfare so that they may attend the meeting and participate in any discussion. Sec. 184. FUND APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER (a) There is appropriated in fiscal year 2005 from the general fund for transfer to the education fund the amount of $249,300,000.00. Sec. 185. State teachers’ retirement system Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 15,889,873 806,073 20,446,282 37,142,228 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 172 Source of Funds General fund 20,446,282 Pension trust funds 16,695,946 Total 37,142,228 (a) Notwithstanding 16 V.S.A. § 1944(g)(2), the amount of the annual contribution to the Vermont state teachers’ retirement system shall be $20,446,282.00 in fiscal year 2005. Sec. 186. TAX DEPARTMENT - REAPPRAISAL AND LISTING PAYMENTS (a) The amount of $2,266,000.00 in education funds is appropriated in fiscal year 2005 to implement the provisions of 32 V.S.A. §§ 4041a(a), relating to payments to municipalities for reappraisal costs, and 5405(f), relating to payments of $1.00 per grand list parcel. Sec. 187. Tax department - property tax assistance Grants 92,311,600 Source of Funds General fund 5,280,000 Transportation fund 3,520,000 Education fund Total 83,511,600 92,311,600 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 173 Sec. 188. [Deleted] Sec. 189. Total general education and property tax assistance 1,576,478,340 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Education fund 288,051,199 4,040,672 1,141,862,361 Special funds 1,659,819 Tobacco fund 878,980 Federal funds 109,684,625 Pension trust funds 16,695,946 Interdepartmental transfer 13,604,738 Total 1,576,478,340 Sec. 190. University of Vermont Grants 37,475,987 Source of Funds General fund 37,475,987 (a) The commissioner of finance and management shall issue warrants to pay one-twelfth of the appropriation to the University of Vermont on or about the 15th of each calendar month of the year. (b) Of the above appropriation, $355,470.00 shall be transferred to EPSCoR for the purpose of complying with state matching fund requirements SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 174 necessary for the receipt of available federal or private funds, or both. Sec. 191. University of Vermont - Morgan horse farm Grants 5,000 Source of Funds General fund 5,000 Sec. 192. Vermont public television Grants 563,832 Source of Funds General fund 563,832 Sec. 193. Vermont state colleges Grants 21,602,929 Source of Funds General fund 21,602,929 (a) The commissioner of finance and management shall issue warrants to pay one-twelfth of the appropriation to the Vermont state colleges on or about the 15th of each calendar month of the year. (b) Of the above appropriation, $100,000.00 shall be reserved for use as the state’s fiscal year 2005 contribution toward the growth of the endowment fund for the Vermont state colleges. The state’s funds are to serve as a challenge match to enhance the state colleges’ ability to secure endowment contributions from alumni and other interested parties. The intent is that the fiscal year 2005 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 175 appropriation will be the fourth of five annual appropriations, through fiscal year 2006, totaling $500,000.00. The conditions of this challenge match are that the state colleges are required to raise three dollars for each dollar appropriated by the state. A method for accounting for the state colleges’ share has been agreed to between the state colleges and the commissioner of finance and management. Transfers to the state colleges’ endowment fund shall be under the condition that only the interest accruing to the fund will be available for purposes as designated by the board of trustees of the state colleges. By June 30, 2007, any remaining state appropriations designated for the state colleges’ endowment fund that have not been matched by the state colleges shall revert to the general fund. The funds appropriated for this purpose shall be retained by the state. (c) Of the above appropriation, $400,860.00 shall be transferred to the Vermont manufacturing extension center for the purpose of complying with state matching fund requirements necessary for the receipt of available federal or private funds, or both. (d) Of the above appropriation, $100,000.00 shall be a one-time grant to the Vermont teacher diversity scholarship program. Sec. 194. Vermont state colleges - nursing and dental hygiene Grants 613,111 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 176 Source of Funds General fund 613,111 Sec. 195. Vermont interactive television Grants 795,331 Source of Funds General fund 795,331 Sec. 196. Vermont student assistance corporation Grants 16,934,061 Source of Funds General fund 16,934,061 (a) Not less than 100 percent of grants shall be used for direct student aid. Sec. 197. New England higher education compact Operating expenses 88,840 Source of Funds General fund 88,840 Sec. 197a. [Deleted] Sec. 197b. [Deleted] Sec. 197c. [Deleted] Sec. 198. Total higher education and other 78,079,091 Source of Funds General fund 78,079,091 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 177 Sec. 199. Natural resources - agency of natural resources - administration Personal services 3,946,209 Operating expenses 1,874,447 Grants 310,700 Total 6,131,356 Source of Funds General fund 2,914,400 Special funds 966,964 Federal funds 423,900 Interdepartmental transfer 1,826,092 Total 6,131,356 Sec. 199a. STORMWATER MITIGATION SPECIAL FUND (a) The Jane Potvin stormwater mitigation special fund is hereby established in the agency of natural resources to provide loans and grants for stormwater restoration. (b) The fund shall consist of any monies appropriated to the fund by the general assembly or received from any other sources, public or private, including payments of stormwater impact fees by holders of stormwater discharge permits. Interest earned by the fund and any balance remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall be retained by the fund. The fund shall SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 178 be managed in accordance with subchapter 5 of chapter 7 of Title 32 to the extent consistent with this section. (c) Eligible projects may include: (1) the construction of physical offsets and stormwater management projects within the impaired waters of the state; (2) specific stormwater remediation; and (3) other activities identified by the disbursement committee established in subsection (d) of this section. (d) Jane Potvin mitigation fund disbursements shall be made by the facilities and engineering division of the department of environmental conservation of the agency of natural resources. The division shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 25 of Title 3 regarding how and to whom loan and grants shall be disbursed, and shall make loans and grants based on those rules and for the purposes described in subsection (c) of this section. Sec. 199b. STORMWATER; TRANSFER OF FUNDS (a) The secretary of administration shall transfer $1,200,000.00 of the general funds set aside in Sec. 7 of No. 7 of the Acts of 2003 to the state treasurer for deposit in the Jane Potvin stormwater mitigation special fund. Sec. 199c. STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMITS (a) The secretary of natural resources shall utilize physical offsets and stormwater management projects to facilitate the issuance of stormwater SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 179 discharge permits and to mitigate the adverse impacts of such discharges. Sec. 200. REVERSION TO GENERAL FUND (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $15,000.00 in general funds appropriated in Sec. 52 of No. 80 of the Acts of the 2003 Adj. Sess. (2004), which amends Sec. 211 of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 to the agency of natural resources, administration, shall revert to the general fund in fiscal year 2005. Sec. 201. Connecticut river watershed advisory commission Grants 38,000 Source of Funds General fund 22,500 Federal funds 15,500 Total 38,000 Sec. 202. Citizens’ advisory committee on Lake Champlain’s future Personal services 2,300 Operating expenses 5,200 Total 7,500 Source of Funds General fund 7,500 Sec. 203. Natural resources - state land local property tax assessment Operating expenses 1,229,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 180 Source of Funds General fund 756,377 Transportation fund 211,123 Interdepartmental transfer 261,500 Total 1,229,000 Sec. 204. Green up Operating expenses 6,036 Grants 8,550 Total 14,586 Source of Funds General fund 6,036 Special funds 8,550 Total 14,586 Sec. 205. Fish and wildlife - support and field services Personal services 9,379,330 Operating expenses 4,117,773 Grants Total 156,000 13,653,103 Source of Funds General fund Transportation 1,090,101 385,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Fish and wildlife fund Total H.768 Page 181 12,178,002 13,653,103 (a) Of the above appropriation, $5,000.00 shall be used to provide scholarships for children wishing to attend one of the conservation camps administered by the department of fish and wildlife. No portion of any general fund appropriation, tuition payments, donations made, or interest earned on endowment funds to the camps program within the department of fish and wildlife for the purposes of supporting the conservation camps shall be reallocated or used for any other purpose. (b) In fiscal year 2005, the department shall expend $100,000.00 in general funds provided for marketing to increase hunting and fishing license sales. It shall report to the house and senate committees on appropriations, the senate committee on natural resources and energy, and the house committee on fish, wildlife and water resources on or before January 15, 2005 the expenditures made and their results. (c) In its budget presentations and reports to the general assembly, the department of fish and wildlife shall provide an accounting of all expenditures for nongame programs and indicate therein the expenditures and budget items chargeable both to game and nongame programs and shall develop its budget accordingly. (d) To the maximum extent feasible, the general funds in this SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 182 appropriation, excepting $100,000.00 allocated for marketing activity, shall be used to fund administrative support, overhead, nongame program activities, and programs that benefit both game and nongame species, while reserving traditional funding sources from hunters and anglers for activities that directly benefit from hunting and fishing programs. The agency shall track general fund and transportation fund expenditures from this appropriation for the first six months of fiscal year 2005 and report on these expenditures to the senate and house committees on appropriations by February 15, 2005. Sec. 205a. INSURANCE RESERVE FUND TRANSFER (a) Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A. § 135, $44,674.00 is hereby transferred from the insurance reserve fund, established under 32 V.S.A. § 134, to the department of fish and wildlife for rebuilding the Gordon House in Grand Isle. Sec. 206. Fish and wildlife - watershed improvement Operating expenses Grants Total 661 50,000 50,661 Source of Funds Fish and wildlife fund 50,661 Sec. 207. Fish and wildlife - wildlife management area projects Operating expenses 5,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 183 Source of Funds Fish and wildlife fund 5,000 Sec. 208. Fish and wildlife - conservation Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 126,610 15,785 417,000 559,395 Source of Funds Fish and wildlife fund 559,395 Sec. 209. Forests, parks and recreation - administration Personal services 748,075 Operating expenses 614,383 Grants Total 1,936,500 3,298,958 Source of Funds General fund 1,136,958 Special funds 890,000 Federal funds 1,272,000 Total 3,298,958 Sec. 210. Forests, parks and recreation - forestry Personal services 4,458,479 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 184 Operating expenses 449,375 Grants 363,000 Total 5,270,854 Source of Funds General fund 3,217,274 Transportation fund 21,500 Special funds 375,000 Federal funds 1,438,080 Permanent trust funds Interdepartmental transfer Total 5,000 214,000 5,270,854 Sec. 211. Forests, parks and recreation - state parks Personal services 4,706,026 Operating expenses 1,973,200 Grants Total 5,000 6,684,226 Source of Funds General fund 298,627 Special funds 6,385,599 Total 6,684,226 (a) The department of forests, parks and recreation shall establish a SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 185 demonstration program in three to five state parks in which a person provides administrative and maintenance services at the park in exchange for a camp site for the season at no cost. Sec. 212. Forests, parks and recreation - lands administration Personal services 434,554 Operating expenses 229,500 Total 664,054 Source of Funds General fund 439,054 Special fund 195,000 Interdepartmental transfer 30,000 Total 664,054 Sec. 213. Forests, parks and recreation - youth conservation corps Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 391,775 27,800 500,000 919,575 Source of Funds Special funds 596,575 Federal funds 73,000 Interdepartmental transfer 250,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 186 Total 919,575 Sec. 214. Forests, parks and recreation - forest highway maintenance Personal services 247,978 Operating expenses 326,000 Total 573,978 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund Total 90,965 483,013 573,978 Sec. 215. Environmental conservation - management and support services Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 2,751,124 753,419 97,530 3,602,073 Source of Funds General fund 1,166,778 Special funds 604,073 Federal funds 1,036,410 Interdepartmental transfer Total 794,812 3,602,073 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 187 Sec. 216. Environmental conservation - air and waste management Personal services 5,579,941 Operating expenses 5,900,551 Grants 1,183,500 Total 12,663,992 Source of Funds General fund 592,246 Special funds 9,072,141 Federal funds 2,829,605 Interdepartmental transfer Total 170,000 12,663,992 Sec. 217. Environmental conservation - office of water programs Personal services 11,708,110 Operating expenses 2,397,137 Grants 2,196,662 Total 16,301,909 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 6,029,216 183,709 Special funds 3,185,235 Federal funds 6,321,692 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 188 Interdepartmental transfer 582,057 Total 16,301,909 Sec. 218. REVERSION TO GENERAL FUND (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $50,000.00 in general funds appropriated in Sec. 53 of No. 80 of the Acts of the 2003 Adj. Sess. (2004), which amends Sec. 231 of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 to the agency of natural resources, department of environmental conservation, office of water programs, shall revert to the general fund in fiscal year 2005. Sec. 219. Environmental conservation - tax-loss - Connecticut river flood control Operating expenses 40,000 Source of Funds Special funds 40,000 Sec. 220. Environmental board and district commissions - Act 250 Personal services Operating expenses Total 2,033,202 368,967 2,402,169 Source of Funds General fund 880,992 Special funds 1,521,177 Total 2,402,169 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 189 Sec. 221. Environmental board and district commissions - waste facilities panel Personal services Operating expenses Total 132,633 12,367 145,000 Source of Funds Special funds Interdepartmental transfer Total 120,000 25,000 145,000 Sec. 222. Water resources board Personal services Operating expenses Total 284,906 39,609 324,515 Source of Funds General fund Sec. 223. Total natural resources 324,515 74,579,904 Source of Funds General fund Transportation fund 18,973,539 1,284,345 Fish and wildlife fund 12,793,058 Special funds 23,960,314 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Permanent trust funds Interdepartmental transfer Total H.768 Page 190 13,410,187 5,000 4,153,461 74,579,904 Sec. 224. Commerce and community development - agency of commerce and community development - administration Personal services 1,230,130 Operating expenses 458,576 Grants 186,200 Total 1,874,906 Source of Funds General fund 1,874,906 Sec. 225. [Deleted] Sec. 226. Housing and community affairs Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 2,217,796 326,342 3,965,014 6,509,152 Source of Funds General fund 1,531,188 Special funds 3,468,740 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Total H.768 Page 191 1,509,224 6,509,152 Sec. 227. [Deleted] Sec. 228. Historic sites operations Personal services Operating expenses Total 563,114 1,344,765 1,907,879 Source of Funds General fund 409,352 Special funds 490,000 Federal funds 453,000 Interdepartmental transfer 555,527 Total 1,907,879 Sec. 229. [Deleted] Sec. 230. Community development block grants Grants 8,185,740 Source of Funds Federal funds 8,185,740 (a) Community development block grants will carry forward until expended. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 192 Sec. 231. Downtown transportation and capital improvement fund Grants 800,000 Source of Funds Special funds 800,000 Sec. 232. Economic development Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 1,448,204 534,099 2,027,774 4,010,077 Source of Funds General fund 3,369,403 Special funds 472,000 Federal funds 168,674 Total 4,010,077 (a) Prior to the secretary’s approval of any grant for carrying out the duties of the world trade office, the secretary shall submit the grant to the house and senate committees on appropriations, the house committee on commerce, and the senate committee on economic development, housing and general affairs for their approval. If the general assembly is not in session, the grant must be submitted to the joint fiscal committee for its approval. (b) Of the above general fund appropriation, $300,000.00 shall be used to SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 193 provide $25,000.00 grants to each of the regional development corporations. (c) Of the above general funds appropriated for incubator and emerging technology projects, $50,000.00 shall be granted to the Springfield regional development corporation to be used to match federal grant funds for the technology incubator project. (d) $100,000.00 of the above appropriation shall be used for a grant to the World Trade Office established in 10 V.S.A. §26. Sec. 232a. [Deleted] Sec. 232b. [Deleted] Sec. 233. Vermont training program Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 107,531 26,599 1,324,570 1,458,700 Source of Funds General fund 1,407,700 Special funds 51,000 Total 1,458,700 Sec. 233a. 10 V.S.A. § 531(c)(1) is amended to read: (1) employ new persons at a wage which, at the completion of the training program, is two times the prevailing state or federal minimum wage, SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 194 whichever is greater, reduced by the value of any existing health benefit package up to a limit of 25 30 percent of the gross program wage, or for existing employees, to increase the wage to two times the prevailing state and federal minimum wage, whichever is greater, reduced by the value of any existing health benefit package up to a limit of 15 20 percent of the gross program wage, upon completion of training; provided, however, that in areas defined by the secretary of commerce and community development in which the secretary finds that the rate of unemployment is 50 percent greater than the average for the state, the wage rate under this subsection may be set by the secretary at a rate no less than one and one-half times the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is greater; Sec. 234. Tourism and marketing Personal services 2,372,840 Operating expenses 1,816,797 Grants Total 789,000 4,978,637 Source of Funds General fund Interdepartmental transfer Total 4,678,637 300,000 4,978,637 (a) Funds designated for regional marketing grants shall be expended to SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 195 market activities, including advertising, direct mail campaigns, familiarization trips for writers and travel trade professionals, public relations, regional websites, tourist fulfillment, trade shows, niche guides, event marketing sponsorships, and administrative costs that can be documented in the year-end grant report. These activities shall be done in cooperation with the department of tourism and marketing’s plans which are designed to improve communications with the travel and tourism industry. Sec. 234a. CONSOLIDATION AND CONTRACTING OF TOURISM AND MARKETING FUNCTIONS (a) The general assembly recognizes that: (1) Tourism is a vitally important industry to the state of Vermont; (2) Marketing of Vermont goods and services is an integral function that supports the tourism sector of the state and benefits many other Vermont businesses, including agriculture and manufacturing; (3) The promotion of Vermont's travel, recreation, and cultural attractions and the promotion of Vermont goods and services require coordination with many agencies of state government, chambers of commerce and travel associations, and the private sector; (4) The state funds available to support the marketing and promotion efforts of the state, while limited, must be managed to provide the maximum SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 196 return to Vermont based travel, recreational, agricultural, and manufacturing businesses; (b) There is created the committee on consolidation and contracting of tourism and marketing functions. (1) The committee shall consist of 12 members as follows: (A) The secretary of the agency of commerce and community development, who shall serve as chair of the committee. (B) The secretary of the agency of administration, or designee. (C) Two members of the general assembly: (i) One member from the senate appointed by the committee on committees; (ii) One member of the house appointed by the speaker. (D) Eight members appointed by the governor who are not state government employees as follows: (i) One member representing small-scale tourism and general business interests; (ii) One member representing large-scale tourism and general business interests; (iii) One member representing traditional outdoor recreational interests such as hunting, fishing, and camping activities; (iv) One member representing agricultural interests; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 197 (v) One member representing regional marketing organizations; (vi) One member representing Vermont products manufacturing interests; (vii) One member with recognized professional experience and expertise in marketing and advertising. (viii) One member from the “Vermont Attractions” organization. (2) The charge of the committee is as follows: (A) Inventory, review, and describe all the functions and activities of the current department of tourism and marketing. This review shall include the “as-passed” fiscal year 2005 budget allocated to each function, including the source of funds, the number of state employee positions, and operating expenses allocated to each function. (B) Inventory, review, and describe all marketing and promotional activities performed by any another agency or department of state government. This review shall include the “as-passed” fiscal year 2005 budget allocated to each function including the source of funds, the number of state employee positions, and operating expenses allocated to each function. (C) Assess the functions and activities identified above and make recommendations as to: (i) The continuation of specific functions and activities; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 198 (ii) The benefits of consolidation of specific functions and activities; (iii) The redirection of resources among functions and activities; (iv) The suitability of contracting with the private sector to perform functions and activities; (v) The most effective administrative and oversight structure for managing the state investment of funds for marketing and promotional purposes. (D) Recommend a plan to restructure the tourism marketing and promotional activities with a target implementation date of July 1, 2005. The plan shall identify the state employee positions that would be affected by the restructuring. The plan shall include any recommendations for amending state statutes to implement the restructuring. (E) Recommend key priorities to be included in a “request for proposal” for the activities recommended for contracting. (F) Use the following principles in making the assessments and recommendations in subdivision (2)(C) of this subsection: (i) Maximizing the value and utilization of the Vermont brand; (ii) Maximizing the return on state expenditures for marketing and promotion; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 199 (iii) Leveraging private sector funds and expertise to support and complement these activities; (iv) Undertaking marketing efforts which are coherent, coordinated, effective, and, to the degree possible, measurable by relevant criteria; (v) Adopting any additional guidelines or principles in making its assessments and recommendations. (G) Submit a report on the its findings and recommendations to the general assembly and the governor by November 15, 2004. (c) There is appropriated $50,000.00 in general funds to the agency of commerce and community development for the purposes of this section. Staff assistance shall be provided by the department of tourism and marketing, the agency of commerce and community development, the agency of administration, the legislative council, and the joint fiscal office. Legislative members shall be entitled to compensation under 32 V.S.A. § 1052. Sec. 235. Vermont life Personal services 690,000 Operating expenses 135,000 Total 825,000 Source of Funds Enterprise funds 825,000 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 200 Sec. 236. Vermont council on the arts Grants 519,618 Source of Funds General fund 519,618 (a) Included in the above appropriation is $25,000.00 to be used as matching funds by the Vermont museum and gallery alliance for a statewide restoration project of historical painted theatre curtains. Sec. 237. Vermont symphony orchestra Grants 101,960 Source of Funds General fund 101,960 Sec. 238. Vermont historical society Grants 527,660 Source of Funds General fund 527,660 Sec. 239. Vermont housing and conservation board Grants 23,898,112 Source of Funds Special funds 13,613,246 Federal funds 10,284,866 Total 23,898,112 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 201 (a) Of the above special fund appropriation, $400,000.00 shall be allocated for a grant to the Vermont center for independent living for the home access project to be used in a manner consistent with Vermont housing and conservation fund guidelines. Sec. 240. Vermont humanities council Grants 150,599 Source of Funds General fund 150,599 (a) Of the above appropriation, $20,000.00 shall be used to support the connections program. Sec. 240a. 10 V.S.A. § 637 is amended to read: § 637. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY, CREDIT OF STATE NOT PLEDGED The Agency Shall Have The Benefit Of Sovereign Immunity to the same extent as the state of Vermont. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Obligations obligations issued under the provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or liability or obligation of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or a pledge of the faith and credit of the state or of any political subdivision but shall be payable solely from the revenues or assets of the agency. Each obligation issued under this chapter shall contain on the face thereof a statement to the effect that the agency shall not be obligated to pay the same nor the interest thereon except from the revenues or assets pledged SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 202 therefor and that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the state or of any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or the interest on such obligations. Sec. 241. Total commerce and community development 55,798,040 Source of Funds General fund 14,621,023 Special funds 18,894,986 Federal funds 20,601,504 Enterprise funds 825,000 Interdepartmental transfer 855,527 Total 55,798,040 Sec. 242. TRANSPORTATION (a) Transportation fund appropriations made available for the agency of transportation in cooperation with the federal government shall be available until expended and shall not revert. (b) The commissioner of finance and management shall maintain and control transportation appropriations in separate state and federal appropriations as needed and may incur overdrafts in personal services and operating expenses pending distribution of payroll and employee charges to other appropriations. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 203 Sec. 243. Transportation - finance and administration Personal services 8,337,296 Operating expenses 1,796,010 Total 10,133,306 Source of Funds Transportation fund 9,658,306 Federal funds Total 475,000 10,133,306 (a) The agency of transportation shall ensure that when Route 108 is closed between Stowe and Jeffersonville, physical barriers shall be placed on the roadway to prevent traffic from using the road. If the barriers are not in place, notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no citations shall be issued for road use. Sec. 243a. ROUTE 7 WATER LINE NEGOTIATIONS (a) The secretary of transportation shall submit a status report on discussions with Pownal Fire District #5 concerning allocation of costs and financial arrangements regarding movement of a water line. This report shall be filed with the joint fiscal office prior to the July 2004 meeting of the joint fiscal committee. Sec. 244. Transportation - aviation Personal services 1,326,437 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Operating expenses Grants Total H.768 Page 204 10,600,838 130,000 12,057,275 Source of Funds Transportation fund 3,024,775 Federal funds 9,032,500 Total 12,057,275 Sec. 245. Transportation - buildings Personal services Operating expenses Total 202,000 1,102,000 1,304,000 Source of Funds Transportation fund 1,304,000 Sec. 246. Transportation - program development Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 35,250,853 102,537,697 29,589,958 167,378,508 Source of Funds Transportation fund Local match 33,433,081 2,607,821 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Federal funds Total H.768 Page 205 131,337,606 167,378,508 Sec. 247. Transportation - interstate rest areas Personal services Operating expenses Total 180,000 5,074,282 5,254,282 Source of Funds Federal funds 5,254,282 Sec. 248. Transportation - maintenance state system Personal services 29,175,042 Operating expenses 23,736,617 Grants Total 582,300 53,493,959 Source of Funds Transportation fund Federal funds Total 52,733,459 760,500 53,493,959 Sec. 249. Transportation - policy and planning Personal services Operating expenses Grants 3,260,021 429,783 4,130,769 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Total H.768 Page 206 7,820,573 Source of Funds Transportation fund 1,742,221 Federal funds 6,078,352 Total 7,820,573 Sec. 250. Transportation - rail Personal services 3,744,449 Operating expenses 4,105,787 Grants 2,860,000 Total 10,710,236 Source of Funds Transportation fund 6,473,236 Federal funds 4,237,000 Total 10,710,236 Sec. 251. Transportation - public transit Personal services 471,074 Operating expenses 742,112 Grants Total 12,509,328 13,722,514 Source of Funds Transportation fund 6,379,376 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Local match Federal funds Total H.768 Page 207 67,500 7,275,638 13,722,514 Sec. 252. Transportation - central garage Personal services 2,994,408 Operating expenses 7,995,537 Total 10,989,945 Source of Funds Internal service funds 10,989,945 Sec. 253. Department of motor vehicles Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 13,710,579 6,265,306 100,000 20,075,885 Source of Funds Transportation fund Federal funds Total 19,112,258 963,627 20,075,885 (a) Of the above transportation fund appropriation, $127,483.00 shall be transferred to the department of education, education quality, to support the driver education program. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 208 Sec. 254. Transportation - town highway structures Grants 3,494,500 Source of Funds Transportation fund 3,494,500 (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in fiscal year 2004, the sum of $3,500,000.00 shall revert to the transportation fund from the town highway structures account, account # 8100000300. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in fiscal year 2005, the sum of $492,122.00 shall revert to the transportation fund from the town highway structures account, account # 8100000300. Sec. 255. Transportation – town highway emergency fund Grants 1 Source of Funds Transportation fund 1 Sec. 256. Transportation - town highway Vermont local roads Grants 677,333 Source of Funds Transportation fund 537,333 Federal funds 140,000 Total 677,333 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 209 Sec. 257. Transportation - town highway class 2 roadway Grants 4,248,750 Source of Funds Transportation fund 4,248,750 (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in fiscal year 2004, the sum of $1,500,000.00 shall revert to the transportation fund from the town highway class 2 roadway account, account # 8100002600. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in fiscal year 2005, the sum of $280,473.00 shall revert to the transportation fund from the town highway class 2 roadway account, account # 8100002600. Sec. 258. Transportation - town highway bridges Personal services Operating expenses Grants Total 3,610,000 16,641,875 418,000 20,669,875 Source of Funds Transportation fund 6,784,657 Local match 1,347,391 Federal funds 12,537,827 Total 20,669,875 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 210 Sec. 259. Transportation - town highway aid program Grants 24,857,744 Source of Funds Transportation fund 24,857,744 (a) The above appropriation is authorized, notwithstanding 19 V.S.A. § 306(a). Sec. 260. Transportation - town highway class 1 supplemental grants Grants 128,750 Source of Funds Transportation fund 128,750 Sec. 261. Transportation - public assistance grant program Grants 200,001 Source of Funds Special fund Federal funds Total 1 200,000 200,001 Sec. 262. Transportation board Personal services 68,138 Operating expenses 10,262 Total 78,400 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 211 Source of Funds Transportation fund Sec. 263. Total transportation 78,400 367,295,837 Source of Funds Transportation fund Special funds Local match Federal funds Internal service funds Total Sec. 264. Debt service 173,990,847 1 4,022,712 178,292,332 10,989,945 367,295,837 65,481,831 Source of Funds General fund 60,694,403 Transportation fund 2,328,310 Special funds 2,459,118 Total Sec. 265. Total debt service 65,481,831 65,481,831 Source of Funds General fund 60,694,403 Transportation fund 2,328,310 Special funds 2,459,118 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Total H.768 Page 212 65,481,831 Sec. 266. MISCELLANEOUS ACTS OF THE 2004 SESSION (a) Amounts are hereby appropriated in accordance with the provisions of all house and senate bills which may be enacted by the 2004 session of the general assembly. Sec. 267. RELATIONSHIP TO CERTAIN EXISTING LAWS (a) This act shall not be construed in any way to negate or impair the full force and effect of existing laws relating to taxation and the disposition of funds raised thereby, the appraisal of electric plants, lawful rebates from the state treasury, laws relating to unorganized towns and gores, laws relating to trust funds for which the state is trustee or beneficiary, laws relating to care and regulation of state institutions and property, and laws relating to the state agricultural land grant funds. Sec. 268. OFFSETTING APPROPRIATIONS (a) In the absence of specific provisions to the contrary in this act, when total appropriations are offset by estimated receipts, the state appropriations shall control, notwithstanding receipts being greater or less than anticipated. Sec. 269. FEDERAL FUNDS (a) In fiscal year 2005, the governor, with the approval of the general assembly or the joint fiscal committee if the general assembly is not in session, may accept federal funds available to the state of Vermont, including block grants SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 213 in lieu of or in addition to funds herein designated as federal. The governor, with the approval of the general assembly or the joint fiscal committee if the general assembly is not in session, may allocate all or any portion of such federal funds for any purpose consistent with the purposes for which the basic appropriations in this act have been made. (b) If during fiscal year 2005, federal funds available to the state of Vermont and designated as federal in this and other acts of the 2004 session of the Vermont general assembly are converted into block grants or are abolished under their current title in federal law and reestablished under a new title in federal law, the governor may continue to accept such federal funds for any purpose consistent with the purposes for which the federal funds were appropriated. The governor may spend such funds for such purposes for no more than 45 days prior to legislative or joint fiscal committee approval. Notice shall be given to the joint fiscal committee without delay if the governor is intending to use the authority granted by this section, and the joint fiscal committee shall meet in an expedited manner to review the governor’s request for approval. Sec. 270. DEPARTMENTAL RECEIPTS (a) All receipts shall be credited to the general fund except as otherwise provided and except the following receipts, for which this subsection shall constitute authority to credit to special funds: Connecticut River flood control SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 214 Public service department - sale of power Tax department - unorganized towns and gores (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, departmental indirect cost recovery (32 V.S.A. § 6) receipts are authorized, subject to the approval of the secretary of administration, to be retained by the department. All recoveries not so authorized shall be covered into the general fund or, for agency of transportation recoveries, the transportation fund. Sec. 271. NEW POSITIONS (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the total number of authorized state positions, both classified and exempt, excluding temporary positions as defined in 3 V.S.A. § 311(11), shall not be increased during fiscal year 2005, except for new positions authorized by the 2004 session. Limited service positions approved pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 5 shall not be subject to this restriction. Sec. 271a. VACANT POSITION POOL (a) The number of authorized positions in the state shall be reduced from 8,265 to 8,020; provided, however, that the positions reduced have been vacant for at least six months. (b) The secretary of administration shall reduce the number of vacant positions in the pool established in 3 V.S.A. § 2222(i) to reflect this reduction in authorized positions. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 215 Sec. 272. APPROPRIATIONS; PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX (a) This act contains the following amounts appropriated from special funds that receive revenue from the property transfer tax. Expenditures from these appropriations shall not exceed available revenues: (1) The sum of $288,000.00 is appropriated from the property valuation and review administration special fund to the department of taxes for administration of the use tax reimbursement program. Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A. § 9610(c), amounts above $288,000.00 that would otherwise be deposited into the property valuation and review administration special fund shall instead be deposited into the general fund. (2) The sum of $12,604,000.00 is appropriated from the housing and conservation trust fund to the housing and conservation trust board. Notwithstanding 10 V.S.A. § 312, amounts above $12,604,000.00 from the property transfer tax that would otherwise be deposited into the Vermont housing and conservation trust fund shall instead be deposited into the general fund. (3) The sum of $3,769,920.00 is appropriated from the municipal and regional planning fund. Notwithstanding 24 V.S.A. § 4306(a), amounts above $3,769,920.00 from the property transfer tax that would otherwise be deposited into the municipal and regional planning fund shall instead be deposited into the general fund. The $3,769,920.00 shall be allocated as follows: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 216 (A) $2,638,944.00 for disbursement to regional planning commissions in a manner consistent with 24 V.S.A. § 4306(b); (B) $753,984.00 for disbursement to municipalities in a manner consistent with 24 V.S.A. § 4306(b); (C) $376,992.00 to the geographic information system. Sec. 273. FISCAL YEAR 2006 PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX ALLOCATIONS (a) In fiscal year 2006, the appropriations made to the department of taxes, the housing and conservation board, and the municipal and regional planning fund for distribution for disbursement to regional planning commissions, municipalities, and the geographic information system shall be increased five percent above the level appropriated in fiscal year 2005 pursuant to Sec. 272 of this act. Sec. 274. [Deleted] Sec. 275. [Deleted] Sec. 276. [Deleted] Sec. 277. SPECIAL EDUCATION; STATE FUNDING (a) Notwithstanding Sec. 10(c) of No. 117 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000), state funding pursuant to 16 V.S.A. § 2967(b) shall not exceed 60 percent for any fiscal year. If, in any fiscal year, the actual percentage increase in the statewide total special education expenditures is less than the target SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 217 increase, pursuant to Sec. 10(a) of No. 117 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000), as amended by Sec. 42 of No. 68 of the Acts of 2003, and the actual increase in the total K-12 service plans is more than the target increase, the actual percentage increase will be used to determine the amount appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, pursuant to Sec. 10(b) of No. 117 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000). Sec. 278. Sec. 10(b) of No. 117 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000) is amended to read: (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 101 of Title 16, in fiscal years 2002 through 2004, the amount appropriated by the general assembly to provide state aid for special education shall be no more than the amount that would be appropriated if statewide total special education expenditures grew by the target amounts. Sec. 279. TRANSPORTATION FUND TRANSFER (a) The amount of $800,000.00 is transferred from the transportation fund to the downtown transportation and related capital improvement fund established by 24 V.S.A. § 2796 to be used by the Vermont downtown development board for the purposes of the fund. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 218 Sec. 280. GENERAL FUND TRANSFER (a) With respect to the transfer of $3,100,000.00 of general funds to the transportation fund in Sec. 81a of No. 80 of the Acts of 2004, and to the extent and in the amount that general funds are transferred to the transportation fund pursuant to Sec. 88 of No. 80 of the Acts of 2004, such amounts of fiscal year 2005 transportation fund appropriations shall not be included in the calculation of the transportation fund budget stabilization reserve requirement for fiscal year 2006 under 32 V.S.A. § 308a(b), nor in the calculation of allowable transportation fund appropriations for fiscal year 2006 under 19 V.S.A. § 11a, nor in the calculation of the transfer requirements for fiscal year 2006 of the transportation equipment replacement account of the central garage fund under 19 V.S.A. § 13(c). Sec. 281. 10 V.S.A. § 280a(a)(11) is added to read: (11) a program that would award grants made to eligible and qualified recipients as directed by the agency of agriculture, food and markets or the agency of natural resources for the purpose of funding stream stability and conservation reserve enhancement environmental initiatives approved by the agencies, provided that the maximum amount of grants awarded by the authority pursuant to the program shall not exceed $1,340,238.00 in the aggregate. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 219 Sec. 282. SPECIAL DEBT REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT (a) The state treasurer, in consultation with the secretary of administration, shall negotiate an agreement for forgiveness of up to $1,340,238.00 of the principal balance of the loan between the state of Vermont and the Vermont economic development authority issued May 15, 2003. The negotiated agreement shall require the Vermont economic development authority to make grants in a like amount to eligible and qualified recipients as directed by the agency of agriculture, food and markets or by the agency of natural resources for the purpose of funding stream stability and conservation reserve enhancement environmental initiatives approved by the agencies. The agreement will also specify that the authority continue to make all payments currently scheduled under the loan to the state until the remaining principal and interest are paid in full. Sec. 283. FISCAL YEAR 2004 AND 2005 TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FUND BALANCE (a) Notwithstanding Sec. 146(b) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003, in fiscal year 2004, any unexpended and unencumbered balance in the tobacco litigation settlement fund not to exceed $600,000.00 shall at the close of the fiscal year be transferred to the Vermont health access trust fund, and any remaining balance shall remain in the tobacco litigation settlement fund. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 220 (b) Notwithstanding Sec. 146(b) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003, in fiscal year 2005, any unexpended and unencumbered balance in the tobacco litigation settlement fund not to exceed $636,000.00 shall at the close of the fiscal year remain in the tobacco litigation settlement fund. Sec. 284. STATE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT CHARGE ADJUSTMENT (a) The fiscal year 2005 charge to departments for the state employee retirement system shall not exceed 9.9 percent. Sec. 285. Sec. 323(a)(1) and (2) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 as amended by Sec. 70 of No. 80 of the Acts of 2004 are further amended to read: (1) The sum of $523,190.00 from the general fund for fiscal year 2004 and the sum of $5,919,339.00 $5,743,862.00 from the general fund for fiscal year 2005. (2) The sum of $2,704,527.00 $1,458,637.00 from the transportation fund for fiscal year 2005. Sec. 286. Sec. 47 of No. 68 of the Acts of 2003 is amended to read: Sec. 47. TEACHER NEGOTIATIONS; SUPERVISORY UNION LEVEL; APPROPRIATION (a) The board of a supervisory union in which the member boards are not jointly negotiating teacher contracts or in which the boards are jointly negotiating separate contracts and are seeking to negotiate a single supervisory union contract may apply to the commissioner of education for a grant to work SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 221 with its member districts to enter into an agreement to do so. Two or more supervisory unions or supervisory districts may apply to the commissioner for a grant to work together to create a regional bargaining initiative. (b) The commissioner is authorized to award one grant of up to $5,000.00 to each a supervisory union board which applies for a grant under this section to work with its member districts and grants of up to $5,000.00 to each supervisory union or supervisory district seeking to work toward a regional bargaining initiative. *** Sec. 287. [Deleted] Sec. 288. Sec. 293 of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003, as amended by Sec. 88 of No. 80 of the Acts of 2004 is further amended to read: Sec. 293. FISCAL YEAR 2004 DESIGNATED BALANCE (WATERFALL) (a) At the close of fiscal year 2004, the fiscal year 2004 unreserved and undesignated general fund balance on a budgetary basis, as determined by the commissioner of finance and management on July 31, 2004, shall to the extent funds are available: (1) First, be transferred to the general fund budget stabilization reserve to the extent necessary to attain its statutory maximum; (2) Second, $12,560,000.00 $12,410,000.00 shall be transferred to the general fund surplus reserve to be available for fiscal year 2005 expenditures; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 222 (3) Third, $1,000,000.00 shall be transferred to the transportation fund; (4) Fourth, $2,500,000.00 shall be transferred to the human services caseload reserve; (5) Fifth, $250,000.00 shall be appropriated to the agency of human services to support agency reorganization costs; (6) Sixth, $500,000.00 shall be appropriated to department of buildings and general services for construction and refit costs of the state crime lab; (7) Seventh, $4,000,000.00 shall be transferred to the state teachers’ retirement fund; (8) Eighth, $1,000,000.00 is appropriated to the secretary of human services and may only be spent if the community-based services Federal 1115 waiver is approved. If the waiver is approved, the funds shall be transferred to the department of aging and disabilities and used for a grants program for community-based service infrastructure; (9) Ninth, the next $14,000,000.00 shall be transferred in equal portions to the extent available to the facilities operations revolving fund and the financial management systems development special fund. An amount not to exceed $1,560,000.00 of any remaining negative balance in the financial management systems development special fund shall be listed as an outstanding obligation in the transportation fund operating statement. This allocation of negative fund balance shall be reduced by any application of SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 223 transportation funds to the financial management systems development special fund; (5) Fifth (10) Tenth, any remaining funds shall be transferred to the general fund surplus reserve established in Sec. 277(5) of No. 147 of the Acts of 1998, as amended by Sec. 88 of No. 1 of the Acts of 1999. Said funds shall remain in the general fund surplus reserve pending appropriation by the legislature equally distributed between the Vermont health access trust fund and a general fund reserve for school construction obligations of the state. Sec. 289. FISCAL YEAR 2005 CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS (a) In the event the official fiscal year 2005 fiscal year revenue forecast for the available general fund adopted by the emergency board at its July 2004 meeting exceeds $925,030,000.00, there is appropriated to the extent available the following: (1) First, an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 to the defender general for funding prisoners’ rights services. (2) Second, an amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 to the department of corrections, $1,914,000.00 of which shall be used to implement policy and operation changes identified by the department in response to the findings of the investigative report issued in April 2004, $700,000.00 of which shall be used to reduce overcrowding, and $386,000.00 of which shall be used to add SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 224 three (3) additional work release specialists and three (3) additional youth probation officers, one (1) of which shall be assigned to Bennington county. (3) Third, an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 to the department of social and rehabilitation services for child care caseload needs. (b) Any undesignated balance in the general fund shall remain in the general fund surplus reserve until appropriated by the general assembly. Sec. 289a. FISCAL YEAR 2005 CONTINGENT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT (a) In the event that the official fiscal year 2005 fiscal year revenue forecast for the available general fund adopted by the emergency board at its July 2004 meeting is below $925,030,000.00, the secretary of administration shall revert to the general fund an amount not to exceed $550,000.00 of the shortfall from general funds otherwise appropriated to meet agencies’ pay act obligations in Sec. 285 of this act. The remaining pay act funds shall be distributed on a pro rata basis. Sec. 290. [Deleted] SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 225 Sec. 291. Sec. 282 of No. 66 of the Act of 2003, as further amended by Sec. 74 of No. 80 of 2004 is amended to read: Sec. 282. APPROPRIATIONS; PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX (a) This act contains the following amounts appropriated from special funds that receive revenue from the property transfer tax. Expenditures from these appropriations shall not exceed available revenues: (1) The sum of $288,000.00 is appropriated from the property valuation and review administration special fund to the department of taxes for administration of the use tax reimbursement program. Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A. § 9610(c), amounts above $288,000.00 from the property transfer tax that would otherwise be deposited into the property valuation and review administration special fund shall instead be deposited into the general fund. *** Sec. 292. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE STUDY COMMITTEE (a) A committee is established to study issues related to medical malpractice actions and insurance. (b) The committee shall consist of the following members: (1) the commissioner of the department of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration or designee; (2) the executive vice-president of the Vermont medical society or designee; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 226 (3) the executive director of the Vermont hospital association or designee; (4) an attorney appointed by the Vermont trial lawyers association; (5) a plaintiff’s attorney appointed by the Vermont bar association; (6) the state health care ombudsman; and (7) a member appointed by the American insurance association. (c) The committee shall consider the following: (1) whether and how medical malpractice lawsuits have affected insurance costs for Vermont health care providers, including: (A) whether jury verdicts and settlements in Vermont have had an effect on insurance costs for Vermont health care providers; and (B) whether jury verdicts and settlements in other states have had an effect on insurance costs in those states, nationally, or in Vermont; (2) if medical malpractice lawsuits have affected insurance costs for Vermont health care providers, whether and how statutory changes could reduce those costs; (3) whether insurance costs for Vermont health care providers are rising while the payments insurers make for medical malpractice claims are decreasing, and if so, why this apparent discrepancy exists; (4) whether factors other than medical malpractice actions have had an effect on insurance costs for health care providers nationally and in Vermont; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 227 (5) whether and how caps on damages in medical malpractice actions would affect insurance costs for Vermont health care providers, including whether such caps enacted in other states have affected insurance costs for health care providers in those states, nationally, or in Vermont; (6) whether it would be feasible for the state to provide some assistance to health care providers who have particularly high insurance costs, and how such a system would operate; (7) whether it would be feasible to create a fixed compensation system for medical malpractice cases based on pre-set payment amounts for particular types of injuries, including how such a system would operate and whether it would have an impact on medical malpractice insurance costs; (8) whether the state can and should require insurers to base their rates on claims experience in Vermont; (9) whether a Vermont health care facility which self-insures should be required to do so with a Vermont-based captive insurer; (10) whether any efforts have been or should be undertaken to reduce the incidents of medical malpractice through the underwriting process; (11) whether insurance reforms would have an impact on medical malpractice insurance costs, including such reforms as improved experience rating, public involvement in rate proceedings, compressing rate SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 228 classifications, state reinsurance pools, improved self-insurance opportunities, and disclosure of insurers’ investment and dividend income to policyholders; (12) whether legislative action is necessary or advisable in the area of medical malpractice actions, and, if so, particular recommendations for legislation; and (13) any other issues which the committee believes would have an impact on the availability or affordability of medical malpractice insurance in Vermont. (d)(1) For purposes of assisting the committee to understand the factors that contribute to the costs of medical malpractice insurance, the commissioner of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration shall have the authority, pursuant to 8 V.S.A. § 13, to request the production of the following information to a qualified independent third-party consultant engaged by the commissioner: (A) from hospitals in Vermont, the cost of medical malpractice insurance, including the cost of reinsurance, for the hospital and its employees; (B) from hospitals that are self-insured, their costs for medical malpractice-related expenditures, including amounts spent on claims, defense costs, and reinsurance; SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 229 (C) from insurers providing medical malpractice insurance to health care providers or health care facilities in Vermont, claim information relating to those providers or facilities; and (D) any other information that the commissioner determines to be necessary. (2) Information filed under this section shall be in a form to be determined by the commissioner after consultation with the third-party consultant, shall be provided only to the consultant and to the commissioner for the sole purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section, shall be otherwise confidential at all times, and shall not be subject to disclosure as a public record under 1 V.S.A. § 316. It shall be made available to the committee only in summary statistical form that does not identify individual providers, health care facilities, or patients. Hospitals located outside this state that serve a significant number of Vermont residents or employ a significant number of health care professionals who also practice in Vermont, as determined by the committee, shall be invited to report such information. (e) The representative of the department of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration shall serve as chair of the committee. (f) All members of the committee shall serve on the committee for the duration of the study unless circumstances dictate a permanent replacement. Vacancies shall be appointed in the same manner as original appointments. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 230 (g) The committee may meet for no more than 12 meetings or public hearings and shall have such powers as are needed to carry out the purposes of this section. (h) The committee shall have the assistance and cooperation of the department of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration, which shall provide professional and administrative support for the committee. (i) Committee members who are not full-time state employees shall be entitled to per diem and expenses as provided in 32 V.S.A. § 1010. (j) The committee shall report its findings and recommendations, including proposals for legislative action, to the general assembly and the governor no later than December 15, 2005, whereupon it shall cease to exist. Sec. 293. CRIMINAL CODE STUDY COMMITTEE (a) The general assembly finds that the Vermont criminal code is in need of a general review to ensure that it is comprehensive, clear, well-organized, current, and consistent. The general assembly recognizes that a substantial body of case law has been built upon the existing code, and a complete rewrite of the code would likely result in years of litigation. Therefore, it is not the intent that the code be entirely rewritten, but that a committee conduct an examination of the code to identify how it could be improved in a balanced manner that would be beneficial to all. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 231 (b) The criminal code study committee is established for the purpose of reviewing all state criminal laws throughout the statutes and making recommendations to the general assembly for reasonable necessary updates to the criminal code. (c) The committee shall consist of the following members: (1) two members of the senate appointed by the committee on committees; (2) two members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker; (3) the administrative judge, or designee, provided that the designee is a sitting or retired Vermont judge; (4) the executive director of the department of state’s attorneys and sheriffs, or designee; (5) the attorney general or designee; (6) a representative of the Vermont police association; (7) a state trooper appointed by the state police bargaining unit of the Vermont state employees’ association; (8) the defender general or designee; (9) a staff public defender appointed by the defender general; and (10) a defense attorney appointed by the Vermont bar association. (d) The committee shall consider the following: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 232 (1) terms of imprisonment for consistency and appropriateness; (2) fines for consistency and appropriateness; (3) whether certain statutes should be amended for clarity; (4) whether graduated degrees should be employed for offenses; (5) whether older statutes should be updated; (6) whether the statutes and chapters are organized efficiently; (7) methods to identify and highlight annual changes in the law; (8) any recommendations from the director of the law enforcement division of the department of fish and wildlife; and (9) any other issues the committee finds relevant to creating a comprehensive and clear criminal code. (e) The judge shall serve as chair of the committee. A vice chair may be elected by the committee. (f) Legislative members of the committee shall serve only while in office. A substitute shall be appointed for a legislator who no longer serves in such capacity. All other members of the committee shall serve on the committee for the duration of the study unless circumstances dictate a permanent replacement. Vacancies shall be appointed in the same manner as original appointments. (g) The committee shall have the assistance and cooperation of the department of corrections, the department of social and rehabilitation services, SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 233 the Vermont center for crime victim services, and all other state and local agencies and departments. The legislative council and the joint fiscal office shall provide professional and administrative support for the committee. The committee may hold public hearings. (h) Legislative members of the committee shall be entitled to per diem compensation and reimbursement for expenses in accordance with 2 V.S.A. § 406. The member appointed by the bar association shall be entitled to per diem compensation and reimbursement for expenses in the same manner as legislative members. (i) The committee findings and recommendations, including proposals for legislative action, shall be presented to the general assembly and the governor no later than December 15, 2006. * * * General * * * Sec. 294. 2 V.S.A. § 20(a) is amended to read: (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law Unless otherwise provided by law, whenever it is required by statute, regulation, or otherwise that an agency submit an annual, biennial, or other periodic report to the general assembly, that requirement shall be met by submission by January 15 of copies of the report, for activities in the preceding fiscal year, to the clerk of the house, the secretary of the senate, the legislative council, and such individual members of the general assembly or committees that specifically request a SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 234 copy of the report. To the extent practicable, reports shall also be placed on the agency’s internet website. No general distribution or mailing of such reports shall be made to members of the general assembly. Sec. 294a. REPEALS (a) The following are repealed: (1) 32 V.S.A. § 507 (fees received by salaried officers). (2) 3 V.S.A. § 208 (report to governor concerning needs of departments). * * * Treasurer * * * Sec. 294b. 32 V.S.A. § 110 is added to read: § 110. REPORTS (a) The treasurer shall prepare and submit, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), reports on the following subjects: (1) The Vermont higher education endowment trust fund, pursuant to 16 V.S.A. § 2885(e). (2) The firefighters’ survivors benefit expendable trust fund, pursuant to 20 V.S.A. § 3175(b). (3) The trust investment account, pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 434(a)(5). (4) Charges for credit card usage by agency, department, or the judiciary, pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 583(f). SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 235 (5) Transfers of unspent proceeds derived from the sale of state bonds or notes, pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 954(c). (b) Reports required to be submitted to the general assembly annually by January 15 shall be consolidated in a single document. Sec. 294c. REPEALS (a) The following are repealed: (1) 3 V.S.A. § 576(e)(2) (estimate of appropriations to the Social Security contribution fund). (2) 32 V.S.A. § 4733 (abstract of tax warrants). Sec. 294d. 16 V.S.A. § 2885(e) is amended to read: (e) Annually, by September 30, the state treasurer shall render a financial report on the receipts, disbursements and earnings of the fund for the preceding fiscal year to the commission on higher education funding. Sec. 294e. 32 V.S.A. § 434(a)(5) is amended to read: (5) Annually, the treasurer shall prepare a report to the general assembly on the financial activity of the trust investment account. * * * Vermont State Employees’ Retirement Board * * * Sec. 294f. 3 V.S.A. § 471a is added to read: § 471a. REPORTS (a) The board shall prepare and submit, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), reports on the following subjects: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 236 (1) The fiscal transactions of the retirement system, pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 471(g). (2) The results of an actuarial reevaluation of the retirement fund, pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 473a. (b) Reports required to be submitted to the general assembly annually by January 15 shall be consolidated in a single document. Sec. 294g. 3 V.S.A. § 471(g) is amended to read: (g) The retirement board shall keep a record of all its proceedings, which shall be open to public inspection. It shall publish annually and distribute to the general assembly a report showing the fiscal transactions of the retirement system for the preceding fiscal year, the amount of the accumulated cash and securities of the system, and the last balance sheet showing the financial condition of the retirement system by means of an actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the system. * * * Capital Debt Affordability Advisory Committee * * * Sec. 294h. 32 V.S.A. § 1001a is added to read: § 1001a. REPORTS The capital debt affordability advisory committee shall prepare and submit, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), a report on general obligation debt, pursuant to subsection 1001(c) of this title. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 237 * * * Vermont Municipal Bond Bank * * * Sec. 294i. 24 V.S.A. § 4571a is added to read: § 4571a. REPORTS (a) The Vermont municipal bond bank shall prepare and submit, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), a report on activities for the preceding calendar year, pursuant to section 4594 of this title. * * * Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Financing Agency * * * Sec. 294j. 16 V.S.A. § 3862 is amended to read: § 3862. REPORTS The Vermont educational and health buildings financing agency shall prepare and submit, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), a report The agency shall prepare and submit a complete report to the governor annually by January 15 listing all projects applied for, planned, in progress and completed, and a complete financial report duly audited and certified by a certified public accountant to be distributed in the same way as state departmental reports. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 238 * * * Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities, and Health Care Administration * * * Sec. 294k. 8 V.S.A. § 14 is amended to read: § 14. ANNUAL REPORT AND DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL REPORT REPORTS (a) The commissioner of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration shall prepare and submit, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), reports on the following subjects: (a)(1)(A) The commissioner shall report annually, on or before June 1, to the governor as to the conditions of persons regulated by the banking division. and The commissioner shall report annually, on or before September 1, to the governor as to the conditions of all insurance companies chartered by or doing business in this state. The reports may be separate and shall contain statements as to the financial condition of each institution, and any other information or recommendations which the commissioner deems appropriate. The report shall also contain a review of the rules of the department, regardless of the process for adopting such rules, at a frequency such that each rule is reviewed at least every five years for efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out the policies and goals of this state relating to financial institutions, insurance mechanisms and the sale of investments. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 239 (b)(B) The annual report of the commissioner required by this section subdivision shall contain a listing of subsidiary and affiliate organizations formed or owned by a Vermont financial institution for the purpose of engaging in any of the powers authorized by section 14106 of this title. The report shall also contain a listing of the amount of a Vermont financial institution's loans and assets invested in such organizations. (c)(C) The commissioner shall cause the annual report to be published for general distribution, and shall distribute them to each member of the house commerce and senate finance committees of the general assembly, to other members of the general assembly under section 20 of Title 2 and to others as the commissioner deems appropriate. Such distribution may be effected electronically or by other similar means. (2) The managed behavioral health care organizations task force, pursuant to subsection 4089b(g) of this title. (3) Health care budget projections, pursuant to 18 V.S.A. § 9406(b)(4). (b) Reports required to be submitted to the general assembly annually by January 15 shall be consolidated in a single document. Sec. 294l. Sec. 25 of No. 53 of the Acts of 2003 is amended to read: Sec. 25. REPORT ON COLLABORATION AMONG HOSPITALS The commissioner of banking, insurance, securities, and health care administration shall invite Fletcher Allen Health Care and the Dartmouth SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 240 Hitchcock Medical Center to identify fields of excellence or discrete areas of specialty focus for the respective health care institutions, and to make recommendations for collaboration. The commissioner shall report to the general assembly on or before December 15, 2003 and annually thereafter through December 15, 2005 on the progress of the collaboration. Sec. 294m. 18 V.S.A. § 9406(b)(4) is amended to read: (4) The division shall prepare a report of the final projections made under this subsection, and file the report with the general assembly on or before January 115 of each year. * * * Department of Labor and Industry * * * Sec. 294n. 21 V.S.A. § 1a is added to read: §1a. REPORTS (a) The commissioner of labor and industry shall prepare and submit, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), reports on the following subjects: (1) Activities of the state fire marshal, pursuant to 20 V.S.A. § 2681(a). (2) Injuries resulting from the use of fireworks and sparklers, pursuant to 20 V.S.A. § 3132(b). (3) Inspected state buildings, pursuant to section 255 of this title. (4) Attorney’s fees, pursuant to subsection 678(c) of this title. (b) Reports required to be submitted to the general assembly annually by January 15 shall be consolidated in a single document. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 241 Sec. 294o. REPEALS (a) The following are repealed: (1) Sec. 4 of No. 15 of the Acts of 2003 (annual sparkler report distribution). (2) 21 V.S.A. § 707 (workers’ compensation report to the governor). (3) 21 V.S.A. § 1313 (employment stabilization). Sec. 294p. 20 V.S.A. § 2681(a) is amended to read: (a) The commissioner of public safety shall be ex-officio ex officio fire marshal. The commissioner of labor and industry shall annually by January 15 submit to the governor a detailed report as fire marshal which shall be included in his annual report to the governor, prepared in collaboration with the fire marshal. A copy of this report shall be mailed to each fire department paid or volunteer, in the state of Vermont. Subject to the approval of the governor, the commissioner may appoint a deputy fire marshal, and other necessary assistants, who shall assist him or her as state fire marshal. Sec. 294q. 20 V.S.A. § 3132(b) is amended to read: (b) The state fire marshal shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for granting permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by municipalities, fair associations, amusement parks, and other organizations or groups of individuals. The state fire marshal and the department of labor and industry shall compile an annual report of all injuries to person and property SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 242 resulting from the use of fireworks and sparklers reported for the preceding fiscal year. The commissioner of labor and industry shall annually by January 15 submit the report to the house committee on general, housing and military affairs and the senate committee on economic development, housing and general affairs. Sec. 294r. 21 V.S.A. § 252(d) is amended to read: (d) The commissioner shall make all practical efforts to process permits in a prompt manner. The commissioner shall establish time limits for permit processing as well as procedures and time periods within which to notify applicants whether an application is complete. The commissioner shall report annually by February 15 to the house and senate committees on general affairs and government operations. The annual report shall assess the agency's performance in meeting the limits; identify areas which hinder effective agency performance; list fees collected for each permit; summarize changes made by the agency to improve performance; describe staffing needs for the coming year; and certify that the revenue from the fees collected is at least equal to the costs associated with those positions. Sec. 294s. 21 V.S.A. § 255 is amended to read: § 255. STATE BUILDINGS The commissioner shall biennially cause an examination to be made of all state buildings and shall report his findings and recommendations to the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 243 secretary of administration on or before July 1 of odd-numbered years establish a risk classification system for all state buildings. State buildings classified as high or medium risk shall be inspected at least every five years, and the commissioner’s findings and recommendations shall be reported to the secretary of administration. * * * Department of Public Safety * * * Sec. 294t. 20 V.S.A. § 1872a is added to read: § 1872a. REPORTS (a) The commissioner of public safety is responsible for preparing and submitting, consistent with 2 V.S.A. § 20(a), reports on the following: (1) The radiological emergency response plan fund, pursuant to subdivision 38(a)(4) of this title. (2) DUI reduction and enforcement program, pursuant to Sec. 3(a) and (b) of No. 117 of the Acts of the 1997 Adj. Sess. (1998). (b) Reports required to be submitted to the general assembly annually by January 15 shall be consolidated in a single document. Sec. 294u. PUBLIC SAFETY; QUARTERLY REPORTS The following language in Sec. 7 of No. 260 of the Acts of 1972 and Sec. 7 of No. 77 of the Acts of 1973 is repealed: “The commissioner of public safety will submit a confidential quarterly report to the legislature or the emergency board if the legislature is not in session, of all expenditures made from the SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 244 imprest cash fund.” The following language in Sec. 7 (ww) of No. 262 of the Acts of 1974 and Sec. 7(rr)(2) of No. 118 of the Acts of 1975 is repealed: “The commissioner of public safety shall submit a confidential quarterly report to the legislature or the emergency board if the legislature is not in session, of all expenditures made from the imprest cash fund.” Sec. 294v. REPEALS (a) The following are repealed: (1) Sec. 10a of No. 78 of the Acts of 1989 (use of retired state police officers). (2) Sec. 61 of No. 66 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000) (Brady law record checks). (3) Sec. 7(b) of No. 142 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000) (consolidation of dispatch centers). (4) Sec. 19(c)(4) of No. 148 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000) (record of E-911 activities). (5) Sec. 33(b) of No. 160 of the Acts of the 1999 Adj. Sess. (2000) (use of video cameras). (6) Sec. 18(a) of No. 49 of the Acts of the 2001 (Byrne Grant recipients). (7) 20 V.S.A. § 1953(m) (activities of the New England State Police Administrators’ Conference). SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 245 (8) 20 V.S.A. § 2304 (unlawful firearms). * * * Department of Education * * * Sec 294w. REPEALS (a) The following are repealed: (1) 16 V.S.A. § 1533(c) (in coordination with the Vermont advisory council on vocational education, commissioner’s evaluation of the effectiveness of vocational centers). (2) 16 V.S.A. § 1534(c) (in coordination with the Vermont advisory council on vocational education, commissioner’s evaluation of the effectiveness of each course of study offered by vocational centers). (3) 16 V.S.A. § 2062 (publication of all interstate educational personnel contracts). (4) 16 V.S.A. § 2952 (report on education of children with disabilities). (5) 16 V.S.A. § 4027(a) (data and calculation used to determine the predictable yield). (6) Sec. 15(d) of Act 138 of 1998 (recommendations for technical education). * * * Statewide Elected Officers * * * Sec. 295. 32 V.S.A. § 1003(a) is amended to read: (a) Each elective officer of the executive department is entitled to an annual salary as follows: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 Governor H.768 Page 246 Annual Annual Salary Salary as of as of July 13, July 11, 2003 2004 $127,456 $133,166 Lieutenant Governor 54,103 56,527 Secretary of State 80,818 84,439 State Treasurer 80,818 84,439 Auditor of Accounts 80,818 84,439 Attorney General 96,752 101,086 * * * Executive Agency, Department, and Division Heads * * * Sec. 295a. 32 V.S.A. § 1003(b) is amended to read: (b) The governor may appoint each officer of the executive branch listed in this subsection at a starting salary ranging from the base salary stated for that position to a salary which does not exceed the maximum salary unless otherwise authorized by this subsection. The maximum salary for each appointive officer shall be 50 percent above the base salary. Annually, the governor may grant to each of those officers an annual salary adjustment subject to the maximum salary. The annual salary adjustment granted to officers under this subsection shall not exceed the average of the total rate of SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 247 adjustment available to classified employees under the collective bargaining agreement then in effect. In addition to the annual salary adjustment specified in this subsection, the governor may grant a special salary increase subject to the maximum salary, or a bonus, to any officer listed in this subsection whose job duties have significantly increased, or whose contributions to the state in the preceding year are deemed especially significant. Special salary increases or bonuses granted to any individual shall not exceed the average of the total rate of adjustment available to classified employees under the collective bargaining agreement then in effect. (1) Heads of the following departments, offices, and agencies: (A) Administration Base Base Salary as Salary as of July 13, of July 11, 2003 2004 $77,072 $80,525 (B) Aging and disabilities 65,358 68,286 (C) Agriculture, food and markets 65,358 80,525 and health care administration 72,052 75,280 (E) Buildings and general services 72,052 75,280 (D) Banking, insurance, securities, SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 248 (F) Commerce and community development 77,072 80,525 (G) Corrections 72,052 75,280 (H) Defender general 65,358 68,286 72,052 75,280 (J) Economic development 65,358 68,286 (K) Education 72,052 75,280 (L) Employment and training 72,052 75,280 (M) Environmental board chairperson 65,358 68,286 (N) Environmental conservation 72,052 75,280 (O) Finance and management 72,052 75,280 (P) Fish and wildlife 65,358 68,286 (Q) Forests, parks and recreation 65,358 68,286 (R) Health 72,052 75,280 (S) Housing and community affairs 65,358 68,286 (T) Human services 77,072 80,525 (I) Developmental and mental health services (U) Information and innovation 75,280 (V) Labor and industry 65,358 68,286 (V)(W) Libraries 65,358 68,286 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 249 (W)(X) Liquor control 65,358 68,286 (X)(Y) Lottery 65,358 68,286 (Y)(Z) Military 65,358 68,286 (Z)(AA) Motor vehicles 65,358 68,286 (AA)(BB) Natural resources 77,072 80,525 (BB)(CC) Personnel 65,358 75,280 (CC)(DD) Prevention, assistance, transition, and health access 72,052 75,280 (DD)(EE) Public safety 72,052 75,280 (EE)(FF) Public service 72,052 75,280 (FF)(GG) Social and rehabilitation services 72,052 75,280 (GG)(HH) Taxes 65,358 75,280 (HH)(II) Tourism and marketing 65,358 68,286 (II)(JJ) Transportation 77,072 80,525 (JJ)(KK) Veterans’ home 65,358 68,286 (2) Directors of the following divisions, offices, and boards: The secretary of administration may include the following positions in any pay plans which may be established under the authority of section subsection 1020(c) of this title, provided the minimum hiring rate does not fall below that in this section. Base Salary Base Salary SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 250 as of July 13, as of July 11, 2003 2004 $55,409 $57,891 (B) Economic opportunity 55,409 57,891 (C) Professional regulation 55,409 57,891 (A) Child support (3) If the chairperson of the environmental board is employed on less than a full-time basis, the hiring and salary maximums for that position shall be reduced proportionately. (4) When a permanent employee is appointed to an exempt position, the governor may authorize such employee to retain the present salary even though it is in excess of any salary maximum provided in statute. * * * Judicial Branch * * * Sec. 295b. 32 V.S.A. § 1003(c) is amended to read: (c) The annual salaries of the officers of the judicial branch named below shall be as follows: Annual Salary Annual Salary as of July 13, as of 2003 July 11, 2004 (1) Chief justice of supreme court (2) Each associate justice $115,016 $120,169 109,771 114,689 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 251 (3) Administrative judge 109,771 114,689 (4) Each superior judge 104,355 109,030 (5) Each district judge 104,355 109,030 (6) Each magistrate 78,682 82,207 (7) Each judicial bureau hearing officer 78,682 82,207 * * * Legislative Branch * * * Sec. 295c. 32 V.S.A. § 1053a is amended to read: § 1053a. LEGISLATIVE PAGES Legislative pages shall be entitled to a weekly compensation of $110.00 effective July 1, 2001 and $115.00 effective July 4, 2002, and a weekly expense allowance of $60.00 for those who commute and $95.00 for those who rent a room in the Montpelier area. Pages will be paid in the same manner as members of the general assembly. Sec. 295d. 2 V.S.A. § 63(a) is amended to read: (a) The base salary for the sergeant at arms shall be $36,245.61 as of July 13, 2003 $37,869 as of July 11, 2004. * * * Assistant Judges * * * Sec. 295e. 32 V.S.A. § 1141(a) is amended to read: (a) Each assistant judge of the superior court shall receive $120.64 a day as of July 13, 2003 compensation at the daily rate of $126.04 a day as of July 11, 2004 for time spent in the performance of official duties and necessary SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 252 expenses as allowed to classified state employees. * * * Probate Judges * * * Sec. 295f. 32 V.S.A. § 1142(a) is amended to read: (a) The annual salaries of the judges of probate in the several probate districts, which shall be paid by the state in lieu of all fees or other compensation, shall be as follows: (1) Addison Annual Salary Annual Salary as of as of July 13, 2003 July 11, 2004 $50,384 $52,641 (2) Bennington 43,791 45,753 (3) Caledonia 50,384 52,641 (4) Chittenden 77,630 81,108 (5) Essex 24,505 25,603 (6) Fair Haven 37,025 38,684 (7) Franklin 50,384 52,641 (8) Grand Isle 24,505 25,603 (9) Hartford 50,384 52,641 (10) Lamoille 37,025 38,684 (11) Manchester 37,025 38,684 (12) Marlboro 43,791 45,753 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 253 (13) Orange 43,791 45,753 (14) Orleans 43,791 45,753 (15) Rutland 64,429 67,315 (16) Washington 64,429 67,315 (17) Westminster 37,025 38,684 (18) Windsor 43,791 45,753 * * * County Clerks * * * Sec. 295g. 32 V.S.A. § 1181 is amended to read: § 1181. COUNTY CLERKS The annual salaries of the county clerks in the respective counties which shall be paid by the state in lieu of all fees or other compensation paid by the state, shall be as follows: Annual Salary Annual Salary as of as of July 13, 2003 July 11, 2004 (1) Addison County $54,890 $57,349 (2) Bennington County 54,890 57,349 (3) Caledonia County 54,890 57,349 (4) Chittenden County 66,409 69,384 (5) Essex County 29,828 31,164 (6) Franklin County 54,890 57,349 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 254 (7) Grand Isle County 29,828 31,164 (8) Lamoille County 54,890 57,349 (9) Orange County 54,890 57,349 (10) Orleans County 54,890 57,349 (11) Rutland County 61,084 63,821 (12) Washington County 61,084 63,821 (13) Windham County 54,890 57,349 (14) Windsor County 58,211 60,819 * * * Sheriffs * * * Sec. 295h. 32 V.S.A. § 1182(a) is amended to read: (a) The annual salaries of the sheriffs of all counties except Chittenden shall be $55,896 as of July 13, 2003 $58,400.00 as of July 11, 2004. The annual salary of the sheriff of Chittenden County shall be $59,152 as of July 13, 2003 $61,802.00 as of July 11, 2004. * * * State’s Attorneys * * * Sec. 295i. 32 V.S.A. § 1183(a) is amended to read: (a) The annual salaries of state’s attorneys shall be: (1) Addison County Annual Salary Annual Salary as of as of July 13, 2003 July 11, 2004 $75,607 $78,994 SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 255 (2) Bennington County 75,607 78,994 (3) Caledonia County 75,607 78,994 (4) Chittenden County 79,046 82,587 (5) Essex County 56,706 59,246 (6) Franklin County 75,607 78,994 (7) Grand Isle County 56,706 59,246 (8) Lamoille County 75,607 78,994 (9) Orange County 75,607 78,994 (10) Orleans County 75,607 78,994 (11) Rutland County 75,607 78,994 (12) Washington County 75,607 78,994 (13) Windham County 75,607 78,994 (14) Windsor County 75,607 78,994 * * * Miscellaneous * * * Sec. 295j. 3 V.S.A. § 479(a) is amended to read: (a) As provided under section 631 of this title, a member who is insured by the respective group insurance plans immediately preceding his the member’s effective date of retirement shall be entitled to continuation of group insurance as follows: (1) coverage in the group medical benefit plan provided by the state of Vermont for active state employees; and SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 256 (2) members who have completed 20 years of creditable service at their effective date of retirement shall be entitled to the continuation of life insurance in the amount of $3,000.00 $5,000.00. Sec. 295k. 3 V.S.A. § 631 is amended to read: § 631. GROUP INSURANCE FOR STATE EMPLOYEES; SALARY DEDUCTIONS FOR INSURANCE, SAVINGS PLANS, AND CREDIT UNIONS (a)(1) The secretary of administration may contract on behalf of the state with any insurance company or nonprofit association doing business in this state to secure the benefits of franchise or group insurance. Beginning July 1, 1978, the terms of coverage under the policy shall be determined under section 904 of this title, but it may include: (A) life, disability, health, and accident insurance and benefits for any class or classes of state employees; and (B) hospital, surgical, and medical benefits for any class or classes of state employees or for those employees and any class or classes of their dependents. (2)(A) The term “employees” as used in this section shall include among others any class or classes of elected or appointed officials, but it shall not include members of the general assembly as such, nor shall it include any person rendering service on a retainer or fee basis, members of boards or SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 257 commissions, or persons other than employees of the Vermont historical society, the Vermont film corporation, the Vermont state employees’ credit union, Vermont state employees’ association, and the Vermont council on the arts, whose compensation for service is not paid from the state treasury, nor shall it include any elected or appointed official unless the official is actively engaged in and devoting substantially full time to the conduct of the business of his or her public office. For purposes of group life and group hospital-surgical-medical expense insurance, the term “employees” shall include employees as defined herein and employees who are retired and are receiving a retirement allowance from the Vermont employees’ state retirement system or the Vermont state police and motor vehicle inspectors’ retirement system or the state teachers’ retirement system of Vermont and, for the purposes of group life insurance only, are retired on or after July 1, 1961, and have completed 20 creditable years of service with the state before their retirement dates and are insured for group life insurance on their retirement dates. For purposes of group hospital-surgical-medical expense insurance only, the term “employees” shall include employees as defined in this subdivision and employees who are receiving a retirement allowance based upon their employment with the Vermont state employees’ association, the Vermont state employees’ credit union, the Vermont council on the arts, as long as they are covered as active employees on their retirement date, and: SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 258 (i) they have at least 20 years of service with that employer; or (ii) have attained 62 years of age, and have at least 15 years service with that employer. (B) The premiums for extending insurance coverage to employees shall be paid in full by the Vermont historical society, the Vermont film corporation, the Vermont state employees’ association, the Vermont state employees’ credit union, the Vermont council on the arts, or their respective retirees. Nothing herein creates a legal obligation on the part of the state of Vermont to pay any portion of the premiums required to extend insurance coverage to this group of employees. *** (6) The state treasurer and commissioner of personnel, with the approval of the governor, shall deduct from a state employee’s compensation such amounts for group insurance or assessments for benefits for dependents as defined in subdivision (3) of this subsection when so requested by the employee and shall pay apply the same forthwith to the insurance company or association cost of such benefits. *** SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 259 Sec. 295l. REDESIGNATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL AS THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act and any other provision of law, the term “department of personnel” is amended to read “department of human resources” wherever such term appears in this act or in the Vermont Statutes Annotated. The term “commissioner of personnel” is amended to read “commissioner of human resources” wherever such term appears in this act or in the Vermont Statutes Annotated. In implementing the redesignations authorized by this section, the commissioner of human resources shall create and carry out a plan for the purpose of ensuring that all related modifications to equipment, documents, and supplies bearing the name of the department shall be done in a manner that minimizes cost and maximizes use of current inventories of consumable supplies. Sec. 296. EFFECTIVE DATES (a) This section and Secs. 10, 33, 36, 120a, 130, 131, 132, 133, 141(a)-(d), 205a, 211a, 234a(a)-(b), 254(a), 257(a), 281, 282, 283(a), 288, and 291 of this act shall be effective on passage. (b) Sec. 129 shall be effective on passage, and the amendment to Sec. 147(d) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 shall apply as of February 1, 2004. (c) Secs. 273, 274, 275, and 276 shall be effective July 1, 2005. SENATE PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENT 2003 H.768 Page 260 (d) Secs. 295, relating to statewide elected officials; 295a, relating to executive agency, department, and division heads; 295b, relating to the judicial branch; 295c and 295d, relating to the legislative branch; and 295e, 295f, 295g, 295h, and 295i, relating to assistant judges, probate judges, county clerks, sheriffs, and state’s attorneys, respectively, shall take effect from July 11, 2004. (e) Sec. 128p of this act shall take effect when the waiver program authorized under subsection 2003(b) takes effect.