HARRIS-STOWE STATE UNIVERSITY COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2012 - ENG. 0110II, SECTION 05 ENGLISH COMPOSITION II Course Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. TR Room: 118 Credit Hours: 3 Instructor: Mrs. Nancy Popkin Office: 210 Office Hours: 10:00 -11:00 MTWR, or by appt. Phone: (314) 340-3605 Email: popkinn@hssu.edu ________________________________________________________________________ Administrative Asst.: Mrs. V. Jones Administrative Asst.'s Office: 317 Phone: (314) 340-3317 ________________________________________________________________________ I. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course, a continuation of English 0110I, enables students to study and practice writing, utilizing a variety of sources, including the writing of one short and one long research paper. II. RATIONALE The purpose of this course is two-fold: to improve critical thinking skills and to acquire the skills necessary for doing research and writing a formal research paper. Students will practice using thinking skills such as observing, questioning, investigating, analyzing, and synthesizing. Other skills involved will include collecting data, outlining, composing, revising, and documenting sources. Students will also display good oral communication skills, and they will become more familiar with technology. III. COURSE TEXT The Student Writer: Editor and Critic ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340590-2 (9th Ed.) (2013). Barbara Fine Clouse. Boston: McGraw-Hill. In addition to the text, students are required to access an online resource called Catalyst Grammar Resources. Here is the way to access the site: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0073226912/information_center_view0/ Once you are there do not go to the left. Push the part called Catalyst (the purple button) in the middle of the page and push enter. Then go to the tab named editing. Initially, we will take an in-class pre-test. Then the students can access all the tests and instruction to improve their skills. They should also email the results of tests to the instructor. Every week the students will submit at least one practice or test as assigned by the instructor. All students should continue retesting until they achieve 80 percent proficiency. Later, students will take an online post-test to assess progress. -2IV. HSSU HALLMARKS OF STUDENT LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT In pursuit of its mission, Harris-Stowe State University is dedicated to promoting student growth in five areas which are regarded as the “hallmarks” of student learning and development: effective communication skills, interpersonal growth, critical thinking, workplace readiness, and an understanding of and appreciation for diversity. Effective Communication Skills By developing effective communication skills, students will be able to express and exchange ideas, concepts, and perspectives using methods appropriate for the audience and situation. Interpersonal Growth Through continual learning, students will be able to develop and assess their value systems, make ethical decisions, build healthy professional and personal relationships, and contribute to their community. Critical Thinking By integrating a broad educational foundation with in-depth knowledge of a field of study, students will be able to manage information, analyze and solve realworld problems, construct meaningful connections, learn from their experiences, and apply their learning to new situations. Workplace Readiness As a result of their educational experiences, students will enter the global work force with confidence and professionalism, demonstrate competence in their respective fields, use technology appropriately and effectively, work as productive members of a team, commit to continuous professional growth, and remain competitive in the job market. Understanding of and Appreciation for Diversity As students are exposed to diverse ways of thinking and behaving, they will be able to recognize and value differences as well as develop and advance strategies for inclusion. V. COURSE GOALS By the end of this course, students should know more about how to write, about the process of writing, and about how to gather information from the various resources within the community. -3VI. COURSE OBJECTIVES Specifically, students should be able to garner information from people, written sources, and the media. Interviewing, note taking, and using the library, including computers and the Internet will be tools/skills studied, evaluated, and applied resulting in the production of various essays and two research reports thereby demonstrating the use of those skills. VII. COURSE KNOWLEDGE BASE In line with NCTE recommendations, the course will stress the power of writing both as a way of thinking and learning—about ourselves and others and about subject matter—and as a means of communicating with specific and general audiences for any of a wide range of purposes. Finally, producing writing by moving through a variety or series of stages or steps can assist in developing thinking skills of the highest order (e.g. analysis, synthesis, evaluation). VIII. COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 Course introduction; “Strategies for Reading and Writing.” Read Chapters 1-2 (9th Ed.) 1-3 (8th Ed.); Assign Short Research Paper using MLA style of documentation. “The Writing Process.” Video on Research Papers. [Notes on the video. (15 points)] “Patterns of Development.” Chapter 09 (9th Ed.) 11 (8th Ed.)—Cause and Effect; assign Cause & Effect Short Research Paper. Assignment: Write a paragraph or two describing the best research paper you ever wrote and which strategies you used to be successful. (20 points) Week 2 Chapter 09 (9th Ed.) 11 (8th Ed.) Cont’d. Basic Parts of a Report. How to Write a Good Title. “Argumentation.” Chapter 13 (9th Ed.) 15 (8th Ed.) How to Write Good Lead-Ins. How to Write Good Conclusions. Week 3 “Conducting Research.” Chapter 14 (9th Ed.) 15 (8th Ed.) . Where Do I Begin? How to Write Questions, Assumptions, and Thesis Statements. 9/6/12 - Grammar Pre-Test. Library Computer Lab Research. Oxford Research Site. -4Week 4 “Writing with Sources and Using Proper MLA Documentation.” Chapter 15 (9th Ed.) 17 (8th Ed.) How to Avoid Plagiarism. Consequences of Plagiarism. 9/13/12 - Library Computer Lab Research. Week 5 “Revising and Editing.” Chapter 3 (9th Ed.) 4 (8th Ed.) 9/20/12 - Library Computer Lab Research. Week 6 Workshop. Works Cited Page. Finished Rough Draft of the Cause & Effect Short Research Paper due. (30 points) Polished Final Draft of Short “Cause and Effect” Research Paper due in MYHSSU File Exchange. Assign Long Argumentative Research Paper using MLA style of documentation. Examples of Student Thesis Sentences. Oral Presentation of Cause & Effect Short Research Paper. (50 points) No Library. Week 7 Appendix A “Parts of Speech” [p. 643 (9th Ed.) p. 661 (8th Ed.) “Sentence Errors.” Chapter 18 (9th Ed.) 21 (8th Ed.): Word Choice. 10/4/12 - Library Computer Lab Research. Week 8 Chapter 19 (9th Ed.) 21 (8th Ed.): Sentence Fragments. Reading Effectively and Taking Notes for Research Papers. Developing a Clear Style. Turning Judgmental Statements into Inferences. 10/11/12 - Library Computer Lab Research. -5Week 9 Chapter 20 (9th Ed.) 22 (8th Ed.): Run-On Sentences and Comma Splices. How to Write a Good Conclusion. Practice Works Cited page. Workshop. Bring completed Rough Draft with Works Cited page. (30 points) No Library. Week 10 Chapter 21 (9th Ed.) 23 (8th Ed.): Verbs. Developing and Supporting a Proposition. 10/25/12 - Library Computer Lab Research for PowerPoint. Week 11 Chapter 22 (9th Ed.) 24 (8th Ed.): Pronouns. Sentence improvement. 11/1/12 - Library Computer Lab Research. Week 12 Chapter 23 (9th Ed.) 25 (8th Ed.): Modifiers. 11/8/12 - Library Computer Lab Research. Week 13 Chapter 24 (9th Ed.) 26 (8th Ed.): Punctuation. 11/15/12 - Library Computer Lab Research. Week 14 Chapter 25 (9th Ed.) 27 (8th Ed.) Polished Research Paper due in MYHSSU File Exchange by Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012. Thursday. Nov. 22, 2012. Thanksgiving. No class. Week 15 11/27/12 - Library. Tues. Nov. 27th. Post-Test Grammar Test. Thurs. Nov. 29th, No class, Reading Day. Week 16 Tuesday, Dec. 4, No class, Exam week. Thursday, Dec. 6th, 2012, Final Exam 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon. -6- IX. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY Lecturing (e.g. explanation, explication, clarification, and illustration) for the purpose of providing the student with information on writing and researching techniques; Discussion for the purpose of assessing student understanding and for generating ideas and direction; Peer writing and editing for the purpose of improving proofreading techniques and for gathering differing points of view; Critiquing assigned readings (textbook and handouts) for the purpose of improving critical thinking skills; Computer-assisted writing. We will use the computer as a writing tool, especially during the revising stages of the process for the purpose of improving proofreading and editing skills and for exploring sources on the Internet; Tours of the library and computer lab for the purpose of acquainting students will available resources; Showing videos for the purpose of explaining research techniques; and guest speakers who will describe various technological tools used in presentations. Reviewing non-print publications such as videotapes; and oral presentations for the purpose of improving communication skills and the use of technology. The instructor will occasionally videotape the class and the instructor for purposes of completing action research to improve classroom delivery. X. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Course policies are as follows: A. Attendance: More than three absences will lower your final course grade. Excessive absences of 50% or more will result in failure in the course. If you miss a class, you are responsible for getting the assignment from another member of the class. If you know you will miss class because of illness or another commitment before you miss class, please call my phone number and and leave a message if I do not answer. Approximately 50 points (1-1/2 points each class session) will be awarded for attendance. Class will begin on time. Please do not arrive late to class. No food or drinks except water are allowed in the classroom. No food or drinks are allowed in the Library Computer Lab. Cell phones must be turned off and put out of sight, and text messaging is not allowed. Occasionally, a student may need to leave the classroom for an emergency, but normally, in-and-outs are not tolerated. Please use the restroom before you come to class. B. Late Papers: In order to treat all students fairly, late papers cannot be accepted. The grade will be zero and the paper is not revisable. In case of a legitimate problem, contact me at least one day before the due date. For emergency situations, with documentation, each student is allowed one late paper. C. Submitting Essays: On assigned due dates, remember to submit all required materials in a pocket folder: final draft must be typed and double-spaced, workshop sheets, revision plans, photocopies of sources, collecting notes, and relevant journal entries. All rough drafts must be double-spaced, so there is room for comments. -7D. Workshops: All essays will be workshopped in class. Essays without a workshop response will drop one full grade. Rubrics outlining expectations will be distributed to the students and will be used to assess student writing. (30 points) E. Presentations: Students will give one oral presentation covering their short Cause & Effect Research Report and a PowerPoint Presentation of their final Current Event Research Paper. Presentations cannot be made up. Multimedia use is encouraged. Rubrics will be distributed to the students and will be used to assess presentations. F. Exams: There will be several quizzes over the textbook readings. There will be no make-up quizzes, unless the student presents documentation supporting an emergency absence. G. Writing Center: The Writing Center is located in the Academic Support Center on the third floor. Please do not hesitate to use the tutors’ assistance. Remember to bring a copy of your assignment and your drafts to any Writing Center conference. H. Conferences: Several conferences are required. Please sign up and bring your text and folder containing all of your notes and drafts. Missing an appointment is the same as missing class. I. Plagiarism: You are expected to give and receive help in this class; but all written work must be your own. Read the section on plagiarism in the textbook. If you plagiarize, in whole or part, from library or field sources or from other students' essays or research papers, or if you fail to document properly, the minimum penalty is an "F" for the work. J. Schedules: All students should understand that the schedules and commitments made in the syllabi by the instructor are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. K. Distractions: No cell phones or I-pod use in class. Disruptive behavior will result in being asked to leave the classroom and having to meet with the Dean of Student Affairs and the university Counselor before being permitted to return to class. XI. COURSE GRADING For a grade of A in the course: students must attend 90% or more of class meetings and earn an average grade of A-on assignments. A = 90-100% B= 80-90% 0 70-79% D- 60-69% F= 59% or below 1. Short assignments and quizzes will be given during the semester. The point total will vary depending upon length and complexity of the assignment or the quiz. 2. Late papers will not be accepted unless previous arrangements have been made with the instructor. For emergency situations, students may have one late paper per semester; but that paper must be handed in at the next class meeting. 3. There will be an Oral Report presenting the Cause and Effect short Research Report worth 100 points, a short Research Paper worth 100 points, a formal Current Event Research Paper worth 100 points, and a Final Exam oral report, using PowerPoint, with notes provided for the instructor, worth 100 points. 4. Workshops are worth 30 points. 5. All major assignments will be typed and double-spaced. 6. There will be over 500 points possible in the completion of the above requirements. 7. Class will begin on time. Students who are late will receive a reduction in participation points. 8. Students will receive an "F" in the course if the student's attendance is below 50 percent or if any assignment is plagiarized. -89. Each student is required to have 1 pocket folder for submitting a research paper; 1 pocket folder with loose-leaf, lined paper for journal entries and for submitting essays. No rough-edged paper from spiral notebooks accepted; 1 spiral notebook for taking class notes from lecture; the notebook should have pockets for keeping handouts; 1 computer disk or jump drive for storing essays. 10. Having fun is allowed! Caveat: The instructor reserves the right to change the schedule of the class assignments to accommodate the students’ learning styles. After 6 consecutive absences, the administration will automatically withdraw the student from the class. After 3 absences, the instructor will automatically reduce the students’ grade by 1 letter grade. If a student is failing the course, it is better that the student drops the course before the last day to drop date in order to avoid an “F” on his or her transcript. XII. BIBLIOGRAPHY Beene, Lynn and William Kopple. The Riverside Handbook. Dallas: Houghlon Mifflin Co., 1992. Clouse, Barbara Fine. The Student Writer: Editor and Critic. 8th ed. Boston: McGrawHill, 2010. Dietsch, Betty Mattix. Reasoning and Writing Well. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 2000. Gilbaldi, Joseph and Walter Achtert. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1988. Harris, Robert, A. Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding Plagiarism. Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing, 2002. Meyer, Michael. The Little Brown Guide to Writing Research Papers. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1994. Reinking, James A., and Robert von der Osten. Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2011. Roen, Duane, Gregory R. Glau, and Barry M. Maid. The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Trimmer, Joseph F. A Guide to MLA Documentation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. VanderMey, Randall, Verne Meyer, John Van Rys, and Pat Sebranek. Leslie, Margaret. (Ed.) Comp: Write. Boston: Wadsworth, 2011. Walker, Melissa. A Norton Guide: Writing Research Papers. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1993.