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Math Studies (SL) Project Calendar (12th Grade)
Due Date
Sept. 28th
Initial Planning for Project
Oct. 5th
Criterion A: Introduction
Fill out the sheet and hand it in. Schedule a
conference if needed.
An introduction should include a clear statement
of task and a clear description of the plan. This
will include your topic, specific research
question(s), a description of your sample, and a
plan for how you are going to collect your data
and analyze your data.
You must also include a title page at this stage
and a survey if appropriate.
Revise your title page and introduction.
Criteria B:
Include your data (Information/Measurement
section). Make sure that it is sufficient in terms
of quantity and quality. Also, make sure that it
is well organized (in the form of a table) and
clearly labeled.
Revise your title page, introduction, and data
(Information/Measurement section). Add data to
make sure that it is sufficient in terms of quantity
and quality. Revise processes. Keep in mind:
Nov. 12th
Criteria C:
Revised Introduction, Data
Collection, and
Mathematical Processes.
1. Do your questions match your data and
2. Clearly show work and check calculations
carefully. Communicate what you did in a
coherent manner.
3. Use appropriate mathematical language and
Nov. 23rd
Complete Criteria D and
E: Interpretation of
Results and Validity
In addition to previous revisions, this should include
the Interpretation of Results and Validity
sections. Carefully review the rubric. We will also be
looking at your Structure and Communication.
Rough draft including all
You will need to submit the completed project as if
you were going to have it sent to IB. Carefully review
the rubric. We will also be looking at your Structure
and Communication.
We will take at least a week to look over your
projects, make suggestions, etc. Then, they will be
handed back to you for final revisions. This will be
assessed using the IB rubric this time!
Final deadline for Project
On, or before this date, your projects should be
submitted to your teacher. Grade your own paper
using the rubric before submitting it.
Further helpful hints will be provided at a later date.
Each task is to be completed by the due date. Tasks 1 – 5 are worth up to 25 points each. Task 6 is
worth 100 points. Points will be awarded for the quality of the work submitted. If a task is submitted
past the due date, 5 points will be deducted for each late day, unless you have a pre-approved
A pre-approved extension will not be granted within a week of the due date without
sufficient reason
Drafts should be as finished as possible, but may be revised as needed for subsequent submissions.
For example, after you have presented your data you may decide to do additional research and you
are certainly free to do so.
Each task is required to be typed. You may initially collect your data by hand, but when you present
the preliminary data it should be typed up. Turn in two copies of each task; one will be returned to
you with comments – I will keep the other for my files. You should keep a copy for yourself so you
can refer to it between the time you submit it to me and the time I return it to you. Submission of
the final paper requires two copies plus an electronic copy.
You are asked to evaluate each stage by one or more IB criteria (please refer to the handout which
explains the assessment criteria). One the last page of the task, indicate what grade you would give
to the version you are turning in on the criterion stated and explain why you would give that grade.
This will note affect your grade on the project, but should serve to help focus you on what
improvements need to be made to your paper before final submission.
Remember, this project counts as 20% of your IB grade and 10% of your 2nd quarter grade.
All projects components are due at or before the start of class on the given dates
Any late or incomplete projects will incur severe penalties on your commitment
Refer to the rubric for full details!!!!