Graduate Reading Program 1 Resubmission Date: September 15, 2011

Graduate Reading Program Plan of Action to Address IRA Conditions and Resubmit
1st Resubmission Date: September 15, 2011
2nd Resubmission Date: March 15, 2012 or September 15, 2012
Tasks/Procedures To Be Completed
Review the response from IRA to
develop a list of priority actions.
Develop a “request for a new
course” - Literacy Coaching
Review Current Assessments
Responsible Individual(s) Specific Plan of Action/Results
Graduate Reading
Determine whether a coaching course is needed.
Review links between standards (old and new) and
current assessments.
Identify new assessments.
Discuss need for a second track for the Graduate
Reading Program.
Graduate Reading
Complete course proposal.
Also submitted a program change to include a second
track for reading teachers in addition to the current
track for reading specialist.
Graduate Reading
Revise lesson plans instructions and Cheak, Simonson, Jones
three rubric items
Revise assessments for second
content assessment and three rubric
Revise Practicum Observation;
three items should be in rubric
Revise assessment - Practicum Case
study and three rubric items
Revise Assessment Project and
three rubric items
Revise assessment for Professional
Development Project and three
rubric items
Create assignments for Literacy
Literacy Coaching Portfolio assessment will be
developed. Classroom literacy plan will no longer be
used as these competencies have been moved to the
lesson plans and the Literacy Coaching Portfolio.
Revise lesson plans in RDG 568,570, 587, and 589 to
include new competencies
Due Date
Proposals approved by
the COEHS Graduate
Committee. Will be
reviewed by the
University Grad Council
April 25.
April 29– Email to
All instructors
More specific focus on competencies in the assessment
and the rubrics
April 29 – Email to
Simonson, Cheak, Jones,
More specific focus on competencies. Observation
should use a rubric format.
April 29 – Email to
Cheak, Jones
Include appropriate competencies as well as other
behaviors/skills that should be observed
More specific focus on competencies in the assessment
and rubrics
Insure that these truly are coaching/leadership activities
that take place in school settings
April 29 – Email to
April 29 – Email to
April 29 – Email to
Cheak, Jones
Borgia, Godt, Simonson
Borgia, Massey, Stinnett
Insure that these truly are coaching/leadership activities April 29 – Email to
Coaching Portfolio and three rubric
Respond to Revised Assessments
and rubric items
that take place in school settings
May 3
Course Instructors
Clarity of instructions and inclusion of the IRA
competencies in the assessment; clarity, specificity, and
inclusion of the IRA competencies in the rubric items
Include specific language from the IRA competencies;
avoid using vague terms
Include specific language from the IRA competencies;
avoid using vague terms
Include specific language from the IRA competencies;
avoid using vague terms; create a rubric rather than a
Include specific language from the IRA competencies;
avoid using vague terms
Include specific language from the IRA competencies;
avoid using vague terms
Include specific language from the IRA competencies;
avoid using vague terms
Include specific language from the IRA competencies;
avoid using vague terms
Feedback from Dooley
Revise rubrics for second content
Revise rubrics for lesson plans
Course Instructors
Create rubric for practicum
Course Instructors
Revise rubrics for Practicum case
Revise rubric for Assessment
Revise rubric for Professional
Development Project
Create rubrics for Literacy
Coaching Portfolio
Review of assessments and rubrics;
create remediation plan
Final revisions of assessments and
Course Instructors
Graduate Reading
Revisions based on feedback from Dooley and May
16th meeting
May 23 –Email to
First draft of IRA response to
conditions sent to faculty
All components required for response to conditions
will be included in the draft.
June 6 – Draft sent to
Meet to discuss draft
Revision of Draft
Course Instructors
Meet to discuss 2nd Draft
Final Copy of Report for September
15, 2011 First Submission
Fall Semester Implementation of
Revised/New Assessments
Meet to discuss Fall data
Meet to discuss IRA feedback
Course Instructors
Course Instructors
Course Instructors
Course Instructors
Revisions based on feedback from June 8th meeting
May 13
May 13
May 13
May 13
May 13
May 13
May 13
May 16, 1:00
June 8
June 14 – Email to
June 16
Sept. 1, 2011
Fall, 2011
Jan. 13, 2012
February 3, 2012
Spring Semester Administration of
Assessments (2nd semester of data
All Spring data in WEPPAS
Meet to discuss Spring data
Final Copy of Report for September
15, 2012 2nd Submission
Spring, 2012
May. 2012
May, 2012
Sept. 1, 2012