أ.د .مدحت محمد علي البدري معلومات االتصال رقم التليفون 084 6356731 : رقم الفاكس 084 6334964 : البريد اإللكتروني mmb01@fayoum.edu.eg : المكتب :كلية الزراعة -مبنى الصناعات الغذائية -الميكروبيولوجيا عنوان المراسلة البريدي :الفيوم -جامعة الفيوم -كلية الزراعة -قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الزراعية -رقم بريدي 63514 : المؤهالت العلمية بكالوريوس :كلية الزراعة -جامعة عين شمس 1977 - ماجستير :كلية الزراعة -جامعة القاهرة 1983 - دكتوراه :الميكربولوجيا الزراعية -جامعة القاهرة 1991 - التدرج الوظيفي معيد :من 1978إلى 1983 مدرس مساعد :من 1983إلى 1991 مدرس :من 1991إلى 2000 أستاذ مساعد :من 2008 - 2000 استاذ :من 2008حتى اآلن التدرج األكاديمي رئيس قسم الميكروبيولوجيا :من 2006إلى 2007 االهتمامات البحثية Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Biofertilizer Bio-antimicrobials )Biological nitrogen fixation (symbiotic and asymbiotic Microbial diversity Bioremediation Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria Biogas Technology قائمة األبحاث "" التشغيل والصيانة واحتياطات االمان لوحدات الغاز الحيوى.)1992(حسنى،مدحت ـ جمال الدين،البدرى جامعة القاهره برعاية جامعة الدول، الدورة التدريبية على تكنولوجيا الغاز الحيوى المنعقده بكلية الزراعه بالفيوم . 1992 ابريل22ـ18 )العربيه (المنظمه العربيه للتنميه الزراعيه تكلفه اقل"نظام مقترح لتحويل مخلفات مزارع الدواجن الى، غذاء اكثر، " بيئة انظف.)1992(مدحت،البدرى ندوه عن "األساليب واألدوات التكنولوجيه لحماية البيئه فى القريه المصريه" تحت اشراف.طاقه واعالف وسماد .صفحه2،الجمعيه المصريه للبحوث االجتماعية والتكنولوجيه لتنمية المجتمع )"مكافحة اآلفات الحشريه باستخدام الميكروبات"ندوه1999( سالم، ابراهيم ـ محفوظ، مدحت ـ غازى،البدرى جامعة،عن "بدائل المبيدات" والمنعقده ضمن فعاليات المنتدى البيئي االول المنعقد فى كلية الزراعه بالفيوم . صفحات7، 1999 مايو12 ـ11 القاهره الصداقة الزراعية جامعة- نحو منتج زراعى نظيف الدورة الزراعية الرابعة والثالثون.)2004 (مدحت،البدرى . صفحة2004،24 إبريل14 ـ9 - كلية الزراعة/ اإلسكندرية الميكروبات والزراعه المستدامه المؤتمر الثانى لإلداره المتكامله لمكافحة األفات.)2006 (مدحت،البدرى صفحة2006،26 يناير- الفيوم- المزرعيه Gamal- Eldin,H.; Elbadry,M. & Makawi,A.(1983)Mikrobiolgie- Uberwashung von .Biogasanlagen Erleichterung in Routinebetrieb. Forum St?dte – Hygiene 34: 261-262 Gamal-Eldin,H. & Elbadry,M. (1986).Biogas production from poultry manure.Ann. .Agric., Moshtohor 232: 1407-1414 Gamal-Eldin,H., Elbassel, A.& Elbadry,M. (1986). Biogas production from useless organic wastes. In”Proc. Inter. Conf. Biogas Technology, Transfer & Diffusion” Elhalwagi M. (ed), Elsevier Applied Science,London,pp Elbadry,M. & Elbassel, A. (1992).Improving sugar cane crops by inoculation free living nitrogen fixing bacteria. IN “New Horizons in Nitrogen Fixation “ Proc. 9th Inter. Cong. Nitrogen Fixation , Cancuim, Mexico. Desamber. 6-12, 1992. Palacios et .al. (eds.) Kluwer Academic Pub. p. 720 Elbadry, M. & Elbassel, A. (1993) In “Nitrogen Fixation with Non- Legumes “ Proc. 6th Inter.Symp. Nitrogen Fixation with Non- Legumes, Ismailia- Egypt. Sept.6-10, 1993. Hegazi N. A. et al., (eds.). The American University Press P. 501-502 Khalil, E.F. & Elbadry,M. (1994). Biogas production from pretreated vegetable processing solid wastes. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. Dev. 8: 24-38 Ghazi, I.; Mishref, A.; Elbadry,M. & Khalil, E.F (1994). Antimicrobial activity of honey from different sources with references to Penicillin and Streptomycin.Fayoum .J. Agric. Res. Dev. 8: 213-232 Abdel Samie,F.S & Elbadry,M. (1995). Performance of tow rice varieties under .nitrogen fertilization and Azolla.Fayoum J. Agric. Res. Dev. 9: 26-43 Elshahawy, R.M.; Khalil,E.F.; Elbadry,M. & Elbassel,A.(1996).Bacterial decontamination of vegetables was using some physical and chemical washing materials.In” Proc.of Conf. on Food-Borne Contamination and Egyptian Health” .Mansoura, Nov. 26-27, 1996. pp. 316-320 Elshahawy, R.M. Elbadry,M. & Amer, H.A. (1997).Response of barley (Hordium vulgare) to biofertilization with asymbiotic diazotrophs. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. Dev. .11: 183-189 Elbadry,M . ; Elbassel, A. & Elbanna, Kh. (1999)Occurrence and dynamics of phototrophic purple nonsulphur bacteria compared with other asymbiotic nitrogen .fixers.World J. Microbiology &Biotechnology 15: 359-362 Elbadry,M. & Elbanna, Kh. (1999).Response of four rice varieties to Rhodobacter .capsulatus at seedling stage.World J. Microbiology &Biotechnology 15: 363-367 Elbadry,M. ; Gamal-Eldin,H. & Elbassel, A (1999). Effects of Rhodobacter capsulatus inoculation in combination with graded level nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of rice in pots and lysimeter experiments. World J. Microbiology .&Biotechnology 15: 393-395 Elbadry,M. (2000). Effects of Rhodobacter capsulatus in comparison and in combination with asymbiotic N2 –fixers on growth of rice seedlings under hydroponic condition.Annals of Agriculture Science, Moshtohor 37:2269-227 Elbadry, M. ; Taha, R.M. ; Eldougdoug, K.A. and Gamal-Eldin, H. (2006)Induction of systemic resistance in faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) to bean yellow mosaic potyvirus (BYMV) via seed bacterization with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria.Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 113 (6 ),247-251 Makram, A. S. and Elbadry, M. (2007) Larvicidal activity of fluorescent pseudomonad secondary metabolites on the fourth instar larvae of the cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (BOISD). Egyptian journal of Applied Science 22:252-271 Emam A., Eweis, M.and Elbadry, M. (2007) A new antifungal activity of furoquinoline alkaloid and bis-coumarin from Ruta chalepensis L. leaves.Planta )Medica (In Press Gamal-Eldin,H.; Elbadry,M. & Elbassel, A. Enumeration, isolation and identification of phototrophic purple nonsulphur bacteria in some shallow aquatic environments in )Egypt.(Submitted for publication Gamal-Eldin,H.; Elbadry,M. & Elbassel, A .Bioproduction of hydrogen from various organic acids by different anoxygenic phototrophic purple nonsulphur )bacteria.(Submitted for publication Gamal Eldin,H.; Elbadry,M. & Elbassel, A .Photoconversion of yoghurt whey into hydrogen using anoxygenic phototrophic purple nonsulphur bacteria.(Submitted for )publication Gamal Eldin,H..;Elbadry,M. & Elbassel, A . Production of single-cell protein by the cultivation of anoxygenic phototrophic purple nonsulphur bacteria in biogas digester )supernatant. (Submitted for publication Gamal Eldin,H.& Elbadry,M.Upgrading chicken manure via dry fermentation using .)Pleurotus sp.(Submitted for publication Gamal-Eldin, H.; Elbadry, M.; Mahfouz, S.A. & Fteh, S. Studies on plant growth)promoting rhizobacteria of wild plants. (Unpublished Gamal-Eldin, H.; Elbadry, M.; Mahfouz, S.A. & Fteh, S. Properties of plant growth)promoting rhizobacteria isolated from tomato plants.(Unpublished Gamal-Eldin, H. & Elbadry, M. Potential of Rhodobacter capsulatus as biofertilizer .)for flooded Rice (submitted for publication المؤتمرات .The fourth Egyptian Conference of Microbiology Cairo, December 24-28, 1980 The fifth Egyptian Conference of Microbiology Cairo, May 21-23,1983 The International Conference on "the State of the Art on Biogas Technology, Transfer )and Diffusion", Cairo, November 17-24,1984 (Presented one paper The sixth international symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non- Legumes, Ismailia .)– Egypt September 6-10, 1993(Presented one poster The Ninth International congress on Nitrogen fixation Cancun, Mexico, December 6.)12, 1992(Presented one poster Key qualification :Participate in several research projects under title Small scale biogas technology development in villages, Fayoum Government” was “ • .)funded by the USAID during the period (1980- 1981 Behavior and survival of pathogenic microorganisms during the formation of “ • biogas from sewage, garbage and cow dung “was funded by Volks Wagen, Philips .)Univ., Marburg, Germany, during the period (1982-1984 Cucumber and pepper soil sterilization with biological measures under plastic- “ • house condition” (ATUT) in collaboration with Dept. plant pathology, Ain Shams .)University, during the period (1996-1998 Integration of biogas technology in renewable energy system (Wind- Solar energy- “ • Biogas)” was funded by FRCU, Universities Linkage project, between Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum branch, Cairo University, Egypt and University of Tennessee, .)USA during the period (1983-1986 Co-principle investigator in several research projects was funded by Regional Councils for Agricultural Research and Extension (RCARE). Ministry of Agriculture and land Reclamation and carried out by the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum branch, Cairo University. Under :different title Improving of sugar beet and sugar cane crops by inoculation with free and “ • .)asymbiotic nitrogen fixers” during the period (1991- 1993 Biofertilizers as substitution for chemical fertilizers to improve sugar beet crop in “ • .)new land” during the period (1997-1999 .)Biocultivation of same medicinal plants” during the period (1998-2000“ • .)Biofertilizers of fruit trees in new lands” during the period (2000- till now“ • Improving of rice crop by inoculation with anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria “ • (APB) as Biofertilizers” is proposes to be funded by the RCARE, Ministry of .Agriculture during the period 2001 Usage of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, (APB) as feed additive in poultry “ • diets” is proposed to be fund by the RCARE, Ministry of Agriculture during the .period 2001 Microbiology team Leader Project about "Biopackage for Production a Quality Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris • L.) for more Exportation." The Collaborative Egypt Agriculture Industry Impact Research grants, between MUCIA Linkage (The Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities), Fayoum University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department .)of Agricultural Microbiology during the period (September 2005 - January 2007 Project about "Evaluation of biological control strategies for the management of fire • blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants" is proposed to be fund during the .period 2007 :)Training courses (National Level ORSTOM- UNESCO- UNDP organized “Biofertilizer Technology” jointly in • collaboration with Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, November 11-23, .1990, Cairo, Egypt Integrated past Management by Farms” was organized Jointly by FAO- GTZ-“ • ICARDA in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Reclamation during the .period November 15-19, 1997.Ismailia, Egypt Principles of Genetic Engineering” was organized by Institute of Graduate studies “ • .and Research (IGSR), Alexandria University February 20-24, 2000 :Post – experience course Participating in intensive course about “Biogas Technology” designed to train agricultural staff members (15 studies) from Arabic countries was organized by Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum branch, Cairo University in collaboration with Arabic Organization of Agricultural .Development during the period April 18- 22,1992 Other activities Participation in the preparation of a manual to study student decision "microbiology .1 Assembly" for students of the second year Fayoum the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo .University Participation in the preparation of a handbook on "Biogas" issuing Agricultural .2 Microbiology Department and Nobel Prize of the Ministry of Agriculture for .agricultural literature A study reference "Blue green algae" and progress to the Standing Committee for .3 .)Scientific Agricultural Microbiology (issued in 2000 Overseeing the station integrated renewable energy systems (Fayoum) (1990- .4 .)1992 Secretary of the Department of the Faculty of Agriculture agricultural microbiology .5 .Fayoum of the academic year 1996 to 2000 academic year Secretary of the laboratories and scientific equipment from the academic year .6 .)(2000 to 2003 Member of the Supervisory Committee for the Faculty of Agriculture lab Central .7 .Fayoum of the academic year 2000 to the time Leading the Cultural Committee of the Faculty of Agriculture in Fayoum the .8 .academic year 2000 till now Secretary of the environmental affairs and community service the academic year .9 .2003 / 2004 Chairman of the Commission on the Status of the technical specifications of the .10 .scientific instruments, the academic year 2003 / 2004 Board member of the "plant tissue culture and genetic engineering" Faculty of .11 .Agriculture in Fayoum, the academic year 2003 / 2006 A member of a performance assessment and quality assurance in the Faculty of .12 .Agriculture in Fayoum effect from the academic year 2005 / 2007 Head of the Department of Agricultural microbiology from the academic year .13 .2006=2007