Annual Report of Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Annual Report of Indian Society of Remote Sensing
(January to August, 2009, Presented at 36th AGBM, September 18, 2009 at Nagpur)
This year ISRS entered into 41st year of its existence in promoting geospatial and allied
technologies and their applications in national as well as societal development, since its inception
in 1969. The total number of different categories of members of the Society is now 3582. The
journal of ISRS (JISRS) is being jointly published with reputed international publisher “Springer”
since 2007. The 28th Annual Convention of the Society organized along with National Symposium
on “Advances in Remote Sensing Technology and Applications with Special Emphasis on
Microwave Remote Sensing” at Ahmedabd (Gandhinagar), during December 18 – 20, 2008, had
been a great success. ISRS gives special thanks to Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabd;
Nirma University, Gandhinagar and ISRS Ahmedabad Chapter, the joint hosts of this event.
The following are the important activities undertaken by ISRS during this reporting period
for promoting Remote Sensing and GIS technology and its applications in the country:
(a) Annual / Life / Sustaining / Patron Members
The ISRS H.Q., along with special efforts of ISRS Chapters has resulted in joining of 109
new members (5 Patron members, 63 life members and 41 annual members) and presently total
number of members of the society is 3582.
Membership Category
Honorary Fellows
Patron Member
Sustaining Member
Foreign Sustaining Member
Life Member
Annual Member
Total (Increase over previous year
- excluding Fellows number)
As on Dec.
3375 (5.03%)
As on Dec.
3529 (10.2%)
As on August
3582 (9.87%)
(b) ISPRS Membership
Like past year, this year also ISRS is having the status of ISPRS Ordinary (Category – 6)
Membership and has supported ISPRS in its objectives of promoting international co-operation,
co-ordination and advancement of Geo-spatial technology and related sciences to improve quality
of mankind by sustainable natural resources development and environmental management.
Dissemination of Scientific Information and Knowledge
(a) Annual Convention and National Symposium – 2009
The ISRS 29th Annual Convention and National Symposium are being organized on
“Advances in Geo-spatial Technologies with Special Emphasis on Sustainable Rainfed
Agriculture” at Nagpur, during September 17 – 19, 2009. These events are jointly hosted by
Regional Remote Sensing Service Centre (RRSSC), ISRO, Nagpur; Maharashtra Remote Sensing
Application Centre (MRSAC); National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning (NBSS &
LUP) ISRS and ISRS Nagpur Chapter. About 200 scientific papers are expected to be presented in
several technical sessions as oral and posters. This national symposium is expected to be attended
by over 400 participants.
(b) Publication of Journal of ISRS
The editorial committee of the journal headed by Chief Editor, Prof. B. L. Deekshatulu,
ISRO Visiting Professor, Department of Computer & Information Sciences, University of
Hyderabad; Editor, Dr. R. Krishnan, Dean, IIST, DOS, Thiruvanthapuram; and Associate Editor –
Dr. R. S. Dwivedi, GD, LRG, NRSC, Hyderabad and Editorial Manager - Dr. Sarnam Singh,
Senior Scientist, IIRS, Dehradun has taken keen interest in publishing the journal in time. The
JISRS has become truly international by virtue of its joint publication with international reputed
technical journal publisher “Springer”. The three issues of JISRS of this reporting year (March,
June & September) have already been published and December, 2009 issue will be published in
(c) Maintenance of Website
The ISRS Website namely operated from Ahmedabad Chapter has been
satisfactorily maintained in the 8th year of its operation. The Webmaster, Mr. C. Patnaik, Scientist
SAC, Ahmedabad has significantly contributed in the maintenance of the website. The content of
ISRS website had been updated / modified based on suggestions / recommendations made by the
ISRS website improvement committee headed by Dr. J. S. Parihar, 1st Vice President, ISRS. The
task of further designing, improvement and giving new look of the Society’s website is entrusted
with a committee consists of Dr. V. K. Sehgal, Member, EC, ISRS; Mr. P. L.N. Raju, Treasurer ,
ISRS and Mr. C. Patnaik. The new website will be functional by end of this year. All the ISRS
Chapters Council Members and individual members of the Society are requested to send regularly
information about chapter and other ISRS related activities to Secretary, ISRS (Email:;, for keeping the website updated.
(d) ISPRS Activities
Several members of ISRS have been selected as Chair and Co-chairs of various Working
Groups of ISPRS for the term of 2008 - 2012 such as Dr. V. K. Dadhwal, IIRS, Dehradun as Cochair - WG VI/4 (Education & Outreach); Dr. P.K. Srivastava, SAC, Ahmedabad as Chair - WG
IV/3 (Mapping from High resolution Data); Dr. S. S. Ray, SAC, Ahmedabad as Chair - WG
VIII/6 (Agriculture, Ecosystems & Biodiversity); Dr. E. Pattabhi Rama Rao, INCOIS, Hyderabad
as Co-Chair - WG IV/1 (Geospatial Data Infrastructure); and Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar, INCOIS,
Hyderabad as Co-chair - WG VIII/1 (Disaster Management). Several technical activities are
planned in this year by the above mentioned working groups –
International Workshop by WG - VIII/6 (Agriculture, Ecosystems & Biodiversity) on
“Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture” at SAC, Ahmedabad, December 17 & 18,
Joint International Workshop of ISPRS WG IV/1 & WG VIII/1 on “Geospatial Data
Cyber Infrastructure and Real-time Services with special emphasis on Disaster
Management” November 25-27, 2009 at Hyderabad.
WG VI/4 has also proposed International workshop on “Multinational Geomatics
Capacity Building – Achievements and Challenges” (date not finalized).
(e) Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture
The 19th Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture on “Monsoon through the Eye in the Sky.”
will be delivered by eminent scientist Dr. Sulochana Gadgil, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
on September 17, during 29th Annual Convention of ISRS and National Symposium - 2009 at
Recognition of Achievements
(a) Bhaskara Award
The Bhaskara Award instituted by the ISRS in 1997, with the generous grant from
Department of Space, is the highest award for life time contributions in Remote Sensing
Technology /Applications. The award consists of Rs.1 lakh in cash, citation and a medal. For the
year 2008, the award is conferred on Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Director, VSSC, ISRO, Dept. of
Space, Govt. of India, Thiruananthapuram for his outstanding contributions in setting up NNRMS
and INCOIS and leading IMSD in the country.
(b) Satish Dhawan Award
This award has been instituted in 2008 to recognize outstanding and conspicuously
important contribution in promoting Geo-spatial science, technology and applications in the
country. The award consists of Rs.50,000/- in cash, citation and a medal. The first award is
conferred on Dr. P. K. Sharma, Director, Punjab Remote Sensing Centre (PRSC), Ludhiana for his
significant contributions for operationalizing remote sensing applications in the management of
natural resources and promotion of Society’s activities.
(c) P. R. Pisharoty Memorial Award (earlier known as Indian Remote Sensing Award)
ISRS confers every year P. R. Pisharoty Memorial Award to young scientists up to 45
years of age, for outstanding contribution in the field of Remote Sensing Technology
/Applications. The award consists of Rs.25,000/- in cash, citation and a medal. The P. R.
Pisharoty Memorial Award for the year 2009 is conferred on Dr. Sujay Dutta, Scientist, Remote
Sensing Area; Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Dept. of Space, Govt. of India,
Ahmedabad for his significant contributions in the area of operational multiple crop production
forecasts and crop pest and diseases monitoring.
(d) Best paper published in JISRS (Photonirvachak)
The ISRS award for best paper published in the Journal of ISRS (JISRS) for the year 2008
is given to research article titled “Flood Risk Analysis in the Kosi River Basin, North Bihar using
Multi-parametric Approach of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)" by R. Sinha; G. V. Bapalu; L.
K. Singh and B. Rath published in JISRS Vol.36 (4) Year 2008.
(e) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Awards
National Geo-spatial Award for Excellence: This award has been instituted to recognize
life - time contribution in promoting geo-spatial science, technology and applications in the
country. The award consists of Rs.50,000/- in cash, citation and a medal. For the year 2008,
this award is conferred on Dr. Mukund Rao, President & COO, ESRI, India for his
exemplary leadership in the spread of use of GIS technology and applications in the public
- commercial sectors in the country.
Indian National Geo-spatial Award: This award has been instituted by ISRS to recognize
the significant contributions by young scientists up to 45 years of age in the field of geospatial science, technology and applications in the country. This award consists of
Rs.25, 000/- in cash, citation and a medal. This award for the year 2009 is conferred to
Shri R. J. Bhanderi, Scientist, Remote Sensing Area; Space Applications Centre (SAC),
ISRO, Dept. of Space, Govt. of India, Ahmedabad for his significant contributions in the
field of applications of geospatial technology for urban planning and natural resources
SDI Best paper published in JISRS (Photonirvachak): The SDI best paper published in
the Journal of ISRS (JISRS) in the field of RS & GIS Analysis for the year 2008 is given to
Dr. Jayanta Kumar Ghosh and Ankur Singh for the paper titled “Fractal Compression of
Satellite Images" published in JISRS Vol. 36(4). This award consists of Rs.5000/- in cash
and a certificate.
(e) Other Awards
Several other awards viz. ISRS – SPECK award for best paper - oral presentation (General
Category) and ISRS award for best paper – oral presentation (Student Category) and also
awards for best poster presentations (both general & student categories) at ISRS Annual
Convention – 2009 were presented during plenary session of the ISRS National Symposium
– 2009 on September 19, 2009.
Chapter Activities
ISRS Chapters were very active in organizing several activities aimed at spreading the
usefulness of remote sensing and GIS technology and their applications at various levels and also
in generating public awareness on the role of the Geo-spatial technology in sustainable natural
resources management and environmental protection. Thirteen Chapters viz. Ahmedabad,
Dehradun, Delhi, Hissar, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Mumbai, Nagpur,
Pune and Thirruvanthapuram have submitted annual Report for the year 2008. These Chapters
have organized exhibitions, regional workshops, popular lectures, celebration of National Remote
Sensing Day, Science Day, GIS Day etc. to generate public awareness on the application of geospatial technology (For Details See Annexure – I). These Chapters have also introduced new
members to the ISRS. Out of five non-active Chapters viz. Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Indore,
Jaipur, and Mumbai, two Chapters viz. Bhubaneshwar and Mumbai were reactivated by holding
election during this reporting period. Chandigarh Chapter has given positive response for revival.
1. 35th Annual General Body Meeting
The Annual Convention and the 35th Annual General Body Meeting of the Society were
held on December 19, 2008 during ISRS National Symposium, December 18 – 20, 2008 at
Gandhinagar (Ahmedabad). All activities of the Society for the year 2008 were discussed and
members of the Society actively participated in the proceedings and provided valuable
suggestions. Proceedings of the meeting were published in the March 2009 issue of JISRS (Vol.
37, No.1).
2. Executive Council (EC) Meetings
The Executive Council of ISRS met three times during this reporting period - on April 15,
2009 at Secretary MoES, New Delhi; July 13, 2009 at RRSSC – Nagpur and September 16, 2009
at RRSSC – Nagpur
In the 111th EC meeting held on April 15, 2009, the various technical and organizational
aspects of preparation of ISRS of ISRS Annual Convention & National Symposium - 2009. At
Nagpur were discussed. Terms & conditions of designing job of ISRS new website were also
finalized in this meeting. Audited reports of account of ISRS National Symposium – 2008 held
during December 18 – 20 at Gandhinagr (Ahmedabad) were presented. Decision of asking option
for the choice of on line soft copy or hard copy availability of JISRS to the members of the Society
through postal ballot was taken in this EC meeting. Strategies for reactivation of ISRS non active
chapters were also discussed. Discussion on the technical activities plans of the various working
groups of ISPRS having ISRS members as Chair & Co-chairs was one of the major agenda in this
EC meeting
In the 112th EC meeting held on July 13, 2009 at RRSSC – Nagpur several issues like
Reviewing the plan and preparation status of ISRS National Symposium - 2009 at Nagpur;
Identification of speaker of “Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture”; Plan and progress of
preparation of international workshops by the ISPRS working groups such as WG - VIII/6, WG –
IV/1 & WG - VIII/1; Strategies for reactivation of dormant Chapters; Designing ISRS website by
professional website firm with more dynamic features; Issues related to JISRS etc. were discussed
/ actions decided.
In the 113th EC meeting held on September 16, 2009 at Nagpur, the preparation of 29th
Annual Convention and National Symposium - 2009 at Nagpur, were reviewed. Chairman and
Organizing Secretary of the Symposium, appraised about the preparation of the symposium with
reference to logistics arrangements, technical sessions and budget etc. Secretary appraised about
recipients of various ISRS awards in the year 2009. Activities organized by ISRS Chapters during
the year 2009 were also presented and it was suggested by the EC members that sensitization of
Local Chapters are needed for regular conduct of popular RS & GIS related technical programs in
local school / colleges / institutes. Audit report for FY 2009 – 2010 and current FY budget were
discussed and budget proposal for FY 2010 – 2011 was passed. Secretary, ISRS presented annual
report for the year 2009 and discussion on the report was also held. Status of preparation of ISRS
future Annual Conventions – 2010 to be hosted by ISRS Pune Chapter, was also discussed. New
terms and conditions for designing ISRS new website were also discussed and suggestions were
made. ISPRS future activities planning were also an agenda point for discussion. 16 Annual
members and 12 Life members applied for membership were approved by EC to join ISRS
Financial Status
The audited account for the FY 2008 – 2009 is given in Annexure –II. The financial
position of the society has considerably improved after taking various measures in the last five
financial years. In the FY 2008 – 2009, the net surplus is Rs.6.056 lakhs after keeping Rs. 3.15
lakhs as a reserve and accumulations for seminar fund (to be utilized before 2012).
The allocated funds for various activities of the society stand at Rs.168.37 lakhs. The ISRS,
Ahmedabad Chapter organized a National Symposium on “Advances in Remote Sensing
Technology and Applications with special emphasis on Microwave Remote Sensing” and Annual
Convention - 2008 at Ahmedabad, has submitted audit report with total receipts and expenditure
for Rs. 3003401.00. It was a big success with large number of participants and generated very
good income for ISRS and credited the total registration amount of Rs. 8,55, 560.00. Seed Money
Rs. 1.5 lakh has also been returned back to ISRS main body.
Like previous year, Ahmedabad Chapter accounts have been incorporated in account
statement of ISRS FY 2008 – 2009, thus enabling the Chapter to receive all benefits in IT
exemption available to ISRS HQ. ISRS has obtained substantial IT exemption on TDS of interest
income from allocated funds.
Future Plans and Activities
In order to increase national and global outreach of ISRS, the Society aims to emphasis on
following activities in future
Continuing improving the quality of Journal of ISRS as international standard by
publishing quality research paper by adopting stringent peer reviewing;
Periodic publication of Special issues on current issues of RS & GIS technology and
applications by ISRS;
Improvement of ISRS Website by designing new website and incorporation of regular
updated information of main body and local Chapters;
Spreading the nomination bases (large number of organizations) for various ISRS Awards;
Sensitization of Chapters of ISRS for regular conduct of popular RS & GIS related
technical programs in local school / colleges / institutes
Accreditation by ISRS for offering RS & GIS related technical services like training /
education / project consultancy by Government and Non Government Organizations;
ISRS acknowledges the support and help in terms of manpower, facility and financial
resources from various organizations as given below:
1) Department of Space (DOS), GOI
2) Ministry of Earth Sciences
3) Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), NRSA, Dehradun
4) Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad
5) Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad
6) National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad
7) Regional Remote Sensing Service Centres (RRSSCs) (All Centres), ISRO
8) State Remote Sensing Centres
9) National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization (NATMO), Kolkata
10) All members of EC; Award Committees, Chapters ECs; Editorial Board, Journal Referees;
Symposium Organizing Committees; and Scrutiny Committee, Web Master (Mr. C.
Patnaik); ISRS Office Staff, Dehradun
11) Shiva Offset Press, Dehradun
12) PN Bhari & Co., Chartered Accountants, Dehradun
Many others who have directly or indirectly supported society’s activities are also thanked.
S. K. Saha
Secretary, ISRS
Annexure – I: ISRS Chapter Activities – 2009 in Brief
1. Ahmedabad
Chairman: Shri A. S. Kiran Kumar
Secretary: Shri N. S. Mehta
10TH lecture under this prestigious series was delivered by Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Secretary,
Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. Of India, and President, ISRS on April 24, 2009 at 1830 Hrs in
H.T. Parekh Convention Centre (AMA Auditirium), Near IIM, Vastrapur. The title of his talk
was “ Planet Earth : Finite Resources and Civilisation”. The lecture was attended by many senior
members of the society, besides faculty and students from Nirma, CEPT, GU, LD College of
Engineering and M.G. Science College.
The 25th Annual General Body Meeting was organized on May 22, 2009 at Main Lecture Hall of
Vikram Hall, SAC, Ahmedabad. 75 members attended the meeting.
AGM started with Welcome remarks from Shri A.S. Kiran Kumar, Chairman, ISRS-AC &
Associate Director, SAC. He mentioned that, ISRS-AC continues to be the largest and most active
Chapter of the ISRS. He informed that during the year activities of the Chapter were organized
jointly with the active participation and support of many organizations such as : Van Chetna
Kendra, Vastrapur; C.N. Vidyalaya, Ambawadi; Prantij Kelvani Mandal, Prantij;
University, SAC and ISG - Ahmedabad Chapter. He also mentioned that, during the year the
Chapter organized successfully major events such as: ISRS National Symposium and Silver
Jubilee function of the Chapter.
After the opening remarks from the Chairman, items as per agenda circulated vide circular dt.
April 21, 2009 were taken up one by one.
ISRS-AC and Gujarat State Forest Department jointly organized an environment awareness
programme for School and College students on June 05, 2009. A drawing and coloring/ painting
competition on the themes “Save Environment” for three categories of students viz., Class I to V;
Class VI to VIII; and Class IX to XII, respectively was organized at Van Chetna Kendra,
Vastrapur. Participation certificate and prizes to winners were distributed.
In the afternoon a Lecture on, “28th Indian Scientific Expedition to Antartica” was organized
jointly with Indian Meteorological Society – Ahmedabad Chapter (IMSA) and was delivered by
Dr.Sandip Oza and Shri D.A. Maroo at SAC, Ahmedabad. Large numbers of members of ISRS –
AC and scientists from SAC participated in the lecture.
16th lecture under this series was delivered by Shri Ajit Sonakia, Addl. PCCF, Bhopal (M.P) and
was organized on June 10, 2006 at Vikram Hall of Space Applications Center, Ahmedabad on the
topic “Global Warming and Climate Change”. The lecture was well attended by around 150
persons which included Scientists / Engineers of SAC and members of the ISRS - AC.
National Remote Sensing Day Celebration (August 12, 2009)
ISRS – AC and Holy Child School, Kalol, (Dist. Gandhinagar) jointly organized NRS Day
celebrations at their premises on August 12, 2008. Lecture on “Remote Sensing & Applications (
in Gujarati)” was delivered by Shri B.N. Mankad, Scientist, SEDA / SAC (ISRO). The lecture
was followed by Poster Painting Competition on the topic – Environmental Pollution for the
students of classes 8, 9 & 10 and Elocution Competition on the Topic – Vikram Sarabhai’s
Life & his Contribution to Science & Technology. Students from more than 20 schools from
Gandhinagar District participated in the programme. Prizes were distributed to the winners by Shri
Harish Brahmbhatt, Managing Trustee, Holy Child School and Shri N.S. Mehta, Secretary, ISRS –
Two issues Vol. 21, No. 1 in April 2009 and Vol. 21, No. 2 in August 2009 were brought out and
distributed to all members of the Chapter. The quality and content has been well appreciated by
members, other professionals and student community.
Support to regular maintenance and updating of websites and was provided by members of ISRS-AC.
2.0 Dehradun
Chairman: Maj. Gen.(Dr.) B. Nagarajan
Secretary: Shri B. D. Bharath
Indian Society of Remote Sensing – Dehradun Chapter (ISRS-DC) is actively involved in
achieving the aims and objectives of the society which includes, to help towards advancement,
dissemination and application of the knowledge remote sensing technology in the fields of survey
and management of natural resources and other areas of application where the technology is
considered to be appropriate.
Details of ISRS-DC executive council (2008-10) were updated in ISRS website
( Contact details also updated in ISRS website
( ISRS-DC is effective in updating the communication
details of members to ISRS HQ.
The activities of the chapter are summarized as following:
ISRS-DC facilitates new membership enrolment and is actively pursuing for members with
the main objective of advancement, dissemination and application of the knowledge of remote
sensing technology. ISRS-DC has 188 members which include 10 patron members, 01 sustaining
member, 173 life members and 04 annual members. ISRS-DC has the credit of having highest
patron memberships of the ISRS.
18 new members of has been enrolled during December 2008 to August 2009, which
include 5 patron (CSWCRTI, FSI, SOI, KDIPE-ONGC, USAC), 1 sustaining, 8 life and 4 annual
Membership Category
As on August 2009
Life Members (including Fellows)
Fellows (02)
1. Dr. George Joseph
2. Prof. A.K. Roy
Patron members
1. Regional Remote Sensing Service Centre – Dehra Dun
2. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)
3. Wildlife Institute of India (WII)
4. Brij Associates
5. National Forest Library & information centre (ICFRE)
6. Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training
Institute (CSWCRTI)
7. Forest Survey of India (FSI)
8. Survey of India (SOI)
9. Keshava Deva Malaviya Institute of Petroleum Exploration
10.Uttarakhand Space Application Centre (USAC)
Sustaining Member
Defence Electronics Application Laboratory (DEAL)
Annual Members
Grand Total
Chapter Share received from ISRS HQ for 2008-09: Rs. 1750/-
The Activities of the Chapter are summarized as below:
‘National Science Day’ was celebrated on February 28, 2009 to commemorate the
discovery by Prof. CV. Raman namely Raman’s effect for which he received the Nobel price in
Physics. ISRS-DC organized the function along with Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology
(WIHG), Dehradun. As part of the celebrations, posters were displayed depicting the advancement
in science and technology, application of satellite remote sensing to the society and environment,
details of Chandrayaan-1 moon mission. Many school children were invited for the celebration.
On this occasion a documentary movie on Chandrayaan-1 mission was also screened for the
benefit of school children.
School children took part in various activities like essay competition, science quiz, drawing
competition in the week long programme. On February, 27 a popular lecture on “Globalization
and Knowledge regime: Making the right choice” was delivered by Prof. Girijesh Pant, ViceChancellor, Doon University, Dehradun in the Auditorium of Wadia Institute. The entire event was
organized with the team effort of ISRS-DC executive council members.
Technology Day was celebrated by ISRS-DC, in collaboration with IIRS / RRSSC Dehra
Dun /CSSTEAP. This year it was celebrated on May 09, 2009 at IIRS campus. Dr. J.N Goswami,
Director, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad was invited to deliver a popular lecture on
Chandrayaan-1 mission. On this occasion two documentary movies on ‘Passage to the Moon’ and
‘The Golden Catch’ were screened. The programme was attended by students of IIRS, CSSTEAP,
faculty of IIRS, RRSSC, Dehradun, ISRS members and invited guests from Government
institutions of Dehradun.
World Environment Day was celebrated in collaboration with ‘Uttarakhand Space
Application Center’ and ‘Eco Task Force’ to create awareness among school children and public
about protecting the environment. A collection drive was undertaken for non-degradable garbage
in and around Mussoorie. On this occasion an awareness campaign of the use of Remote sensing
Technology for society was also organized.
National Remote Sensing Day was celebrated on 12-08-2009 to commemorate the birth
anniversary of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, a renowned scientist of our country and ‘Father of Indian
Space Programme’. ISRS-DC organized the function at the premises of Indian Institute of Remote
Sensing (IIRS), Dehra Dun with the support from IIRS, RRSSC-Dehradun, USAC, WIHG and
CSSTEAP. As part of the celebrations, an elocution competition and science quiz were organized
for the school children of Dehradun and Mussoorie.
The society organized a popular lecture on ‘Remote Sensing for Geo-resources and Natural
Hazard Assessment’ by Dr. R.K. Mazari, Senior Scientist, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology,
to disseminate the significance of satellite remote sensing to the school children and budding
Out of twelve (12) schools which participated in Science Quiz competition ‘Convent of
Jesus and Mary’ team stood first, followed by RIMC team in second and Welham boys school
team stood third.
In the Elocution competition on topic “Space Technology for improving quality of life”
Hopetown School participant stood first, Selaqui World School participant stood second and Asian
School participant stood third.
The prizes were distributed by Dr. M.M. Kimothi, Vice-Chairman, ISRS-DC to all the
winning teams and participants. The entire event was organized with the team effort of ISRS-DC
executive council members.
3rd EC meeting of ISRS-DC was held on 12-02-2009 at IIRS, Dehra Dun. The meeting was
attended by executive council members Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Nagarajan, Dr. Mazari, Mr. B.D. Bharath,
Dr. Hitendra Padali, Mr. Praveen Kumar Thakur. Special invitees Dr. V.K. Dadhwal (Dean, IIRS)
and Dr. S.K Saha (Secretary, ISRS) were invited for the meeting.
4th EC meeting of ISRS-DC was held at Uttarakhand Space Application Centre (USAC),
Dehra Dun on 01-08-2008. The meeting was attended by executive council members Dr. M.M.
Kimothi, B.D. Bharath, Dr. Yogesh Kant, Dr. Hitendra Padalia and Mr. Praveen Thakur.
All records were submitted for Auditor and auditing was completed up to March 31, 2009 for
ISRS-DC. Audited report once received will be submitted to ISRS HQ to form part of audit report
of the main body.
3.0 Delhi
Chairman: Dr. A. K. Singh
Secretary: Shri P. N. Joglekar
The election for the EC was conducted in November 08. The new EC resumed its activities after
charge was formally handed over on 31 Jan 2009 by the Ex. Secretary.
1. AGM meeting inviting was held on 10 May 2009. During meeting various majors regarding
strengthening chapter activities were discussed. The meeting was attended by more than 25
2. The chapter had planned a lecture on the World Environment day. However due to unavoidable
3. The chapter has facilitated a one day workshop on SARMAP workshop on 2nd Sept 09 at TERI
University conducted by Sierra Atlantic.
4.0 Hissar
Chairman: Dr. R. S. Hooda
Secretary: Shri G. P. Saroha
1. Lecture on Remote sensing and GIS in insect/ pest management for the scientist trainees in the
Department of Entomology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar on 24.02.09 by Dr. R. S.
Hooda, Chairman, Hisar Chapter.
2. Lecture on geo-informatics applications for environment mangement for M.Sc. Environment
Science and Botany students at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, on 26.02.09 by Dr. R. S.
Hooda, Chairman, Hisar Chapter.
3. Lecture of Remote Sensing and GIS applications to the undergraduate science and geography
students at NRS Government College, Rohtak by Dr. Sultan Singh, Member, Hisar Chapter
4. Lecture on Remote sensing and GIS in Agricultural sciences for the scientist trainees from
various agricultural unviversities at Academy of Agricultural Research and Management (AARM),
Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar on 16.06.09 by Dr. R. S. Hooda, Chairman, Hisar Chapter.
5.0 Hyderabad
Chairman: Shri D. S. Jain
Secretary: Dr. P. N. Sridhar
New Executive Council (EC) of ISRS-Hyderabad Chapter had taken the charge on October
13, 2008.
The new EC met immediately and discussed various agenda points like identifying focal
points in each of the Organisations for pursuing ISRS activities, updation of members’ contacts,
addresses and their affiliations etc. in their respective Organisations. It is decided that the focal
points will also arrange the invited lectures, seminars and new membership campaign at their
Organisations. Since the executive members represent various institutions, it is decided that the
focal point should be one of the EC members himself in carrying out the activities effectively as
decided by the EC time to time.
During this period, 3 life members and 2 student members have been enrolled from the
ISRS Hyderabad Chapter.
An invited lecture was organised at NRSC on January 20 2009. The lead talk was given by
Padmasri Shri V. Gnana Gandhi, Honorary Advisor ISRO on Challenges in Cryogenic
Technology. More than 100 scientists and engineers from different organisations participated in the
lecture. Dr. P. N Sridhar, Secretary, ISRS-HC welcomed the chief guest and audience, Shri D. S.
Jain, Chairman, ISRS-HC delivered the overview of the event and introduced the chief guest
followed by facilitation by P. S. Roy, Deputy Director, RS &GIS AA, NRSC. It was a scintillating
lecture by Shri Gandhi.
The distributions of ISRS Journal bulk posted by the ISRS HQ, Dehradun have been
distributed to the HC members at NRSC and other Centres by focal points twice in this period.
However, it is also suggested by the Hyderabad Chapter to promote soft copy distribution to save
cost on material, postage and hence cost of the journal. Since the journals could not be delivered to
some of the member retired on superannuation or left NRSC, the soft copy could be easily sent to
them through e-mails.
International Workshop of ISPRS WG IV/1, VIII/1 and IV/3 on 'Geospatial Data Cyber
Infrastructure and Real-time Services with special emphasis on Disaster Management' scheduled to
be held at Hyderabad during November 25-27, 2009, is being jointly organised by ISPRS and
ISRS. Shri DS Jain, Chairman ISRS-HC is a member of Scientific committee and Dr PN Sridhar,
Secretary ISRS-HC and Dr Jayanthi ISRS Joint Secretary, ISRS-HC are members of the
Organising committee. The members of ISRS-HC are eagerly looking forward to this important
international event.
As the remote sensing community is proud of the launch of Bhuvan on the Remote Sensing
Day Aug ust 12, 2009, we have proposed to organise a quality technical meet by inviting leading
Scientist/Engineer in the near future jointly with NESA (NRSC). The programme will be chalked
out after the Executive meeting in Nagpur during September 2009.
6.0 Jodhpur
Chairman: Dr. Narendra Kumar
Secretary: Dr. B.K. Bhadra
The Executive Members remain active during 2009-10. The following activities have been
performed by ISRS-Jodhpur Chapter during April to August, 2009.
1. Quiz Programme for College Students
An Inter-College Quiz Competition on `Planet Earth and Indian Space Programme’ was
organised for Undergraduate (BCA, BE) and Post-graduate (M.Sc.) Students of different
Colleges in Jodhpur on 8th August, 2009. More than 50 students participated in the programme
at Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology, Jodhpur. Ms. Shikha (BCA), Mr.
Devaram Meghwal (M.Sc.) and Mr. Ashish Mathew (BCA) were the winners of the quiz
competition and they have been awarded Memento and Certificates.
2. Celebration of Remote Sensing Day
`Remote Sensing Day’ was celebrated on 12th August, 2009 at Lachoo Memorial College of
Science & Technology, Jodhpur. Dr. Narendra Kumar (Director, Defence Lab.), Dr. Amal Kar
(Head, Div.-I, CAZRI), Prof. R. L. Mathur (Principal, Lachoo College), Smt. Rajshree Bothale
(Sr. Scientist, RRSSC) and other distinguishing members and guests were present on this
occasion. Four Technical Lectures were delivered by eminent Scientists:
1. Dr. Amal Kar
- Remote Sensing Applications in Natural Resources
2. Mrs. Rajshree Bothale - Recent Developments in Indian Space Programme
3. Dr. Vijay Raghavan - Hyperspectral Imaging
4. Dr. T. S. Sharma - Water Resources in Rajasthan
Exhibition on Indian Space Activities - An exhibition was also organised for educate the college
students with the display of posters/models on `ISRO’s Space programme in Societal
4. Other Proposed Activities during 2009-10
1. Celebration of GIS Day on 19th November, 2009 at SRSAC.
2. A few popular lectures by eminent Scientist/Engineer/Academician.
3. National Science Day celebration on 28.2.2010.
7.0 Kolkata
Chairman: Dr. A. K. Malik
Secretary: Dr.(Mrs) Sandhya Bhaduri
A) Workshop/ seminar: A seminar was organized by the chapter on the occasion of the
Diamond Jubilee year of Sripat Singh Collage at Murshidabad on 7th and 8th April 2009. The
subject of the seminar was Environmental Management and Related Mapping Issues. The
seminar was attended by students and teachers of surrounding colleges of the Districts of
Murshidabad , Nadia , Midnapur and Hoogly. This two days long program was also attended by
eminent speakers like Dr. Prithvish Nag, Director NATMO, Prof. S. P. Dasgupta, Chairman Centre
for Man and Environment, Prof. S. C. Mukhopadhayay, Emeritus Professor Calcutta University,
Mr. N. K. Das former Principal Secretary, School Education Dept. Govt. of West Bengal, Dr. D.
K. Pradhan Director, Cyclone Detection Radar Centre, IMD Govt of India, Prof. Asish Paul, Head
of the Department of Geography and Remote Sensing and GIS, Vidhyasagar University, Prof.
Mamata Desai, Netaji Institute for Asian studies of Kolkata, Dr. Harsha Dasgupta, Sripat Singh
Collage , Shri G. N. Saha, Former Director NATMO, Dr. Anish Chatterjee, Presidency college,
Dr. Ashim Goswami NATMO, Mr. S. Ghosh, Joint Director West Bengal Higher Education Dept.
and the Secretary ISRS, Kolkata Chapter was present amongst various other participants from
different fields of remote sensing and GIS. The topics discussed were
Past, Present and Future of Remote Sensing in India, Environmental Management, Doppler
Radar and Weather Forecasting, Global Warming, Environmental Management at Bramhaputra
Basin, Arsenic in Ground Water, Eco-Tourism, Quarternary Geology of Ganga/Bhagirathi river
Basin, Bank Erosion of Ganga river using remote sensing and GIS.
Sri Moinul Hasan, Member of Parliament inaugurated the seminar on 7th April.An
exhibition was also organized by NATMO and 21st Century GIS. The seminar was a great success
as it involved the students and teachers numbering about 200 on both the days of the occasion,
and appreciated by one and all.
B) No of meetings : One meeting was held during this period.
C) Annual General Body meeting: The annual body meeting of the chapter
Will be held on sometimes in the 2nd half of October.
D) New members: 5 new life members have joined the Kolkata Chapter.
8.0 Lucknow
Chairman: Shri O. P. Tripati
Secretary: Shri Amit Sinha
Special Lectures
A Popular lecture on ‘Indian Space Programme and Remote Sensing Applications’ was
delivered by Sri. P.N.Shah, Scientist-SF, RSAC-UP, Lucknow on 12.08.2009 from 10.30
to 11.30 hrs at Conference Room of Biotech Park, U.P., Lucknow. About 50 students of
Class IX & X from different schools have attended the above lecture. Students from
different schools and colleges were benefited through this lecture. This has also generated
awareness amongst students about latest remote sensing techniques and its advantages for
mapping and monitoring of natural resources etc. Students have been informed about
CHANDRAYAN in detail by Sri. Shah and the images received so far from Chandrayan
were also displayed. In addition to this images of recent Solar Eclipse, occurred on 22-0709 were also shown and explained.
A Guest lecture on ‘Role of Glaciation on Climate Change’ was delivered by Sri.
R.K.Singh, Senior Deputy Director General, G.S.I,N.R, Lucknow on 12.008.2008 from
15.30 hrs to 17.00 hrs at Conference Room of Biotech Park, U.P., Lucknow. About fifteen
U.G./P.G. students of different colleges of Lucknow, twenty five members of ISRS
Lucknow Chapter & thirty distinguished participants from following organizations have
attendd the above lecture.
Remote Sensing Applications Centre, U.P.
Geological Survey of India, Northern Region(G.S.I,N.R)
Departmnt of Geology & Geography, Lucknow University
Avadh Girls Degree College
I. T. College, Lucknow
National P.G. College, Lucknow
S. Wa. R. A., Lucknow etc.
Sri. Singh explained about glaciation, status of glaciers in northern Himalaya and impact of
glaciation & deglaciation on climate change. The deliberations made during this lecture
have created awareness about the studies made on different glaciers of northern himalaya
among the audience.
Special Day Celebration
National Remote Sensing day was jointly celebrated by the ISRS, Lucknow Chapter and
Remote Sensing Applications Centre, U.P. on 12.08.2009. Remote Sensing Applications
Centre, U.P. has extended total financial support for celebrating this event. About 50
students of Class IX & X from different schools of Lucknow and about 15 under
graduate/post graduate students from different colleges have participated in the following
programmes, organised on 12.08.2009.
Elocution Contest
About 30 Students from Central School, Mont fort inter college, Surabhi Public School, St.
Fidelis College, Seth M.R.Jaipuria School, Lucknow Public College and Pioneer
Montessori School have participated in Elocution Contest in Hindi and English and spoken
on the Topic ‘Role Of Remote Sensing Technique in Drought Management’.
Poster Competition
About 15 under graduate/post graduate students from Department of Geology, Lucknow
University, Department of Geography, Lucknow University, National P.G. College & I.T.
College have participated in Poster Competition Theme on ‘Scientific practices &
technologies for sustainable agriculture’.
Quiz Contest
About 50 students from Central School, Mont fort inter college, Surabhi Public School, St.
Fidelis College, Seth M.R.Jaipuria School, Lucknow Public College and Pioneer
Montessori School etc. have participated in quiz contest.
Dr.B.N.Singh, H.O.D., Dept. of Biotechnology, I.E.T.,Lucknow was the Chief
Guest of the forenoon session of the programme. He has distributed prizes to winners of
different contest and awarded certificate to all participants who attended the above three
contest held on 12.08.2009.
No. of Meeting/Special Meeting
ISRS Lucknow Chapter Executive Council meeting was held on 20.07.2009 at
16.30 hrs for finalizing the programme of National Remote Sensing Day
celebrations -2009.
9.0 Ludhiana
Chairman: Dr S. S. Mukhopadhya
Secretary: Dr. V. K. Verma
Keeping in mind the importance of involving young minds in Chapter activities, Ludhiana
Chapter of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing in collaboration with Ludhiana Chapter of the
Indian Society of Soil Science celebrated Earths’ Day by organizing a Rolling Symposium and a
Poster Competition on 22-23 April, 2009. Oral presentation awards were sponsored by ISSS, while
the Ludhiana Chapter of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing sponsored poster awards.
A large number of undergraduate (Soils elective) and Masters’ students delivered seminars
and presented posters on this occasion. Best Poster Presentation Award was won by Gaurav Dhir,
Vikram Verma, Ajar Singh and Manoj Kumar for their poster entitled, “Something to watch –
Remote sensing sensors are becoming smart”. The poster and models by Marin Garg, Jasritu
Kaur, Anchal Banger, Navneet Kaur, and Gurpreet Singh on “India’s space odyssey” received a
Consolation Prize.
10.0 Mumbai
Chairman: Prof. G. Venkataraman
Secretary: Prof. Y. S. Rao
Revival of Mumbai Chapter: ISRS-Mumbai chapter was activated as it has been dormant
for the past several years (more than 5 years). General body meeting of Mumbai chapter was held
on Jan. 9, 2009 to elect officer bearers for the period 2009-2010. Prof. G. Venkataraman, Prof.
Y.S. Rao and Mr. Rizvi Imdad Ali were elected as Chairman, secretary and treasurer respectively.
ISRS-HQ had given the approval of the ECM of ISRS-Mumbai chapter and the above office
bearers will continue in their position till March 31, 2010. We have also received chapter
contribution from ISRS-HQ.
Membership Drive : 12 life members and 2 annual members are added to the Mumbai
chapter and their membership was approved by ISRS-HQ with effect from Feb. 18, 2009. Most of
the new members are Ph.D. students and college teachers who registered for their Ph.D. At
present, we have 107 life members and 2 annual members.
ISRS Mumbai Chapter lecture: Topic: Understanding the effect of climate change on
Himalayan Cryosphere, Speaker: Dr. A. V. Kulkarni, SAC, ISRO, Ahmedabad Venue: CSRE
seminar hall Date and Time: Jan 23, 2009 3.00 p.m
We have planned to organize a lecture in Sept. 2009 by Stanford University Ph.D. student, Mr.
Piyush Shanker on Permanent Scatterer Interferometry.
Bank Account Activated: ISRS-Mumbai chapter bank account with SBI was not
operational since 2002. It was activated with great difficulty as all ex-officer bearers were not
available in Mumbai.
Future Plans:
1) We would like to visit some corporates located in Mumbai and make them as
patron/sustaining/life members.
2) Visiting schools and colleges in Mumbai for giving lectures on Satellites, sensors systems,
image processing and other remote sensing applications and thus create awareness among the
school kids and also impart knowledge about various space missions of ISRO.
3) Organise monthly seminars on new developments in remote sensing.
11.0 Nagpur
Chairman: Dr. A. K. Joshi
Secretary: Dr. D. Dhar
Nagpur chapter organized several RS & GIS popularization activities like celebrations of
National Remote Sensing Day, National Science Day, GIS Day etc. The major activity of the
Nagpur Chapter is the organization of The ISRS 29th Annual Convention and National Symposium
on “Advances in Geo-spatial Technologies with Special Emphasis on Sustainable Rainfed
Agriculture” at Nagpur, during September 17 – 19, 2009.
12.0 Pune
Chairman: Dr. Vivek Kale
Secretary: Dr. (Mrs) Sampada Joshi
A special lecture was organized by the Pune chapter in association with Exploratory, Pune
on “Chandrayaan Mission A new Vision for Indian Space Reaserch:” by Dr. A. S. Kirankumar,
Mission Director, Chandrayaan-I, on April 30, 2008 which was widely attended. The posters
informing the same were sent to about 25 schools and colleges and received overwhelming
Orientation lecture in GIS was held at Fergusson College (open to all) on 3rd September
Like every year this year too the essay competition was conducted for the junior college
students in association with Sinhgad Institutes on the topic “Geo informatics: Today and
Tomorrow” wherein 29 students of class XI & XII participated and the best three essays selected
for receiving award held during GIS week celebrations in November.
Pune Chapter proposes to Host 2010 Convention and proposal to that effect was sent to
HO. Proposal would be re-presented in 2010 EC meeting.
EC members would be present for the convention at Nagpur convention between 17-19th
September 2009 and would personally extend the invitation.
In the capacity of Secretary Pune chapter, on behalf of all of us, I assure you once again a
host of activities for the chapter in the coming year.
13.0 Thiruvanthapuram
Chairman: Shri K. V. Ravindran
Secretary: Shri V. Muralidharan
The Thiruvananthapuram Chapter of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing is the only Chapter
working in Kerala as on today. Subsequent to the election in the year 2008, the following members have
been elected as the office bearers of the Society and they continue in office during the report period also in
their 2nd year term.
Vice- Chairman
Jt. Secretary
: Mr. K.V. Ravindran (L-0328)
: Dr. R. Anilkumar (L-3074)
: Mr. V. Muralidharan (L-1940)
: Dr. N. C. Anilkumar (L-3072)
: Mr. B.K. Jayaprasad (L-2558)
The Executive Council of the chapter has representatives from Centre for Earth Science Studies
(CESS), Centre for Environment Development (CED), Kerala State Remote Sensing & Environment Centre
(KSREC) and Department of Geography, University College, Tvpm. It is continued to function in CESS
Campus, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram-695031. During the report period under consideration, three
executive committee meetings were held.
As a part of dissemination of Remote Sensing Technology and its Applications through education
and also with an aim to inspire the High School, Higher Secondary School and College level students,
several lectures on Remote Sensing and its allied topics with interacting sessions were carried out under the
Chapter’s joint initiatives with School Authorities, Science Clubs, Science Park, College Authorities etc at
various places in the Kerala as given below. Following are the highlights of activities of the Chapter during
this period.
1. The present Life Membership of the TVPM-Chapter of ISRS is 65. The TVPM-Chapter’s Contribution
received recently from ISRS-HQ was only for 55 Members. On examination of the Web List of ISRSTVPM it is observed that the list is not full and some of the member’s names are still seen in ‘Other Life
Members List’. This has to be corrected as per our pending request submitted along with the proofdocuments in June, 2008.
2. As some of the Life Members belongs to Kerala had expressed their willingness to join under TVPM
Chapter, we have advised them to contact with a formal letter to HQ-ISRS for making the transfer
effective, with a copy to us also for a follow up on this matter.
3. Also, new membership campaign is underway and some persons have shown interest and collected the
Application Form.
4. The TVPM-Chapter of ISRS is collecting the Journal and distributing the same systematically without
fail to those members whoever opted for the distribution through the TVPM-Chapter.
5. The ISRS Headquarters had transferred only an amount of Rs. 19,000/- (Rupees nineteen thousand only)
towards the 10% percent of the saved amount of Rs. 1,90,000 (Rupees one lakh ninety thousand only) as
the partial share of the Tvpm-Chapter from the conduct of the ISRS Annual Convention-2003 at
Thiruvananthapuram. Follow up for transferring the rest 40%, i.e. Rs.76,000/- due to Tvpm-Chapter
from the ISRS-HQ is also being continued.(The actual eligible share is 50% of the saved amount
Rs.1,90,000/-, i.e. Rs.95,000/-; of which Rs.19,000/- only received so far.)
6. Mr.K.V. Ravindran, Chairman, ISRS-Trivandrum chapter, delivered a talk on ' Space Science and
National development' for the students at the Government Higher Secondary School, Madayi, Kannur
district on January 1, 2009.
7. Delivered a talk on 'Role of Space Technology in National Development', at the Shastra Vedi (Science
Club) of the Sanjayan Grandhalaya, Payyanur, Kannur District by Mr. K.V.Ravindran, Chairman, ISRSTrivandrum Chapter. Shri. V.P.Balagangadharan, Head, TT &D, VSSC, ISRO was the Chief guest on
the occasion on January 6, 2009.
8. An interesting talk on 'Chandrayan and Indian Space programme', at the Science Festival at the
Community Training Centre, M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, Puthurvayal, Wayanad District
was delivered by Mr.K.V.Ravindran, Chairman, ISRS-Trivandrum Chapter. The programme was
inaugurated by Shri.M.V.Shreyamskumar, MLA. Over hundred students selected from various schools
of the district participated in this programme organized on January 19, 2009.
9. Mr. K.V.Ravindran, Chairman, ISRS-Trivandrum Chapter, conducted a class for the students of the
High School on 'Chandrayan and Indian space programme' at the Mother School, Payyannur on
February 26, 2009.
10. Conducted a class on Geo-information Technology for the selected High School and Higher Secondary
students from various schools of Kannur District at the Science Park, Kannur by Mr.K.V Ravindran,
Chairman, ISRS-Trivandrum Chapter. Prof. P.V.Sadanandan, Director, Science Park, presided over the
function organized on April 14, 2009.
11. Efforts are continued to register a web site without any financial commitment to the Chapter. We have
also explored the possibilities of providing a link for the Chapter in the CESS Website and the proposal
is pending before the CESS Authorities.
12. A request for providing space for the ISRS-Tvpm Chapter in the premises of the Centre is still pending
before the CESS Authorities due to the non availability of space. Follow up is being done on the same.
13. Delivered a talk on Applications of Remote Sensing to the selected high School students at the Science
Park, Kannur, on 4th November 2008 by Mr.K.V Ravindran, Chairman, ISRS-Trivandrum chapter.
Prof. P.V.Sadanandan,Director, Science Park presided over the function.
14. Delivered a lecture on "Geoinformation Technology and its applications" by Mr.K.V Ravindran,
Chairman, ISRS-Trivandrum chapter on 17 October 2008 at the One day Workshop on Geoinformatics
organised at the Christ College, Irinjalakuda by the Socio-economic Unit Foundation, Thrissur and
Dept of Geology and Environmental Sciences, Christ College, Irinjalakuda.
15. Report of the Lecture on Remote Sensing Applications held as the extension activity ISRS,
Thiruvanathapuram Chapter at SNSHS, Sooranad, Kollam:
As per the request of the Science Club authorities of SNSHS, Sooranad, Kollam to the Secretary, ISRS,
Thiruvananthapuram-Chapter, Dr.N.C. Anil Kumar Scientist, KSREC, Landuse Board, Vikas Bhavan
Trivandrum and Joint Secretary, ISRS-Tvm Chapter delivered a lecture on Remote Sensing for
Sustainable Natural Resource Management on 21 st July 2009. The programme
10.00am on 21.07.09 with Sri. K.K. Nandakumar, Principal of the school in the Chair. Shri.K. Santhosh,
Standing Committee Chairman of the Local Panchayat, inaugurated the meeting. He stressed the need
of utilizing development in Science and Technology for the benefits of common man particular in
village development. He expressed gratitude to scientific community in providing service to common
man. The Chairman pointed out that the science club activities of the school oriented to educate the
students about the latest science & technological development. He introduced the speaker to the students
and the audience. The presentation started at 10.30 AM.
The lecture covered:
The topic on satellite system
Geostationary and Polar Satellites Remote Sensing Technology
Types of sensors
Spectral Resolution
Remote Sensing Satellite in the orbit
History of Indian Remote Sensing programme Future plan and the application of various
sectors of Natural Resource Management.
Satellite data interpretation procedure and preparation of thematic maps and application for
various sectors were discussed in the lecture.
After the lecture, students clarified their doubts in various aspects of the Remote Sensing Technology. The
student Co-ordinator, Science Club expressed vote of thanks and the session end at 1.00 pm.
16. Dr.N.C. Anil Kumar Scientist, KSREC, Landuse Board, Vikas Bhavan Trivandrum and Joint Secretary,
ISRS-Tvm Chapter delivered a lecture on August 7, 2009 on "Remote Sensing Applications" for the
B.Sc Students of the Department of Geography, Government College, Kariavattom, Trivandrum,
Kerala-695581, affiliated to the University of Kerala. The Principal, Faculty and Students very much
appreciated the effort taken by the Chapter and the Speaker as reflected from appreciation letter send in
this effect which contains: “Your lecture at Government College, Kariavattom was very well received by
our mostly rural background students. Students and faculty of our department observed that you took
great care to unravel a very complex subject in simple terms”.
17. As the Tvpm-Chapter Secretary, convened an EC on 16-6-’09 at CED, Tvpm and discussed the
conduction of a workshop/seminar in connection with the organization of the ISRS-Fellow Award
distribution function to Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Director, VSSC, followed by his lecture on a convenient
day to him, under the ISRS Tvpm- Chapter, as requested by the Secretary, ISRS-HQ. Also, preliminary
discussions were made with some of the line organizations that shown interest and ready to give support
for the above programme. Due to his busy schedule, a convenient date is not informed so far, in spite of
the several attempts made by us and, follow up is being continued to get a date at the earliest to organize
the same.